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Are there Killers for you that you like to play but dislike to VS?

Do you have killers that you dislike to play againts but you like to play them? and why do you like them / dislike them? :D

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  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Hag. I find her enjoyable to play every once in a while but playing against her isn't my cup of tea. I prefer less campy killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Not really. All killers i dislike to play as , also i hate to play against too.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    You can read my mind. I actually wanted to start a thread with the same topic, but you did the work for me :D To answer your question:

    1. Wraith is my warm-up M1 killer, but his Hit&Run playstyle is boring to go against, especially in Solo Q

    2. Knight - I like his ability to keep multiple survivors busy, but 3 gen Knights can be very boring

    3. Whiskas is fun to play, but I meet him as a survivor far too often

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Legion. Fun to play as, running around stabbing everyone willy-nilly while hard rock music plays. Miserable to play against, Mending Simulator 2025.

    I don't run Thanatophobia on them, at least.

  • Member Posts: 5,958


  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I was thinking the same thing. I hate constantly being injured all game, but I play as Legion fairly often. I'm currently rocking UW, Infectious fright, ruin and batteries included on mine. Helps that I can get away with just brown addons.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Skull Merchant.

    I only played her once because I wanted the adept, but that match was pretty fun.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Nurse and Blight. I'm at best okay with them, so it's not by any means a guaranteed 4k, unlike 9 out of 10 matches I have the misfortune to go up against them.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Trapper. Love playing him, and then I get absolutely engulfed with anxiety playing against him as to be honest, I quite like my toes

  • Member Posts: 1,960


  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited January 2024

    My dislike for a particular killer is typically universal. I don't play them and I don't like facing them. The list is small though.

    There are killers that I don't play well but still really enjoy facing, not so much dislike them just wish I was better at them but am generally to apathetic to put the time in.

    Nurse is a good example, I'm not as good with her as I'd like to be, but I really enjoy facing her.

    Although with all that said maybe blight fits the bill. - I don't really play him because I find the "ping pong" (or should it be pin ball?) bouncing off walls kinda silly. But he is a threatening killer in the right hands and that makes him fun to play against.

    Maybe Wesker to a similar degree, he was a good antagonist in the 1st RE but has gotten progressively more ridiculous as time goes by in the RE series, making him not really my fav killer in DBD but still pretty fun to face given his high threat potential.

  • Member Posts: 2,418


    I play her kinda weird, for the sake of challenging myself. Usually play her mostly as a M1 (w/o BBQ) minimally using her phase power. When I do, it’s often to juke Survivors into thinking I’ve dropped chase for a bit (15-20secs) then phase back over to the direction they headed and surprise them while they’re healing or sth. Nurses helps, but I often opt not to bring it to heighten the experience. It’s fairly easy to 3K/4K w her. Not directly phasing in chase, or to gens, exit gates, etc., makes playing her more exciting.

    On the flip side: Loathe playing vs normal “cookie cutter” Spirit players with their standard methods of immediate phase, hit, phase, down, hook, BBQ, phase repeat🙄

  • Member Posts: 361

    The biggest example for me is Nemesis. I like the character, and his kit, animations, and sound design all make for a satisfying experience. But facing him feels kind of miserable when every loop is basically a guaranteed hit for him.

    Trapper isn't as bad as Nemesis for me, but I'm still not a big fan of facing him. Love Trapper, very cool design and traps feel great to pull off. But stepping in something you had no idea was there isn't very fun, and it's kind of annoying to stare at the ground any time you're on the move.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    This is probably a hot take, but honestly, Huntress.

    Let me start off by saying I have zero issues with her designs and do not think she needs to be changed.

    It just feels kinda frustrating to me being able to be hit from basically anywhere. And during chase it can be hard to get out of the mindset of "oh, now that I've been hit I have a few seconds to make it to that next loop before they can catch up to me". Playing against a huntress those few seconds of safety do not exist. Most killers have to catch up to me again and I can try to see how well I can utilize this other structure against them. A huntress simply just hits me again before I get halfway there.

    But yeah, playing as Huntress it really is all skill and landing those hatchets is very satisfying.

    So from a survivor perspective, I know that hit was well earned, but I don't really enjoy being on the receiving end of it because I feel like I just get downed before the fun part of the chase had a chance to begin.

    So yeah, nothing wrong with huntress from a design perspective, I just don't like facing her.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Me too. I will go so far as to run along the map boundaries while in chase because my anxiety becomes unbearable and prevents me from trying to loop.

    I also love playing as Myers but I hate facing him because I get too paranoid.

  • Member Posts: 786





    All very fun to play! But very annoying to VS for me as survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    Knight. I don't think I've ever put less effort into playing a killer for the results I could get by having the ai play the game for me. And he's terrible to play against because hold W till you reach a corner and die is not engaging gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Plague. One of my mains, but as a surv the constant barfing sounds drive me crazy.

    Doctor is another; I don't play as him often, because I always feel slightly guilty when I do because he is annoying af to face.

    Already mentioned, but Trapper. Few things are as satisfying as a well sprung trap, but playing against him gives me anxiety. Especially Trapper players who don't place traps in a way that makes conventional sense, because that adds another element of chaos to the game, lol.

    I don't know how many times I 've stepped in a trap in some weird place and been like "why the hell is there a trap there? That's a stupid place for a trap", and my wife is like "apparently not too stupid, it got you". Which just makes me saltier, lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Wraith for me

    wraith is decently fun to play but holy crap people just play him in the most dull and boring ways imaginable

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Knight for sure. Pathing and mindgaming where survivors are going to go is pretty satisfying when it pays off, but there's not much you can do against him as survivor.

    Xenomorph is another one because I do think hitting tail strikes is pretty satisfying and the tunnels are very very fun to use, but it almost feels like there's nothing you can do against an Xenomorph in crawler mode because you can't rely on solo queue teammates to place turrets in the right spots and there's not much of a punishment for an Xeno missing their tail strike.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Actually... No. Surprisingly.

    I think it's because of the killers I love playing, I've learned their weaknesses and strategies and can apply them to my survivor side gameplay.

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