Looking for a new solo build

So I've been running my solo build for a good while that being Self-care(yes I use it), Desperate measures, Calm spirit and Left behind but I did want to try some new stuff. So I'm open to new perk ideas the perks I will say I won't say is Dead Hard(since it's sorta one use and the killer knows you have it) and No mither because it's no mither and I'm soloQ.
I'm currently using Overzealous + Circle of Healing + Shadow Step + exhaustion perk (prefer Overcome), with a map with red twine to help track totems down. I like to change things up every couple months and I'm enjoying this build at the moment.
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Replace Self Care with Inner Strength. First thing you do in a match is cleanse a totem to prep your heal.
WoO should be standard perk in a solo build. It lets you see what resources your SoloQ teammates didn’t waste.
Lithe is also very nice to have since it’ll give you an edge against the killer to make it to the next loop/pallet. Balanced Landing and Sprint Burst can be used instead of it but I feel like Lithe is much more convenient.
Distortion is good with the amount of Aura Reading killers have these days. Off the record is good to help with tunneling. You’ll have to decided for yourself.
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I use Distortion for stealth. Kindred for info (bonus since it helps your team as well). Dead Hard to extend chases. Prove for gen speed.
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Kindred, I use Kindred in solo. That way everyone can all see who's doing what exactly. I use Rebecca as my main Support Survivor and my build has been the same since day 1 of Reb's release: Kindred, We'll Make It, Reassurance, Empathy/Botany Knowledge. I would say BT could come into play more now since a lot of Killers will wait out the 15 mins expecting you to be an easy down afterwards just to realize you were granted an extra 10secs on your timer.
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Other than the chad MoM build I use, my "optimal" solo queue build is:
Sprint Burst: Best exhaustion perk, can get away with a lot more risky plays thanks to it and can also discourage the killer from initiating chase if enough distance is made
Bond: Crucial for Solo Q, knowing where your teammates are while in chase to avoid running into them or to find some one for a quick heal is basically multiple perks in one
Resilience: Increased vault speeds in chase make them a bit safer, and in some cases makes some loops completely safe by giving you a bit more time to react to a killer (Some times swapped out for something else)
Object of Obsession: Possibly one of, if not the most underrated info perk in the game. Being able to see where the killer is every few seconds is a great tool that also works while in chase. It also tells you what perks or add ons the killer is running which allows you to play around them. Lethal Pursuer also buffs the perk by giving it extra time.
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my main build is: Desesperated measures for faster healing and unhooking, deja vu for faster gen speed, counterforce for faster totem breaking and wake up or unbreakable for faster gate speed or faster recovery, i the only thing i need is time to help my team andd progress in the game
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Leader is a great perk. - Especially when that SoloQ teamie is somewhat skittish and was technically a beat too late to get the unhook --- or when you can't be bothered to wait longer than you absolutely must against sloppy.
Bond is amazing as well. - See if a teamie is bringing the killer to your gen or just chilling with them in the tile next to you / the floor above/below you. Also be able to actually bodyblock - and just generally be aware where your teamies hang out. Also; be able to reroute away from a teamie on a gen when in chase.
Balanced landing is also neat. Generally.
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If you find yourself at end-game playing for hatch/gate, this build basically ensures victory - as long as gate RNG isn't horrible. Prio gates & let the killer get hatch.
- Adrenaline - No brainer, heals you to full if needed as soon as that hatch is closed, gives you a sprint boost & lets you take 2 hits which could be the difference when you get hit while about to 100% a gate.
- Wake Up! - Faster gate open.
- Sole Survivor - The bread & butter to this build. More gate open speed.
- Fixated - This can be up to you but Fixated was my personal pick as it helped me stay hidden safely, a lot of times killers patrol or check areas you're right next to & Fixated lets you move around and get to spots that killers don't expect you to have the time to get to.
Had a high success rate too, over a span of 20+ matches where I was forced into that very situation, I escaped majority of the times, I think I only died 2 times in that situation if I remember correctly. Still try to win with the team but this basically prepares you if you are the last one left & gives you a real chance of escaping out the gates.
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Technically if you want a good 'solo' build, you'd want something like: Distortion, Sole Survivor, Self-Care and Left Behind/Clairvoyance/Wake Up/Calm Spirit
While it certainly wont make you popular, it's the best build in terms of trying to guarantee an escape, while almost any other build relies heavily on how well your random teammates perform.
Sole Survivor and Distortion I'd say are MUST-HAVES for a build like this since they make playing stealthy actually viable, and Sole Survivor even without Wake Up makes opening the gate actually possible if the killer closes hatch. Calm Spirit may be needed depending on how often you come across Ultimate Weapon.
Self-Care isn't needed but if avoiding the killer becomes impossible it allows you to tank a hit.
Left Behind or Clairvoyance are so you can find the hatch easier but if you just bring a blueprint offering you may not need them, and Wake Up just makes opening the gate even easier with Solo Survivor.
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I love having Clairvoyance in my solo build. I've found the hatch at the end of the match with terrible teammates countless times and helps make solo q a bit more bearable.
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I usually go with Prove Thyself, Adrenaline, We'll Make It and Lithe.
It is a good build.
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A build I used for quite a long time was:
- Better Together
- Background Player
- We'll make it
- Plot Twist
Idk why but I created it cuz I find the Plot Twist/BP combo hilarious when both trigger but seems with those other Perks, this build is a quite effective solo build.
- Better Together reveals others your position, also.. if Survivors get chased, they might not run towards you and while you're on a gen and someone gets downed.. you see everyone else.
- Background Player activates when the Killer picks up. If you see teammates are far away from the downed person, start zooming towards them.. you''ll make immense distance and get ready for an easy unhook. If there is already someone nearby, stick onto the gen.
- We'll make it is easy, just heal the unhooked person faster.
- Plot Twist can be replaced but I find it quite nice to have an alternate healing possibility.
For Items, I usually use my Masquerade Medkit with Anti Hemmo and Surgical Suture, but you can use whatever.. it's just my preference.
Edit: At the moment I use my gen progression build.
- Deja Vu
- Fast Track
- Stake out
- Hyperfocus
Add a toolbox to that and your gens will fly... unless you're the one being chased.
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Some months ago i was using Sprint burst + Deception + Adrenaline + Quick and quiet
So basically whenever the killer tried to catch you in shack you would Sprint burst in the long way in the left door of shack then deception the lockers that's right in front of the door and then go either way the window with Quick and quiet or the pallet door with the remaining speed of sprint and since you dont leave any scratch marks they'll have no idea where you went
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Since how stupid it seems that survivors are in solo queue i've considered Sole survivor + Left Behind + Low profile + Wake up! an actual optimal build to run, maybe i give clairvoyance a try
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Adrenaline, Off The Record, an exhaustion perk (whichever one of Lithe/Balance Landing/Sprint Burst works best for you) and the 4th perk could either be another second chance perk like Deliverance/Unbreakable (they won't get used in every match, but are incredibly strong when they do) or an info perk like Bond/Kindred (while not as powerful as the second chance perks they're more consistent than them overall, especially in SoloQ).
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I like this, but I generally find Deception works only once and after that they're aware of what you're doing.
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I use hope, made for this, off the record and kindred. I expect to get tunneller as it’s the meta so I play for chases that will get me to endgame. If my teammates do gens, I generally get value on all perks.
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I run Windows, Circle of Healing, Overzealous, and Deja Vu.
Windows lets me see which pallets my team has wasted. Deja Vu gives me a gen repair bonus and helps me keep my team from three genning us. It also pairs nicely with Overzealous, which I can proc by booning a totem.
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*You can also deception the long way door of shack then quick and quiet the other locker*
More than making the killer think you went to a locker its making the killer not know your next move since 3 seconds after activating deception you wont have grunts of pain, scratch marks and pools of blood but definetly yes, that perk needs a masive buff
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I have a couple of solo builds that I like to rotate (I prefer to mix things up a bit from game to game):
My "serious" build:
Deja Vu or Resilience + Self-Care + Botany + Sprint Burst
My serious build is for playing a bit more competitively or trying to pip up. All four perks are chosen because they help in each emblem category. They also counter common Killer perks and strategies that I hate to go up against (Sprint burst for anti-tunnelling, Resilience for Sloppy Butcher and Self-Care for heals to counter Franklin's Demise). I think it's always a good idea to have a build to deal with the more frustrating aspects of DBD (whatever those may be for you).
My Fun build
This is just a mix of fun perks that make me chuckle, really. Perks like Head On, Flashbang, Blast Mine, Diversion, Chemical Trap all feature frequently. Plot Twist and Sprint Burst are usually the core perks in this build, so that I'm not a total liability to the team.
My Info build:
Open-handed + Bond + Alert + Kindred
I originally came up with this build because I thought it would be fun to spectate chases and see what my teammates were up to while sitting on a gen. But it's a surprisingly strong build, giving you a ton of info about the state of play, gen locations, who's in chase or injured, where the Killer is heading to next and even what perks they might have.
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Deja-vu - to prevent a three gen situation
Kindred - provides lots of helpful info
Windows of Opportunity - I need all the help I can get in chases
and the last slot I rotate often - Resilience, Distortion or Adrenaline usually
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Build I have been enjoying a while now is:
- Made For This
- We're Gonna Live Forever
- We'll Make It/Botany Knowledge
- Borrowed Time/Off The Record
If you manage to proc We'll Make It, you can fully heal a slugged survivor in 5.33 seconds. Botany Knowledge is more consistent, and will get it down to 6.4 seconds.
Borrowed Time helps get your safe unhook, and makes your ally more likely to stay for your heals off hook, so if you're wounded you can get endurance and speed with MFT. If you find it too unreliable, OTR makes you more likely to get value when you're tunneled yourself.
It's kinda goofy, bit I have fun with it. The only issue I keep getting is my fellow solo survivors are super keen to go for saves instead of doing gens... even if they're on death hook or whatever... so a lot of the time trying to play so you get value can be a little bit of a throw... 😒
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Alert, Second Wind, Desperate Measures, and Balanced Landing/Deja Vu/ Windows.