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Are you gonna buy Alan Wake?

Question is on the title.

I am not gonna buy him for sure. I love Alan Wake, he is cool character but he is coming without killer. We got solo survivors before but at least they had some fun perks.

Alan Wake is coming with terrible bad perks. The only good perk he has is Champion of Light and we all know this perk will be nerfed 6 - 9 months later. So there is really no use from Alan Wake. It's shame they ignored all PTB feedback and did not change his perks.

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  • Member Posts: 2,113

    Depends on how they implement the 8 regression limit. I don't camp gens, so as long as it doesn't affect me, I'll buy Alan because I'm simply a fan of the series. If the 3 gen thing does affect me (again, I don't camp 3 gens), then I'm done with dbd as a whole. Killer keeps getting more and more restricted every patch where it's simply becoming frustration instead of fun.

  • Member Posts: 555

    I didn't play him yet as I am on console but from what I have heard not a chance cool character rubbish perks though. I don't use flashlights simply because they are heard to use on console in my opinion so Champion of light is of no use to me.

  • Member Posts: 9,039


    I wanna gigamax autodidact with deadline

    I will counter your sloppy butcher

  • Member Posts: 862

    Most likely will skip entirely. Only because he may have his perks in the shrine soon. How? Because he's going to be in the next tome Revision as shown in dbd official Twitter calendar post. And you know they put in a characters perk in the shrine during their tome.

  • Member Posts: 5,735


    I don't care about Alan Wake but mainly its because the perks are not good. If it would be like new fresh take on perks like with Nic Cage, I would probably buy it.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Yeah I'm buying it, for the character. His perks are okay-ish but I just want to play as Alan Wake. Plus he is going to be in the Tome as well and there will inevitably be challenges that require playing as him. All the more reason to enjoy a character I like.

  • Member Posts: 436


    The last thing this game needs is more mid perks to add to the pile of trash perks already in game.

  • Member Posts: 335

    For perks, if the 2 legendaries are cool I might p100 him.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    No. I am not hyped by the character and his perks are either really bad or the flashlight one which is obviously going to get nerfed in a couple months.

    So i think i'll pass on this chapter.

  • Member Posts: 70

    I love Alan Wake, I'm gonna buy day one and I don't rest till I get him to P9! I hope the Tome will have some AW1 skins for him. The perks kinda OK for me, except the Deadline which I don't get it how it a helping perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    I might. Loved Control, and I've been diving into the Alan Wake universe recently. Plus, the voicework is pretty great!

    Perks are duds, but they're survivor perks, it's to be expected.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    Yes!!! 100% yes! I can’t wait! I’ve never been this excited for a Survivor!

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Yes. I like the games. I like his voice lines and appearance. Enough reason for me and he will be required for tome challenges i think.

    I will probably buy every chapter for as long as i am playing because i would like all characters, the game feels incomplete seeing the darkened portraits at the bottom of the list. Even if some characters are trash and i never play them. I find it easier to buy them than to not.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    probably (im bad with money)

  • Member Posts: 377

    I will eventually on a sale. His perks are not that great and if anything to complete a collection same with Chucky to complete a collection. Wake's perks are not that great and you have to be good with a flashlight which I am not. I mean Nick at least had Dramatogry and that's a fun perk and useful.

    I also don't want to invest money until there is serious improvements to the game. It's gone downhill extremely fast and no longer a fun experience.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Nope, horrible perks.

  • Member Posts: 55

    No, his perks are so bad. If champion of light is good, I feel like the developers will nerf it anyway, since Killer-mains flip out at survivors having different meta perks than what survivors have had for 7 years.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Nah, probably not.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I am personally a bit disappointed with the amount of licensed content we have been getting.

    I know, weird complaint.

    But I am not reaaaally into most of the franchises that we have in DBD (though I am at least familiar with almost all).

    So for me, this is just a character that won't get many skins, can't be bought with shards and has mediocre perks. Not all that much to be excited about.

    I would honestly have rather had an unlicensed character with cool and interesting perks and a neat design.

  • Member Posts: 312


    Boring perks and boring looking dude

  • Member Posts: 367


  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Nah, even if his perks don't end up being in the Shrine because of the next tome.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I will be, considering I'm a fan of the series. Champion of Light is a good flashlight perk and Illumination may make a difference for newer players and Solo players for planning where to go (Illumination may be a sleeper like Lightweight is still) - not a useful addition for a swf though. Deadline is still terrible though.

    The main thing is though it appears Alan Wake in DBD not only is canon to DBD, but even DBD is perhaps going to be canon in the world of Alan Wake, which is quite exciting if that's the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    i'm only buying it if he has Achievements tied to him...

    Otherwise, No Achievements? Nada

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    There is always the Adept achievement.

    plus I think one achievement for general survivors that are tied lore- and or perk-wise to the new surv

  • Member Posts: 1,594
    edited January 2024

    Tis but the only reason why i usually get new Chapters =D

    It has to be Perfect ._.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Gonna do it just cause I have some spare cells.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Maybe sooner or later but probably not right now. I don't play survivor as often and his perks don't seem too appealing to me except for the Boon perk (the main saving grace that attracts me) which might be helpful to teach my friends how to play this game.

  • Member Posts: 754

    i Will. Started playing Alan wake remastered. I like the voice acting and I know I’ll like at least two cosmetics. Champion of Light is a fun meme perk I plan to use after a few weeks when killers stop bring lightborn which will be inevitable

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    I like the idea of: -

    • Deadline with Autodidact
    • Boon: Illumination with Overzealous
    • Champion of Light, is his best perk, but I suck with flashlights...

    So yeah, I'll be grabbing it.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Survivors are going to be running flashlights a lot to use it, and killers will be bringing Lightborn a lot if they see flashlights in lobbies.

    My suggestion is to go into the match with no item and instead use Residual Manifest to scavenge a flashlight from a chest, to catch them by surprise, assuming your teammates aren't running flashlights too. Flashbang might work too, if they haven't patched that out on live servers.

  • Member Posts: 254

    Yeah, Alan is cool, gonna P100 him.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    He's probably counter to replace my blendette as a main survivor. Alan is such a great and creative character lore-wise.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    Soon they'll add a consent system where you can only hit and hook a survivor if they're ok with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Absolutely not. Aside from the fact it looks more like Jake Gyllenhall or John Wick than it does Alan, I'm generally not a fan of the male character frames (only exception David) & his grunts of pain already irritated me on the PTB, lol. Can't see myself maining him even for a day.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I'm thinking of pairing Illumination with Circle of Healing. If my soloQ teammates have the sense to retreat to the boon to heal each other, it'll be healing and info-sharing in one. They're the two Boons that benefit best from being far away from the killer.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Yes eventually, whenever I come back to DBD.

    Aside from playing with friends I am mostly burnt out and only play to do the next level of tome challenges and achievements. So I am sure I will buy him eventually to get his adept and prestige him to 3.

    Champion of Light seems fun to mess around with but his other two perks are sad.

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2024

    i was planning on it yes, but then they planned on butchering my favourite anime waifu so, nope.

    gotta speak with my wallet on this one.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 2024
  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Yeah, but only because I'm a slave consumer and can't stand not having something available to me in game, even if I'll never use it, lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yes, in prospect that Deadline perk gets buffed.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    No, I'm passing on this chapter

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    I'm supporting everything behavior release. I'm dbd stand

  • Member Posts: 2,418


    Perks are absolute trash

    Not into Alan Wake at all

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    No, for several reason.

    I didn't play his games.

    He is not appealing aestetically imo.

    His perks are mid at best.

    He is a licensed character (not buyable with iridiscents).

  • Member Posts: 869

    Hell naw.. Looks whack.

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