Do you love The Onyrō changes to PTB recently proposed by the Devs?

No, I dislike it.
@GeneralV spread the word my friend. I made a poll 💕🙏🏼
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No, I dislike it.
Are you referring to the PTB Onyrō or the new changes proposed in today's developer update? Just wanna be sure before I cast my vote.
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No, I dislike it.
I‘m shure he means the ones from the dev Update
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No, I dislike it.
Not at all. The changes are unwarranted and unwanted.
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No, I dislike it.
In the developers update.
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No, I dislike it.
I may not agree with you but I respect your opinion and I won’t bash you for it. 💕🙏🏼
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No, I dislike it.
I agree! Also bring back Old rental video tapes for passive condemn. 🙏🏼💕
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No, I dislike it.
Had they done something to make tapes less appealing to grab to compensate for the cooldown, I'd consider it a fair tradeoff. Heck, I may have even let it go if it was just the hook-condemned cap even though I think that's pointless to do. Doing both that and the cap on hook-lock with no other buffs is dirty.
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No, I dislike it.
The book's implementation content seems to have been adjusted based on survivors who do not know how to cope and are unwilling to learn. If you are going to make licensed characters weaker and weaker from release, please don't do it again. My favorite Pyramid Head and Nemesis should have never been implemented if this is what they are doing.
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No, I dislike it.
why do you say that?
If it makes you feel any better, I am at work, and I cackled when I read your response!
I hope you are a singularity main! You guys are the best! I also play singularity myself! 🥹
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No, I dislike it.
I don’t think that’s going to happen 😅