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Is it litteraly impossible to loose as a killer with this build?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105

I might be a bit late for that but i just realise that the upcoming Grim Embrace change will make it close to impossible to loose as killer UNLESS i am missing something. Please correct me if you find my logic issue. Because there has to be something i am missing.

Let me highlight the no brain insta win build on killer at the moment:

I know you are aware of this build, but keep in mind that there is an upcoming PERFECT 4th perk for that build:

Grim Embrace:

I firmly ask you all (and correct me if i miss something please)

What are survivors supposed to do against this?

Kind regards



  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Calm spirit kills the main draw of ultimate weapon with info, but the rest of it is solid with no counterplay.

    No counterplay except just waiting out the timer with plenty of time to dissappear before you make your rounds. It's slowdown, but just annoying more than op

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    It is not op that you can basically perma block every gen for the entire game when people do not run calm spirit? And if they have, they might find a short window just to get pain res'd?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    If hiding is what you suggest as counter play, then i guess there is none.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,830

    It's annoying, it's tedious, but not op. As shroompy said, wait it out (though I think we're on 5 the reckoning). Disappearing with stealth or waiting it out when it does proc (or not getting caught period but that's unlikely) it the counter. Calm spirit makes this easier as well.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,830

    Cute, least survivors can actually work on different gens with this. After so and so seconds per fresh hook.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I run those 3 perks and plan to run grim embrace too 🤣

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    You'd be running CI in that build rather than GE. If you were to run GE then you would just lose games by struggling to get your first down with zero slowdown for your early game. The way you counter that build is to not go down fast and split on gens.

    If you split hooks on survivors to get max value from that build you will have 4 survivors up the entire game which they will overcome your slowdown or you tunnel 1 survivor out which you have no good slowdown during that time.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,581

    Or heal, or do totems, maybe even pop a chest open. If survivors make a habit of letting go of gens before the hook, the slowdown won't be much worse than Deadlock.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    How is this not op when the entire time of the game gens are blocked? I am assuming not all 4 players are running Calm spirit. And even then, it is unbareable.

    Once you have your first down, when is there ever a time window where gens are not blocked? It is already completly op as it is now with UW, Pain Res and Dead mans Switch but with Grim Embrace this makes the game straight up locked. And like i said, once you might have any time to repair, pain res is helping out and also locking gens.

    Not calling this op "Because you can wait it out" makes me question what killers you guys run into.

    I mean i get it, Otz or other big contant creators will make a video an showcase how insanly op this build is and then EVERYBODY will cry because people will start playing it, but how about we nerf this before whole survivor base is uninstalling the game?

    This is worse, much much worse then gen kick meta.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432
    edited January 26

    Rushing gens. You have no early game gen defense and no chase perks. Meaning that your first chase should take a really long time because all the survivor has to do is predrop a god pallet. People often forget that every broken pallet buys the survivor a full 15+ seconds of distance. Now factor in that shift+w to a corner of the map buys you 58 seconds before the killer can hook you. All you need to do is slam the gens, the predrop a couple of god pallets, and the killer will lose 3 gens before they can even hook the first survivor chased.

    Now the game is slowed down a bit, but that first pain res should be useless, so now they have a choice. Do they camp/tunnel? If so, they get 0 value from the rest of their perks. So now they have to spread pressure if they want to get value from them. But, spreading pressure now means that survivors have more time to work on the gens, so again shift+w, predrop a god pallet or 2, and you'll finish another gen or 2 before the 2nd survivor gets hooked. Now the game is effectively over.

    The BETTER build yall need to worry about is Corrupt + DMS + Grim + Deadlock. Because Deadlock provides passive gen defense, and corrupt gives you early gen defense.

    My personal build will likely go from what i use now:

    Corrupt + Pain Res + Pop + Flex perk


    Corrupt + Grim Embrace + DMS (until they nerf, then i'll replace with deadlock) + nowhere to hide/flex.

    This will give me the best of both worlds, now that you get 8 regression events, my concern aroudn pain res + pop (and usually surge when i play m1 killers) is that i'll hit those 8 events. But with gen blocking, it doesn't matter. Nowhere to hide means now i can kick gens, get a 5% pop, and basically guarantee that i'll get some regression there, either by seeing that no survivor is there, or by finding the survivor and starting a chase quickly.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not the greatest build.

    Run Grim, PR, PGTW and Corrupt.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,424

    I think what you'll want to do is waste the killer's time, make sure they stay in chase for as long as possible. Pain Res, DMS and Grim Embrace all require hooks to activate, and Ultimate Weapon isn't a perk that helps in chases.

    The only problem is that this relies on the map you get being a decent one, and some maps are in the worst spots they've ever been. If you get a map like Dead Dawg Saloon or Rancid Abattoir, I'm not sure there is much you can do.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432
    edited January 26

    What are you on about with dead dog? It has one of the most OP main buildings in the game. Sure garden of joy is the worst, and this is probably tied with asylum for 2nd. You literally shouldn't bother even going there as a killer because good survivors can waste so much of your time.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,706

    It's going to be powerful, probably too powerful, there are a few things that can be done.

    Toolboxes + built to last. Plan to spend time in lockers.

    Boons have more value as now spending the time to put one in play is not wasted because the gens are blocked (or inner strength).

    Run resilience and don't ever worry about heals until gens are blocked.

    Prove thyself might have a little more value. Group up on gens to finish them before the gen block / pain res happens, also limits the amount of gens that are blocked by DMS.

    Basically: gen rush even more. It becomes critical that the first chase is at least decent and the survivors break the center gens.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,424
    edited January 26

    Dead Dawg is way too small, it has far too many weak loops, deadzones and a nerfed shack.

    Sure, the main building is good. But the rest isn't.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Really good points in theory (by far the best post) but i believe there is no time to do gens. I mean it litteraly. Gens will be blocked 50% of the entire trial, if not longer. As soon as the first survivor falls, gens are blocked.

    Just go through that in your mind after the first down:

    Everything blocked with Grim embrace. Killer waits a bit, enters next chase, opens a locker, blocks every other gen when survivors are on them. Repeat this cycle 4 times. 40 seconds block. Now Pain Res kicks in with the standard build. The issue is, that Pain Res does not even need to be used in the early game, it is simply crushing the survivors in late when they are the most vulnerable.

    That is a stong build, probably also to powerful, but no where near as powerful as the build i posted. You will share this oppinion very quickly when this is live, trust me 😉

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Unlikely, as DMS and Grim overlap, making those perks redundant

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,995
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    They dont. You just UW after the 12 seconds when they hop back on gens.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 670

    but ultimate weapon literally does nothing, the gens already block without the survivor even stop touching it, it´s indeed overtuned, any low tier killer (B or less) can lose with any type of build, the question is, can you lose as nurse with this build? (impossible challenge)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The amount of time that saves is less than being able to pop a different gen.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I mean we have to test this out if it actually does, but at the absolute minimum, all gens are 4 time locked for 30 seconds plus the 40 seconds on top of that. That is already broken.

    In worst case scenario it works as i think it does. 12 seconds for Grim embrace and another 30 seconds for Dead Mans Switch since it is still running. For sure on all of those who were not on a gen during Grim Embrace.

    No matter what, the game is bascially locked for an absolute minimum of over 2 minutes. No progress at all. And after that, the usual insanity with UW, Painres and DMS begins.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You aren't accounting for map size, travel time, ease of locker access, the resurgance of Calm Spirit or player learning.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,706

    They dont. You just UW after the 12 seconds when they hop back on gens.

    It's not quite that bad, though it can be pretty bad. Grim Embrace doesn't trigger until the killer moves away from the hook and DMS has its own timer. So DMS could in theory add extra 14 seconds of lockdown to GE (which would be absurdly powerful), but it will usually be under 10 seconds (just very powerful). That might not be too different as many survivors on gens will start running when they trigger UW anyway.

    Just to cover the math: DMS timer starts with the hook of 30 seconds. GE triggers when the killer is 16 m away from the hook, so that is ~4 seconds. Count to 12 in your head from that point, then open a locker. Except if you do it right away many survivors won't have gotten back on gens yet, so you'll trigger UW without DMS. Then you'll have to move around to trigger it on the gens that are farther away from where you opened the locker.

    Is it still really powerful? Yes. Especially if you aren't going for pain res on the first hook but the second, that way you increase the likelihood of a second good DMS. But I think DMS is gilding the lily of the build, the other three perks would be oppressive all on their own. Alternatively you could just run UW and DMS right now, they are a pretty powerful combo on their own (basically game breaking on a map like midwich).

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,706

    In worst case scenario it works as i think it does. 12 seconds for Grim embrace and another 30 seconds for Dead Mans Switch since it is still running. For sure on all of those who were not on a gen during Grim Embrace.

    I don't think it works that way, but maybe I've been playing against DMS wrong. DMS lasts 30 seconds from the hook. If it triggers at the 29 second mark, the gen is blocked for 1 second.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,201
    edited January 26

    Oh, players will still somehow manage to lose with builds like that. But yes, it will be next to impossible if you're competent. I would throw Deadlock on instead of UW. I really don't know why this has to exist on live at all before nerfing it. We have nearly 8 years of prior knowledge with this type of thing. We have Eruption which just happened less than 2 years ago. It's not new math.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    yep that exact hyperbole if you can't do idk its some kind of issue related to something

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,846

    much like with old eruption/cob/overcharge it's not impossible but you'd have to extremely bad to manage to lose with so much time on your side

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Rushing gens. You have no early game gen defense and no chase perks. Meaning that your first chase should take a really long time because all the survivor has to do is predrop a god pallet. People often forget that every broken pallet buys the survivor a full 15+ seconds of distance. Now factor in that shift+w to a corner of the map buys you 58 seconds before the killer can hook you. All you need to do is slam the gens, the predrop a couple of god pallets, and the killer will lose 3 gens before they can even hook the first survivor chased.

    You are loosing 3 gens before the first hook? TrueTalent, is this you? I am sorry, but that is a skill issue, and then of course no perk will carry you to victory. And it should not. But to be fair, this build will probably still net you the win.

    Now the game is slowed down a bit, but that first pain res should be useless, so now they have a choice. Do they camp/tunnel? If so, they get 0 value from the rest of their perks. So now they have to spread pressure if they want to get value from them. But, spreading pressure now means that survivors have more time to work on the gens, so again shift+w, predrop a god pallet or 2, and you'll finish another gen or 2 before the 2nd survivor gets hooked. Now the game is effectively over.

    You dont need PR, rather you should safe your pain res for late game. Why would you pain res if you can lock the game? After the first hook, the gens are locked for 2 minutes (if not way way longer, depending on how DMS and Grim are working together).

    Corrupt + Grim Embrace + DMS (until they nerf, then i'll replace with deadlock) + nowhere to hide/flex.

    Also strong, but not broken as the one i posted.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    Have you not played games at high MMR? It's pretty much expected that the killer will lose 2-3 gens in the first chase against a decently competent team.

    I'm guessing you play mostly solo queue as survivor so you don't see it that often. But its pretty common against killers who aren't nurse/blight/spirit and to an extent wesker/chucky.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Why is it important? 12 seconds is more then enough to run for the edge of one side to the middle of basically any map.

    Lockers are everywhere, basically always within 5 seconds. Its not like the killer has any stress to find a locker when everything is blocked for 12 seconds anyway.

    Calm Spirit is a great perk against this build, basically it is mandatory to even have a chance against a good killer running this build. But i can hardly force my team of random people to run Calm Spirit?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited January 26

    I dont know what my MMR is. But since i win 90% of my killer games, its probably at least not low MMR. And there i never have this issue.

    EDIT: Right now in my lobby the players i am versing and i can see have over 5000 (one is at 6500 and the other one is at 5000) hours, so at least i am not playing against complete beginners.

    3K, 11 hooks with the Dedge on Badham Pre. That is my usal outcome.

    Post edited by xEa on
  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 670

    i think the generators block for 30 seconds when the GE activates no? i don´t think ultimate weapon is needed, maybe corrupt intervention will be a better perk for the meta

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,132

    It'll be changed soon anyway. The devs are already saying they will monitor this and - although for a few weeks it may be a problem, they'll probably change either of the perks or make them non-combatable.

    I wouldn't worry about it, but in the meantime I'd say the best counter is actually the fact the Killer has practically put all their eggs in a gen slowdown build. Ultimate Weapon can be dealt with, but Ultimate Weapon finding Survivors is one thing; knocking them down is another. I don't see much in the way of a Perk helping with this, and if the Killer isn't good enough, then no amount of Perks is going to help anyway.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,432

    I'd be curious to have you record a match you have and post it on youtube. Would be interesting to see what kinds of survivors you are going against and comparing it to the kinds of survivors i go against.

    Certainly i get the "normal" solo queue survivors often, but, especially depending on the day, i get game after game of top tier teams.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Sure thing, sometimes you get the super tryhard 4 BNP 10K hours comp (wannabe) players and you often loose those. But that sometimes is super rare compared to the usual lobbies.

    I basically get all the survivors you probably also get. I had matches against Hens, True and Otz from time to time as survivor tho. For some reason i never find any "famous" persons as killer but probably because i never really check names and they usually dont come with their original names due to stream sniping?

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,166
    edited January 26

    Its decent but not OP. Its moreso annoying than anything else. You have nothing that helps you in chase or end them quickly. Its all reliant on getting downs and hooks quickly so you can keep that slowdown pressure & people off gens. Good survivors will not play into your strategy. That said, solo que is luck of the draw & you'll probably face more people who aren't good in chase.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 971

    The last thing this game need right now is more playstyles that are boring and oppressive.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,201

    I have played killer competitively. You shouldn't be consistently losing 2-3 gens on the first chase. Not saying it can't happen from time to time, but it's absolutely not the norm.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,112

    vs good looper and efficient pre-running team, it is the norm. Sometimes the play is stealth instead of pre-run. that build will allow killer to comeback vs good teams but the issue with that build is how unfun it is to play against gen-blocking perks as survivor.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,461

    hey man i never claimed the sequel was better than the original

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,768
    edited January 27

    Against a SWF? I'm mixed on it. A good SWF can deny hooks a lot and negate 3/4 perks for a long time.

    Against uncoordinated SoloQ? Yeah they're not going to survive very well.

    I think it should just prioritize activating GE until that perk is exhausted, then DMS can be activated after hook or at second hook of anyone who was already hooked and activated the first part of GE. Oh and also make the scream from UW not interrupt gen repair.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,405

    I'm guessing someone has already done a video on this as I had two killers in a row yesterday using UW, DMS, and PR.