Are you excited for Alan Wake?

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825

I’m really looking forward to having him in the game even though I don’t know much about his character. I do think his flashlight perk is interesting.



  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I enjoy how some of his perks work in harmony with other perks. Hopefully more perks are made like that to incentivize players to try out new and fun combinations.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I keep forgetting about him

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Nope, his perks are so bad.

    So i will not buy him until BHVR make his perks usable.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030


    his perks are really really bad... and for a original chapter that's forgivable somewhat.. but for 100% need to pay... its not

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    I will buy him. Just to have something to do in the game. I will bring him to P9. Do his Adept. And then never play him or his Perks again.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361

    Yes, but only for Champion of Light. I'm looking forward to pairing that with Chemical Trap and Residual Manifest to flood the killer with debuffs. Otherwise I don't really care, far more interested in Hillbilly's rework.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 259

    deadline is the new "no mither" ... I'm so excited to make my games harder with this perk 🤣😂🤣

    I can't believe we thought "this is a great perk"

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Not really to be honest, even tho he is most likely the closest we will ever get to my most wanted character: Agent Dale Cooper.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I'm not sure I can see that happening, but if it did, I'd be happy to play as him too. Especially if his perks are funky like Nic Cage's.

    Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks, Agent York from Deadly Premonition, and Agent Anderson from Alan Wake 2 would create a fun trio of FBI survivors. Then all we'd need is Mulder and Scully.

  • GoodJobGuys92
    GoodJobGuys92 Member Posts: 102

    No, but then again I don't get excited for any new survivors.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,194

    YES!!!! 🎉🎉🤩🎉🎉

    ”🎶 Show me the Champion of Light! 🎶 I’ll show you the Herald of Darkness🎶”

    Omg chills…

    It’s unreal how excited I am!


  • Harbinger1985
    Harbinger1985 Member Posts: 70

    I so freaking hyped! Dunno why, not even Alien make me this hyped and I only play DBD April. I love Alan Wake, the whole game and since I can't buy or more like have a proper RIG for AW2 at least I can play him in another game. I hope much stuff we will get with the Tome and challenges! And AW1 skin and other stuff. I P9 him and don't play any other characters I guess. :D

    I also make crazy ideas. Like a special or Legendary add-on for the flashlight. Energizer batteries 25% more blinding effect. XD I guess every old AW player knows the batteries in the game - not AN and Remastered - were Energizer logo on them. Ever since I played the game I always buy Energizer, sometimes feels urge to get a pack of batteries after I replay Alan Wake.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    No. But like others, I don't get excited over new survivors. Especially when their perks are 'meh' or I don't see myself using them.

    Bring some new game modes or preferably some rewards tied to playing well - then maybe!

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I will be purchasing him, especially since Sam Lake has said his adventures of the Entities realm are canom to the Alan Wake universe (apparently, an escape attempt from the dark place that went wrong, like "American Nightmare").

    As for his perks, Champion of Light is great, Boon: Illumination is nowhere near as bad as people make out, and Deadline is a bit crap (may work with others, but seems a bit of a dud).

    His character likeness is decent and his voice acting is absolutely brilliant and - as someone else said - he sounds like someone who is experiencing the horror fully.

    A good addition to the roster.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    Excited about it, especially since it has a neat appearance, and I loved these new perks

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825

    I can understand that, though I do like his flashlight perk.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited January 2024

    Did Sam Lake ever explicitly state it was canon though?

    I know both Lake & Cote on the Alan Wake page on bhvr's site talk about both games as well as the lore being extremely compatible with one another, but i haven't seen any of them explicity state or just mention that it actually was canon to the Alan Wake lore continuity itself.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    I tried the first game and didn't like it even as someone who loves twin peaks inspired things.

    I mean I even liked deadly premonition despite it also having terrible gameplay.

    I don't know if alan wake 2 is better but atm I am not looking forward to this character in dbd. I do like remedy tho because of max payne still.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I remembered Alan Wake was coming soon and my thought was "the teasers for the next chapter can't come soon enough".

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    I'm neutral. Never played Alan Wake so not a fan of that franchise specifically, and his perks are pretty mid so that's not a selling point for me either. Am passing on it.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited January 2024

    I guess this does count as a confirmation of it being canon, cool.

    Guess that also officially makes Alan Wake the first playable Survivor to have escaped from The Fog & The Entity itself and back to the dark place.

    Also i guess we have an explaination now for why they chose to feature Huntress in Alan Wake's trailer and spotlight, she's similar to a Taken from Alan Wake 2.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    Which honestly is pretty cool, I like them working with Remedy directly in the story department and the incorporation of the IP a lot. Normally they try to do this with all their properties but this is the first time it has been this seamless I feel.

    It is also cool seeing Alan get more recognition, it is a very underrated franchise.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Interesting article. Alan Wake being an inspiration for Dead by Daylight isn't too surprising, I've noticed they have a lot a similarities that make the two IPs very compatible with each other.

    I agree with Sam Lake, BHVR does take characters and their lore very seriously when including them in DbD, maintaining faithfulness (or at least respectfulness) is probably the best thing they do.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Unfortunately not. I never played the games so I am not a fan of the character. His perks are pretty doo doo.

    I will still purchase him because I want to own every character and get all the achievements.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    It's definitely interesting to think that Alan Wake can/will escape the Entity's Realm. However, all that means is that he gets snatched back by the Dark Presence and gets stuck back in that nightmare again, so it's hard to call it a victory. Alan Wake is caught between evil cosmic forces, imprisoned and tormented by darkness, he's in trouble either way.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825
  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I like Champion of Light and Illumination. Deadline needs an actual benefit for running it by itself other than the reduced penalties, I don't like perks designed to be run with other perks.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    I played Alan Wake way back when. But I'm not paying money for a skin, that's where I draw the line on micros.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 320

    I'm excited for Alan as a character since I love the franchise and I'm a fan of Remedy's games (wish we could have Jesse Faden as a chapter or legendary skin 😍).

    But certainly I'm 0 excited about the perks, Im not a flashlight enjoyer + the perks are so boring...after Nichola's perks which I loved (dramaturgy is in almost all my builds), these ain't doing it for me.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I was the same too and questioned whether Alan Wake in DBD was canon, but apparently Sam Lake has said that this was one of the attempts Alan Wake made to escape the Dark Place. A bit like "American Nightmare" where he ended up in a strange desert location. There's a manuscript note which mentions he finds himself in a place "shrouded with fog" whilst looking for an escape.

    Time passes differently in The Entity's realm, so within those 13 years trapped in the Dark Place, he could have spent what seemed like decades in the trials. However, he gets out, which I believe many years back during early DBD we were told we are playing a infintesimally tiny portion of the Survivors and Killers within the Trials who ultimately leave. Obviously canon can change, but it does make some sense.

    Mind you, if this is the case, I'd almost be willing to accept Cheryl Mason and "Silent Hill" may also be canon in both universes, if she escaped (to be clear, there is zero evidence that is true :D)

    Alan Wake is very meta though. Heck, his appearance in "Fortnite" may also be an attempt! Either way, I like that Sam Lake is so open to it.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited January 2024

    Yeah i've read Alan lore for dbd and i also know how the lore for DBD functions with time working differently in the realm.

    The article i was given by one of the other users on this thread did point to a page that said it can be canon in both universes, so yeah that is neat.

    Also i'm pretty sure every crossover with DBD is canon to it's universe, however as far as i know, only Ringu & now Alan Wake are considered canon within those two IP's universes.

    and yes, Alan Wake is very meta, if anything you could say all appearances he makes in other places are canon and can justify it as taking place during those 13 years absence between Alan Wake 1 & 2.

    Also kinda interesting that the reason they chose Huntress for Alan Wake's spotlight and trailer is because she's pretty much similar to that of a nightingale or taken that throws hatchets, maybe at some point we can get a Nightingale skin for her.

    So far he has escaped the dark place, he has escaped the loop in Fortnite, he has escaped Geoff Keighley at the game awards and eventually he will escape the fog, all of which just resulting in him ending up back in the dark place again.

    Guy can't catch a break.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited January 2024

    This is the least excited I have ever been for a DBD chapter in years of playing this game. Niche license with underwhelming perks and no new killer or map. There's just nothing to be excited about. I might buy the chapter regardless since I enjoy having all the achievements.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    A Huntress "Taken" outfit would be amazing if they could! I'd love to see Scratch make an appearance also, maybe as a Paragraph Killer at some point in the future. Afterall, if Scratch is a part of Alan, then it would make sense he may appear there at some point.

    Also, you're right about everything in DBD being canon for its own multiverse. It's more that some licenses carried across are characters from a different reality to their core games. So Leon and Jill in DBD are not the same Leon and Jill in the games RE design - they come from an Earth where the Entity appears to snatch them during the Raccoon City crisis, whilst in the RE games we see them as continuing their story against Umbrella.

    It's all pretty fun and especially with Fortnite some may think Alan Wake in there wouldn't fit in his escape attempts, but then again he spent a whole chapter witnessing a musical of his life, complete with dancing, so silliness isn't unknown in the Dark Place.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,661

    No, I've never heard of him and his perks are garbage. I bet a lot of people playing him will rage quit when the use of lightborn goes up.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825
  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited January 2024

    A Huntress "Taken" outfit would be amazing if they could! I'd love to see Scratch make an appearance also, maybe as a Paragraph Killer at some point in the future. Afterall, if Scratch is a part of Alan, then it would make sense he may appear there at some point.

    I'd love to have Scratch or The Dark Presence as killers in dbd, however i have my doubts it will happen given that BHVR said during a discord press Q&A that The Dark Presence and Scratch were both too close to The Entity as well as being impossible to conceptualize into a killer, however bhvr did also say that after playing Alan Wake 2, that there was some monsters in that game that would be a great fit as killers, which they could bring into DBD at a later time since the chapter was in the works prior to Alan Wake 2's release and was based primarily off Alan Wake 1.

    Also, you're right about everything in DBD being canon for its own multiverse. It's more that some licenses carried across are characters from a different reality to their core games. So Leon and Jill in DBD are not the same Leon and Jill in the games RE design - they come from an Earth where the Entity appears to snatch them during the Raccoon City crisis, whilst in the RE games we see them as continuing their story against Umbrella.

    You don't need to tell me how DBD's lore work since i'm an avid consumer of DBD's lore. If there is one thing i've learnt, it's that despite what some people think, it's that not everything is a multiverse version of a character in dbd.

    Most of the actual multiverse stuff are reserved mainly for most of the licensed lore and for the npc tomes in the archive since the playable character tomes are not multiverse ones, although there are exceptions to the npc tomes since there are characters and stories from those tomes that are connected to the game's 2-3 main universes/terras that alot of the playable and some of the npc characters in dbd are connected to.

    It's all pretty fun and especially with Fortnite some may think Alan Wake in there wouldn't fit in his escape attempts, but then again he spent a whole chapter witnessing a musical of his life, complete with dancing, so silliness isn't unknown in the Dark Place.

    The Dark Place makes whatever Alan types come to life with no exception, so it isn't unrealistic that he could write something silly and it would come to life which would bring him to places like Fortnite.

    Also Remedy & BHVR have said that they'll leave the question of [if Alan Wake created The Entity & The Fog in his attempt to escape the dark place or if The Entity simply invaded Alan Wake's universe] up for people to speculate.

    All in all, this may not have been DBD's most popular license they've added, but it's definitely been one of it's best- if not the best one in my book due to how compatible they are with one another in terms of gameplay, lore & what not. Now we just need to add Control into DBD to get Jesse Faden as a Survivor and we'll have the entire Remedy connected universe in the game.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146

    I'm more hyped for him now that I've finished a playthrough of his first two games. Really enjoyed them and I can see why he's such a good fit for DBD.

    But his perks don't appeal to me all that much. I wouldn't personally get much use out of them (except maybe his boon one in Solo Q). I think champion of light will be a common pick for all the wannabe bully squads and I'd be concerned about it if I wasn't already a die hard lightborn enjoyer.

    I'm not sure if I like the character enough to buy him, if I'm honest. A Barry Wheeler legendary skin wearing fairy lights and a head torch would be all kinds of awesome, though.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2024

    no, i dont like the Alan Wake games and i think his character design is very... standard? i guess

    plus his perks are doo doo

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    I very much enjoyed the first Alan Wake game and dig the character. The second game, American Nightmare, was just a small DLC wrapped up and sold as a completely different game. Wasn't bad, but there wasn't a lot to it. I want to play Alan Wake 2, but it's only on Epic and Epic sucks. If it ever goes standalone or comes to Steam I'll pick it up.

    For the DBD version, the perks are kinda junk. When playing killer, anyone running Champion of Light is getting double hooked then bled out. Or just bled out, depending on mood and how well the rest of the trial is going. Seems a bit like reverse image of MFT. Flashlights are annoying enough, and I don't plan to run Lightborn all the time.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    nah his perks are trash tier.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    No, I am more excited for Billy return of the King update.

    Excluding Champion of Light, the rest of perks are kinda bad and not very interesting.

    And buying yet another character just for one perk that I might use a bit sometimes... ehhh. Probably not.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Perks are absolute garbage but his voice acting is really good and I have hope that he'll get interesting cosmetics.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    You'll have no argument from me about this being canonically the best tie-in. I could even see a document about the Entity arising as an Easter Egg when Control 2 comes out.

    Imagine if - a few years down the line - they made a game which entwinned these two franchises closer together. A game about the Entity, but based on Earth, rather than in the realms. It would make a fun twist. Even a mission in Control 2 linked to it would be a lot of fun.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
