I'm sick of these unbeatable spirits.

Is beyond ridiculous, there is just nothing you can do, even while not injured, leaving no scratch marks, making absolutely no noise, they still know exactly where you are, and insta hit you coming out of her power, and of course once injured is already a dead sentence.
I'm sick of it, this killer is nothing but BS.
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The way you have to take it is she has more information on you than you do on her, meaning she has a much easier time guessing where you're going to be. So what do you do to counter act this? Make her guess as well. Dropping a pallet in advance means she knows that you're at that pallet/loop, but she can't tell exactly where, nor will she know if you'll vault it or not.
Essentially, try to keep her guessing as much as you are.
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Yeah, Spirit is one of those killers that I know it's ggs for me from the start of the game. I've been running Shadow Step alot lately but even that has barely helped because my injury noises and pools of blood mean i get hit asap anyway. My brain is apparently not wired well enough to make sense of directional phasing either because I just really just take a guess at pallets lol
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Run some heavy healing builds, the last thing you wanna be against a Spirit is injured and 99% of sweaty spirits will run sloppy butcher. When your non injured you have the 50/50 injured it’s all over.
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She, and Nurse, are the main reason I wish for old Spine Chill. I’m bad at looping and Spine Chill gave me a boost in sneaking away from a gen. I have fond memories of giggling behind a tree while Spirt arrives at my gen only to pretend to leave and phase back and still not find me.
Post edited by Huge_Bush on5 -
Yeh its really hard to run spirit when injured. I would say play more stealthy if possible (obviously still doing gens) but don't just run straight away from a gen try and walk a little then run, giving her little information as possible. This won't work when injured though but best I could think of.
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It happened to me exactly where a spirit player knew exactly where I was and where my team was and she didn't make a mistake
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Spirit is still one of those killers that’s extremely unfun to play against but she’s rare
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100% Agree. Especially when they are using the Dried Cherry Blossom add-on.
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I havent seen spirit in so long, I have probably completely forget how to play vs her lol
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You cant beat Spirit because she's super
To be fair I do against average Spirit better than Nurse. My way to juke her is to notice that she starts phasing, then walk to direction of 4 or 8 o'clock to keep the speed but not scratch mark. Then crouch so she cant hear the grunting.
Not working against good Spirit though.
I think it's the part of survivors problem nowaday. I started playing on Plague release (15th killer). The chance too play against each killer was ~6.7%
Now there are 34 killers. "Try to learn playing against X killer" before complaining. How do I learn playing against Twin when its been months not facing them? Half a year probably I played against 3 Artist. I would forgot how to draw if I dont do it for too long.
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Agreed. If the spirit has even a decent headset there is nothing you can do unless you have a conveniently placed god pallet or god window nearby
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I tend to double back a lot and move erratically, which seems to help. It turns it into a guessing game but can make Spirits confused .
There are some areas where you're never going to win - especially out in the open - but that can be said for most Killers really.
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Actually modern day spirit its the opposite.
You have more information on the spirit, because the phase is directional and will tell you exactly where she is now, if you are injured then you have equal information.
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what Spirit is easy to loop the amount that Dc'd on me, then again Im a Spirit main so i know the workings >_>
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Any tips?
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I am sorry to say that but skill issue.
You can put off the spirit by playing in weird ways, i will not describe how, but you can search on youtube, or ask about it in the forums.
Not every spirit plays plum bossom, so there is counterplay, that addon is dumb anyway.
Edit :
You can walk, crouch, not walk in the grass and be in a good map. And find techs and weird plays to put her off, if you are predictable you will lose the chase.
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That directional phase only really matters from a distance. At short loops the sound sort of meshes together and at the end of the day shes still moving at almost twice your speed, which gives her a lot more room for error
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Omg! I love this pic! Great job as always.
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You’re probably facing the wrong way. For example, if you loop around an object counter-clockwise, and always look forward, then Spirit will be to your left regardless of where she is in the loop, which isn’t helpful at all.
You’re supposed to look towards the loop itself, so that the directional audio will actually be different, depending on which direction she is moving.
As a more advanced tactic, you would actually move your camera slightly left or right to confirm Spirit’s location. For example, if you think Spirit is looping counter-clockwise, and you are facing the loop, then you should move the camera to the right a bit, so that if Spirit really is going that direction, your camera is angled far enough that the directional audio will be fully on the left side.
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True, but there are some loops where this just doesnt really matter. Lots of filler loops that already require a read regardless of the killer is now HEAVILY in the Spirits favor since she can react to sound while the Survivor needs to guess using sound.
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Blah blah blah
I don't want to play against Spirit.
I don't want to play against Nurse.
I don't want to play against Blight.
I don't want to play against Wesker.
I don't want to play against Chucky.
Enough already.
I don't play any of those killers (apart from thd odd game with Chucky) but even I'm sick and tired of entitled survivors expecting easy games and if not start screaming for nerfs.
It's a video game.
A game.
Pixels on a screen.
Get over it or do something else if you're that upset over a game.
I've been playing games since the original ZX Spectrum and I've never seen so much moaning about a game than dbd.
Everyone, including myself, is allowed to moan but it seems to be the same thing over and over from both sides and it's getting very tedious.
Game not going well and lose then so be it and on to the next game.
Who cares if you win or lose?
There's no reward for winning. No money, no medal, no pat on the back and the press aren't outside looking for your picture so take the loss and move on.
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You can't be good as a killer otherwise your killer is op and boring remember that kids i'm sure you've faced thousands of unbeatable comp 5k hour Spirits that there was nothing you could do about
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Yeah, there aren't as many Spirit players around as there used to be. I barely see her these days.
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The biggest thing is forcing her to commit to longer phases where she has to choose a direction near the end of her charge. Preferably at a safe pallet.
Take her headset out of the equation and make it about the map. Can you get to shack during her phase? Pre-drop it and listen. Play a filler while she's on cooldown, then get to a safer tile and pre-drop that+listen if you can when her power comes back. But don't get caught up trying to trick her or juke her. Assume competence and make it about safe tiles.
You will lose more on a low percentage juke attempt vs holding W and tanking a hit to reach safety. She's not Nurse. She can't play a god window or a god pallet.
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It's always funny reading the posts about headsets once you know how ears in general work when figuring out direction.
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Sure, but you CAN outplay it, then when you do it takes a while to come back meanwhile she is a 110 killer with no power. she basically can't get hits outside of her power unless the survivor messes up horribly, in which case they deserve to get hit.
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Never said you couldnt, just said in most cases its still heavily in The Spirits
To be clear as well thats not a bad thing, the power is meant to be high risk high reward and its exactly that
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^ this
I dont know about that, maybe my headphones are super good or my ears work very well, but i can tell pretty much always where she is during phase. That does not mean i can react always in time - it depends on which situation you are in.
Nevertheless, Spirit is still strong but compared to the old Spirit, she has a lot more counter play then she used to have (which was Spine Chill and a good connection to the Luck gods). In the past it was more of a guessing game for the survivor and even that would not really help to much.
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And thats exactly it. Sure you may know where she is, but even then you cant react to it most of the time.
Spirit is basically just as strong as she was prior to the change. What they did was just make her a lot less frustrating to go against since she gives feedback on what shes doing, whereas before you just had that little animation shift (which was/is unintended) to indicate shes phasing.
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Dice Roll killer. Not much else to say.
Even the people who claim to like playing against her still get rolled when they encounter her IE: Ayrun.
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When I play as Spirit, I certainly struggle a lot more than I do with other killers, so it's not like she can't be countered. Watch some YouTube videos of good survivors going against Spirit to learn how to counter her.
Also, I hardly ever see Spirit anymore when I play as survivor. If she's that strong of a killer, why is nobody using her?
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Yeah, it's nothing like it was a few years ago, when it seemed like it was all Spirit, all the time.
Plus she's less annoying to face than used to be, on the rare occasion to draw a Spirit. I think that rarity/reduced familiarity is leading to some people's struggle.
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Also, I hardly ever see Spirit anymore when I play as survivor. If she's that strong of a killer, why is nobody using her?
Probably because of her nerfs. Most players who were here at the time will probably agree that Spirit did need a nerf, but such changes often hurt a character's pick rate.
Her add-ons were also hit pretty hard. Some just didn't enjoy what she had to offer after the changes.
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Some good advice, finally! See I basically always do the opposite and wait by the pallet, trying to work out which side I can stun her from to hopefully get to another tile. I'll try predropping instead.
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She used to be very popular. Survivors also had a good counter in the form of old Iron Will. It made it easier to mindgame her, as you could double back on your pathing and confuse her by overlapping your scratch marks. Both Spirit and IW got a nerf. She's not seen as often now. I actually enjoyed going against her back then.