New Roadmap, Changes to Decisive, Adrenaline, Haddonfield & more

Adrenaline… whyyy
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But where is the swamp rework?
Kinda expected Adrenaline to be looked at sooner. Nice to see some more niche perks also getting looked at though.
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RIP Adrenaline. I wonder if it will be something like you don't get a health state off the hook or if they will just kill the perk altogether. Good news is Blight will hopefully get real basekit nerfs.
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This is not happening be changed after 6 years?
I wonder if they’ll just simply make it where the perk is on when healthy
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Probably because Swamp is part of the Realm Beyond. Which is not featured on the Roadmap.
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Adrenaline is literally the gold standard of perk design in this game. No good can come of this.
Devs, whatever you're planning... don't.
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The only problem with Adrenaline is the fact that it wakes you up against Freddy, but other than that it is a perfect perk.
It doesn't need to be changed.
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what happened to the singularity change
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thank god they´re changing adrenalin and ultimate weapon
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Manged nerf is odd. They said they're putting a timer on it.
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So all forms of mangled will be timed like the good old days
the only thing that used to a be permanent mangled was sloppy and some other perks I forget
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Wait, distressing is there too? Please don’t take away the bonus bloodpoints…
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They killed Sadako and now they are coming for Blight as well LMAO xD.
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It wouldn't surprise me if THATS the change they're talking about. It's the only killer specific perk affect left that I know of.
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There finally going to nerf blight for real this time
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There will be timer on mangled as well. I guess welcome in 10 minutes survivor queue again in half of the year.
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I don’t like these split roadmaps where you need to be up-to-date with what may be included and what could still be included but just not mentioned here
Uff I think that one is pretty likely to be consistent?
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That would be justified. Patch 1.8.1 was already a big nerf to Freddy, making Adrenaline wake you up was overkill.
But considering recent history, I don't think that will be the case. Sure, they'll probably remove this effect, but I doubt the changes will stop there.
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Omg not adrenaline…just remove the Freddy part
don’t gut it please 😭
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Why Adrenaline is here?
This perk is only works at end game and only for once.
And you need to finish gens or you need to stay alive as last survivor.
This perk does not need any nerf. Only change it needs is that: It should not make you wake up against Freddy.
Seriously why this perk is here?
Are we going to nerf NOED, NWO, Blood Warden next?
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The problem with adrenaline in the current meta is that all 4 survivors often run it and then just never heal, running perks like resilience on top of it, making it so they just rush gens and then get a free heal.
I'd also say the, having it work after getting unhooked is pretty dumb, it creates a scenario where the survivor gets a guaranteed escape, like the old DS
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To be fair. Noed got a fairly noticeable nerf with the aura reveal and Adrenaline is stronger than NWO or Blood Warden especially on coordinated SWF..
I am actually kinda surprised.. like… people actually didn’t think Adrenaline would get looked at with its state in the meta?
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To be fair I thought Save the best for last is nice strong but not overpowered perk and they nerfed it anyway so here we go with Adrenaline I quess as well.
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I feel like the reliance of Adrenaline will drop after Mangled and Sloppy get changed.
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Probably, I guess it’s gonna be a complete rework.
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I think what they’ll do is take the heal off hook, slug recover away.
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NOED is still can be problem if survivor hooked next to it.
And i don't know how Adrenaline is problem, especially in current meta where it's more rare to see end game. Yeah i am not fan of this and probably they will nuke this perk to ground.
Like how even they will nerf it? No heal will make it just pointless.
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If I use "adrenaline", then play the entire game without 1 perk, I would like to use it at the end.
Adrenaline is the same concept as "blood warden" or "terminus"
Why is "terminus" a good design, but not adrenaline?
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I ve never saw devs more disconnected from their game community in my life, doing blind eyes for everything the community asks for, and just killing the little small things that are actually fun at the game.
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I don't understand why people are surprised with adrenaline...
happy for bloodweb improvements. always.
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I’m trying not to overlook it because for all we know it probably won’t get destroyed.
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I wish i was positive too but they have good history with bad nerfs. Instead of fair nerf, they known with nuking perks.
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The problem with the NOED-Nerf is that it still feels as cheap as before and NOED is in every Endgame when it is equipped. (Yeah, yeah, cleansing Dull Totems will get rid of it... And at the same time ensure that the Killer kills the Team before 5 Gens are completed, because people waste their time cleansing Dull Totems...)
Adrenaline only has an impact when the Match reaches the point where 5 Gens are completed and even then the impact might not be too big (I often get Adrenaline when repairing a Gen while being healthy... So I only get the Speedboost).
Personally, I hope that Mangled will be gutted in the same patch, because this would make it certainly easier to get away from Adrenaline.
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Here's how they could nerf it fairly:
-No longer wakes you up against Freddy.
-No longer activates if you're on the hook when the last generator is powered.
Both fair nerfs that won't kill the perk, but the second one at least will curtail how strong it currently is. I'm not sure why so many in this thread are acting like Adrenaline isn't one of the top three strongest perks in the entire game for both sides right now, it's not surprising a perk like that would be looked at eventually.
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The Mangled nerf is happening before the Adrenaline nerf from the looks of the roadmap. They said on the livestream the nerf is that it's basically going to go back to being a timed status effect again like it used to be.
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The Freddy part definitely needs to be removed, I'm pretty sure it's the only survivor perk left that still has an effect against 1 specific killer.
Personally I'd like if the speedboost only applied while healthy. You either get a health state or the speedboost, but not both at the same time. I think it should still trigger if you get unhooked with it though since it's a 1 time effect, but again, you wouldn't get the speedboost in that case with the proposed change.
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Adrenaline is a top tier perk (unlike the unfairly nerfed STBFL) in high level play and one of the biggest pillars in "don't heal" builds. Its only "fine" at average levels of play. S tier perk in the hands of a decent team that has gen efficiency and knows how to set up Adren plays . Its wild to me that so many people defend this perk.
Bloodwarden and Terminus (counters only 1 effect of Adrenaline) are much weaker than Adrenaline despite having similar (or the same in Terminus's case) activation requirement and the fact that killers have less perk slots in total compared to the survivor team.
They are not examples of good design. I see multiple Adrens in most of my matches. Don't even remember the last time i saw Terminus or Bloodwarden
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In current meta it’s rare to see end game?
how do?
Adrenaline can be problematic in a coordinated swf, they know they can tank hits shortly before last gen pops without any downsides, as killer it is fairly frustrating to have 4 survs injured that suddenly are all healthy. Without Noed this can and does turn a potential win into a 4 man escape.
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Adrenaline needs some nerf but not huge ones or a complete rework as happened with Dead Hard for example.
The nerfs I think Adrenaline needs:
- Not activating when you are already exhausted.
- Not activating when a team mate unhook you if you were hooked when the last gen was finished, or at least not healing you automatically and only give the speed bonus.
- Not waking you up if you are in the dream world against Freddy.
Aside that, I think the perk is fine.
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I wholeheartedly agree. What on earth is going on? We need other perks and killer base kits reworked to tie into the current perks we have, definitely not adrenaline… it’s fine. You can even bait out adrenaline when the last gen pops carrying a survivor
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Adrenaline is fine as it is. Will you please stop devoting time to changing things that don't need changing and focus on actual problematic things.
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Bloodweb improvements - great
Ultimate Weapon - great
Decisive Strike - good, just hope something can be done to lessen its ability as a bodyblock shield in addition to strengthening its anti tunneling capabilities.
Genetic Limits - meh, don't really know what they can do to make this one good, but I guess we'll have to see. (Probably needs another status effect on top of Exhaustion.)
Adrenaline - meh, okay, but hope it's not overboard.
This Is Not Happening - nice, not sure what they can do though that'd genuinely be useful that's not already been done before.
Distressing - nice, although boy, buffed Distressing could potentially be annoying on killers like Doctor or Wesker, especially with Coulrophobia.
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One of my biggest issues with Genetic Limits is you don’t always even know who is affected by it, which holds it back a lot imo. For example, you notice someone get healed on the HUD, but was it a self-heal, did someone else heal them and who was it, etc. Sometimes you can figure that out with good game sense but not always. With most other perks/addons that cause exhaustion you usually have a good idea as killer as to who is currently affected by it, but with this perk you don’t get that a lot of the time.
With that in mind, I think 32 seconds is not long enough and is too short to be able to capitalize on most of the time given you don’t always know who’s affected.
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noed needs gutted tbh
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changes to yet another m1 killer perk, adrenaline and i think the only killers not in need of changes except for doc, twins and maybe hag. nothing about ftp buckle up, off-hook hittanking with upcoming ds buff or map offerings. doesn't look promising if i'm gonna be honest.
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Was the aura issue with Plaything fixed? It's been bugged since start of December and I didn't see any mention in the patch notes
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Take from the Blight and give to Sadako. I'm well sick of sweaty ass Blight players.
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Adrenaline needs a bit of tweaking, like activating after being unhooked shouldn’t be a thing.
If the only change to mangled devs can think of is a timer, then it’s going to be a disappointment. Incentivizing heals was supposed to be the “slowdown” after gutting most of the regression perks + limiting regression events disincentivizes stacking 4 regression perks.
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- If there are 3 Gens left and being injured. Without Adrenaline, will you get a healing?
- If there is 1 Gens left with 30sec to open Gates. Without Adrenaline, will you get a healing?
You're likely to heal with 3 Gens left even if you have Adrenaline. And you're likely not to heal but do the last 30sec of the last Gen even if you dont have Adrenaline.
Adrenaline plays making survivors not to heal is a false. Yes they dont need to heal after finish the last Gen, yes its a game changer when down as the last Gen done. But it doesnt make survivors ignore healing mid game.
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These are awful ideas and changes as they only serve to punish solo-queue further. SWF will hold that last gen at 99% to make plays, while in solo-queue, they have no idea if you're running the perk. You can't even rely on them to make a save once.
The only acceptable nerf is waking up against Freddy.