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Idea of a new chapter : The Insatiable Hunger

Wolfange Member Posts: 20
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

Killer : The Wendigo ( human name : Sakima original name of the Ojibwa tribe )

> Lore : Sakima was the best hunter of his tribe always hunting with his childhood friend Anang.

They learn how to hunt together and always provide food for all tribe.

Ojibwa lands was always full of prey.

Once the winter was rude and prey has become scarce, Sakima and Anang was searching prey for feed the tribe, they keep searching despite the raging storm.

they found a cave lost in Canada's deep forest they wanted to protect themselves from the storm sadly the entrance of the cave collapsed and they was trapped in.

They have enought water for survive somes days but they have eat nothing for some time prefer let the little of food to they other of the tribe : they womens and elders.

They started to starve and their mental health slowly began to disappear seeing each other more like a prey than childhood friend, they started to fight each other and Sakima took over Anang and kill him to feed himself...

During these day of the disappearance of Sakima and Anang the tribe send three other hunters to find them, they found the cave and in front of the collapse Meegwun found the Sakima's Necklace.

So they understood they was inside, the group of hunters start clearing the entrance but what they found inside was not they two hunters they found bones and deep down the cave in the dark two bright red eyes who look them.

One of they hunter go inside followed by one other but the younger Meegwun who found the necklace was terrified he moved away the entrance but keep watching these eyes as if they eyes had an hold on him.

They two hunters who go inside keep going deep the cave and after hearing a grunt the beast charged !

Shredding them during this time taking advantage the beast was busy with these news prey Meegwun start runnning for his life throwing the necklace but the beast start to following him.

Some days after that the tribe was coming to understand what is happening, and they just food they bones of Anang and two corpses inside the cave half eaten and shred they was searching for Sakima and Meegwun but they found nothing no bones no corpses nothing just the necklace and scratch marks....

> Power : The Beast Inside :

The Wendigo is an ancient beast of Amerindian mythology who that appears when a human commits an act of cannibalism, plagued by the curse wendigos are tall and have a body gnawed by the famine that drove them to commit this act of cannibalism.

The Wendigo can channeled his power to switch to the humans form or the beast form

When the Wendigo is his human form he takes on the appearance of one of they survivor of the trials randomly go slower and can't do anything apart run, walk, crouch.

During the human form the Wendigo have no terror radius

The only difference between the Wendigo and they real survivor are his bright red eyes who represent the spirit of the beast who lives inside of him.

Perks :

  • Bloodbath : When the killer reach the tier 2 of the bloodlust his attack make the survivor suffer of the Mangled effect, When the killer reach tier 3 of the bloodlust his attack take down immediatly the survivor.

  • Eternal Hunger : Each time you hit a survivor you earn a token when you have 5 token (at tier 3 of perks) you can use this perk for have the bloodlust tier 3 for X seconds.

  • Hex : The Spirit of the Beast : Each time a survivor die the action speed of the killer increase and the action speed of survivor slow down as lobg as the totem is actve OR increase movement speed of killer and decease action speed of survivor

Survivor : Meegwun

> Lore : Meegwun his a young hunter of the Ojibwa tribe, he has face any difficulty on is road for be an hunter of the tribe like his father, his grandfather and his ancestors.

During his Rite of passage he fell in front of a dangerous hungry bear.

He was thinking he going to die and dishonored his ancestors he asking help to someone for help him but nothing we was alone he must go and come back alone, at the moment he thinking it was over he heard a big croak and a beautiful crow who save him by bursting the eyes of the bear during this time he was able to escape and after a moment he see a crow coming and start to speak him :

-Hello young Meegwun

-W...What who or what are you

-I'm just a crow who decide to save you like i save your grandfather long time ago.

I saw a great potential in you like all your familly i'll offer you my brand on your torso i'm going to be always here for you.

The Crows fly away with out let Meegwun say anything, the feels something burning on his torso he look and see a symbol he decide to come back to his tribe.

When he come back and says somethings about his symbol on him the shaman of the tribe say "Meegwun have the symbol of the Crow in they old tribe of the South the spirit of the crow who decide to chose someone going to be a great hunter, the spirit of the crow is also a protector, it seems Meegwun has been choosen."

Chocked Meegwun realized the honor offered to him.

Maybe it's the Spirit of the crows who guided his steps when he run away the Wendigo but is he really safe ?

> Perks :

  • Hunter's Instinct : Your Instinct of hunter allows you to see where the killer have run in the last seconds and see where the killer have go.

  • Ancestral Medicine : they medicine of the Ojibwa tribe make you able to provide incredible healing when you heal a survivor the next time they are healed or healed themseves the speed of healing is increased by X%

  • Spirit of the Crows : the Spirit of the Crows guide and protect you, make you able to don't fear they crows and when you go through crows the next time the killer affraid them you can see the killer's aura for X seconds.

Sorry for my English i'm french i hope this is understandable :) .

What do you think about all this for the moment ?

Post edited by Wolfange on


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Well the power is incredibly simple, I thought you were going to keep going but then it was over lol.

    Bloodbath--this is cool and I like it but forcing yourself to go to Tier 3 Bloodlust is a waste of time and can cost you the game. But, this would be a great perk for beginners who just started the game.

    Eternal Hunger---I don't know exactly how fast you go in Tier 3 Bloodlust but if it's worth getting then this is a cool perk. I would use this over Play With Your Food any day.

    Hex: Spirit of The Beast---Action speed isn't that important on a Killer, that's why Fire Up isn't used much and for once that perk would be better than this because it's permanent and yours can be broken.

    Hunter's Instinct---this sounds like Object of Obsession

  • Wolfange
    Wolfange Member Posts: 20

    yeah for the power it's simple and wanted to add other things but i didn't found something balanced i the beast mode i wanted to add the things you are a creature savage and only want kill and eat more and more you tear off a piece of chair's of survivor and so they are broken for X second cause of the wound more important but i was not sure and don't found other things for not be broken or useless or a perk do the same jobs

    yeah for perks i didn't want make perks incredible rank S just perk can be use some more good other more bad like chapter who come out always perk you love and use and other you don't like and don't use for bloodbath yeah i wanted to make a perk who give you banus for keep tracking the survivor if you reach more bloodlust and make a choice for iller waiting the bloodlust and lose time or not.

    for Eternal hunger i have imagine you can use and it's instant or like 1 sec or 1.5 for be max speed with the perks like instant you go on fury !

    for the Hex yeah action speed is not so op normaly i wanted to make movement speed but i was thinking yeah 3 perks are based on the movement speed i have to make something different but i didn't found somethings but i wanted a hex totem for remmeber the religion of indian etc

    for Hunter's instinct it's more like when the killer see scratches in the ground survivor can for the killer but little more distance so we can see where he have walk and the direction but without see the killer for make choice avoid him and don't follow him or follow him when you want to be the prey for win time

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Nice idea, friend, but you should post this in Fan Creations for everyone to see. :)

  • Wolfange
    Wolfange Member Posts: 20

    yeah i have mad it thx :D

    i see only after there is a Fan creations section

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Understandable, I just wanted to make sure others saw your ideas in a place where both Killers and Survivors would most likely see it. Its a neat concept! <3

  • Wolfange
    Wolfange Member Posts: 20

    thx yeah i wanted make something clean for survivor and killer a full chapter only addon miss and idk what to do ^^" so long time i play dbd and in the past lot apeople wanted a killer who can change apperance like a survivor but people fear it was op so i make it but i a way not so hard op and can be fun and create fear for survivor !

  • Wolfange
    Wolfange Member Posts: 20

    i have finished now i don't make addon cause i don't know what to do really with addon what do you think all for the moment ? :)

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Keep in mind that Most of the Chapters Have a "movie" like title, like: The Demise of the Faithful or Darkness among us kind of thing...

    A transforming killer tho, Awesome, Love the bloodlust based perks.

  • Wolfange
    Wolfange Member Posts: 20

    thx :) yeah for the titlle i didn't know what to writte and this "The insatiable Hunger " come to and it was the less bad of all titlle i think ^^

    yeah i wanted perk based on the killer it's a monster who are make to chase his prey fast etc so perks based on bloodlust, be savage and fast