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Lunar New Year Event

guys, did I hear right in the official dbd twitch stream that there will be NO lunar new year event this year? I'm so sad :( The whole chat was crying but they didn't say anything more. Someone knowing more?

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  • Member Posts: 60

    Yep, that is correct. Has been confirmed by the devs on stream and dataminers.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Wow, BHVR drops the ball again.

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    I really don't care about lunar new year, last year's lunar was pretty boring imo and i doubt it would have been any better had we gotten one this year.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    Come on. :(

    I always look forward to these special events.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    Guessing the Lights Out mode took the developer bandwidth that usually goes to events.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I started playing DBD since Lunar new year of Feb 2019....that main menu theme was what hooked me into the game and played non stop...

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62
  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited January 2024

    What i rather want is something actually new & refreshing to be excited over instead of the same yearly boring stuff we've been doing every lunar event since Moonrise, which is either collect something on the map or just pop an event offering for extra bloodpoints. (Even the Paper Lantern is pretty much almost a reskin of the smashable pumpkin from The Midnight Grove event)

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 16

    imo this light motifier is boring asf. most ppl use presets anyway because they don't like dark maps. and added to that we have a killer with no terror radius and a red light almost not to see. in which way this should replace a event we can farm skins, BP and have fun in the group??? Well, dbd gets more and more trash. I will take a rest. with all 3 accounts ^^

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Will previous years cosmetics be coming back to the store at least? Be a shame if they don't return. I really want Susie's year of the rat outfit.

  • Member Posts: 16

    If found the passage it was said: 1:21:33 ^^

    "... the light modifier is not replacing the lunar new year event which is NOT taking place this year..."

  • Member Posts: 42

    so this more than likely means that When we shouldve gotten Lunar Event the new Lights Out game mode is taking its place

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Are we at least going to get the Lunar New Year skins from last year in the shop? I've been waiting a year for the Feng Min down the rabbit hole skin because I forgot to buy it last year.

  • Member Posts: 16

    In the Video is a section with 'shop' and they said: yes

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Good! Looks like I'll be getting my Feng outfit this year then. Still sucks that the event is cancelled.

  • Member Posts: 619

    There is no need to create a new event, so I would like to see an update aimed at fixing bugs. There are too many problems around the FOV slider and Anti-3Gen system.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I believe during the stream they said the outfits not only were coming back, but they were going to be available permanently.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Make firecrackers permanent item in bloodwebs then

  • Member Posts: 551

    Yeah that's a bummer, I was hoping for some kickass killer cosmetics in the theme of Year of the Dragon. And to further expand the hoard of items on my mains :(.

    Next year, hopefully.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Oh cool! That's some good news at least. It's still a shame there's no event, but understandable given that the Lights Out mode will be taking its place. I was looking forward to playing my first Lunar New Year event.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I was hoping for the lunar event as well. The New Year events for any game have been my favorite. It is a shame when a game did them then takes them away.

  • Member Posts: 385

    This is awful. I was super looking forward to the Lunar New Year event. Its was one of my favorite events.

    I hope BHVR will at least add the items into the bloodweb during it or something. The fireworks toolboxes and firecrackers were so fun to use.

    Please do this BHVR, why remove a fun community event that gives fun items for players to enjoy?

  • Member Posts: 385

    There better be if they remove one of the best events from the game. I'm going to deeply miss it and all the fireworks and firecrackers.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 2024

    What is going on at BHVR HQ? They've been pretty consistent with the events. Even if they were busy making a new game mode and tons of changes that are under wraps, you'd at least think they'd keep enough man power to continue the Lunar event. Dragons are also 100000000x cooler and more interesting design-wise than the most recent animals. Sorry dogs, rats, and bunnies.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    The thing is, what if they are removing ALL events we know of in 2024? Meaning, no anniversary event, Haunted by Daylight, or Bone Chill this year. Instead, we will be getting random hit-or-miss limited time modifiers?

    I've been saving shards for the anniversary cake offerings, but what if there will NO anniversary offerings this year? They honestly could be removing all of the events for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    If by any chance they are permanently removing all events we know of (including anniversary, bone chill, etc.), then we can kiss all those special items goodbye.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    If they aren't holding a Lunar New Year event then at least refund all these stupid Red Envelopes I have.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    I see where you are coming from, but please think about this: the devs did not announce that there would be no Lunar event this year. They only briefly mentioned it after someone from chat asked about it. And they just said 1 sentence, and then brushed off the subject as quickly as possible.

    There has been no official statement on the Lunar New Year event not taking place this year. They haven't made a single comment in this forum post. They haven't made a single comment on my post about this in the Feedback section of the forums. Doesn't that look like they are ignoring this completely and are just hoping we stop asking questions as soon as possible? The whole thing was done in the background and they don't seem to want to explain anything. Complete lack of transparency.

    I wouldn't hold my horses on the Anniversary event and other events happening this year. Hopefully they still are, but based on the lack of transparency from the devs on the Lunar event removal, anything's possible, sadly.

    (Unless they want to comment on this thread and clarify things!)

  • Member Posts: 3,138
    edited February 2024

    As disappointing as it not happening is, the Lunar New Year event is a relatively minor entry on the DBD calendar. It has been an event that just kind of happens without a lot of fanfare or runup. And there is precedent for minor events just kind of dropping off (and then returning, in the case of the summer bbq).

    The Anniversary event is essentially of the heart of the DBD year, and has been a major production for a long time now. I would expect the first year there is no anniversary event will also be the first year there is no DBD at all. Removing it would be...not well received.

    I think the Anniversary is safe. I think Haunted by Daylight is largely safe. Bone Chill as well, if slightly less so.

    My one real concern here is that that they might be cutting content in favor of some new game mode. Now there has been demand for new game modes, but with love and peace, BHVR has shown to be absolutely abysmal in recent years at anything outside of standard DBD. At the very least every other notable endeavor has been underwhelming. Or a trash fire.

    Obviously something will have to change at some point because nothing in gaming is evergreen (except maybe brain dead formulaic games like CoD and Madden), but making big changes to your one successful IP is kinda risky.

    Which is why I am highly skeptical of the idea they'd scrap all their annual events together in one year.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I definitely think BHVR should address it further, though. At least a brief reasoning for why the event was cut.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2024

    today i played NO dbd. it was hard because it's a kind of routine for me to play several hours a day dbd. I have 3 accounts to play it and on all I farmed bp during the double event for the lunars new year event, because beside the aniversary event it's the most beautiful event for me. and i want all the bp put into the new character and the event items i love so much. but after the stream yesterday i had been sooooo sad an tbh ANGRY that I decide not playing dbd anymore until there will come an event that's worth it to put all the bp in beloved items. and so I started today with avoid dbd and it works well. I focused on other stuff and another game were the events repeats each year with bonuses but not with replaces and so I put my time now in this one. I recomend it to all of you to do this, too. Otherwise they will never understand what player really love by gaming.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I would rather have Lunar New Year with some nice cosmetics, an extra task to do, extra points, etc than a random alternate play mode. :(

  • Member Posts: 11,763


    If they told us Lights Out was cancelled it would be unfortunate, yet tolerable.

    But not having a Lunar New Year Event feels devastating. It is one of the best events we have.

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