what killer main usually say

mydady787 Member Posts: 14
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

You basically describe what survivors have to do. Please enlighten me and tell me what else you should be doing than trying to not get downed as long as possible. And the only way to do this is to pallet loop (not loot btw). If it was upon you, the survivors should just let themselves get grabbed from a gen as soon as they are found by the killer, but sadly for you, that's not what survivors are supposed to do. That's why you call them survivors, they at least try to. Literally, every killer is crying about looping and juking but I'd really like to know what you suggest us to do instead when being chased. You simply can't stand it when a player is better than you and most killers will get so angry that they won't even leave a player after he outplayed them for 5 minutes straight which is wasting time by the killer himself.
Another point you crying killer mains just can't deny you are wrong about is that argumentation about survivors running around, trying to ######### up the killer. You're always worrying about getting genrushed but on the other hand you complain about survs running around, being completely unproductive for their team and useless as long as the killer ignores them.
Now here is a fact: without hex ruin it is pretty hard to have a decent match as killer but you know what's a fact too? You killer mains will never be happy because no matter what the survivors do, you hate about it. If they do gens, it's wrong. If they don't, it's toxic.
Have you ever thought about not raging at every teabagger and instant tunnel him, but playing efficient instead? Accept that there are better players than you are and be happy about, that dbd is a game where you can avoid them and just go find someone who is worse in the same match. You act like you have a right to get a 4 man every match, but the truth is that you haven't got any rights, neither the killer, nor the survs. But killers get all mad after a match without a kill, texting the devs and forcing them to buff killers back to back while survivors have to live with getting camped, patrolled and tunnelled every match over and over again.

Maybe play a bit survivor and see how you like it. I bet you don't like to face a 4 blinks nurse, a tunneling freddy, an insta hatchet huntress, Leatherface overall and basically being out after the first hook. Try that rank 1. It's way harder than for killer, especially in the new system.

Good night. Think about it from the other perspective.


  • mydady787
    mydady787 Member Posts: 14

    why all killer forget that one of the survivors objectives is not to get hooked

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @mydady787 said:
    You basically describe what survivors have to do. Please enlighten me and tell me what else you should be doing than trying to not get downed as long as possible. And the only way to do this is to pallet loop (not loot btw). If it was upon you, the survivors should just let themselves get grabbed from a gen as soon as they are found by the killer, but sadly for you, that's not what survivors are supposed to do. That's why you call them survivors, they at least try to. Literally, every killer is crying about looping and juking but I'd really like to know what you suggest us to do instead when being chased. You simply can't stand it when a player is better than you and most killers will get so angry that they won't even leave a player after he outplayed them for 5 minutes straight which is wasting time by the killer himself.
    Another point you crying killer mains just can't deny you are wrong about is that argumentation about survivors running around, trying to [BAD WORD] up the killer. You're always worrying about getting genrushed but on the other hand you complain about survs running around, being completely unproductive for their team and useless as long as the killer ignores them.
    Now here is a fact: without hex ruin it is pretty hard to have a decent match as killer but you know what's a fact too? You killer mains will never be happy because no matter what the survivors do, you hate about it. If they do gens, it's wrong. If they don't, it's toxic.
    Have you ever thought about not raging at every teabagger and instant tunnel him, but playing efficient instead? Accept that there are better players than you are and be happy about, that dbd is a game where you can avoid them and just go find someone who is worse in the same match. You act like you have a right to get a 4 man every match, but the truth is that you haven't got any rights, neither the killer, nor the survs. But killers get all mad after a match without a kill, texting the devs and forcing them to buff killers back to back while survivors have to live with getting camped, patrolled and tunnelled every match over and over again.

    Maybe play a bit survivor and see how you like it. I bet you don't like to face a 4 blinks nurse, a tunneling freddy, an insta hatchet huntress, Leatherface overall and basically being out after the first hook. Try that rank 1. It's way harder than for killer, especially in the new system.

    Good night. Think about it from the other perspective.

    I manage to juke the killers without running in circles like an idiot. (Yes I play survivor too)
    No killer is crying about juking (juking = breaking LOS btw, not 360ing in front of a pallet)

    I strongly suggest you play killer yourself, as you said think about it from the other perspective.
    In fact I faced a 4 blink nurse yesterday and I managed to not get hit the whole game. She got a single hook and no kill because of DS/BT of my mates :wink:
    When I play against leatherface I always expect to have only one life, If I am caught, then its my fault. Anyway, sometimes he doesnt even camp and I am pleasantly surprised. If he camps then this means a free escape for my team, fine

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272
    edited June 2018

    You survivors say a lot of things about killers too and my point here is that both sides complain so you're quite biased to just write up a post about killers complaining.

    Firstly lets us talk about one of the biggest complaints made by survivors and that is camping and tunneling. Survivors say that is unfun to be camped and tunneled but us killers find it unfun to be pallet looped, bullied by 4 man SWF DS squads and even looped at near infinite that waste so much time and the list goes on. But you guys always say that you need to survive and you gen rush because it's your objective to complete generators and escape but it's also our objective to kill off the survivors and camping does the trick.

    So if it's unfun for the killers to be gen rushed and looped and you say it's our objective then we can just throw it right back at you and say that killing is our objective so we camp to guarantee a kill. This is when the entitlement occurs because if it's unfun for the survivors then we need to be "reported", "banned" or we just get insults thrown right our way, however, if it's unfun for the killer then we are "baby killers", "noob killers" or we just need to "git gud".

    I really don't understand why survivors just think about themselves and never the other side. I could link a few posts by survivors that actually played killer and they made forum posts about their experiences and even apologized due to them understanding our points when they get a taste of their own medicine.

    Instead of playing at the low ranks, why don't you actually try to play killer at the high ranks and then you will see all the trash we have to go through.

    Secondly, survivors dictate killers more on how to play the game and they feel entitled to have their own book of rules such as: Let the last survivor get the hatch or that we need to respect the 4%. In my experience, survivors are always the ones trying to get the killers to play their way.

  • mydady787
    mydady787 Member Posts: 14

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @mydady787 said:
    You basically describe what survivors have to do. Please enlighten me and tell me what else you should be doing than trying to not get downed as long as possible. And the only way to do this is to pallet loop (not loot btw). If it was upon you, the survivors should just let themselves get grabbed from a gen as soon as they are found by the killer, but sadly for you, that's not what survivors are supposed to do. That's why you call them survivors, they at least try to. Literally, every killer is crying about looping and juking but I'd really like to know what you suggest us to do instead when being chased. You simply can't stand it when a player is better than you and most killers will get so angry that they won't even leave a player after he outplayed them for 5 minutes straight which is wasting time by the killer himself.
    Another point you crying killer mains just can't deny you are wrong about is that argumentation about survivors running around, trying to [BAD WORD] up the killer. You're always worrying about getting genrushed but on the other hand you complain about survs running around, being completely unproductive for their team and useless as long as the killer ignores them.
    Now here is a fact: without hex ruin it is pretty hard to have a decent match as killer but you know what's a fact too? You killer mains will never be happy because no matter what the survivors do, you hate about it. If they do gens, it's wrong. If they don't, it's toxic.
    Have you ever thought about not raging at every teabagger and instant tunnel him, but playing efficient instead? Accept that there are better players than you are and be happy about, that dbd is a game where you can avoid them and just go find someone who is worse in the same match. You act like you have a right to get a 4 man every match, but the truth is that you haven't got any rights, neither the killer, nor the survs. But killers get all mad after a match without a kill, texting the devs and forcing them to buff killers back to back while survivors have to live with getting camped, patrolled and tunnelled every match over and over again.

    Maybe play a bit survivor and see how you like it. I bet you don't like to face a 4 blinks nurse, a tunneling freddy, an insta hatchet huntress, Leatherface overall and basically being out after the first hook. Try that rank 1. It's way harder than for killer, especially in the new system.

    Good night. Think about it from the other perspective.

    I cannot tell you how bias this view is.
    In regards to my experience I've made it up to rank 1 as both a survivor and killer, you can try to take the guess as to what I hated trying to accomplish more. (I'll give you a hint, ranking up as a survivor is a walk in the park)

    As a killer, my problem isn't the fact that people are doing gens, my problem is that the objectives are done so fast that it's impossible to have fun in some matches (especially with brand new parts, yikes) and that's something that never changes with the exception of one specific build for a specific killer I use of which is heavily add-on and even offering dependent which doesn't solve the problem. What you don't realize is that there shouldn't ever be a time where one survivor can outplay a single killer and instead it should be a team effort to accomplish just that but because looping is a thing it's possible to just keep a killer busy all day, all you can hope for is that if you drop the chase that you won't end up with another looper (news flash, nearly everyone loops with the only difference being that some people drop the pallet very early). If someone manages to lose me for once though, great! I applaud anybody who actually makes an attempt to lose me rather than waste my time on something as dumb as looping, anybody who can do that actually has some skill in the game unlike those who only ever loop.

    But hey, you want to talk about killers complaining though right? Let's talk about how survivors complain too! You see, just as proudly as you try to call out killers, survivors have the same problem because everyone wants to complain about everything! For instance, if you run BBQ, NOED, Ruin, Nurses calling and even tinkerer (on some killers on some builds), run any half decent addons (or better) or play a specific killer then you're bad and don't deserve the win because the survivors didn't play smart! Not to sound hostile with this paragraph but the truth is that you're highly hypocritical when you say killers complain, but I see way more excuses coming out of survivors that blame their loss on "totem campers", "campers", "tunnelers", "bad teammates", saying that they can't possible lose because their graphics card is their internet (I don't even know anymore with these excuses), "bloodlusting noobs", and the list goes on and on. From my time as both a survivor and a killer I've seen more than my fair share of complaints and survivors by far have made the most ridiculous claims from my own experience. The truth is as well that some survivors do look to just screw over your game by abusing infinites, loop until no pallets are left with on some maps there being little to no opportunity to mindgame (though the game shouldn't be based around looping anyways IMO), full DS squads, exploiting glitches to get into areas you can't reach, you name it but it ultimately leads to a very bad game which is made even worse because of the fact that these people will constantly depip to ruin the experience of both new and skilled killers alike and you're telling me that we're supposed to deal with people who have no fear in the killer and treat them as a joke instead? Lovely.

    Here's a fun one, your point about t-baggers. You aren't better than the killer because you can near mindlessly run around a piece of wood, get out of their grasp because you hit a basic skillcheck from DS, abuse exploits or near-infinites and in some cases even infinites (which to my knowledge devs have been cracking down on in the past history, so that's always good). You aren't good because you do an action that requires no skill and never lose the killer, in most cases these are the very survivors that would go down in a chase in just seconds if they didn't have a pallet to run to or an infinite to use, but yet they act toxic because they're in their safezone and they know as long as they have pallets they will be 100% safe and are the very type of players that deserve the most unfun gameplay imaginable because they breed it themselves. The truth here is, I don't even care about how many kills I get, it just better be a fun game is all I'm asking for at the end of the day, if I got a kill or two then great, three? Sure, also great and then four is awesome and I'll definitely aim for it if I see the chance to do so unless I'm feeling nice (for instance if a player looks like they're new to the game, though that doesn't happen much in my ranks anyways). To your last points on this, killers have every right to be mad at the end of the day just as any player has the right to have any emotion at all towards anything, does it mean that it's the right way to approach the situation? Absolutely not, but they have the right to feel just like you're able to bring up how you feel about the game on the forums, it doesn't mean you're right however. In my opinion, I think the devs are doing fine and are bringing this game in a better direction but there are still necessary changes that need to happen to the game, you can call them "buffs" that are being forced upon them to make, or you can refer to some of these as "necessary changes" that they're making because they're actually working on them, your choice.

    Let me tell you on these last few sentences though, you want to complain about a nurse having 4-blinks, a Freddy tunneling, insta downing hatchets or a leatherface, a killer you can easily take advantage of with a single perk and some windows or even pallets? Have you ever even thought for a moment to just change the way you play, actually try to dodge hatchets (or at least try to learn), try to lose the killer or even consider that Freddy is considered the worst killer by many and that tunneling is up to the killer themself regardless of who's actually doing it? You should be glad you're even getting games. If anything, I ask that maybe you should play killer and see how you like it after you get into the high ranks or run into a bully squad. Maybe I should ask you about your own addons like brand new parts, insta healing medkits, and well, I can't really complain about flashlights anymore so let's not get into those addons too much. But also don't forget that as a survivor you guys get cheap shortcuts like the skeleton or dull key which you can rarely find in a chest or a bloodweb but still allow you to get out of a game early if 1 or 2 of your teammates die! Perhaps I should also dive into the fact that you guys have decisive strike as well (which is just more of an annoyance more than anything really). Let's also talk about the made up rules survivors always make as well, there are so many that I'd be wasting my time putting them in here.

    So, how about this - how about you play as a killer and see for yourself, and before you even go as far as to say you have I would also like to see proof of your highest achieved rank. Playing survivor isn't difficult, infact with no effort each month I end up in the green ranks and then with some actual decent effort i'll end up in the purple or even red ranks even while using a fun build to just mess around with..

    it isn't so hard to deal with ds just use indoring and the survivor increased the chase by two seconds (which will be removed in the next chapter) and when i play against swf i use my nurse and in red rank I usually use hilbilly and hunters sometimes michel. and I played a lot of killer and i understand how gen rush is annoying but these is the only way for survivors to rank up.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Another one of these posts i guess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kja30aeU80

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    More walls of text please - if we keep on like this we can build a wall to keep the entity out

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Coming from someone who plays mostly survivor, this is, by far, one the dumbest posts I've seen. Killers aren't complaining about survivors doing their objective, they're complaining about how easy it is for survivors to do their objective. It takes almost no skill to loop, especially with how many pallets there are. And the killer can only be in one place at once. While the killer is chasing that survivor, the others are doing gens. One gen being worked on by one survivor takes 80 seconds to do without counting toolboxes or great skill checks. For killers that have nothing to help them in a chase, three gens could be done by the time they finish one or two chases.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Ew one of these posts. Oh god it's... it' burning my eyes! MY EYES!!!!!!!

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    What Killer mains say:

    Where the ######### did that flashlight come.... AGGGHGHHHHGHHGHH. I hate you Claudette.
    Who thought of putting 8 vaults in the same.... flashlight! AGHHHHHHGHHGHGHH. I hate you Claudette.
    Who is making all of these pallets? I need to find them to make me a.... oh no.... AGGGHGHGHGHG. I hate you Claudette.
    Possible SWF team. Fair enough. last second change Oh gawd... it's 4 Claudettes with flashlights. fml

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @mydady787 said:
    it isn't so hard to deal with ds just use indoring and the survivor increased the chase by two seconds (which will be removed in the next chapter) and when i play against swf i use my nurse and in red rank I usually use hilbilly and hunters sometimes michel. and I played a lot of killer and i understand how gen rush is annoying but these is the only way for survivors to rank up.

    You see though, my post isn't about how to handle DS, my post is what survivor mains say and do.
    I severely doubt you've made it to the high ranks as a killer, but by all means please do try and prove me wrong. Never once in my post did I ever complain survivors were doing their objective, but instead how little they fear the killer, how quickly they can get said objective done and how mindlessly they can be around a pile of wood and be safe. You'd understand my post if you actually read the whole thing.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Mringasa said:

    What Killer mains say:

    Where the [BAD WORD] did that flashlight come.... AGGGHGHHHHGHHGHH. I hate you Claudette.
    Who thought of putting 8 vaults in the same.... flashlight! AGHHHHHHGHHGHGHH. I hate you Claudette.
    Who is making all of these pallets? I need to find them to make me a.... oh no.... AGGGHGHGHGHG. I hate you Claudette.
    Possible SWF team. Fair enough. last second change Oh gawd... it's 4 Claudettes with flashlights. fml

    Funny but sad
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @mydady787 said:
    You basically describe what survivors have to do. Please enlighten me and tell me what else you should be doing than trying to not get downed as long as possible. And the only way to do this is to pallet loop (not loot btw). If it was upon you, the survivors should just let themselves get grabbed from a gen as soon as they are found by the killer, but sadly for you, that's not what survivors are supposed to do. That's why you call them survivors, they at least try to. Literally, every killer is crying about looping and juking but I'd really like to know what you suggest us to do instead when being chased. You simply can't stand it when a player is better than you and most killers will get so angry that they won't even leave a player after he outplayed them for 5 minutes straight which is wasting time by the killer himself.
    Another point you crying killer mains just can't deny you are wrong about is that argumentation about survivors running around, trying to [BAD WORD] up the killer. You're always worrying about getting genrushed but on the other hand you complain about survs running around, being completely unproductive for their team and useless as long as the killer ignores them.
    Now here is a fact: without hex ruin it is pretty hard to have a decent match as killer but you know what's a fact too? You killer mains will never be happy because no matter what the survivors do, you hate about it. If they do gens, it's wrong. If they don't, it's toxic.
    Have you ever thought about not raging at every teabagger and instant tunnel him, but playing efficient instead? Accept that there are better players than you are and be happy about, that dbd is a game where you can avoid them and just go find someone who is worse in the same match. You act like you have a right to get a 4 man every match, but the truth is that you haven't got any rights, neither the killer, nor the survs. But killers get all mad after a match without a kill, texting the devs and forcing them to buff killers back to back while survivors have to live with getting camped, patrolled and tunnelled every match over and over again.

    Maybe play a bit survivor and see how you like it. I bet you don't like to face a 4 blinks nurse, a tunneling freddy, an insta hatchet huntress, Leatherface overall and basically being out after the first hook. Try that rank 1. It's way harder than for killer, especially in the new system.

    Good night. Think about it from the other perspective.

    Guess what, most of the killers plays survivor too, but minority of survivors plays killer.

    btw "we can only loop" - I kek'd hard. Have you heard about stealth or breaking the LOS?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    RemoveSWF said:


    Everybody's motto should be "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

    Don't blame the players for playing that way, blame the devs for allowing it to happen. The balance needs to be fixed.

    Until then, we should all play the game as it is, rather than as we want it to be. There should be no codes of honour or crying "cheap" when something happens we don't like.

    I don't know about you, but I purchased an easy metrical horror game and not a nascar racing sim