Did anyone buy Alan Wake?

When Nic Cage and Chucky came out, there was one in every lobby. Where are all the Alans Wake?
I did
I’m enjoying using deadline and autodidact in certain circumstances it’s very strong
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Yes, I buy all the DLC, even ones I'll never really use. I'm one of those people.
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Behavior could put out a brown shoe for the next Survivor..still getting it
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No, I didn’t
Pretty cool Saga Anderson Legendary, tho
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Yes, I couldn’t wait.
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Yeah i got it immediately. I am happy with the DLC.
As killer surprisingly i've seen like 4 sagas tonight and about 5 alans i think. I think i've played about 15 matches, so there's a lot of lobbies with no new survivor.
I think the chapter is niche, i get it, but i think for the people that it appeals to. It's good. I find the perks are fun and feel pretty inspired by the games and alan wake's portrayal is spot on.
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Yes, working on P100'ing Saga 😍
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boring dlc, bad perks
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I haven't bought it yet. I'm unsure if I will. I own all killer and survivors up till now and have all perks at rank 3 for each. So the completionist part of me kind of wants to buy him but the rational part of me knows I will never use any of his perks. I have plenty of survivors appearance wise that I'd rather play. So I don't see how owning him will benefit me in any way. But on the other hand he only costs like 5 bucks and I don't spend tons of money on video games so it's not like it would hurt me to support BHVR. Thing is, I'm a much bigger fan of Meet Your Maker so I'd prefer they add content to that game for me to purchase and support them.
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I saw him quite a lot in my lobbies so far, but less than Nic Cage overall.
I didn't buy him (yet), there is only 1 perk I maybe might use sometimes but the rest two are kinda not worth it + I have no feelings towards the character so it's first time DLC I might just skip entirely and not even miss it.
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Yeah I bought him, been playing him today. The amount of other Alans hasn't been overwhelming but I've seen one or two others every other match. Probably going to switch off to other survivors to grind out party streamers and cakes so I can get more BP to keep leveling Alan.
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Alan Wake? More like Alan 😴
jk jk, i don't know anything about the IP and his perks don't interest me at all--first time I can't see myself using a single perk from a DLC. I definitely won't ever be picking up Walmart Keanu Re.. I mean, Alan Wake 🙃
Personally, this collab only benefits Remedy Games, as I'm now likely to play Alan Wake...though no promises, because I've been wanting to play Control and still haven't pulled the trigger on that one
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downloading update now, but Deadline is going to be my favorite perk. I don't even care that it's technically a debuff, I just like having some variety to my skillchecks.
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I really like the Alan Wake games, but this DLC is a pass. The new perks are meh, and I already have a ton of survivors that I don't play.
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The whole 8 limit thing has really put a damper on my desire to load into the game. I'll hop in eventually. I don't do 3 gen camping, but I just think it's ridiculous perks 100% unrelated to regression are getting affected by this.
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For champion of light but I never played him just poured points into him, got his perks, and spent the time having fun with COL on Maria :)
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Also more skillchecks = more chances at greats which means more objective score technically
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I didn't, and honestly I don't think I will.
Don't care much for the Alan Wake franchise, his perks are pretty bad, and no survivor will ever replace my beloved Claudette, so there was no reason for me to buy this new DLC.
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Exactly. I'm probably the sole person who gets excited when I run up against a skillcheck doctor. And I'm not half bad.
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I'll grab him with my leftover cells instead of some crappy outfit.
Personally I don't use a flashlight so he literally has no perks.
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I've only played killer since, and I've seen plenty, probably an average of one per game. Also 50% of survivors using flashlights.
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I don't buy any dlc. Wait until a sale or if a perk is that fun/game changing which is never. I bought a bunch of killers soon after picking up dbd for their perks, hag being my first main so that was half the perks needed at the time. Then plague and artist and everything else was half off.
On survivor I got like 3 through shards and then bought sheeva, haven't spent money since Berkin which I used for 5 games.
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Same. Good to know others feel my completion OCD pain. Though I will say, I am definitely going to be buying Rose Marigold when she's released. Don't care about Alan himself, but I will for sure play her. In fact, I will probably wait to go for his Adept until I can play as her.
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Garbage perks that they managed to make even worse with the update.
Never played the wake games so the skin is worthless to me.
Don't see a point in spending money for something that I will literally never use.
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I bought Alan's DLC just for collecting (I own all DLCs). Alan's perks are really bad; I would not recommend the purchase to anyone (except collectors or Alan fans)
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You mean the Chimpokomon Shoe?
heck yeah that would be one of the greatest survivors imaginable
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I bought him, but only because I am a completionist and because I got really nothing else to do in DBD currently. (I mean, Tome today, but they make this even easier now, so someone who plays a lot (like me) will be finished with it even quicker...)
But I will bring Alan to P9, do his Adept and thats it. Then I will probably never play him again.
I will predict that Alan Wake will be the most boring Survivor for quite a long time. Because it is a Survivor-only paragraph, yet, there was so much more stuff for Killer in this Midchapter and all Survivors got was a Skin with 3 really, really bad Perks. (And this after a Killer-only Chapter...)
Alan Wake has nothing going for it except for his franchise. Ash and Mikaela at least had strong Perks and Mikaela is one of the more popular Survivors, but I think Alan will probably be less popular than Ash in the future. Because once the people who buy every Character have finished playing with Alan, there will probably not many people buying and playing him afterwards.
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Literally the first 5 games I played had a total of 12 Alan's in it (me being 1 of them). I think he's doing fine 😏
A lot of the complaints remind me of Chucky when he came out. "It's not a license I know anything about, so this DLC is worthless"... that's fine, nothing wrong with not having interest in the license if you don't know the license...
However the insinuation that the DLC is bad because of that, and the perks not being great is not really smart. You should want a DLC for the characters, and pay little mind to the perks. Perks are subject to changes, we all know this. If you're buying a chapter just because the perks are strong, you're likely making a big mistake, as there is a decent chance they get nerfed, and when they do, the people who have done this get very vocal (eh... Gabriel, Mikaela, Laurie, Sadako).
Similarly if you're ignoring the chapter and dont get them on sales because the perks are weak, you're also setting yourself up for a fall (eh... Ash, Ghost Face).
End of the day, your money to do with what you want, but I'd heavily discourage anyone buying a chapter just for the perks.
I don't know the Alan Wake series myself beyond name, but I bought the DLC because I like experimenting with perk builds, whichb s contrary to my point, but I also got it because I enjoy going for trophies, and most importantly I like to support developers of games I enjoy by paying for their content.
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That's a win in my book.
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I did, though if I hadn't recently played Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare just to find out who this guy is, I definitely would have given this chapter a miss. I like the character, but his perks don't really appeal to me.
I've been using them anyway because it's new content. Plus, Champion of Light has given me an excuse to throw all my games trying to learn how to finally use the 100+ Flashlights that I've got saved up on Meg, Dwight and Ripley.
(I'm kidding. I only use it as a desperate last effort to stay alive. I just hope I can run into a chill Killer that will let me practice some time)
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I am getting him probably Friday, but I likely won't play him until the 7th, and even then I'll be playing Rose Marigold.
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I didn't hear of Alan Wake either.
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I sure did.
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I bought him and a cosmetic immediately. I had at least one to two other Alans in my lobbies yesterday.
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I got him and then played killer side only. I saw at least 2 Alans per match.
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Yeah, I do it also to support the game, always purchase DLC from the Nintendo eshop, never with Shards. I just wish I didn't get Daily Rituals for Killers that I never play and really can't on Switch, like Deathslinger.
The Entity's been hitting me up every other day to do his rituals.
I'm on Switch! I can't do Deathslinger lol
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I'm not in any rush to buy him. Not sure if I ever will. His perks aren't that interesting for one. Another reason is the game play has gotten stale and I find myself taking more frequent breaks for longer periods of time. It seems like they've gone all in on making the game fun for swf at the expense of solo survivors and killers.
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I did. I normally switch out survivors every other match but I’ve only played Alan. I have to play Steve for a daily but I will play Alan tomorrow as well.
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So far I haven't bought it. Uninteresting perks and the character itself doesn't interest me either
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I’ll get Alan Wake eventually, I didn’t see a lot yesterday but today I saw more. I think it’s the perks a lot of players don’t care for. But you should buy a skin based off if you like the character itself.
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I haven't even gotten a chance to play AW2 yet, too soon to release this I think. Only played the first one twice, was aight.
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Had some some spare auric cells so I bought him
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Nah those perks were weak
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Just wait until you learn there are 3 games even. 😅. Tbf its introduction was Ps3/Xbox 360 Era which is increasingly becoming distant.
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The DLC is firmly reminding me that Alan Wake 1 has a remaster on Switch that I should probably pick up sometime.
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I'm pretty old. I know Resident Evil 1 and 2 on PS1. And Parasite Eve. Silent Hill 2 on Xbox. And DBD. Movie tie in dlc is what I'm into. Except Chucky.
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For me, all I knew is it was an Xbox exclusive. So no reason to care any further.
I know it's no longer exclusive but it never came up on my radar again.
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Portable Alan Wake sounds like a great decision. One of these days I might revisit it and see how my 360 copy holds up on X1.