Saving Bloodpoints Tome 18 Level 1

Here is my guide to save as many bloodpoints as possible, while also completing the archives, This level seems a bit rough to do this on and only has a total of 160k that you can save, while earning 190k. There are 2 paths that give this amount, for one you must own Alan Wake, and for the other, The Deathslinger. To save all of the challenges, you'll need to own Alan Wake and The Deathslinger.
I'll update this thread with links and will post new ones for each level. You can also find the links at:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Red Line = Collect
Yellow Circle = Save
If you own Alan Wake but not The Dealthslinger:
If you own The Deathslinger but not Alan Wake:
As always, if someone finds something better feel free to post i here and i'll add it to the OP.
- I'm new at the game, should I still do this?
- Maybe. If you tend to have specific things you want to spend your bloodpoints on, you are better off just spending them on what you want. You would generally do this if you want to max out the new survivor/killer when they are released. Generally they are released between level 3 and 4 being released.
- Why do this?
- Since the game only allows you to hold 2 million bloodpoints at any given time, this is a way to store extra bloodpoints for a later date. This is useful if you want to save bloodpoints for a later event or chapter.
- Doing this with the first 3 levels + level 4 of the previous tome, capping your bloodpoints to 2 million, and saving daily challenges, should allow you to max out the killer or survivor to p3 and probably get the other to p1 or p2 before even playing a single game when the new chapter releases.
- What do I do?
- Following the map above, just follow the red line, then complete and turn in the challenge. For the challenges that have yellow circles, do the challenge but DO NOT turn in/complete it. This lets you have the challenge completed and ready to be collected when the new content, or whatever you are saving for releases.
- Do I miss out on shards doing this?
- Only if you don't turn the challenges in during the rift. Typically since the new content releases between levels 3 and 4. You can at least get the shards for the first 3 levels. And if you need the shards for level 4, you can do those and typically you'll only miss out on around 500k saved points.
- Is this definitely the most points I can save?
- I think it is, and if you are reading this, I have already set upon this path myself. Sometimes I make mistakes though, so if you find a better one, please post it in this thread and I'll add it to OP. In the event that someone finds a better one, I will place theirs above mine and make a note/credit of it. I will still keep mine on the thread though as often once you have started down the path you can't really change or you'll end up losing out on even more points.
Thank you as usual!
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Appreciate this.
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Thanks for this, also I noticed the shard amounts are updated. It's 5/8 instead of 3/5 like in previous rifts.
I'm assuming it's to help the people that really struggle to complete 85 levels of it.
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Wish i could (insert something here) to you as a reward for constantly making these
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As always, thank you for this, cutie! ❤️
I really appreciate it. I love prepping BPs for future, especially the Anniversary offerings 😄
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I noticed that in the past few tomes that go to level 85, either the tome lasted 15 days longer to be 85 days, or the tome had a secondary event that also granted shards somewhere in the middle. My guess is this is an indication that they didn't like the 85 day one, and since there isn't going to be an event, they opted to increase the shard counts instead to make it similar.
I have always said this though, and still believe this to be true, DBD has the greatest and fairest "battle pass" of any game i have ever played. DBD has a lot of problems for sure, but i have to give credit where it is do. I personally really like battle pass content because it is usually very cost efficient. For $5-10 i get so much content as long as i play, much more than if i just bought a $5-10 skin.
And BHVR makes it so fair. The "challenges" for the battle pass don't have time limits, sure they are gated, but thats just so you don't rush the whole thing right away, and they sometimes include new content in them so they want to wait until that releases. But the challenges never expire, and if you buy the tome, you are given the cost of the tome back in premium currency if you complete it (or mostly complete it) meaning that it is basically "free" if you complete it every time.
Most other games do things like, you have daily challenges you have to log in for, or weekly challenges, and if you miss those, well too bad, now you won't complete it. The other one is they often obfuscate how long it takes to level, you might see that the first "level" takes 1000 xp, but then the second one takes 1250, and the 3rd 1500, and so on. So you can't plan out how many levels per day you need.
There are all kinds of horrible things they could do to make the tomes unfair and milk money out of people, and yet they don't, and for it they end up with the greatest most fair system, and i have to commend them for it.
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Forums seem to be bugged right now and i can't edit the OP, here is the link to the 2nd level:
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I missed the response here, but looks like it's an intentional change done to reduce the number of "filler" tome challenges.
I spent most of my time in Lights Out when doing survivor side opening chests because of the 30+ chests required for challenges. I got most of them down to either 1 left, or it required a perk to do, so it's nice to think they won't have as many fillers though rescuing your rescuer challenges will probably always be there.