What do you do when a survivor gives up first hook?

I feel horrible just killing the rest of the team after one person gives up first hook, but I also don't want to spend an extra 10 minutes farming with the rest of the survivors. I want to play the game, and survivors giving up makes me feel really bad for the rest of the team. If I play 10 games a night of killer (I play mainly PHead and Bubba) 4 of those games will have one person giving up early on.
I just don't know how to handle it, because I play survivor and if someone gives up I see it as a major middle finger to the rest of us, because it basically guarantees the loss.
How do you killer mains handle this? And how do you survivor mains expect the killer to handle this?
I usually just grab a drink and play casually the rest of the match. I don't give up and I don't give hatches or gates, but I don't sweat super hard either.
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I end the game.
I already don't like tunneling, so I just play normally and spread those hooks.
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It depends. If they have sent me to some horrible map then they die. If not then I will be nice and let them live.
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Before bots were added, I used to just farm with the remaining Survivors. But now that I know the Survivor who didn't want to play could have given us a bot instead, I feel less obligation to farm and I just play normally (giving the last Survivor hatch as a I usually do). If the other Survivors are unhappy about it, then they can blame the player that noped out.
Sometimes I might eat a DC penalty if two players give up immediately and the game is a total lost cause, then we can all go next (would depend if I have a DC penalty to spare and how long my ban would last for).
Personally, I think the DC penalty should be a bit more lenient now that bots are in the game. I know that's not a popular opinion, but I'd take a bot over some team mate that just wants to go next any time.
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Is this question meant for Killers or Survivors?
I play Survivor, so when a teammate throws on first hook early game, I expect the rest of us to die, but I'll just keep doing what I can until then.
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Too many survivors tbagging when I'm obviously going for challenges. They all get the hook
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Just play normal. Most survivors would probably just appreciate leaving with some bloodpoints.
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The last line asks for both sides to answer.
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I don’t take Killer too seriously anymore.
In the past 3 years the Developers have made it far too simplistic to 4K. Full 4SWF teams can be challenging, but I seldom face that potential threat; as the majority of matches are just easily decimated Solo players who most often aren’t cohesive enough to hold their own. Possibly it’s the region, or times of day I game DBD that could be considerable reason for this. idk
I prefer to play at half intensity, just messing around with Survivors, anyway. People usually don’t leave matches with me, unless they’ve had bad experiences w certain Killers and feel the match is gonna be ‘doom and gloom’ for them so they DC at the start. Doesn’t happen often, tho.
‘1st Hook leavers’ happens, but I’m convinced it’s from players who’ve been previously wounded by malicious Killer players. If anyone does leave, it’s still the same chill match from me.
It’s also been fun over the years sandbagging on SWFs who BM and get cocky, under the impression you suck, and then making them realize the error of their ways. Even this has become sth outside my comfort zone, anymore, I just don’t feel the urge to play seriously, even in the face of the seriously competitive minded.
I’ve said before, I’ve experienced just about everything in this game; Nothing much moves me to play any other way than chill.
The fact that DBD has become as competitively driven as it has is a major turnoff for me.
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I play normally (for me.) Just because one player is being an entitled brat the second the game doesn't go their way, I am under no obligation to be nicer to the rest of the players.
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Get it over with and go next. Just don't go out of your way to play like a jerk (excessive slugging, hitting people on hook, animation spamming, humping etc.).The survivors know the match is over and so do you. Letting them go only means they'll be forced to stay in a boring game for even longer. If they drop their item before you, then this probably means they ask you to farm with them a little. It's your decision, if you want to do that or not.
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It is better to just play normally.
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I just continue to play normally. Really not my problem some people can't handle pvp.
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Dont feel bad some people die on hook so they can get to the next game some of us are playing for challenges or to get clips for videos people need to start just playing this game for fun. I remember i was trying to get a dredge for a thanks giving videos and probably let go like 50 times that day.
Post edited by Hexling on0 -
I just play like I would normally, I don't want to waste my time farming every time someone leaves, it happens way to often because of way to many reasons. But I'm more likely to give the hatch depending on my mood aswell.
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I try to get 2 hooks on the other 3 and let them go. They can always come to me and signal me that they want out if they'd rather move on, but most of the time they take the escape.
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I play normally, and absolutely do not blame anyone I put on hook in the slightest if they just peace out, but if not then I'll give them some chases. I'll probably be even more likely to offer hatch than usual to the last survivor.
Not really any "wrong" way to handle the situation besides the really weird one where people get mad at.. the other survivors for it? And like choose to bleed them out specifically to make sure they don't have a chance to peace out of what should be an already decided match. That's just kinda twisted in my opinion.
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I just end the match asap. If a player gives up at the start the match may as well be disbanded.
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Casual player, no backbone, no will to improve, beta. That's what I think
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If i notice they are doing that, i try to leave the hook as fast as possible so someone can come save them before they can get out of the match. Then i proceed to slug them and make their time completely miserable until they DC, and finally kill them at the last second and usually let the rest of the team escape.
If i can't do that because nobody saves them, i just end the match as fast as possible.
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At first I just killed em off and went slightly easier on the other survivors, unless they also gave up then I'd end the match quick.
Now, playing survivor a ton as well, I slug them and waste their time too, then eventually kill them off after a few gens pop and then practice killer powers or something until the rest leave. It starts to bother me that I play as fair as possible for survivors and still get players like that because of whatever reason.
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Just finish them all off and let them move on to next match as quickly as possible. Maybe give last one hatch if you feel like it.
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I chase the other 3 without killing them. At the end, when it’s clear I won I let them repair all gens and escape.
The reason is that I don’t want to increase my MMR because someone suicide.
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I will always farm if a Bloody Partystreamer was offered. Not just for myself but for whoever was nice enough to share an offering with their team and the Killer.
If no Bloody Partystreamers then it just depends on my mood and on if this match is important to pip up to the next rank. It also depends on what I brought for offerings and add-ons.
It's not something I have a formula for, it's a case by case basis.
If I'm a Survivor, I expect nothing from the Killer. It's not going to upset me if they want to continue on or not because I know they have priorities of their own.
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Not a killer main but i just play normally, any frustration caused is the fault survivor who killed themselves.
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I keep going, I’ve had some amazing games where the three remaining survivors escape after a tough match. I mean they usually go the opposite way with everyone dying almost instantly but there’s always that chance.
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Depends. As a Survivor, I always fight on. Escapes have been done a few times, despite a loss early on, and those trials are always worth it when I do.
As for Killer, unless a Survivor has been a bit of a cocky sod I will 2-hook every Survivor then let them go. That way I get my enjoyment of being a Killer and the Survivors who fight on get a nice escape and a whole bunch of BP at the end. I'm absolutely fine with that.
Of course, it depends whether the suicide was early in the trial or later on. If it's later on I play Killer as normal.
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End the match fast because it's basically pointless for everyone else maybe tiny bit of farming
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I'll usually just play normally, but will let the last survivor get hatch.
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I play normally. I don't tend to camp or slug much anyway.
Sometimes, when someone gives up on first hook, I take a look at my build and wonder why someone doesn't want to play that game, but I doubt many people here actually care about the enjoyment of the other team.
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If the player DCed, the bot(s) will be tunnelled out for bp before hooking everyone else twice, after that I'm turning friendly. I got my points and they don't deserve to waste their time and points because of one or two people leaving.
If they died on first hook, I'm hooking everybody else twice, switching Survivors everytime If their skill level allows me to, then turning friendly. They don't deserve a miserable game and automatic loss because one or two people couldn't handle being hooked first. The only one being punished and missing out on points are the quitters.
A 3v1 at 4-5 gens is nearly impossible to come back from even if both sides are at roughly the same skill level (theres a reason why Killers, especially weaker/M1 Killers, tunnel at 5 gens, especially now that gen regression is limited and STBFL is worthless as anything else than a tool to make tunnelling even easier) and is the easiest path to at least a 3k.
As Survivor, if a teammate gives up at 4-5 gens then I fully expect the Killer to take advantage of the guaranteed victory and am aware that I'm not entitled to the same mercy I offer. I'll try to get as much points as possible but unless my remaining teammates are god loopers then I'm no longer hoping/playing to win.
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I'm assuming you mean they are just mad because they got hooked so early? If they gave up because their teammates let them go into struggle on first hook, I'll make sure I kill everyone. I hate that. Some people say letting a teammate go into struggle on first hook for 2 gens is a good trade LOL for who? Themselves! Most killers are gonna go after that survivor to get them out of the game quickly
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As a survivor main who is in this kind of situation constantly: please do as you feel fit and prioritise your own experience. When this happens realistically survivors absolutely expect a stomping unless they play very well AND the killer plays badly.
if you wish to farm then that’s totally your prerogative. If you want to kill everyone that’s also fine - your next kill, if not many gens are done will likely lead to the last two either giving up or playing hide and seek.Some survivors may get salty but honestly don’t think too much of it. It’s understandable because some people brought offerings and items and that one survivor giving up means they lose a lot of that and they’ll be salty and upset by default. Not saying it’s an excuse but try to empathise if you can and don’t take it to heart.
Anyway, it’s unfortunate that a DCing player leads to this kind of unsavoury scenario. But do what you need to do - survivors won’t be surprised either way.
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sorry just realised this was a necroed thread - apologies.
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I might feel bad for them, but even as the survivor in that scenario I'd still like the match to be played normal.