Is this tunneling in your opinion?

Had a game as billy where i found meg. Hooked her. Found jake. Meg gets unhooked as im finishing hooking jake. Down and hook steve. Find meg and cheryl healing nearby. Redown and hook meg. "Tunneled me". I had hooked 2 people, One before she was unhooked. And one after. so its not like i chased her right away (it had been around 20-30 seconds after she was unhooked i found and downed her) But i guess from her position shed still be unhooked recently and she wanted to get a heal and get on a gen or something. So me going after her instead of cheryl was "tunneling", just wanted to see what peoples perception of tunneling is. Do you see it as if anyones been hooked after the person they are fair game? Is it a time based thing? Or is it just proxy camping into running them down to secure them again?
No, that isn't tunneling. She had a chance to go somewhere safe & heal. She chose to stay nearby around an area you'd patrol & likely find her. Its entirely her & the Cheryl's fault.
Tunneling means focus targeting that 1 person whenever possible, to get rid of them as soon as possible. If you were tunneling her, you'd have gone right back to the hook when she was saved and gotten in chase with her immediately. You didn't do that, you gave her a chance. She squandered it.
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Yeah, i had brought that up but she told me "well if i had DS or OTR you still woulda been hit by that wouldnt you?" I guess using DS and OTR as the measure for what tunneling is? Which yeah they wouldn't have been deactivated since she hadnt touched a gen or healed anyone. But im not so sure they are the end all be all of "punishing tunneling" since ive hit a OTR after hooking 3 other people before.
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The 'what if' scenario can just keep counter their point and they just go onto another 'what if'. Some of the worst people to go back n forth with since they will never own up to making a mistake. She could have saved herself just by going to a safer spot. No one forced her to stick around in a 'hot'/patrolled area. If she wants to play the blame game, its on her mates as well as herself.
She got hooked, then Jake got hooked as she got either someone was very slow in saving her or Jake went down incredibly fast and gave you more pressure. You could have chosen right here to go back to Meg but you decided on Steve and downed him fast as well, to the point that Meg & Cheryl were STILL healing, and not only that, but in an area you'd find them in/oatrol in.
The problem here was efficiency. They all seemed to be at fault, whether for their horrible chases or decision making.
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Tunneling is when the killer is going for 1 person and ignore everything else (exceptions might be body blocking survivors).
So no, you did not tunnel.
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Nah, that isn't tunneling.
Meg had a clear chance of getting to safety or handling the situation differently. You didn't go after her immediately.
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I saw a video before where someone said the Huntress was tunneling them. 17 seconds into the game. She didn't even have a hit yet. So you probably are a dirty, sweaty tunneler by someone's definition.
Just not by most people's. There is a difference between focusing on 1, ignoring everyone else (tunneling) and getting quick downs and finding someone that was already hooked again. As far as I am concerned, unless you have someone dead at 4 hooks max, you aren't tunneling.
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I'll say this. If your being unhooked in front of me, and i go for the hooker but you try to bodyblock me, you're getting tunneled. I'll wait out the BT and put you right back on that hook. Hopefully a lesson will be learned
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My favourite part is when they get off hook, then you find them later injured and on a generator. Silly survivors, of course I am going to down you and hook you again. It's free real estate.
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Not tunnelling, just poor Survivor plays. Those people will never improve as they cannot see their own errors; only always seeing it as a Killer issue.
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tunneling to me is more so the intent of going back to were someone that has just gotten unhooked it don't matter if u got 2 downs their a 4th person you can go after them. why not leave the meg and go after cheryl instead i understand u got 2 downs but if charyl is right in your face with meg and meg legit just got unhooked yes i would consider that tunneling because u are choosing to go after meg instead of charyl in that regards. the most time i see killers tunnel is because a few top streamers actually encourage the playstyle because they are quite frankly dog trash so they think the is the best way to win or most time they tunnel because they don't want to put on and 1 of the 12 aura killers perks to show them were the survivors are so they just go ham on the first person they see ever tsince the update all killers have at least 3 out of 4 perks just for gen regression and still hard tunnel are 5 gens left like seriously why even bother queue up as killer
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Yeah probably.
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Devil's Advocate here. You could have went for the Cheryl. Instead you went for the target that already has been hooked and was caught unaware so "ez hook." Instead of going for the target you yourself has stated you havent chased nor have you hooked. So....if it was a hook and they were healing at hook, sounds like you would have tunneled off hook. But...that is my opinion and so I can understand why the Meg would be annoyed. As a killer you also dont gain any chase points by just hitting the weak target and putting them on hook in 0.5 seconds. Chasing Cheryl would have at least given you that...but "ez hooks" right?
You aren't me, obviously but I'll tell you what I do in those situations. I hit the meg and down her. Then I chase the Cheryl til I down her and put her on the hook. usually about this time the teammates have healed up Meg and reset. Which then I go for the Meg since I've already went for the Steve and the Jake. I usually intentionally play this way because it freaking sucks when everybody brings a cake but then one survivor can't play it cause they got put on hooks 3x at the beginning of the game. As a killer sure survivors make really dumb mistakes but you don't have to just keep going for the weakest player just cause they are weak. That is a choice tho. I tend to like to give my survivors all equal amount of play time because this game has enough entitlement killers that tunnel and camp. I don't just go for the Meg cause she somehow always seems to be out of position and ez to hook. But again..that's my playstyle.
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No, and anyone who says it is is a crybaby.
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"I had hooked 2 people before her"
It probably felt like tunneling to her, since she pretty much just got unhooked, but it objectively wasnt' tunneling.
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Hmm yeah i guess. Like when your on the ball and you see a injured survivor you can just m1 and in the time they were on the hook and unhooked you got into chase with 2 other people sometimes i find myself accidental "light tunneling" or whatever. Like in the case i stated. Cheryl was there but the thought didnt cross my mind at the time. Since i had gotten jake and steve in that time then i just see them healing nearby so i can just bap the meg.
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As others have said, its not tunneling unless you basically focus 100% of your efforts on a single survivor while ignoring everything else.
Even then, if its not an elimination hook, I still wouldn't call it tunneling.