I'm guessing the DS will receive another Nerf



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    It always was 3 seconds back in the day, it was only ever increased to 5 seconds because enduring worked on it, making the stun 1.5 seconds and 100% completely useless at the time. So they buffed it to 5 seconds to deal with that and said they would change it back to 3 seconds when enduring was changed to only work on pallets. And what happened? Enduring was changed to only work on pallets, and they just never reverted the buff to DS.

    Making it 3 seconds again, is closing the loop on a promise they made years ago for the perk.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    There's some important context missing from this rundown, though.

    We had it at five seconds (plus the Conspicuous Actions nerf) for a while, and that was the healthiest the perk has ever been.

    Now they've closed the loop on that promise, and the perk is bad + its place in the game is not as healthy.

    So, it kinda doesn't matter? It doesn't matter that the original intent was such-and-such. Bringing that up obfuscates that the perk was good and healthy at five seconds, and now it isn't. There's an obvious benefit to buffing it this way - deterring tunnelling at least slightly more than it currently is - and there's no obvious downside. Why bother bringing up the original intent of the five second stun if it doesn't matter in this context?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    If the perk is bad, then why is it that it is used in every single comp game?

  • BritneyMitch
    BritneyMitch Member Posts: 151

    My guess is that they will increase the timer on it from 60 seconds to 80. Allowing for more time in chase before using it. If they were going to nerf it again they would nerf otr first IMO.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Man, where to start. I'll answer the question first, then tackle whether the question is relevant.

    So, the answer is probably perk restrictions. Comp teams are gonna expect to see some tunnelling attempts, but they can't all run the strongest possible tools against that, so someone has to run DS. That's a guess, I'll admit, but it seems like the most likely answer.

    Though, it should be acknowledged that DS is kinda-sorta okay if you're a really good looper and you go down in a strong area, something a comp team is going to have much more control over because comp matches are a completely different game to regular DBD matches.

    Now, to tackle the relevance of the question. Does it matter either way? It really doesn't address the actual question I laid out, which I'll repeat: Do killers currently feel that DS is potent enough to rethink attempting to tunnel someone?

    That's the question. How do comp games have any bearing on it?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    Considering there are only 3 anti tunnel perks and 2 have perfect synergy I see no reason why a single perk should make a killer question using an entire strategy

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    How do you get to three?

    There's two personal anti-tunnel perks, Off The Record and Decisive Strike. If you branch out into altruistic anti-tunnel perks the number goes higher than three since you're including Borrowed Time and Babysitter.

    Either way: the reason all of these tools should be stronger is because they currently aren't an effective deterrent. Obviously you need to be careful with how you do this to prevent unintended abuse, but buffing DS to 5 seconds is a pretty safe pitch considering how hard it is to abuse that perk.

    These perks also don't have great synergy, by the way, because a lot of anti-tunnel (including the basekit anti-tunnel) revolves around Endurance, and that doesn't stack. Rightly so for the most part, but it does mean OTR and BT are both rendered much weaker if you're hit within ten seconds.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,287

    Again, it's anti-tunnel. It's just there to limit the value killer gets for free. Deal with it.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    Off the record, decisive strike, dead hard

    No a single perk or group of perks shouldn't be an end all be all deterrent against a playstyle only make it more difficult

    Circle of healing when it killed hit and run

    Distortion + calm spirit when they killed info perks for a while

    Old ds + unbreakable that countered tunneling + slugging on top of just being an invincibility bubble while doing gens

    Dbd is becoming less of a game of hard counters and more of a game of stacking soft counters because shutting down playstyles for a single perk slot is silly

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Ah, I see. Dead Hard isn't an anti-tunnel perk, for the record, it's just an Exhaustion perk. A few of those can help when you're being tunnelled, but they aren't actually dedicated anti-tunnel tools.

    I think the main issue with your argument here though is that it's resting on the assumption that tunnelling is a "playstyle" that is on the same level as hit and run or just... using information perks, as opposed to it being a problem for the game in its current state. There's really no getting around that, it's going to need to be brought out into the open: Tunnelling is not a legitimate tactic in the game right now, because it's far too strong, has almost zero risk, and doesn't even have particularly potent counters.

    It would be a legitimate tactic if there was some element of risk involved. If you, as a killer player, had to think "is it worth trying to get the value of tunnelling this person out, when they could have [X]?", then it'd be in a much better spot compared to where it is now where no thought has to go into it at all. See someone get unhooked, down them, hook them again. Their input is minimal (albeit not zero the way it used to be), and the risk is pretty minimal too.

    It's to the point where there are people who think you have to tunnel to win, because it's so much easier and safer than playing the game out normally. If tunnelling was risky, because the tools to counter it were more potent and you had to gamble on which ones are in play, then the other (currently more legitimate) strategies would start to look better by comparison because there isn't an easy shortcut to value overshadowing them.

    TL;DR: Tunnelling isn't just any old strategy, it's a problem for the game. Fixing that problem will require, among other things, stronger tools to counter it properly.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited February 2

    The element of risk in tunneling is that you have 2 survivors minimum working on gens 24/7 while you are tunneling (with decent survivors) and 1 busy rescuing from time to time. Ignoring them to tunnel either leads to a 3v1 with objectives decently progressed or a lost game because you didn't tunnel well enough and its an all in strategy if you tunnel someone for 2 hooks and switch targets never you gained nothing, you need someone out to get value out of it.

    The zero risk part to tunneling is when someone does it right at the start of a match which you could argue that the first survivor to be hooked for the first time should get something to make it so you can't tunnel the first survivor hooked but for a perk in the current meta of the game I don't think ds should be buffed

    I count DH as an anti-tunnel perk because it gets enabled by being hooked and has perfect synergy when used with DS, since after getting dropped when used properly its a 2nd health state and since it resets upon being hooked again it provides the most value when being tunneled proportional to endurance health states to regular health states

    Don't create a treatment create a cure

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,287

    With an extremely limited purpose, which it currently is not adequately fulfilling.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    That should be the risk in tunnelling, but considering how quickly you can hook someone again after that first chase (due to anti-tunnel being somewhat weak), it really isn't that risky. The entire risk is how much generator progress is done in your first chase, and even if it doesn't break in your favour, you still ruined that one player's match.

    So, we have a very powerful tactic that is extremely difficult for the average player to counter and sucks to go against. That's a bad situation, so the clear way forward is to heavily disincentivise that tactic. Making it risky by making the anti-tunnel tools potent enough that hitting into them actually matters to the killer is a very good first step.

    Buff Decisive Strike, and, buff the others. Make the basekit anti-tunnel not cause Deep Wounds so you can't clear Off The Record immediately, at least. With those changes made killers would hesitate before tunnelling, because actually trying to would carry risk.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,287

    DS back to five seconds, and, IMO, instead of granting Endurance, OTR should create a complete info blackout until a conspic action: No screams, auras, killer instinct, grunts of pain, footsteps, blood trail or even scratch marks. Make that chase -awful-.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited February 2

    I get the whole make perks that killers have trauma over spiel but still just make a basekit mechanic at that point also if basekit bt didn't give deep wounds that would be even more reason to sprint face first at the killer and bodyblock for the unhooker then use even stronger anti-tunnel perks to punish the killer if they dare go after you. It would make gameplay very silly because the optimal play is have the injured person take 1-2 hits then have even more hits if you dare go after them to get value for the hits they just soaked up

    So no, just no the only olive branch I have to offer is maybe have that mechanic only on the first person hooked so you get full value from OTR, DS, and DH if you were hooked first in a match but no thanks to any of that that sound awful to play against or any kinds of perk buffs

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    So, DS is ok, as long as you are good at the game, but if you aren't, its fine. So we should be making balance decisions around players who aren't good at the game as opposed to the ones who are?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Trauma over? It's just supposed to make you rethink tunnelling, nothing else.

    As to the idea of it being weaponised, eh, sure, that's a risk. I'm personally fine with a situation where I'm occupying two survivors and the person who just got unhooked gets slugged for their troubles, that's more than enough value for me. Maybe it'd be kinda annoying, but it's not like it's subtle when a survivor is trying to weaponise anti-tunnel, you can just ignore them in 90% of scenarios and either slug them or hook them again in the remaining 10%.

    The fact of the matter is, the current situation does not deter tunnelling. The only outcome we can shoot for is killers thinking twice before trying to tunnel someone, it's not enough to point to potential abuse and conclude nothing more can be done.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    Or we could shoot for the outcome where we do nothing and not just give survivors a massive buff

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Do nothing and let tunnelling continue to be a huge problem?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,287

    It's only a 'massive buff' if you're tunnelling. And if you are, they need the buff.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited February 2
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Oops, I missed this one, the forum's notifications are busted.

    Right! To tackle this: DS is currently weak but kinda acceptable if you are very skilled and RNG breaks in your favour regarding map resources. If either of those two requirements aren't met, DS almost does nothing. This would be bad if DS were a normal perk you just wanted to get value out of reliably, but it's especially bad for a perk that is designed to counter a currently problematic tactic.

    Even setting aside that anti-tunnel should just work without expecting you to be a pro, and that it should work without requiring you to be in a strong structure already, I'm gonna once again point to the core question: Is DS potent enough to make killers rethink the decision to tunnel someone before they do it?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    After 25 seconds of chasing someone going in a straight line you get +0.4 m/s speed boost. After just 15 seconds you get + 0.2 m/s due to bloodlust. Considering the fact killers have abilities, running in a straight line could be the dumbest thing you could do and end chase faster. With the prominence of higher mobility killers, they force you to go to unsafe loops because of this. Also, it's not three seconds, the animation is when the stun begins so you only have like 2.8 seconds. Explaining something with the straight line logic really doesn't put anything into perspective properly.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited February 2

    I mean its a good example of in simple terms / worst case scenario you don't know what to do so you run in a straight line, also chases don't begin unless you are within 12m so that 25s of chasing for the 0.4m/s boost wouldn't happen with a 5s stun since you don't start chase so you would have ~20s not accounting for bloodlust speed after you are within 12m of the survivor with the 0.6m/s speed differential. Or since you like numbers 18.75s after starting the chase accounting for bloodlust 1.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Running in a straight line does not make you immune from M2s. If a killer cannot use/bait their M2 properly, that's entirely on them. As I said, the straight line approach is oversimplified and doesn't account for many factors that shorten/extend chase. Also, if you're tunneling with an apparent M1 killer and complaining about DS, what are you genuinely doing?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    edited February 2

    Technically against pig, myers, onion, ghostface, and doctor it does make you immune to m2s

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Pig is technically in a very sorry state right now. Myers tier three makes him catch up way faster with survivors running in this straight line (plus they basically would give him free stalking progress), Ghostfaces whole ability promotes not tunneling and going for healthy survivors to actually get use out of it, and Doctor depends on loops to get use out of his ability so yeah running in a straight line does help.

    It's funny you say worst case scenario is running in a straight line when I provided an example earlier of a Nurse using just one blink to knock the survivor back down again lol. You could provide many worse examples where the killer uses their M2 properly and welcomes you back on the hook than what you did. Each are faster than what running in a straight line would get you as a killer.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    You're saying that we should be making balance decisions around people who aren't that good at the game, hence why DS needs buffs, despite the fact that DS is extremely popular at the highest levels and is in almost every single comp game.

    So, it stands to reason that, if we want to balance around people who aren't good, we need to look at the kill rates. And what do the kill rates show us? That nurse is by far the absolute worst killer in the game, and significantly so. Often times a full 10% below the next highest killer.

    So, when do we buff nurse?

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    How could they nerf it more? When you hit the skillcheck it instead stabs another survivor in the game and they lose a health state too?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    No offence, but I'm suddenly doubting if you've even been reading these posts.

    I'm not saying we should make balance decisions around people who aren't that good at the game. I'm assuming you're referring to when I say anti-tunnel should work without requiring you to be exceptionally skilled, but that's not even close to the same thing as saying we should balance the game in general around people who are actually unskilled.

    This isn't a generic balance change being discussed, it's an anti-tunnel solution. It's operating in a different area with different expectations to other kinds of changes. Buffing Decisive Strike is meaningfully different to buffing, as a random example, Red Herring. They're completely different perks with different design intentions; DS is meant to counter a killer tactic and Red Herring is just meant to be a normal perk you actively get value out of yourself.

    So, with that in mind, here's the question again: Is DS currently strong enough that it makes killers rethink tunnelling?

    If the answer to that question is "no", then DS isn't functioning and needs to be buffed. It needs to be "yes", and it needs to be "yes" without requiring you to be tournament-grade in skill. Other perks - and killer basekits - don't have that core question because they aren't designed to counter a specific tactic, let alone a specific tactic in such a problematic spot.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,666

    Everything about this is wrong.

    DS stuns the killer for 3 seconds, and the first roughly 1.4 seconds of that the survivor doesn't have control of their character because there's a 'jump off the shoulder' animation.

    So, not counting latency, the survivor gains about 1.6 seconds, or 6.4m of distance here. That's a single m2 from a huge number of killers, and since a lunge attack is 6m, the survivor gains... Less than a second of chase.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    Sick math but as ive played the game for any amount of time against ds, no you don't get 1s of chase and a 6m lunge at them