When is Lobby Dodging Justified?
when you wanna dodge specific people in the lobby for reasons that would make you avoid that person irl aswell.
and some reasons specific to dbd that do not fall under #1
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you forgot weskers kitten
there are way too many of those
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If there are 4 toolboxes. I don't want to play a 3 min game.
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i don't dodge as survivor unless i requeue into people i had a bad match with (either because they were toxic in egc or not good in game) but this happens VERY rarely so i normally never dodge as survivor
as killer i dodge multiple p100s. like someone said earlier, i know that p100 doesn't mean skill, but i'd rather not take that gamble especially since i'm not very good at killer. i'd rather be pleasantly surprised the survivors are good rather than queue into people who have a higher likelihood of it. idk, for me it's justified because i don't like getting stomped especially since i don't really have a main killer i play and only really play killer for dailies. i think my best is hillbilly rn and even then i don't play him much and am still getting used to new hillbilly and addons.
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You don't need to justify it. If you don't want to play in a lobby then you don't have to. Free will is a beautiful thing.
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My food takes priority over pixels on a screen. I will gladly AFK or leave the lobby if my food comes.
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Hi @CountOfTheFog!!! It’s nice seeing you around here again too! I hope you’ve been having fun games! Bonus if they’re scary 😊🔪🩸🐽😉
As for the names? If the name itself has the actual word “toxic” or “troll” then that’s fine, I’ll work with it.
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Honestly, just play against the P100s. I get matched with a number of them (it's been long enough that they're becoming commonplace) and 9/10 are average. This screenshot I took was me dying on hook while these two P100s were hiding in corners. They even had health states to spare/hook trade if necessary, and the game was completely winnable. One was a Jonathan Byers too, and at P100 they had to have been playing for years, since the original ST chapter was released. And he still hid.
Don't be scared of them. If anything I get tempted to dodge them, as survivor, because they play like this.
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I always play as Jonathan with a BPS or Terrormisu if there is a Nancy in the lobby. I do anything to protect my celebrity crush 😍
I am appalled that he did not save you. Sickening.
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Yeah I was thinking the same haha what kind of Jonathan leaves Nancy to die 😠
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If I see an RPD or Game offering, I just close the game while it’s loading.
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Dodge whoever you want, if the 4 man prestige 100 SWF with 4 flashlights in the lobby is bored of waiting, they can get a book from a public library to entertain themselves in the meantime.
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i'm not scared of them. it's a video game. relax. i just don't want to risk it, i play very casually. i didn't post this to get told i'm "scared" for not wanting to play certain matches out. so annoying. makes me wonder why i even post anyways with this community if i'm just going to get jumped and get called scared for taking 10 seconds out of my day to leave and rejoin another lobby