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Can fellow solo q survivors equip anti-tunnel perks? Pls

It's pretty much every match that the first downed survivor is tunneled out, and it happens so quickly a lot of the time. I know people would like to run fun perks or their comfort perks but right now tunneling is at an all time high and matches are becoming 3 mans too fast, you can only do so much to help in solo q to help out that teammate, you need to help yourselves with OTR or DS or DH, whatever you think would help you.

Running these perks obviously doesn't prevent tunneling, but it can certainly help run the killer longer therefore wasting time for teammates to finish gens and potentially getting you out of the exit gate. And if you end up wasting too much of the killers time they may just leave you for someone else or to patrol gens.

Just consider it yall

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  • Member Posts: 383

    Reassurance is another option; however, it can be painful to get any value out of the perk as half of the teammates you'll get paired with either have no idea what Reassurance is doing as there's no timer shown in the HUD and the white aura on the survivor isn't indicative of what's happening. In solo queue, you'll also run into a situation in which they don't even care, as gaining points is more important than helping out the camped/tunneled survivor.

    It's far safer to leave the camped/tunneled survivor on the hook with +30 seconds to their timer than unhooking them and forcing them into an awful chase where you have no idea if they have OTR. In certain situations, the killer will abandon the hook if Reassurance is in play, as 30 additional seconds can make a difference.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Frankly, they don't help much, especially with new gen-regression mechanic. You just don't have enough time now, every 2nd game or more often there is a tunneler, and every tunneler just use gen regression perks (pain res/surge) to tunnel even more efforlessly. Even if tunnelee is a good looper, it's not enough now.

    For example, last match tuneled survivor was very decent looper, looped almost 2 minutes, and team was very gen-efficient, still, with all gen explosions and we got only to 2 gens left when first one was tunneled out.

    Yesterday I set new antirecord: 50 surv games with only 1 escape. Survivor games are getting more fun each update.

    But I know what the problem is. Sadako is too strong, gotta nerf her more.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    As for the perks, I found the best combo and cannot get away from this "presonal meta".

    Kindred - must have. Know when killer is camping and don't bother if he does. Also see when someone going for save. I don't understand why no one use it, it's a must have.

    Inner Strength - for very fast heals after you are unhooked. Healthy survivor is harder to find.

    Distortion - know killer info perks and predict killer decisions, plus stay invisible.

    4th perk vary, usually some VROOM stuff, like Lithe or SB, but I change it when some book-challenge is required.

    All DH, DS, OTR don't do much, at least for me.

    The perk I would really like to use is Windows, but I have no place to shove it in.

    So, unlike killer, playing survivor is completely chore and frustration, with zero perk variety (if you don't want to finish the match in 2 minutes, ofc), I play only for completing the book and hate it a lot.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Shame its locked behind paywall/grindwall. It's almost like we would need a base kit change rather than just reply on bandait fixes from perks hmmm...

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    We need a more effective way to at least soft counter tunneling without the need to bring specific perks from dlc survivors.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    As already mentioned, there is not really any good Anti-Tunnel Perk in the game. This spot was used by DS (even tho it was not really good at Anti-Tunnel either). But nowadays Killers would probably push through a 5 second-DS as well since the reward for tunneling is just too big and it is too easy to do.

    Any Anti-Tunnel which resolves around Endurance will just be negated by hitting the unhooked Survivor. OTR might have a long duration, but it is gone after one hit. Which is just not good design that the Killer can negate multiple Perks which should help against tunneling by just hitting the Survivor off hook.

    IMO the best Build currently to avoid tunneling is probably a Stealth-Build. You cannot be tunneled if you are not being found and I see an increase in Stealth-Perks nowadays. Which is understandable, because you are most likely the first dead if you are found first.

  • Member Posts: 691

    Any Anti-Tunnel which resolves around Endurance will just be negated by hitting the unhooked Survivor. OTR might have a long duration, but it is gone after one hit. Which is just not good design that the Killer can negate multiple Perks which should help against tunneling by just hitting the Survivor off hook.

    The problem is it is equally bad design to have a perk in the game where survivor can play bad and punish the killer for punishing the bad plays. Survivors before could just dive bomb hooks and if the killer would go and contest it they would be faced with BT into DS.

    IMO the best Build currently to avoid tunneling is probably a Stealth-Build. You cannot be tunneled if you are not being found and I see an increase in Stealth-Perks nowadays

    A good reason why OTR is crazy since you get distortion and Iron will in the same perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    *Me an avid MoM and OoO user*

    ...anti tunnel..?

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I used OoO a few times and able to escape over half of them. Killers likely not want to chase me.

    5sec DS was stronger not because of the extra 2sec stun. But also the slowdown options were less, on 400s Gens.

    Now its 3sec DS on 450s Gens with more powerful slowdowns.

    Its far better to equip multiple Gen perks to rush and hope your teammate to make long enough chase. Anti tunnel perks dont work for average survivors, great survivors dont need it.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Have you considered running Borrowed Time?

  • Member Posts: 1,669

    Smh let them Self Care in peace!

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    When DS gets its 5 seconds back, then I'll gladly equip it. I'm tired of getting tunneled out of a game.

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