Is solo queue a problem? Or MMR?

saym Member Posts: 82

I think MMR.

The reason is that I have been playing this game for 9000 hours, and I think that if there are 3 survivors with the same skill, there is no problem with solo queue.

What do you guys think?


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I got absolutely obliterated by a SWF recently because MMR decided to match me against literal gods at the game. I had some decent killer games beforehand so I decided to hop on solo queue and got a Feng running past me (in chase) into the killer. Chase lasted sixteen seconds.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,180

    I have issues on both ends, it's like the i'm playing with new players as survivor but super sweaty swf squads as killer. It's kind of frustrating because 9/10 games on survivor they're horrible anymore and most of my killer games are a loopfest unless i play a killer who can counter looping hard.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418
    edited February 3

    IMHO it's definitely MMR, at least the current version. I'm at low MMR because I lose an insane amount of matches, and many, many killers I go against are not really good, they still get a 4k because the matchmaker manages to find three more survivors who are even worse. I'm not super good at this game myself and if I can only shake my head how terrible some killers play, just three very average teammates would already be sufficient to have a good chance of escaping (certainly better than 50%).

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,270
    edited February 3

    The matchmaking is terrible and has always been the biggest problem. In solo queue the skill levels of everyone in the match are all over the place. This is more likely to hurt survivors since just one bad player will sink the entire team. The game is not currently balanced around people not being able to pull their weight. One person who can easily be tunneled out is a guaranteed loss. In the current form of matchmaking you can get 500 hour teammates and you will go up against a 7000 hour killer running quad slowdowns. I know this from a large amount of personal experience.

    My current place in the MMR matches me with nothing but sweaty killers even though I don't have a high escape rate. I do remember once when they tested various forms of matchmaking in an experiment. In the day they turned off MMR I was getting matched with A LOT of not so good killers. The difference was astronomical compared to what I play against now. I feel like the bar to get matched with sweaty killers is just way too low for a game that theoretically has an MMR system. 30-40% escape rate? Enjoy playing against this 7000 hour blight chump. Maybe it's the hour I typically play at but it's not a good experience regardless.

    I would rather they just get rid of MMR entirely. It's a bad system that frustrates everyone. The last time I played was on Tuesday when I got matched with an 8700 hour Hillbilly while having teammates with only a few hundred. Removing MMR would at least give you some easy games to make games like this feel less terrible. MMR has not grown the game and it is clearly not helping them retain players either if you believe Steamcharts. Is it a coincidence that the game started bleeding players and stopped adding new players when they added MMR?

    Post edited by I_CAME on
  • daffyd
    daffyd Member Posts: 138

    MMR? DBD doesn't use MMR, it uses SMMB which is why it doesn't work.

    Communications and why actual balance means it should be offered to all survivors is a huge problem why this game continues to be fun for SWFs on comms and less so for killers making them play in an unfun way.

    BHVR then try and stop the unfun way... the logic is mindblowing

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 485

    Unfortunately, the dev priority is having instant queues for players instead of even doing the bare minimum of trying to get evenly skilled players in the same match via their SBMM system. This is why your killer games will swing wildly from SWF depip bully squad to a team that is worse than the bots and otherwise similarly on the survivor side.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 458

    The base game is the problem. If mmr worked perfectly, once you get to a certain level it would be like “comp” dbd. Which is to say it would be horrible for the most part. It would mostly be tunnel 1 person while survivors try to gen rush. Basically how it is right now.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,565

    Definately MMR. When i queue up with my level survivors, we barely have any problems and it's almost always good experience. But it soooooo rare. 3 days ago i had 7 awful matches in a row with really bad survivors in my team, than SOMEHOW i matched up with really good survivors and killer had his first hook with 1 gen left.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    I don't think they made it so that killers have easy games. It's certainly a different experience, but the number of broken survivor combos can't be just brushed off

    4 survivors with no coordination are easy pickings, but about 80% of the killer roster is unusable for mid to high skill survivors

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 306

    I think that's the intention though considering their smug reactions to survivor issues. They want killers to win most of the time which really means they want it easier.

    Just because you don't win 100% of the time with a killer, automatically, doesn't mean a killer is unusable. A few killers are so unbelievably broken beyond belief that it has caused a mindset that some killers are bad. In reality, those killers are a little closer to fair game.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 163

    The Matchmaking feels like they're messing with it again. Some days I can play killer, and get matched up with some of the biggest streamers in Europe that feel borderline uncatchable, then there's yesterday where I played 7 straight games where I killed all the survivors or one got hatch with at most only two gens done. Wasn't even running proper builds, was solely doing archives and dailies. Some of the survivors looked like they were playing blindfolded or with their controllers upside down! In those games there were two or three survivors that were difficult to catch and seemed to have knowledge of the game.

    As survivor, Saturday felt like the worst day on solo queue ever, was matching up with team mates that were clueless. Yesterday when i played survivor, the survivors I played were mostly solid players and most games were 2 or 3 escapes and decent, close games. Last week I played against the top killer Twins killer in the world and also have played against killers on huge win streaks in the past.

    There just seems to be no consistency in match making day to day at all and queue times seem very short at the moment which leads me to think it's set very loose currently.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,242

    Oh the same mindset that makes sirvivors think swf+ comms is how even braindead bad survivors ("solo") should be able to perform?

    Survivor isnt bad because you dont escape 100% of the time.

    Unlike with killers tho, the difference between bad survivors and good survivors is 100% not the chosen character.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Solo queue is usually bad because people refuse to do the objective. Or are too busy with side objectives (chests, dull totems). You don't have the luxury to waste time on that since you're already not too efficient because youre not on comms

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,304

    It's impossible for the game to evaluate who has the same "skill".

    Kill/escape rates are the most objective metric available.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont think MMR is a problem.

    Killers dodging lobbies does

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,485

    Mmr isn't so much the issue as much as it's the devs focusing on quick matchmaking rather than accurate matchmaking. And this is the community fault bc they complain whenever they have to wait a few minutes for a lobby.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,304

    This. A lot complain about 'matchmaking', but many seem to be oblivious to when they get backfilled, meaning there is a complete lack of matchmaking taking place.

  • Shuma
    Shuma Member Posts: 55

    This is the issue. MMR needs to be accurate for more balanced fun games.

    I don’t even feel like I played a game if I my team gets curb stomped. It’s as if my team loaded into the 4k screen.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303
    edited February 5

    Smug reactions? They're constantly rolling out nerfs for survivors to try to address survivor issues. Anti face camp, base kit bt, the current gen rework, the current road map is all based around issues survivors have brought up.

    The devs aren't pro one side or the other.