should the match automatically end when all survivors become bots and count as a victory?

when a domino effect of survivors leaving the match at around 2-3 gens left, completing the match with bots feels like a drag, so shouldn't the match end at that point?
No, some people live their life by cheating, trolling, and making the game miserable for other players. Sometimes this causes DCing to be the best option against them. Make them continue to play their games out against bots so real players don't have to deal with that horseshit.
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oh i see, i guess that would reward the cheaters but still sucks for those who play fairly. its a interesting situation. thanks for your input.
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It should. Most people don't play DBD to go against bots and if survivors decide they just wanna leave, it's not fair for the killer to end up having to finish a boring game.
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I would like the same option for survivors too. Because I rarely see a game where one survivor is not hard tunneled out, while all other players are practically invisible for killer. Waiting for hook to suicide or slug-bleedout is very tiresome.
Of course there is some ways, for example I almost finished new audiobook while killing time since this chapter, but the thing is - it's not why I play a game.
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I mean obviously people only DC because they were forced to by toxic, cheating sweatlords, and never just because they're giant diaper babies
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Uhm, hell no.
I think bot mode should still give a small amount of BP.
But a match where ALL the players DC? For one that hasn't even happened to me before. I would welcome that. I would find it fun to be able to toy around with the stupid bots and try different things. All the while knowing I am still getting points.
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When the killer DCs, all survivors automatically escape.
So it's ok for survivors to cheat?
Survivors also DC for stupid reasons like:
- I got found by the killer first.
- The killer had tinkerer.
- My flashlight save didn't work.
- My head on play didn't work.
- I got hooked before I charged Deliverance/Renewal.
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Never had that many players DC in a match.
Kinda extreme they all leave n you’re forced into the staleness of finishing off a team of bots.
Maybe if the skill level of the bots increased per bot entered into the match, it’d be worthwhile. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time, imo.
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Maybe not, but give killer option to just end the match without losing already earned BP
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Maybe, but count as a victory? Dunno about that. Not sure you'd want to wind up in a higher MMR bracket because people DCd. In fact, that's probably why the devs don't count DCs in the kill/escape rates.
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Ending the game when only bots are left should've been implemented when they added bots. Not having this feature is a huge oversight.
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Should be the case.
Even tho I find it funny that Skull Merchant-players sometimes end up playing PvE in Public Games.
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no, how often does every player in a game DC?
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Bots are actually annoying though because usually if you get put into a lobby with one you can leave if you catch it or whatever but sometimes you dont notice it every time and you can't tell if they are until you're in game and they start getting stuck on objects of the map or run these odd pathways and my thing with the killer aspect, I like a challenge, it does get stale if you don't have one, theyre too predictable. Kind of like when killers want to farm all the time, i used to get it when i first started but being a vet its like, alright, this is old. I always try to gen rush or purposely die so I don't even have to play a game that boring cause I like the adrenaline of someone being able to actually spook me or aquire a skill, which doesn't happen often anymore.
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Yep, if it happens so often that it becomes a problem for you, it’s probably because of the way you play
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I'm surprised this isn't already in place, honestly.
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Players who repeatedly DC get a penalty. But if someone is intentionally doing something that is causing other players to DC they should be banned or at the very least have to play against bots instead of people.
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Ok, so why the double standard for survivors who cause killers to DC?
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The killer should have the option to end it. At that point, you're no longer ruining anyone else's match and you didn't queue up to play against bots. There is no reason why you should have to play it out.
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Is there any reason why the killer should have to play against bots when it comes to that? They do no longer ruin anyone's game at that point even if they dc, so I see no reason why killers should be punished for survivors not following the rules.
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just kill them and end the match, where is the punishment?
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Have you ever played against bots?
They have permanent wall hacks and perfect pathing, making them a nightmare to chase.
They likely won't do gens or unhooks very efficiently, but it'll be a very long, boring drawn out game.
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yes i have both in custom and real games, They where a nightmare when they had release MFT but the wall hacks got nerfed or at least their use of it and they randomly mess up their pathing.
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It shouldn't automatically end but the killer should have the option to end it and retain the BP.
I'm not a toxic killer at all and I get DCs at the first down often.
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What double standard? I didn't say only killer players play that way. Replacing a DC'd killer with a bot would be great, but would require adding a new feature to the game and isn't what the OP was talking about.
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Yes. It’s boring. Who wants to play against four AI?
I don’t see the purpose behind the reasoning of “It doesn’t happen often so why should they implement it?” So what if it doesn’t happen often? It can still happen. Why do you want the killer to sit there and play against bots? How does it affect you if they end the match and go next?
The killer should be able to end the match if all four survivors disconnect. The killer didn’t queue up to face bots and it’s just gonna be a long drawn out boring match.
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Cheaters can leave the game instantly by teleporting behind the doors and winning or killing bots survivor extremely quickly.
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Yeah, ban all the Killers that 'cause' DCs! Like the last game when a survivor DCed after stepping in my Trapper's trap, my fault entirely, I shouldn't have put a trap down, I admit I deserve a ban.
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I never saw this happen yet. But yeah, this scenario should force a server shotdown giving 4 kills.
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Because I get a penalty for disconnecting. It's that simple. Imagine, if you still had to repair the gens after the killer disconnected. It might be ok at first (extra BP) but after a while you'd just pray for it to end. Now make it 240 seconds per gen because playing against bots can take forever as well. Would you want to stay in such a match?
It's rare but it's something that can happen. Also this wouldn't be a huge effort. It's quite simple actually because the option to disconnect is already there. They would just need to add an exception to the penalty for all survivors being bots. That is pretty basic stuff. It's just a simple if-clause.
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It should. I was playing Plague the other day. Everyone dced at 5 gens because they were taking hits for each other to stop me from hooking someone but they were infected.
They all dced. I finished the game killed the bots but generally, I just stop playing if everyone dcs and I go do laundry 🧺 or something wise till everyone leaves 🤣
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It would be helpful for matches like that if they did some kind of que similar to CoD where if a player DC's any solo survivor can just get into the lobby and fill the Bots spot.
That would be a good way to combat that. Have had a few matches as a survivor where two team mates botted and me and the other survivor got ######### cause they wouldn't come unhook us so we just slowly got to deadhook.
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Unfortunately not all DC's are on purpose so we have to take in consideration if it's on purpose or if it's a connection issue.
But I personally would rather just deadhook as survivor and that's more when my team isn't doing ######### to progress the game. For example had a match where I was the only one working on gens and I was struggling cause I was the one getting targeted while my team hid in a locker or was just running around on the opposite side of the map doing jack all. I can handle a toxic or cheating killer no sweat off my back and I don't see the point of dcing just because of that I mean ya still get blood points so why dc.
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The game would need to be entirely recoded to allow drop in/out connections. Sadly it would have to be a "DBD2" style change to allow it.
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I think that, if all of the survivors are bots, the killer should have an option to DC without penalty, but the match shouldn't automatically end. There are circumstances where maybe you'd want to stick it out with the bots to finish whatever challenge you were trying to do and you should have a chance to do that.
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The killer should have the option to leave without penalty if all survivors are bots, but it shouldn't automatically end. I also think survivors should be allowed to leave without penalty if someone else leaves unless they're SWF with the leaver. Bots are boring to play with and against.
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Well, cheaters would just push a button and kill all the bots.
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The only issue with the "leave with no penalty" option is that they would have to give up their BP/pips from the match. If you want to keep your earnings you'd need to stick it out regardless.
If the killer DCs, the survivors keep everything they earned and it counts as an escape. It would be in the interest of parity to have it work the same in the other direction.