DS should NOT receive a buff

As human race has developed there seems to be 2 ways to promote a certain behavior, even ur parents do this. Let’s say ur gol is to not eat burgers, one way u can do this is to punish someone by let’s say punching him every time he eats one, yes he will more likely then not not be willing to get punched and may stop eating burgers, but this is far from being the best way to do it. The other way is to give that same person 20 bucks everyday he does not eat a burguer, and he will more likely then not stop eating burgers cause he’s being rewarded for it. We saw that punishing killers for tunelling isn’t going to change it, cause it’s I still the most effective way to win. The only way to stop tunelling is to make so it’s not the most viable option. REWARD killers for playing “nicely”. Make so every time u hook a different survivor once a gen loses 15%, but if someone dies this affect no longer works, then nerf the current NECESSARY gen regressions, then there would be a reason to avoid it. If this effect isn’t enough make something else, but rn I don’t believe that what they are doing it the correct way to do things. Also make people using bt have no collision, this should’ve be happening since the beginning
Well let's not ask for DS to remain obsolete then and advocate for incentivizing hook spreading and that's when we can talk about DS.
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DS and BBQ then.
A punishment for tunneling, and a reward for not doing so.
We had that before. Tunneling existed, but it was not the norm, as it is today.
I see no reason why they shouldn't be brought back to the game.
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I'd rather deal with a chance of DS than a base penalty/incentive. Plus some survivors make it obvious they have DS which can be played around. There's always the chance of them missing the skillcheck too.
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"Just buff the killers more and we'll totally tunnel less!"
"No, no, just one more buff and then we'll totally stop tunnelling!"
"No, you don't get it, we need just one more buff, just one, to really 'incentivise' spreading hooks!"
The only way to stop tunelling is to make so it’s not the most viable option.
I have a suggestion on how to do that: Make DS stun for five seconds instead of three.
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Players will still tunnel and ONLY go for separate hooks when the gens are being pressure extremely hard. If they don't feel any immediate danger of losing the gens survivors will still get tunnel.
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DS would be better. There would be a chance no one has it, can be played around if a survivor plays it in an obvious manner and there is a chance they could just flat out miss the skillcheck (remember how killers M1 to try and get them to miss).
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I know this is the most stupid comparison. But I think you get it.
Even if Devs buff Huntress with 10 hatchet instant down. It doesnt stop Huntress to use that broken strength to tunnel survivors.
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DS should start a knight-like animation where the 4 survivors mori the killer. I'm sure killers would stop tunneling...i would like to see that animation as killer tho 🤔🤣
Jokes aside, i'm pretty sure is easier to buff DS than making 50 changes for alternatives that would affect other perks/mechanics.
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The Developers already tried rewarding killers and it didn’t work. Which obviously, it’s not going to work.
Tunneling someone out is to rewarding for the killer for other rewards to stop killers from tunneling. You can’t get better than an easy win.
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Tunneling gives you an easy win. What can be more rewarding than that?
What should happen is remove the built in borrowed time and replace it with built in DS.
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You are talking about negative and positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement has been shown to be more effective, however, negative reinforcement also has its place. The psychology behind behavioural reinforcement is complicated, and controversial, with many contributing factors. One of these factors is that positive reinforcement only works if the person sees value in whatever the positive reinforcement is. The reality of the situation is that some people, and in DBD many people, just want to be jerks. The want to "feel powerful" and fulfil that power fantasy that they aren't getting in their life. These people will tunnel, camp, hit on hook, and BM no matter what incentives you give them.
To combat this, you could change what the perception of a win is. Perhaps a win is not just considered as killing survivors, but getting the most hooks, or downing different people. Yes, you will still have people that BM, but at least the people who want to feel powerful because they 'won', will still get that satisfaction.
One of the other problems is that this game invokes a lot of emotion, and for whatever reason, players are quite soft. An example of this is that the final screen used to say "The Entity is Displeased" and they had to change it because it made people feel bad. I don't envy the devs, they have a lot to take into consideration. It seems to be extremely hard to have an asymmetrical game where everyone ends the game feeling like they had fun, and I honestly don't know if that is even possible with such diverse players. 🤔
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There is a problem in this game, and it is tunneling.
What the devs fail to grasp over, and over, and over, is that the solution to a fundamental issue like that ISN'T A DAMN PERK.
It shouldn't be on the survivor players to give up 1/4 (or more) of their build just for a safety net to stop a killer player removing them from the game before two gens go off.
My solution would be this, baseline, not a perk:
When the first player is unhooked, they get a status for like 3-4 minutes.
If they are downed, this status timer is paused. If a different survivor is hooked, this status is lost immediately.
If they are hooked while they have the status, all other survivors in the match gain a 25% boost to gen repair speed.
If they die by missing struggle skill checks, the gen repair speed is lost.
If they are hooked a third time and die without another player being hooked, the gen repair speed bonus is permanent for the rest of the match.
As a mechanic, it should have literally zero impact as long as you don't play like an absolute #########. It just means that when your playstyle is "I want to ruin this game for one person as immediately as possible," the rest of the team still stands a chance of beating you, because as is, being down a teammate early is basically a death sentence anyway.
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They nerfed solo survivor queue into the ground. So yes, they should buff survivor perks. But they won't because they cater to toxic players like you. I'm done with this trash game.
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Explain why I’m toxic?
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But I like burgers and the people that make them like my money.
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How was solo queue nerfed specifically? I can only remember solo queue specific buffs and nerfs to survivors in general (nerfs that were very much needed).
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Uhm, I do like ur analogy, it’s a well supported argument, I must say the tittle is manly the attract people to the thread but with no surprise, many have only seen the tittle, I do agree with u, DS should receive its stun time back, but I can’t see this happening without changes to killers baskeits, people refuse to understand that just buffing a already strong perk that now can be comboed with Off the record, DH isn’t going to be healthy and will generate aggressive play stiles that u can’t punish
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Bbq isn’t the same, it does not reward in match, only afterwards
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The self-care and healing nerfs affect solo-queue way more than SWF. Never understood the reasoning behind nerfing anything that affects solo-queue more than SWF.
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It's not a solo queue nerf though. You can make this argument with pretty much everything in the game because solo queue is weaker than SWF.
You could even make this argument for infinite loops. Because SWFs are better in general and can buy time a lot easier, they didn't need infinite loops as much as solo queue. Were infinite loops fair? Hell no.
I would understand making this argument for something like a nerf to Bond. But this did not affect solo queue in particular but the survivor role as a whole.
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so you're contradicting yourself. saying DS should not receive a buff in the title and are now saying DS should receive a timer buff. and you're mad people aren't a fan of your title. pick a struggle. maybe don't get confused people don't like your title when you have to lie about your thoughts just for interaction bait.
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Well I was pretty clear, I don’t think DS should be buffed if killers basekit isn’t touched, so I’m not baiting anyone, on the other hand if those changes happen and prove to be inefficient, as past his argument I do think I could get buffed. Being able to take constructive criticisms and change my mind doesn’t mean I’m baiting anyone
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Decisive strike definitely needs a bit of a buff. Of course not how it used to work originally, but something more than what it is now.
There has always been tunneling in this game but now currently it’s over the top.
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But in order to get the stacks, you have to hook everyone at least once. That is already a huge incentive for you to avoid tunneling the first survivor you found.
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This is incorrect, this would be the same to say pain ress incentive not tunelling, that’s not the case, even in comp the meta is tunel someone out then use pain res. Perks like those should be disabled if someone is dead, same goes for grim embrace