We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

What happened to "We love versing Hillbilly!!!111111"!@!"11"???

JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060
edited February 4 in General Discussions

Seems to me, the "I love to verse Hillbilly!" crowd doesn't feel the same way anymore. After nearly 12,000 hours in this game, his counterplay is literally identical now to what it always has been.

Be honest with yourselves and everyone else - you liked facing Billy because he was weak. Not because you like his chase. OG's ACTUALLY like facing Billy, and still do.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,015

    So are all these Billy haters in the room with us right now?

    I think I've seen more threads pretending that survivors hate Billy now than actual hate for Billy at this point. The only frequent complaint I've come across is about the lack of cooldown for missing, which has been a problem for different killers again and again lately and shouldn't be a surprise.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,022
    edited February 4

    I still enjoy facing Billy and I believe he's fine as he is (though the dissipation add-ons could be replaced because they're god-awfully useless). I've played a lot of Billy even before the Overheat rework, so I understand his counterplay.

    Many newer players haven't played against a threatening Hillbilly due to how rare they were. Before Overheat happened, Hillbilly had better map collision, stronger add-ons, and more players. Once Overheat dropped, everything about his strengths were abolished. More indoor maps, worse add-ons... Now that Overdrive dropped, people are willing to learn Billy because he's far less painful to play as.

    It makes me hope that BHVR does not listen to that crowd because this is the same thing that happened with Wraith. He pub stomps newer players that don't know how to play against a now threatening Wraith, they complain about it, and BHVR nerfs his base-kit speed boost from 1.25 to 1 second.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Nobody is complaining about the fundamental concept of this killer by any means. He is still arguably one of the most fun killer to go against, and so was every other version of him. His issues go much deeper then "stong!11111".

    Your argument overall is insanly bad when looking at the bigger scale of the killer roster.Lets lookt at the Blight for example. Is Blight bad? No, second strongest killer in the game. And yet, he is also the most beloved by survivors. Or how about Wesker? Or Huntress?

    On the other side Clown is not really a strong killer, but disliked by the community.

    I hope you see how flawed your statement is.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,228

    The responses against Hillbilly might most probably be voiced by those who never enjoyed facing him before, so it's quite possible the crowd is different. Those who enjoy facing him most likely will still do. Those who don't will now have more reason to complain, due to him appearing more often.

    I still love facing him and am really glad to see him more. However, all Survivors aren't the same and neither are all Killers. Assuming the same who loved him before are now against him is just that - an assumption.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531

    I still love facing him and playing him. always did except for during overheat because it made him so unfun. Like others have stated i just wanna see his cooldown addons reworked and his overheat dissipation and stuff since one side is straight busted and the others are useless.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Nothing? I still love to go against him. He is still super fun killer.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 876

    I genuinely think Billy is an S-Tier Killer now. Up there with Nurse and Blight. Whether or not he should stay there, I don't know. Most Killers can't really compete at the highest level, so maybe it's a good thing for those players to have another Killer to Vs.

    When all the Billys have won so often that they'll be out of my MMR, I'll probably stop seeing him all that much. I think it's another case of over saturation, more Killer buffs this patch and a lack of Survivor interest in Alan Wake's perks that have created some uneven match ups between experienced Killers playing Billy again and not enough experienced Survivors returning to the game for them to play against. It's what always seems to happen whenever BHVR release a strong new Killer (or buff an old one), but don't give Survivors all that much in return. Everybody ends up dead at 5 gens 10 games in a row against the same Killer and it gets old pretty fast.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766

    I personally think Billy can be fun to verse... when it's not every other game. Same problem I had with Wesker when he released. I have no problems with a killer being strong, I have a problem with feeling like I'm only facing them.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,292

    I can't fathom why it would be shocking that players might dislike playing against a killer that loses nothing from missing with their power. At least give some thought as to what changed about the character before over-simplifying the argument.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    It's a new killer rework, of a beloved killer that was unjustly nerfed 4 years ago. And the killer happens to be VERY fun to play.

    Besides - this is how killers feel EVERY GAME. Versing the same perks, every game.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    Those who say they liked versing Hillbilly are from what I can tell have no to little experience playing in the era where he was at his peak. Problem is he was never this glorified killer as everyone made/make him out to be. If anything he was seen VERY similarly as modern day Blight. It wasn't for nothing he was contesting Spirit for N.2, and were talking old Spirit here.

    I can see Blight getting a similar reaction whenever he gets his basekit looked at.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766

    I play both sides and I have a variety of mains on both sides, this is not how killer feels every game. Every survivor plays the exact same with changes only being necessary for playstyle depending on what killer you get. On the other hand, every killer plays differently, even killers with similar kits play differently. If you stick to only one single killer, yeah every match is going to feel the exact same because you don't need to shake anything up in terms of playstyle. Survivor on the other hand, you depend on who the person playing killer chose to play in order to have any shake up since you can't just change survivor and have something new to work with, as I said earlier.

    I'm not saying Hillbilly is boring to play as because I've played new Overdrive Billy, that's the most fun I've ever had as Billy even compared to pre-Overheat Billy. I can think Hillbilly is very fun to play now, but it doesn't mean I want to stick strictly to playing Hillbilly and it definitely doesn't mean I only want to face Hillbilly.

    Both sides will always have a level of repetition that's always there and that won't go away. If we look at matches in the way you're looking at it for "This is how killers feel every game" then that's just how dbd is every game regardless of side.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287
    edited February 4

    I like versing him. I don’t see the issue. Going up against him keeps me on my toes. Not a dull match by any means compared to some other killers.

    it’s funny, I hate going against wesker so often but ppl were always saying he’s fun to go against and to play as. I hated him on both sides. Love going against billy and playing as Billy

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    I still like facing him. Probably even more now b/c the chases with him are very high-pressure. He's always right on your tail. His missed hit cooldown addons can be nerfed but besides that, I think he's completely fine. IMO people are overreacting and/or not used to the pressure he puts down in chases so they go down fast.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    I still love billy!!! M1llies on the other hand, especially now with cool-down addons… my opinion on them is unchanged.

  • Coz
    Coz Member Posts: 67

    I started playing the game in November and used Billy a fair bit before his buffs and I’m enjoying the reworked dude too. Sadly I’ve not faced him much as a survivor, but the couple of times I have over the last few days were such a buzz. Scary as hell seeing that madman rushing at breakneck speed at you ! Great fun :)

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,047
    edited February 4

    Due to some comments made by the OP, the thread will be closed here. Please remember to keep comments civil & respectful.

    Everyone can discuss things & agree to disagree, without anyone breaking this rule.

This discussion has been closed.