Bulletin: All Killers, get easy 4k's - proximity camp!

BHVR has been changing the design of th game since 6.1.0 to help all killers get 4ks without skill. You only have to stand near your first hooked survivor and keep returning to it and you'll get a 4k 90% of the time. (This is for all new and median level players - not for those in high MMR.)
- You'll learn quickly how far to stay from the hook to not fill the progress bar. That teaches you distance for proximity camping.
- Your best bet is to hook survivors in the basement or where you can stand above the hook, like the upper level of Dead Dawg Saloon or the Gallows that look above the hook. The anti-camp meter is purposely set not to increase then, but you get the benefit of practically face camping.
- Run to a nearby gen and damage it and then move back towards the hook. This gives you a bit of distance and use that to get the feel about how long it takes the a survivor to run to the hook.
- There are so many aura reading perks and add ons for easy tracking, it's very easy to select any number of these to see survivors most of the time.
- Run Xenomorph's Ultimate Weapon in case survivors get a hook save and you want to find them without aura reading perks. You don't have to hunt at all because they will just scream when you run around the hook save and your terror radius hits them.
- Survivors can run Distortion to avoid aura reading, but by proximity camping, survivors generally won't be able to recharge their Distortion tokens unless they all run to a hook save and waste more time in the. match. Besides, BHVR will nerf Distortion. Expect a condition they will require for survivors that will be hard to master so the perk won't be used anymore.
- Survivors can also run calm spirit, but rest assured, you'll kill the survivors that don't have it. Besides, always let one go, that way your MMR won't grow and you'll be shooting fish in a barrel staying in a low MMR. Side benefit: if enough killers do this, BHVR will continue to adding mechanics and perks to help killers to make it even easier for you. Win-win.
Facts. Your welcome.
It's so easy to proxy camp, but it's also so easy to split on gens as three. 2-3 out every time you do that vs a proxy camper, survivors just can't cut losses but it also depends on the killer.
3 kills increases your mmr as well.
I'm not defending proxy camping but(I know it's the dbd player base when saying this) ANYONE after 300 hours should be able to recognize the situation especially with how prevalent it is. It's a boring tactic I would never use, but none the less an efficient team will over come it and have the 5th gen done either before the second person is chased if really efficient or done while the second person is in chase.
This shouldn't require a high skill lobby to achieve on the survivor side. Just as it's easy to afk 10m away from the hook it's just as easy to memorize gen spawns and hold m1.
Again, proxy camping is boring and too good for what it is but don't downplay survivors ability to deal with it. I know people suck at the game but average survivors should know the little I've said.
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Both camping,tunneling genrushing are bad for the game, killers camp and tunnel because of genrush and because they are forced to stack gen regression, before saying that killers camp and tunnel you should also ask yourself why, it's the only way they can get enough pressure to match survivors genrush that really need a second objective.
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Killers don't camp and tunnel because of gen rushing tho. We already know this because of the gen kick meta and 3 gen meta, where killers could choose to hold games hostage for 30 minutes to an hour. The amount of camping and tunneling only went up during that window, so it's certainly not 'gen speeds' causing it.
Coincidentally, you know what the *only* counter to those strategies are? Doing gens as fast as possible so you can break the 3 gen immediately.
So we already have demonstrable proof for over a year that these 'strategies' cause gen rushing, not the other way around.
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Proxy camp was always better than facecamp and this new system is simply anti facecamp, not anti camp. Nor it should be
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As long as the objective is to kill, people will find methods to kill efficiently.
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One trade with Deliverance and your Tactic is outplayed. One counterplay with Calm Spirit against your Ultimate and you are also outplayed. If they gonna trade last second you gonna end the match with 2-3 Hooks and that's all - against a good (not that strong) SWF.
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"You'll learn quickly how far to stay from the hook to not fill the progress bar. That teaches you distance for proximity camping."
BTW camping is a bad idea and saving is even worse in solo Q
"Your best bet is to hook survivors in the basement or where you can stand above the hook, like the upper level of Dead Dawg Saloon or the Gallows that look above the hook. The anti-camp meter is purposely set not to increase then, but you get the benefit of practically face camping."
Yeah but basement is death in solo Q in general.
"Run to a nearby gen and damage it and then move back towards the hook. This gives you a bit of distance and use that to get the feel about how long it takes the a survivor to run to the hook."
You could also not camp and tunnel btw
"There are so many aura reading perks and add ons for easy tracking, it's very easy to select any number of these to see survivors most of the time."
Yep, uselful
"Run Xenomorph's Ultimate Weapon in case survivors get a hook save and you want to find them without aura reading perks. You don't have to hunt at all because they will just scream when you run around the hook save and your terror radius hits them."
Anti tunnel perk ? Is there no meta slave at your mmr ? And UW nerf ?
"Survivors can run Distortion to avoid aura reading, but by proximity camping, survivors generally won't be able to recharge their Distortion tokens unless they all run to a hook save and waste more time in the. match. Besides, BHVR will nerf Distortion. Expect a condition they will require for survivors that will be hard to master so the perk won't be used anymore."
Don't forget BHVR has been quite unpredictable lately in their balancing ...
"Survivors can also run calm spirit, but rest assured, you'll kill the survivors that don't have it. Besides, always let one go, that way your MMR won't grow and you'll be shooting fish in a barrel staying in a low MMR. Side benefit: if enough killers do this, BHVR will continue to adding mechanics and perks to help killers to make it even easier for you. Win-win."
Immersed survivors in the rise BTW
"Facts. Your welcome."
Yes, sir.
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The anti facecamp was a direct killer buff because it finally made bad killers realize how much stronger proxy camping is.
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If you ever played killer you'll know that getting a survivor out is the best way to stop genrush and out pressure survivors, just because that was the case then doesn't mean it's not the best tactic to win as killer in general, most killers tunnel to stop genrush, you can't deny that.
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So...is tunneling the best tactic or not?
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I didn't know there were 7 survivors in a match. But if all it takes is proxy camping to get easy 4ks, then that must the case. Otherwise, how would you explain the kill rates?
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Why is genrushing aka doing the only object that survivors have left, bad?
If you want a longer game, then buff healing. Healing slowed the game length down because survivors would waste time resetting.
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Yes because camping is highly "efficient".
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"Why is killing aka the only objective killers have left bad?"
This argument is pretty weak. Both sides only have one main objective and increasing efficiency forces the other side to follow suit. If I were to tunnel at 5 gens, then the survivors would lose every single game, if they played chill and went for chests and totems. If I were to play chill and play against people that finish the 5 gens in less than 5 minutes, then of course I won't be able to compete either.
The funny thing about healing is that it barely slowed the game at all. Survivors could realistically heal themselves quicker than a killer could injure them. Multiple times per match with no set up needed. That's why medkits had to be nerfed. Medkits are still good. Just not as broken as they were.
The game is in a pretty good spot when both sides play similar. But when one extreme meets another, for example a 10k hours hard tunneling Nurse main with 4 regression perks meets 4 casual solo players, then it's really not fun. Which is why the extremes need to be looked at. On both sides. You can't have killers spreading hooks and playing chill when the gens are done in 5 minutes tops and you can't have survivors that play chill when killers tunnel from the get go either.
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Exactly this. It’s simply an arms race and a perpetuating cycle. I assume for the most part most players want and try for chill games. They play people who run super meta perks and strategies, learn that they have to run meta to counter those, then run into somebody who wants to play chill and destroy them, leading to that person running meta perks and strategies, etc…
Its like the cycle of trauma, but in this case it takes more than an individual to break the cycle.
This isn’t a “killer bad” or “survivor bad” problem, it’s simply a game design and human psychology one. Super hard to overcome, especially when certain perks and strategies are so much more efficient. Competitiveness is a pretty innate instinct in most people.
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I meant, why is survivors doing their object bad. The only thing I can come up with is that it makes the game to fast for killer players. If that is what is bothering killer players then healing has been shown to slow the game down. It gives both sides breathing room and it doesn’t disrupt the balance of the game.
I see why people complain about camping and tunneling.
But I don’t see why “genrushing” is a problem since this is what Killer players seem to want over the slower games you get from a “healing” meta.
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But I don’t see why “genrushing” is a problem since this is what Killer players seem to want over the slower games you get from a “healing” meta.
No one wants games that are over before there was even a chance for things to happen. Extremely fast-paced trials are some of the worst experiences you can possibly have in this game.
The "healing meta" killers disapproved of were mostly tied to the original iterations of Circle of Healing, because it didn't slow the game down, it merely deleted your progress as killer and made hit and run tactics essentially useless.
However, healing was unnecessarily nerfed after that. If you go through old threads on the Forums you will see that Med-Kits were rarely complained about before COH existed, because they were fine by themselves. It was only when healing was allowed to reach extreme levels that players began to truly complain about them.
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Some people play for fun some people play to win its just how it is that eventually the game becomes less fun to have fun in and more fun to win as people get burnt out or have bad matches while trying to have fun then play to win
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You know "proxy camping" is not a new phenomenon and the most egregious form of "face camping" has been largely dealt with.
It didn't kill the game 4 years ago it aint gonna kill the game now.
Maybe just try having fun outside of the singular experience of your version of the perfect game.
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Gen rushing is the survivor equivalent to camping and tunneling. It's doing your objective efficiently. When one side does it, that forces the other to do so as well.
It's easy to see why people complain about both. Because it minimises interaction. If the game is over in less than 5 minutes, then how much did actually happen during that time? Not a lot.
The first 10-15 seconds are just the killer making their way across the map and then there is also hooking (let it be 8 seconds on average) and traversing the map again to actually find the next survivor (10 seconds minimum). Now factor in how long the average chase should be (45 seconds and that's pretty fast).
With all of this, a killer can get about 4-5 chases during a match. This is a loss. A pretty bad loss at that. So they need to focus on playing more efficient too. You can't really reduce the down time much more, so you need to reduce the chase time. However, that means that the ratio between the time spent in interaction with the survivors (the part that is actually fun) and the down time becomes even worse. So the match overall becomes less enjoyable for both sides.
The alternative is to try and focus on slowing the game as much as possible. This equates to stacking slow down and tunneling / camping to get a quick kill. This is the more enjoyable approach for the killer because it allows them to spend more time in chase. But it's the one that's even worse for survivors because they lose without actually having made a mistake themselves. If you weren't hooked yet but your team mate is dead at 3 gens, then the game is over regardless.
The healing meta didn't slow down the match a lot. It was minimal because survivors healed so fast and efficient, which became a serious issue. You couldn't really counter a 3 seconds heal and it didn't buy you a lot of time either (you could even say it contributed to faster matches because it was less time spent healing thrice than now once).
This is not a strong argument either. 2 things can be a problem at once. For example Nurse is overpowered. Does that mean, that C33 and Alch Ring Blight was fine? I don't think so.
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What would you recommend to fix it that wouldn't be exploited by killers or survivors?
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This is all good feedback, if only BHVR would listen more to the community and people who play their game and bring in money, this problem would have been solved a long time ago.
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This doesn't work. As long as survivors get the unhook before they hit stage two. This is easy if they are healthy and there is line of sight blockers. Then there's exhaustion perks. Deliverance, reassurance etc.
If you stand in shack whilst a survivor is hooked in the basement the bar will fill up. if you leave the shack that's enough time to get an unhook.
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Well if it's not why are you complaining then?
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against soloq you can play killer without any addons and 4k