With Lights Out nearly upon us...

What other game modifiers would you all like to see in the future? Seems like the devs are looking into other limited time modifiers to implement (I'm assuming it'll all depend on how Lights Out does). I would personally like to see one where both survivors and killers load in without perks OR a random set of perks. Seems like a lot of players' frustrations now-a-days is due to both sides having meta playstyles that they each find unsavory.
I'm really curious about that Prop Hunt-like thing they suggested in that survey a while ago.
Or more specifically, if I'd be any good at it.
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Patiently waiting for 2v8.
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I'm not sure if it counts as a modifier but i like the hide and seek idea they proposed. No gens, gates get powered after 5 minutes and killers can mori with no hooks.
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If it goes well then the 2 killer idea.
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We dont need new game modes, we need a proper game.
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We kind of have it, but random perks and items. Another one would be Prop Hunt.
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Seconded, we need a randomizer mode. Perks, items, add-ons.
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What if both sides got to play as killers? Survivors get to play as the survivor role but as killers characters. Would be amusing seeing a Nurse and Oni working on a gen as a Billy chases a Doctor 😅
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First Person Survivor
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Personally I'm completely against 2v8. It'll likely be a nightmare to balance and result in the least fun chases and gameplay out of all the suggestions I've seen.
5v5 would be much more easy to balance since its just 2 games of what we currently have playing out at the same time. It would be a much more interesting and fun concept in my opinion to see 2 teams each with 4 survivors and a killer performing a tug of war against each other; this compared to seeing 2 killers completely destroy a survivor in chase while the rest play gen simulator.
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In all mode, 2v8 is my least favorite. I cant image 2 killers tunnel 1 by 1 and the other survivors rush Gens before their time come.
Someone else suggested this idea, a 5v5 mode. 1 side has 4 survivors and a killer. Objective is to complete their team's Gens and kill other team's survivors.
I can image the scene where a survivor in team A body block another one in team B so killer A can make a kill. Or body block a flashlight save ect..
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The games almost 8 years old, its wayyy overdue for new and fresh game modes. Adding something like a 2v8 would be the best decision they've made in years, balanced or not. A lot of people want to play killer with their friends and go back to a time where everything's not ultra-optimized and meta.
It's quite shocking it's taken this long for the games first new game-mode to finally release. Correct me if I'm wrong but the youtube videos that show off 2v8's always seem to be the most viewed DbD videos on the platform.
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It could be the most unbalanced stuff ever, but I want to play it.
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I think this game mode would be extremely enjoyable and fresh for the game. Balanced? Probably not, but at the end of the day who cares, it would be super enjoyable to play killer with a friend. It's not something that would hurt the game if they at the very least tried it. There's dumb side-games in almost every modern video game, DbD could most definitely use one like this. Not to mention it's been one of the most requested things I've seen in my 6 years of playing.
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I can respect that. I mean for your sake, if it didn't use up too many of BHVRs resources for other gamemodes I have no problem with them having it as an occasional game mode. I just wouldn't want them to pick 2v8 over other gamemodes if we can only have a few.
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Can you expand on the 5v5 game mode you were talking about? I don't really understand how that would work. So you'd have two matches occurring at the same time and each match would be fighting to finish first, get more points, hooks, etc.? Would they be on the same map or just two separate games?
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Both the 5v5 & Giant modifier sounded like fun, a Survivor racing mode could also be good.
Not a fan of 2v8 though.
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Pretty much anything they suggested in that survey a while back. The 5v5 and 2v8 modes sounded interesting for sure.
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an infection mode maybe. 1 killer and 6-8 survivors. The killer gets you and you become a killer too. If the survivors are too slow doing (insert task here) you could potentially have multiple killers hunting you down!
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Personally I think the [Killer + 4 Survivors /vs/ Killer + 4 Survivors] would do A LOT to heal the community's skewed views of the opposing role.
Perhaps it could open a more civil conversation after all the "Why is it that the enemy killer gets a 4 SWFs every time and I constantly get babies that heal in the corner" threads have been exhausted and people reach the conclusion that perhaps our own view of the opposing team's capabilities isn't as unbiased as we think it is.
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It was a gamemode floated in BHVR's last survey. IIRC the gist of it was that each team would have 4 survivors and 1 killer. Each team would be fighting to have the most generator progress while the other teams killer tries they best to disrupt them. I assume winning meant having them most gen completion before the match time ran out.
I loved this concept and I think it would create interesting gameplay while still being easy to balance within the framework of dbd's current system.
I also loved VIP where the game is over if the obsession dies and the rest of the survivors are tasked with trying to protect them as long as possible.
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some combos are gonna be disgusting but it will be worth it.
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That's interesting for sure, but just not sure how that 5v5 mode would work in practice, it seems like it would take more effort and resources to do correctly compared to the 2v8 mode, but could be completely wrong here. It does seem like it'd be very fun though. I do really like the VIP option though, that seems very enjoyable and very little effort from their part.
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Precisely :)
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id call the mode tunnel vision
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i would love a mode like that
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make them all blighted characters as it would make some sense
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2 killer mode it can be prop hunt too but make the kills count as sacrifices to entity so xbox players get them on stats.
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You'll also get team a whinging that the killer helped team b or targeted team a more etc etc.
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The perk randomizer is my top pick and is already in-game via challenges. But I want it to be a feature that is always available and not a time limited modifier. I'd even add a killer randomizer 🤣
For modifiers, I'd like to see that 2vs8 maybe perkless, I think it was implied that instead of hooks there would be something else which made me curious. It would be great testing it for a week to see how things go and would make killer role less stressful since you would have a teammate (a friend even).