Let's talk about the ADRENALINE perk ...

NAERUUU Member Posts: 501
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yeah, one day someone had to talk about it.

Nearly 31% of pickrate by survivors, give 2 of the strongest effect in the game instant when the last gen is done.

For people who where sleepy, they are the effect :

  • Give 150% haste for 5 seconds (when the last gen is done)
  • Instant heal (when the last gen is done)
  • Can be trigger even if exhaustion is already applied.

Alright, so, why is so used ?

The perk is on Meg, an free character who a lot of newbies used, so, that's normal.

But Naeruuu, if the perk is that popular and strong, why it wasn't nerf ?

I'm glad you ask, it's because it's an perk who rewards players for finishing an objective, doing the gens. And that is good, but also the main problem is here, what is this reward so strong ?

Alright, so, if you want to counter this perk as killer, you should use TERMINUS (wesker), but they still have the 5% sprint boost, so they destroy your bloodlust and your current chase, so, good luck.

And how to counter the sprint effect ? People might say ... oh I'm gonna use Mindbreaker, so when they are on the gen and they finished it ... they will not have the sprint boost ... WRONG ! This perk still activate even if they are already exhausted, and, this is also an problem, there is not strategies, or timing stuff ... no, adrenaline work well with other exhaustion perk who are really used (20% pickrate) like Lithe or Sprint Burst.

And if you don't use this perk, well, they will have both effect ...


What rework can we do ?

(First, this perk gonna be rework in the last batch of rework around June (it's on the roadmap for the Alan Wake livestream, friends).

Alright, I prupose only those few changes :

  • Now passively heal in 16/14/12 seconds (like an sringe, not instant)
  • Sprint boost to 3 or 4 seconds (no longer 5 seconds, dude really ?)
  • No longer heal injuried survivors, now only applies on the dying state survivors (that will help in clutch if the killer slug)
  • Now give endurance status effect after recover for 10 seconds (this effect can't be stacked with other endurance perks)

Yeah, that seems fair ...


    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Nah, I think this perk will still be used, it's still an strong antislug / second chance perk, and an free perk, on an free character who is good for the newbies, so ... yeah.

    And ... nah, even if this perk give you " disadvantage " because you are now exhausted ... who care ? You are healed and you can rush for an protection hit if you are not in chase, or rush of open the gate faster :p

    I think that, you just tried to find fake cons to this perk just for avoid it to be nerfed... but ... you know ... it's already on the Road Map :P

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 870

    Contrary to Killer endgame perks, Survivor endgame perks have NO GUARANTEE to even activate.

    Killers will still be there after the last gen is done, Survivors tend (especially recently and made worse by the latest update) to get tunnelled out (or simply killed, or insta-deleted by special mori) before endgame.

    The fact that the Survivor is weaker the whole match (and as such has a higher chance of death) justifies it's power.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373

    I kind of disagree with everyone.

    It is absolutely demoralising ot get hit by 4 adrenalins. I think the main issue with this perk is the same issue we have with WoO. It's the high pickrate.

    But even then it is a really strong perk. The point I think where its unfair is, that it will activate no matter what youve contributed to reach the objective. So even someone who was just edge map camping half the game will benefit from it.

    Mostly the survivor you have been chasing for way too long gets a free huge second chance if not escape.

    The only change I'd like to see is, that you have to have at least repaired 1 1/2 gens (in %). Which means you complete one solo and one with another then you get your adrenalin.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 133

    I agree on four points :

    1) Perk should heal one health in 16 secs like a syringe.

    2) Speed boost should be 3 secs.

    3) Shouldn't work for survivor on the hook.

    4) Shouldn't wake up survivor out of Freddy Dreamworld.

    You can't compare survivor and killer endgame perks because killers can hit 4 strong perks in teeth, it is very hard to manage.

    NOED and No Way Out are easier to manage when you outnumber the killer. All you have to do is to be sneaky on totem/hide for the timer to go away.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373

    I agree that chasing a survivor for 3 minutes or something is a poor decision. Still I don't think he should get a reward for not even activly contributing to the objective.

    A very high pick rate means that this perk is strong if not overpowered. It is however everyones choice to bring whatever they want. It may be boring but its theri chase. At least thats what I would say about solo-q. Teams with 4 adrens can kick dirt.

    If you put your life on the line on purpose then sorry you are not going to get a free escape. People are way to cocky because they rely on adrenalin so much.

    So I don't think having them to at least contribute a small amount to the objective is a bad thing.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    but he is contributing to the objective - if it were not for him wasting so much of the killer's time then the others would not be able to work on gens uninterrupted. He is in chase and not going down meaning 1) we can do gens and 2) we don't even have to go and unhook him because he is looping effectively (this is in a perfect world, because most times in solo q the other 3 are NOT doing gens or 1 is just going around wanting to be the hero with his flashlight or he's doing nonsense like totems)

    high pick rate doesn't make it op if you can't last til the endgame. You can put it into a new players hands and it could be meaningless. You also get 0 value til the end. If you make it to the end then your team is doing something right.

    If you are focusing 1 survivor and he is looping you for 3, 4 or 5 gens, that is on you. Adrenaline did not help him escape, he did that all on his own, adrenaline did not get him there.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    Honestly? Only thing I want is for it not to be put on hold if a survivor is incapacitated (on hook or being carried, etc). And for it not to counter Freddy directly.

  • Refract
    Refract Member Posts: 6

    Honestly it's fine to have some perks that are really good. That said, it countering Freddy is dumb, and it probably shouldn't heal someone off the hook.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373

    We have different opinions then. The things you describe are edge scenarios. Most of the time people stay injured because they rely on resilience and adrenalin.

    I stick to adrenalin not beeing deserved if you did not actively work on the objective.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    Its not edge scenarios. His description is exactly how most solo'Q games would/do go. Are they not for you? Do you disagree with ALL his points? There's no way...

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948

    See I like that idea on paper, you could even make it a token system that has a few different triggers that grant more features of Adrenaline the more tokens you have, like Devour Hope or Pentimento.

    However in practise you get this issue where if someone has been tunneled all game, but somehow stayed alive for 5 gens completed, that player gets screwed by it.

    The two changes it does need are: -

    • Doesn't recover a health state on hook or carried by the Killer.
    • Doesn't wake up vs. Freddy.

    Adrenaline needs to be strong because a survivor is playing without a perk for the whole game... I can't honestly say I think it needs nerfs beyond that... nerfs that wouldn't kill the perk anyway.

    Other than that I think you'd have to completely rework it...

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I am on the opinion, thar this perk is only strong for two aspects, and needs nerfs on those aspects... everything else is perfect fine and balanced.

    One aspect, it completely counter Freddy's power by automatically wake up, which is bit counters the fact that the Devs want to remove any perks that allow you to counter any Killer's powers, like they did with Old Small Game perk which allows you to detect, and completely disable Trapper's traps for free. (It makes Trapper hard to play, as survivors back then can literally destory Trapper's traps and be unable to used them for like 3 minutes). They should remove that aspect and give Freddy players a quality of life improvement.

    2.) This is a minor nerf proposal, but it make playing agaisnt a SWF running all 4 stacks of Adrenaline maybe less obnoxious. I do find the fact this perk when you and your Team is easily able to coordinate gen rushing and completing all 5 gens very obnoxious, especially when you are on the hook. I proposal the following changes and new effects to make it balance.

    As soon as the last Generator is completed, the perk will grant the following effects, depending on your status.

    *If you are healthy and not exhausted, you can a movement speed boost for 150% for 3 seconds (like normal)

    *If you are injured and not exhausted, you gain a health state but no movement speed boost.

    *If you are dying state, you gain health state back to injured state and no speed boost.

    *If you are exhausted by any means, expect in the dying state; you are recovering from exhausted completed.

    *If you are on the hook and get off, you gain increased movement speed for 150% movement speed for 3 seconds but no health state. Endurance stack lingers after getting off hook by any means.

    These new perk changes to Adrenaline will limits the all the benefits and make it very situational and make it synergies with exhaustion perk in check.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 420

    Why people want to kill the few good survivor perks?

    Adrenaline is fine, it shouldn’t wake you up with Freddy, tho

    but you’re playing with 3 perks the whole match and you’re not guaranteed to reach endgame, unlike endgame killer perks. There’s a lot of hard tunneling and noed being in almost every match. So if you want to touch Adrenaline, then touch other killer endgame perks too

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 2024

    If they touch Adrenalin they should also nerf pain res and pop, so that you get easier to endgame.

  • Hyuu
    Hyuu Member Posts: 33

    Just run Terminus if its such a huge problem to deal with adrenaline. Or if you really don't want to deal with it, run Terminus on Pyramid Head and just cage them as it won't proc through cage.

    Adrenaline rewards the survivors for doing their jobs. Making it a 'heal over time' would legit kill the perk. Even after all the nerfs to healing, DH, DS, MoM, Boons, etc, Killers still somehow believe that they are entitled to a kill just because they downed someone. That would actually be the same as saying that just because the exit gates are powered, survivors should be entitled to a free escape without opening gates. Is getting hit with 2 adrenalines mid chase and then another one when someone gets unhooked a bit tilting? Yeah. Does it need to be nerfed? Hell no. If you want to talk about perks that reward survivors for doing their objective, lets talk about perks that actively reward killers for failing their objective or out right doing nothing.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    if people here said : uh it's fine.


    But it's on the roadmap so, it's not that healty :3

    Seeing the nerfs in April on the PTB :3