Plot Twist vs Infectious Fright

Yesterday an Ace Plot Twisted inside my TR and screamed due to Infectious Fright. I couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of the situation on my way to get a free hook.
Is this interaction intended? The perk clearly states "all other survivors".
Please say yes.
Yes, Infectious triggers when a survivor is downed by any means so it’s intended. Plot Twist can trigger Eruption as well.
edit: oh you’re right it does say “all other survivors”, not sure then
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Honestly I never thought of that
infectious fright is basically a reversal counter to someone plot twisting in a corner near you
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I don't think I made myself clear. The perk says:
"Whenever a Survivor is put into the Dying State by any means, all OTHER Survivors within your Terror Radius will scream and reveal their current location to you for 4/5/6seconds."
What happened was Ace plot twisted and he was the one that screamed. The perk implementation doesn't match the description bc of the bolded OTHER.
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Yeah I realized after I sent my message and edited it, my bad
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Id have laughed my ar5e off too tbf. Ot would be an Ace running it wouldn't it.
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Ahahahahaha, that's brilliant xD
I hope that is never fixed, cause that is a hilarious counter xD
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Probably not intended due to what the perk description states but it sounds funny as hell, actually comedy gold. Genuinely keep that in the game because of how funny it sounds. If I were that Ace I would break my PC straight up
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Plot twist always triggers infectious fright i believe. I got revealed the other day because of a team mate who used plot twist far away from me when i was using generator.
The description does stay "whenever a survivor is put into the dying state by any means" but the "all other survivors" part is assuming that you aren't putting them into the dying state with a ranged attack or something like that.