PC - Legion can't gain chase outside of frenzy

k1ngpuppy Member Posts: 3
edited February 7 in Bug Reporting
  • As the title suggests, I was unable to gain chase unless I was in frenzy for the entirety of the match. I've attached a clip thats a good example of how the entire game went.

  • Legion
  • Grim Embrace, Jolt, enduring, spirit fury
  • badham preschool
  • all match (update: I played a second match, same perks, on mothers dwelling and did not have this issue)

Post edited by k1ngpuppy on
2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • k1ngpuppy
    k1ngpuppy Member Posts: 3

    update: I played a second match, same perks, was on mother's forest and was able to gain chase as normal.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    I go full chase build, zero gen perks. Bamboozle, Spirit Fury, Enduring and Brutal Strength

  • Eynox
    Eynox Member Posts: 86

    It's a random bug that occurs randomly, when you least expect it. The killer you are playing won't be able to initiate or drop chase normally. Been going on for as far as I can tell 2+ months.

    I've experienced it with Legion as well. Can't remember which other killers.