'Lights Out' makes me want to punch my own lights out

I tried to play through ten or so survivor matches of the new 'Lights Out' Game Mode. I have to say, if nothing else, this event really makes you feel like Alan Wake in the Dark Place...
Desperate for escape. Surrounded by encroaching darkness. Void of anything but fleeting hope, snuffed out the moment I realise the killer is going to tunnel me out again. The resignation and despair that comes with the inevitability of the killer getting a free first hit and knowing that I will most likely remain injured for the rest of the game, for my teammates are as lost in the darkness as I am. Time slips through my fingers. I don't know if I can pull off the heal in time, for there is no progress bar to guide me, but I push forward. Right into the killer's hands. And in a blink, we're all hung up like animals freshly slaughtered. I dive into the next trial. I must keep writing, even if it seems futile. No perks, no terror radius, no HUD or hope of coordination, only the promise of a charm that may one day hang on my waist like my limp body, dangling helplessly off the ground. Perhaps I could go back. Change the story. Bend the rules to my liking. I could restore the killer's terror radius, or bring in flashlights to hold back the darkness for just a moment. Something needed to change, or the balance would remain upset. With a mechanical whir, the typewriter slots into place and I write the final line of my plea that goes out to those beyond the darkness. It reads, "Behaviour, please, make this mode even slightly bearable for solo queue survivors."
I don't even wanna try it out. I get teammates that run right into the killer when the map is slightly dark.
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It's not even the team so much as the opponent for me.
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nope, this game mode aint for me, soloQ's worst nightmare haha
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I had more fun playing against three gen skull merchants than I did playing lights out. Thankfully the challenges can be completed in normal games.
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Btw, what was the idea behind it? Some counterplay, or tactic, or whatever?
Now it looks boring from either side.
From survivor side, you just die, because you cannot anticipate killer approach in any way, you don't see him or hear him, he just appear beside you. So, no chasing, no hiding. What then?
From killer side, you don't need to do anything, you just walk along conveniently higligted red spots aka gens and kille anyone near.
And with all of that, some still camp and tunnel.
So, what was the idea? I'm trying to find, but obviously missing the point.
Post edited by EQWashu on13 -
Can't speak for the killer side but completely agree with the survivor side take. It's like every killer has Wraith's kit built in without needing to uncloak. You can't hear them and have no way of seeing them until it's too late. Killers know where to find you by patrolling gens and you're always going to be left vulnerable doing a gen. Even if there's a pallet right next to you you're likely to be hit, and if you get caught on a gen out in the open against someone like Bubba you're just immediately screwed. Add the fact healing is much more difficult and risky and you're pretty much one shot past your first hook for the rest of the game with little to no way of preventing getting hit.
Post edited by EQWashu on6 -
it's been both for me.
both for the usual reasons, exarcebated because there's no perks to hold it back/hold their hand.
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Having no anti-tunneling perks speaks for itself. Must be a terrific experience!
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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 W
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Yeah, tunneling goes hard in this Mode. At least this is a good indicator that you can nerf Survivor as much as you want, Killers will tunnel because it is the easiest way to win a game.
All Survivor-games I had were just tunneling.
I will 100% not play this mode again and I will most likely not play any future modes they release. At least you can do the Tome in regular games.
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I appreciate that the devs listened to feedback and gave us a new game mode, but this one was really poorly thought out IMO (at least in this "1.0" initial version). It could be a lot better with some improvements. In its current state, matches just turn into drawn out slogs where killers can't find survivors and survivors can't find gens or each other. There needs to be some mechanics introduced to help speed up the games. I probably won't play Lights Out again until some improvements are made.
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You deserve a medal - also great writing <3
... and - sadly - also spot on
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I feel bad because the devs are just trying to introduce something fun in response to requested additional game modes. But any game mode where killers can tunnel with impunity is going to be unplayable.
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I'd give it a try, friend. It is pretty fun.
Especially as killer.
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<3 thank you
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WAIT... you can do the tome in regular matches?? I've been torturing myself all day for nothing 😭
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What you describe is how you're supposed to feel while playing survivor.
Trapped, scared, unsure, desperate, constantly searching the unknown, unable to see the incoming threat and having no time to react... That's a horror movie!
Lights out has taken DBD to a place it was always meant to be.
Survivor has never been this intense or fun IMO.
I've only escaped once so far and have died every other match and I've loved every minute of it!
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Yes. I also thought it would have to be in the Nights Out-Mode, but someone wrote in the Forums that it also works in regular games and thank god for that.
I probably would not have tortured myself with that mode anyway. The rewards are only Charms and Player Card-Items, I would have simply missed out on those if they would only be obtainable in the Nights Out-Mode. (Well, and Rift Fragments, but those dont really matter to me personally)
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Honestly, I probably wouldn't play anymore if it weren't for tomes, free rewards etc. They're the only things that give me a kick to load the game.
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First few matches with Alan as Survivor was fun, I the only one left... well crawling and managed to reach a hatch. :D But just like normal game mode teammates are a roulette, you get good players or bad, who die even with good perks and guidance system.
Same for the Killer side. Though "Woo-hoo, I'm gonna slaughter tonight" yeah, in my dreams. XD Good team managed fix all the gens and get zero kills or even hooks as a Xeno, a little more luck I have with the Singularity hence the cameras. Interesting play as the Trapper. Though endgame chat I got I was tunneled. Honestly, I didn't on purposely, just saw someone in the fog and started to chase. But even this circumstances the survivors managed to free a one of them form the basement! And I put traps literal every doors and corners in the basement. XD And, they not triggered and managed to avoid them.
Actually, recently I mostly do challenges for BP and lore, and maybe for challenge. Sometimes I feel after a dozen matches I can get win or a decently fun match at either sides.
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You will experience the same crap you normally do on survivor but cranked up to 11. Killers are just hovering around hooksaves, so interactive and scary, so fun. Queing for this mode is super fast though, so that's a plus right? Getting right into the action of camp and tunnel at a faster rate than you already do in soloq, genius idea.
Killer role on the other hand is just... wow, I played one match of it as killer, which took forever to que for (cant imagine why), and its a joke. I dont know why you are able to see generators or hooked survivors, you should not be able to. You shouldnt be getting things like screams/killer instinct/meyers read outline/coughing... etc... otherwise you are just circumventing the whole, not seeing thing. How did the devs not think of this?
I have watched several plays with Ghost face and Meyers now and wow is it a joke. How does anyone log in and think this is fun? Its not fun on either end of this, I don't want to play with you and ... you want to just load up with basically cheat codes. Hooray, so interactive and new....
Extremely missed what I was expecting from this mode. Definitely not touching it on killer as its lame as hell, and I'd rather just que in a normal game if I want to rush myself into being camped/tunneled on survivor.
Do better BHVR.
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At least nurse is 1000x harder to play ...
I will not try playing survivor ...
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How in the world did you manage to make the killer find that survivor again? They have no way to track them either.
My games were hardcore camping so far, so not much better (is the AFC actually a thing in Lights Out?). I think this game mode is ridiculously bad for both sides. I tried to play it for the BP but I'd rather not play at all. This is the most boring and overall mind numbing experience I've ever had.
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Best part of this mod is the "no perk" side, that's why i'm loving it
Watching survivors running clueless around because they can't use WoO is priceless
This mod should be used by the Dev to realize how much perks impact on the game, more than anything else
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I'm not sure if I'm more baffled or more envious of your perception of the mode.
Safe for the "unable to see the incoming threat" I feel neither of the things you describe.
There's actually just two words to sum up the survivor experience - at least as far as I'm concerned: annoying and frustrating. (As for the killer experience: annoying and boring would be the two words.)
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From what I have seen, the Killer just not goes far away. No Terror Radius = better option to camp.
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Then that's more of a problem with camping though, isn't it? I have also noticed a lot of camping (kind of understandable but still horrible).
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Well look at it this way, what do you expect from a game of DBD or at least what makes a great game of DBD for you?
I'm in it for the horror movie experience, which with each year is lacking more and more as I become better at the game and more desensitized as a result.
Injecting a real sense of just complete "Oh crap I'm screwed" right from game start has really jumpstarted that new player feeling I had when I first played DBD making lights out a great thing... for me and I hope many others.
If what you want from a game of DBD isn't captured by what I just described then sure I understand why you aren't enjoying lights out.
But remember this isn't about a balanced competitive PvP experience, its about being stuck in the dark in an "oh crap!" experience and its absolutely achieved that at least for those of us who want it.
I will play lot more survivor in this mode compared to the base game and I hope its eventually available on an ongoing basis.
Post edited by pseudechis on3 -
I think Lights Out also enhances the killer experience.
It is nice to have that "oh crap!" experience that you've described, but it is even better to be the one who causes it. The killer is the danger, the monster lurking in the fog. It is a role which has to feel threatening, and I think it does feel threatening in Lights Out.
Unfortunately my main isn't available, but I've been having a lot of fun with the Knight. Spawning guards from the darkness, a survivor turns a corner and I'm suddenly there. It is perfect.
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well, to be fair, I usually view horror movies more as a comedy movie. Few movies that make me facepalm and burst out laughing as much as horror movies do. - So the usual DBD experience with chase at its center and a whole lot of ridiculousness is very much in line with how I see the horror genre and what I expect from it.
Put differently: If I had come to know DBD with the Lights Out modifier as default... I wouldn't have played for more than a few hours before uninstalling.
But as you say: to each their own. And I'm kinda glad there are at least some folks out there who seem to enjoy it - cause while for me personally it's a 1/10 I'm sure there was a team on the dev side that put a lot of effort and enthusiasm in.
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Absolutely I've had a lot of fun playing killer in lights out. What caught me a bit by surprise though is just how much more I enjoy survivor while playing it. Its the survivor experience I've always wanted but only ever get fleetingly in the base game.
Its really hard to induce a fear response in an artificial environment. I get where you are coming from there and it definitely couldn't be the base game because lets face it, it is rather one sided and won't appeal to people who want a more balanced PvP experience.
I personally relish in the imbalance I think its thematically great and I value that.
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I don't use WoO (or any meta perks) and I still ran around clueless. It's actually very disorientating as a survivor in Lights Out. Killers have a point of reference (gen auras) but if I can't recognize the tile I've just run into because all I see is a wall, then it's easy to get lost.
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Survivors are running clueless because they can't see, not because of lack of Windows. You spawn on a map and can't tell if you're north or south without running into walls. Very one-sided, so have fun while it lasts.
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It's completely optional though, so I don't get why anyone would play it if they find it that bad. I personally really enjoy it even if it is far from perfect. I had stopped playing DBD and only came back for this as at least it isn't the same old stale game imo
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I played a few matches on both sides before realizing you could get the challenges without doing that. My first Survivor game was against the Lights-Out version of Insidious Camping Bubba, so that pretty much set the tone.
It's no so much that it felt scary or hard or that I lost more than usual -- I usually lose a lot. It's more that it felt tedious. Like, I had to make a bunch of extra effort to do even basic things -- like staring at the floor to follow blood trails as Killer. At one point, I thought, "Maybe it's good to go back to fundamentals -- maybe my tracking will improve," but it wore me down fast.
I get why this mode would appeal to purists, and I even agree that it's a cleaner version of the game, in some ways, but i just had a lot more fun in regular matches.
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I will say this, it definitely gives the feeling I had when I first started playing (as surv) but if you are running solo it's virtually impossible to get anything done.
It's definitely been tough but I have just framed it as I'm just trying to complete the event tome. Which I did, fairly easily. So it wasn't too bad with that in mind.
Killer was pretty easy but IDK if that's fair because I ran Wraith the entire time 😅
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They can????
Guess i went through some unnecessary suffering tho :(
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I played almost exclusivly killer and it was boring as hell. It did not felt like me beeing a scary monster, it felt like me beeing a cheater. Especially true on Bubba.
I did not loose a single game as killer nore where they able to finish more then 3 gens (unless i farmed with them when they got stomped at like 5 gens).
Maybe it is the killers wish to stomp survivors without much they can do, but i for myself cant get out that this scenario much. I rather prefere some challange experience instead of this slaughterhouse easy mode.
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yeah i have not escaped once as solo survivor. i am definitely inexperienced with the mode, tbf. never once have when i played, (played about 8 games) did the exit gates get powered. closest we got was a trapper on borgo and we got 4 gens done. what i find a lot of is i'm always the one with no hook tallies because i'm the one doing gens. and i find when everyone or mostly everyone is on death hook, i have to take chase, but taking chase is pretty hard without being able to hear a tr or being able to SEE the killer unless i'm practically hugging them :/ maybe i'm just missing something about this game mode but it feels very tough for solo queue. at least, for my play style. maybe i should take more chases? but it feels like i have to run into the killer and give them a free hit for them to take chase with me.
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Well, this is unfortunate, my friend. But it happens. Nothing in this game will ever be universally liked.
I loved the killer experience in Lights Out. It would be better if Freddy wasn't unplayable, but I am happy with what we got.
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I may be the only person in here but I honestly enjoyed the Mode.
It's been a real "return to core DBD" experience and it's been satisfying to not have enemies who lean on(or heavily abuse combos of) perks.
Survivors; just make sure you're listening too and have that gameplan already. Stealth is key(as it usually is, but even moreso), and careful attention is paramount. Having map knowledge will save you too, so maybe scour the area quietly and stealthily before for a couple chained loops/pallets or windows.
Killers: just don't be dicks.
This mode has been a MUCH needed break from Perks, OP/Meta BS and in most cases SWF as well, and has been a great departure from the usual. Some cosmetics and a couple challenges + 2XP and I was honestly having a great time. Honestly was sitting here wondering if it was a test for a "comp" mode, and was kinda stoked but if they're just rotating random modifiers that'd be chill too! :)
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As killer (Knight) 3 games, just 2 kills. He absolutely hopeless in lights out.
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I'd say spare yourself the headache and don't play, it's really not worth the stress. Killers are still hard-tunneling and camping as if it's just another Tuesday. My SoloQ games were so bad I hopped on as Ghostface and just meme-ed around and it was insane how many survivors were being very kind and thankful for not being hard-tunneled for once during the event like that oughts to say something.
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I enjoy this gamemode but BHVR is gonna have to look at all this feedback and considering modifying some things if lights out comes back in the future.
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Trust me I'm not even considering it.
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Yeah I guess they wanted to coddle killer players.
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I found killer to be really boring in this mode. People would just flounder around at loops or run into me. I did a couple of games as survivor with my friends and it was just like most of you said, tedious and annoying. Just a lot of extra steps to do the same stuff. Quit after getting legion 3 times in a row, feel like they defeat the whole purpose of limited vision. From what I can see a lot of people enjoy the power fantasy of either being helpless at somebodies mercy or just tearing up survivors with ease. Not my cup of tea personally.
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I like it as both a Killer and Survivor. For Killer, it feels so much less stressful having to deal with Survivors having perks that make your job impossible, but it also gives you the chance to feel like a horror movie villain rather than a punching bag, Survivors don't know where you can come from and can easily fall prone due to them not knowing nearby Pallets and windows. And for Survivor, it absolutely feels like DbD hard mode. Like as Survivor, you don't have your OP perks to take multiple hits or do gens super fast, aside from the 8 chests that have at least Rare toolboxes, but after some time in solo que I actually managed to figure out simple strategies to face this game mode. I always make sure to keep a mental map of every gen location, or use a map item, to prevent a 3 gen from occurring, because of that happens it is game over. I also keep a mental note of every nearby Pallet and Window to increase my odds of escaping, that way even if the Killer manages to hit me once, I still have a chance to lose the Killer with looping. Plus, there is also no scratch marks, so if you manage to not get hit, you are literally untrackable. Pools of Blood are still present, I might think that could be removed from this game mode so that the Killer is also lost in the dark as much as the Survivors. But overall, still a fun game mode, especially for playing as The Shape (my main) and it's about time he some love. This game mode was made for him lol. But hey, this is clearly a test game mode, just to see if BHVR could even implement a new game mode. This isn't going to be the last game mode because why would BHVR bother wasting their time implementing this feature. I do wonder what other game modes will be featured.
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It may be boring because people make it boring.
Camping around with bubba or picking legion to bypass the challenge of lights out is pretty mindnumbing in my oppinion. You loose survivors very quick if you they break line of sight for a second.
The challenge for killers is to master their killer power and figure out where survivors might go. On the other hand survivors have to figure out where the killer might go and be more aware of their surroundings.
Lights out makes dbd finally feel like a horror game and I never had more fun before. Never was I so lost on the map and never this scared.
Sure some players really ruin this mode by running around without a clue where to go, not helping teammates or simply by camping and tunneling. This mode is not for them.
I win a lot of killer matches but escape a lot of trials as survivor as well. It actually feels more balanced then normal dbd as in normal dbd I get killed in most matches.