When will 'The Singularity' price go from 9k to 4.5k IriShards?


When will 'The Singularity' price go from 9k to 4.5k IriShards?

I understood that the latest killers/survivors will be 9k but at what point do they shift from the 9k to the 4.5k pool?

Best Answer

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,390
    edited February 8 Answer ✓

    There are no plans to reduce the price of other characters currently. We reduced the price of some older characters because their DLC packs (the most economical way to get them) were merged into larger bundles, making it more expensive if you just wanted one or two of them. We reduced their individual prices in game to compensate so people who don't want the whole bundle still have a cheaper option. Newer DLCs are still available separately, so they are not affected by this change.

    More recent characters may still go on sale from time to time, but there is no plan to permanently reduce their price for the time being.
