Survivor is not fun



  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    You are simply wrong. A med kit without addons heals you full once. If you miss a skill check or get interrupted with hemo, then it won't heal you full, but that a misplay from your side then.

    Yes, the med kits have been slowed down. You could argue that it might be too much (although you can mitigate that pretty effectively with speed or skill check add-ons), but we are coming from a situation where medkits could heal you in 8s, multiple times. That was totally broken and got a well deserved nerf.

    You know what's funny? Med kits altruistic healing was actually BUFFED! If you want fast heals, just let someone else heal you with a med kit, or heal someone else with yours. Yet no one does that. Or use we'll make it. Fast heals still exists, but they take some more investment now than just equipping one op item.

    I see flashlights way to often for my taste (playing killer). Often have multiple games in a row with two or more flashlights. And I get blinded constantly from the stupidest angles, even when I'm doing everything I can do dodge it. Blinding is stupidly easy in the current game. Lightborn is there to help me get a chill round, not having to mind being blinded.

    I even agree to you that the game might be stale for survivors. That's why I mostly play killer. But undermining that with hyperbole and just plain wrong facts does not help you your argumentation.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    When was the last time you saw the twins? Or Freddy?

    34 killers, but over half of them have had their playstyles nerfed into the ground

  • DeathByBJ224
    DeathByBJ224 Member Posts: 61

    DUH have you not notice the amount of aura reading perks killers have?! its tremendous! i personally hate playing survivor and im a survivor main. i usually have a duo with me where we run boil over,flip flop, and breakdown. (4th is optional) . with a toolbox and most our games end up us being tunnelled or bleeding out cause the killer cant hook us? so at that point we just end up being slugged and death. the game is rigged for it to be KILLER SIDED. i do not care if i sounded survivor bias but i hate the stress i go through as a survivor in this game

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,750

    I haven't seen Twins in a long time. Freddy is pretty rare too. But this is less of a survivor issue than it is an issue with these killers. You still have enough variety for the game not to feel as stale as one might think.

    Even more so now that Hillbilly is in a good spot again and you might actually encounter one. Together with Chucky, Wesker, Huntress, Blight, Legion, Deathslinger and Wraith (just a few examples of commonly picked killers) this is a pretty good variety. Much better than a year ago, when people only played Wesker because most other killers just weren't fun.

    Also, most killers haven't had any significant nerfs to their play styles. In fact there have been more buffs to killers in recent years than anything else. Chucky was nerfed (I'm still salty about that), Xenomorph wasn't really nerfed but fixed (although it's ridiculous the proposed buff was never even tested), Wesker hasn't really had any nerfs, Huntress has been buffed more than nerfed, Nemesis remains largely unchanged (although it seems his zombies are a bit better than they used to be), Sadako was in a pretty good spot on the PTB and we know that there will be more adjustments to her soon (which wouldn't be necessary, if they hadn't nerfed her from the PTB), Legion became a lot better with their rework, the same goes for Ghostface, Trickster was reworked / buffed, Oni had some of his addons buffed, Bubba got the Carburettor Tuning guide fixed (which is a buff), Trapper has gotten plenty of buffs, Pig was buffed a little, Myers had some of his addons buffed, Billy got a huge buff (taking him up several tiers) and even Demogorgon got some slight buffs. There haven't been a lot of nerfs to killers lately other than Spirit's and Blight's addons (both justified).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,320

    Oh, I agree that survivor has been pretty terrible to play since 6.1. But I don't think they can keep throwing people into instant queue terrible games. They're slowly bleeding players as is. It's just going alienate the vets who are still around.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    Quite frankly I only skimmed through your reply.

    I still stand by my point that surv gameplay is just boring. We can keep going back and for about this and nothing will change. You can talk about all the pallets on paper but when you're playing it's completely different. What is the point of a pallet when the loop is so short that the killer can just ignore it to go around and land a hit anyway? Or if they can literally hit you through a wall or a pallet? The only killers that would find pallets to be an issue are m1 killers and lets be real you don't see them often these days. And lets not get started about the crazy window and pallet hits that haven't been fixed to this very day.

    Also keep your sarcasm to yourself because we all know that Freddy's kit is not just teleporting so try that again. It's clear you're just trying to be condescending so you do you.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Games with exponentially smaller player counts than DbD are able to matchmake just fine. Player count isn't the issue here. There's more than likely between 50-75k players active at any point in the day, that's wayyyy higher than your average game, asymmetrical or not.

    There's dozens of problems with the matchmaking system but I really think that playercount is one of the lowest things on that list.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 271

    This games gets a new killer with a new power every 3 or so months, but survivors haven't had their items updated in years. The last real change was the medkit change and the bnp change... otherwise everything stayed the same for years. The worst part's that flashlights got their skill expression nuked, leaving only looping as the "skill expression" on the survivor side.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    That is every single game, no matter the killer, for the past several days. This game needs a major overhaul. I'm surprised anyone is still playing with how unfun this game has become on both sides.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    So much gen regression, crappy exhaustion perks, slow heals, it's almost as if Behavior decided to punish survivors and forgot about proper balance flow. Yet players continue to play despite all these complaints. I'd just quit playing and find something else more fun because this game isn't fun anymore. And that's for both sides. Killer is too easy. Survivor is too hard.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,750

    Freddy has absolutely no other power than a teleport as long as you are awake. That is no sarcasm but a fact. Staying awake doesn't really take a lot of effort either. Even if you do end up asleep and with him after you, his anti loop is still bad. It's Clown's purple bottle in worse and he doesn't have anything else to help him out.

    Also, you specifically brought up Freddy for his mobility. I'm not sure how dream snares would qualify as such. That was no sarcasm but a misunderstanding it seems. Although I do not understand why you would take Freddy of all killers as an example. There is no denying that Freddy is a pretty weak killer. He has little control over his own power, his teleport has a ridiculous cooldown and is the most restricted of any mobility powers in the game and it gets weaker the longer the match goes, his anti loop is a weaker version of Clown's purple bottle with less utility, he has absolutely no power at the start of a match and he has an inbuilt counter to his power (several actually). If your point was to list killers that would traverse maps quickly and then have oppressive chase powers, you discredited yourself by bringing Freddy into this.

    You conveniently didn't mention what killers you meant that would hit you behind pallets and windows. This comes back down to your earlier claim that from a survivor's POV all killers are the same. But that is not the case. You play different against a Huntress, than you would against a Nurse and you play different again than you would against Chucky or a M1 killer. Of course, if you don't adjust your play style and use the killer specific counter play, then you will get hit. This is a logical result of your own mistakes.

    I'll leave it at that. You are not interested in a discussion (otherwise you'd probably read the full thing and not come to the exact opposite conclusion of what was actually said), so I'm going to save my breath on this.

    Should I have offended you, I assure you that wasn't my intention and apologise. Quite frankly I'm not sure what part of it was condescending but I'd be very interested in having that pointed out to me and learning from that.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,167
    edited February 7

    Sorry I have re-read your post 3 times and am struggling to get your point...

    You take a build with a duo, where its whole point is to prevent hooks via wiggling off, sabotaging hooks or pallet stunning the Killer, wasting huge amounts of the killers time... you're mad you get slugged and bled out, and you claim the game is killer sided?

    What did you think would happen? Your whole build is designed to prevent them from hooking you... do you expect the Killer to keep trying to hook you and walking into stuns like a guppy fish?

    The obvious counter once someone realises what you're doing is to slug both of you and ensure the other 2 survivors can't get to you to keep you off gens and also keep you from interfering... you brought that entirely on yourself.

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    Yeah,but no other games are as weird to play as DBD. The perecentage of new bad players vs decent players is 95:5 unlike in other games

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    This was outlined in their 5.5.0 developer update and every other feature has made it in and we had matchmaking updates as well. I presumed this was changed in the back of my mind,but I dont have a specific link backing that rn

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    Ill be real I dont think you can get good games no matter what changes they introduce since survivor solo MMR is slanted so far down because you just keep losing every game. They'd have to do a giant ladder reset and revert a bunch of 6.1/6.7 changes

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,882

    Also keep your sarcasm to yourself because we all know that Freddy's kit is not just teleporting so try that again.

    Take it from one of the four Freddy mains who are still around, sometimes the teleport is all he has.

    As long as you are awake, and with the Alarm Clocks granting you temporary immunity to falling asleep it is ridiculously easy to do so, Freddy is a killer that is forced to play without a power. And if you want to have a bit more risk you can spend the whole trial asleep, because staying in the Dream World is no longer dangerous.

    The teleport is the only part of his current kit that is worth salvaging, and even that isn't perfect. Yes, it gives him mobility, but you can still finish a generator while he is teleporting to it so the action was pointless. It isn't available from the start, channeling it takes time and he has no add-ons to make it faster. Speaking of add-ons, none of them are good.

    Keep yourself awake during the trial and Freddy's kit is reduced to nothing but the teleport.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 93
    edited February 7

    Well, survivors have been overtuned for years so yeah the nerfs hit hard.

    But now the game is more balanced. In return when we play survivor we have more information about our teammates for a better coordination.

    • Yes now with killers equipped with strong anti-loop you have to think instead of pre-dropping a pallet.
    • Yes now you can't heal yourself in 8 seconds with a green medkit and the appropriate add-ons.
    • Yes now you can't have 3 health states from the beginning of the game and each chases.

    Sad times, very sad times.... No I'm kidding, it just that survivors want it balanced to their side, a survival-horror game btw haha.

    Damn what a cringe community full of spoiled kids that cry when their shiny toy is broken. Don't worry, soon mangled gonna get nerfed and DS gonna get buffed.

    I'm mean in my words but this is so annoying to see people complain when the game is leaning toward something more balanced.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 93

    I tend to agree there is a matchmaking problem, eventually also the hard tunnel (only the hard one) is problematic. I also want BHVR to bring back boons in the META.

    20% is very low, well below average according to Even Skull Merchant (the deadliest killer) kills 67% of the survivor roaster on average.

    It's either you are exagerrating (which might be the case like a lot of survivor mains in this discussion) either you are underperforming compare to other survivors.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    20% sounds quite realistic for an average day in my experience. On a rare excellent day I manage to be around 28-29%. A bad day is around 10% and I have had a day where I did not escape a single time.

    And just for the record, I also kept track of how many of my teammates escaped, not just me and the overall escape rate in my matches is typically even 1-5% lower than my own one.

    Unlike what is constantly being claimed, the game is not balanced at all around super-casual low-MMR solo queue.

    I rarely can check the player profiles, but when I can then I get teammates with 7-50 hours, when I get TTVs I check out their channels because I am curious and they are almost without exception variety players with 3-4 viewers who have no special interest in the game, play it once a week or twice a month, and don’t keep up with changes the devs make and don’t read patch notes. Sometimes I don’t even need to check profiles or streams because when I see P0 Dwights/Clauds/Megs in default clothes my lobby I already know enough.

    It‘s probably not even a matchmaking issue because it is so easy to lose that it is probably „the system working as intended“ that many solo players are gravitating towards the bottom of the MMR pit.

    MMR makes it impossible to play out of that region all by yourself once you end up there undeservedly. That‘s the biggest issue with solo queue for me that kills my fun and why I am not playing currently.

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 93

    It sounds like your figures are approximations you throw to give your overall feeling. Again on average, with a good sample, the average kill rate is around 57%. Source :

    43% escape rate. I guess top MMR is higher and average/low MMR is lower for survivors. So probably around 30% is not a bad take.

    Now the question is : how high/top MMR manage to have a higher survive rate while the killers they face are probably sweatier and play strong characters ?

    Most of this is due to the looping skill + being more aggressive on gens. Yes the game became harder for survivor, but before let's be honest it was hard for killers.

    Now BHVR decided to delete this privilege. I just wish now they will spend more time buffing weak perks rather than nerfing strong ones (after the Adrenaline nerf).

    That's why I make suggestions to buff "boon : illumination" with more informations, to remove the random miss skillcheck, etc.

    Survivors need QoL improvement but some perks needed to get nerfed.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    Actually a rough figure only in the context of the post, I was uploading my screenshots of every single game to Nightlight for awhile and got my stats from there until I was depressed enough and stopped. The people playing where MMR put me are most likely not even aware of the existence of Nightlight and thus not uploading anything there.

    I don't even think it's surprising, inexperienced killers are more powerful than inexperienced survivors. I would expect that the lowest end of MMR is exclusively populated by survivors, therefore if the matchmaker can't find any killer of matching MMR it just has to pick one who is higher in MMR and thus much stronger than the survivors. This may not be a problem for me because I'm playing since 2017 and was used to red ranks and much stronger killers in the emblem system than I meet now, but for my teammates most games are mission impossible.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    You can see the boons aura only as survivor, the killer does not see it. I'm fairly certain the killer also has to come closer to the boon to actually hear it. It's not as easy for the killer as you claim it to be. Esp. when the killer often does not have time to go snuff a boon.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    killers are anything but victims in this game. everything is decided in order to make the game easy for killers and extremely u fun for survivors

  • Matt23leo
    Matt23leo Member Posts: 3

    I agree. I've gotten to where I never buy new survivors. I used to buy the ones with good or useful perks, but I stopped. Every time I buy a survivor for their perks, the devs nerf those perks to the point they are useless. So, I definitely stopped using real money to buy anything in this game.