I'm done trying to defend gens
It's just not worth it, I have to sacrifice all my perk slots to barely put a dent in survivors progress, how many seconds is 25%? Like 15 seconds, what can the killer achieve in 15 seconds? Almost nothing.
I rather go with and endgame build, end the game faster than play chess with gens.
I stand by my take that until the 3 big flaws of this game are not solved(genrush,tunnel,camp) with bonus(MMR,cheaters, map balance and map offerings) it won't be satisfying to either win or lose.
You don't even earn that many bps, games are either a genrush, everyone escapes fast and neither side get more than 15k bps, you overpower survivors and they give up and get the same low BP amount.
To sum up the most common DBD experience in it's current state, it's miserable.
That's probably a good thing, to be fair - your objective isn't to defend gens, it's to kill survivors.
You don't need to go for a full endgame build at all, you can get plenty done with chase and info perks. If you play an M1 or hybrid killer, try just stacking chase perks; I've got a build with Enduring/Spirit Fury/Lethal Pursuer/something like Bamboozle or Cruel Limits, with the goal of just chewing through resources until there's nothing left.
I'm not saying there's no problems with gens, to be clear, as infrequent as it is a true genrush scenario is truly unbalanced, but in most games you would get more done if you'd forgo the slowdown and focus on your objective rather than your opponent's objective.
27 -
Would you prefer to go back to pre 6.1.0 patch? Because its seem that currently the game is alot harder for most killers after 6.1.0.
Perhaps it was alot easier for killers to play against
- 5sec DS that activate in end game
- DH for distance
- Circle of healing to heal in 12sec
- minus 50sec extra of Gen
- 16sec of self healing
- 3 health stage Medkits
- old BNP
- survivors get more distance on hit
- killers get no progression lost on Gen kick
- Gen tap
- slower weapon cool down
- no Shadowborne basekit...
26 -
How often do you get genrushed?
What is your typical outcome of your rounds?
1 -
No, that would be even worse, they don't help you as much as you think, you need 1 at most, sadly info perks are just meh most of the times and just lose you games even harder.
Stacking an m1 killer with just info and chase perks will net you at most 3 hooks against a good team, at least endgame build gives you the element of surprise and can clutch a game to your favor and punish survivors genrush.
So? does that make the current state of the game acceptable? no
I don't play killers like Nurse, usually m1 killers since I find the top tier killers really boring to play, especially Nurse, if I don't snowball all gens are usually done within 2 or 3 hooks against good teams, if survivors make big mistakes and I capitalize it's usually 3 or 4k.
Post edited by Adaez on2 -
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Not a fan of using info and chase perks since they barely make a difference, if you wanna get more pressure you shouldn't waste too much time just chasing 1 survivor and kicking pallets.
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I certainly agree with that last part, but that's why you run chase and info perks. Don't waste too much time in chase, because the chase perks make it shorter, and don't focus too much on one guy, because the info perks tell you where everyone else is.
They make a difference if you use them smartly, you can't just slap a few disconnected ones on and call it a day. They need to be a coherent build to work, but once you do that, they work very nicely.
5 -
Wait a sec...the devs added almost an entire extra minute for survivors to finish a generator? Sorry if I misunderstood
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And yet gens can be done in 25 seconds (or less), healing can be done in 5 seconds or even mid-chase with a layer of endurance, way to many perks can provide speed boost ( and they stack ), there are permanent buff ( WoO, Deja.Vu, and so on ) and a comp SWF can beat almost any killer
So yeah, no it's no better than before, it's just different than before
3 -
How on earth are those first two things possible?
Even counting extreme edge cases I think those numbers are kind of a stretch, what am I missing?
8 -
Devs aim for killers to have 60% kill rate.
You could 50% kill rate against a team with skill of 5. Now you can 60% kill rate against a team with skill of 7. Of course its seem alot harder to most killer.
If Devs really make a Gen 120sec long, average killers can 60% kill rate against teams with skill of 10, which means, the game feel even harder for average killers.
5 -
Video is a bit older but it has been made after the healing nerf and iirc a bit before pt and bnp slighty nerf ( or around that time anyway )
So yeah, it is possibile to do a gen in 25 seconds and heal in 6 seconds
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This video wasn't made after the healing nerf, you can see he's got a green medkit as one of the modifiers for self-healing speed and that isn't true anymore. There's also a bit at the end where he shows addons, and the extra-charges one is still green, not iridescent like it is now.
I also think you're misreading some of these? The shortest gen time Otzdarva lays out here is 45 seconds, not 25, and it's one he discounts because it's such an edge case. While the shortest heal he lists (that takes time, at least) is 6 seconds, that isn't doable anymore because of nerfs that happened after this video was made.
12 -
Just play the way you want. Survivors have no problem playing the way they want, so killers should not feel bad about doing the same. Play the way that makes it as easy as possible for you to complete your objective as killer.
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First, that's an otz video and we're annoyed at watching what little we saw.
Second and starting to the point, to get near those times requires both a lot of luck and rigging builds. Not just one, it's plural, builds. As the video disclaimer said (or showed technically) at one point, other factors often apply, and we're going on a limb here and saying that most increase the times.
Third, you cant do all. You can focus on gen, can focus on healing, but if you hybrid, your never getting near those times.
Fourth, the things listed by C3tooth DEFINITELY makes playing the killer role easier than before. We definitely don't want to lose them.
Fifth, we're pretty sure none of this is possible anymore. It's too early to think to hard about it.
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They werent programmed to find and chase survivors.
7 -
Do you play killer or survivor more?
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Depends on what the rift and achievements needed. If we're going currently then we'd say killer.
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Do you want help or are you just looking to vent?
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This video is ancient and no longer accurate.
You have to have multiple people with specific builds to pull either of those off. Completely unrealistic in any real game.
C3 is right, all of those things make Killer much easier to play, objectively speaking.
And then Rulebreaker is correct, NONE of that is possible in public games.
6 -
25% of 90 is 22.5 seconds, not 15.
2 -
Assuming it's a solo gen.
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If it's not then that's removed doubled the progress since two Survivors were working on it
Post edited by Pulsar on3 -
that is not how math works...
2 -
Would you prefer to go back to pre 6.1.0 patch?
Where is this time machine?
I need it.
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I'm afraid it is, roughly, how it works.
It's why it's less effective to duo. You are committing double the time and as PR is a flat 25%, you've made fhe Survivors actions doubly inefficient.
It's also why CoH was so strong. Healing yourself in 16 seconds is more effective than having someone else heal you, where the total time investment is 32 seconds, 16 from each player.
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It isn't, because in DBD, 100+100=170, so it'd be 26.5 seconds, just about.
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I mean, I gotta kinda agree. Using shiz that slows down gens is not usually worth it. Not to mention, the new patch makes it even harder to defend gens. BHVR made it so us killers can't 3-gen, but what about survivors that just hold the game hostage when it's just two of them? How do we fix that?
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Honestly not that much of a trade off compared to now. Until maps are balanced then it would make a huge difference in that gap.
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What do you mean by compared to now? What have survivors received besides hud changes and nerfs since 6.1?
Maps have been a problem since the inception of this game as well.
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Genrush is still a thing, a lot of broken perk combos, the only thing survivors need are soloq information that's still lacking and secondary objectives.
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Lets see... post 6.1 we got windows which got buffed to just play half the game for you while worse and worse maps got added. I would unironically want old DH for distance than some random noob holding W and pre dropping every pallet with some other form of exhaustion.
1 -
Alright, well, pretty sure that's just wrong. How dare Solo Survivors get a buff.
Maps aren't worse than they used to be, take off the glasses.
There are fewer pallets, more unsafe pallets and worse pallets than ever before.
5 -
What "unsafe" pallets? Half the pallets just allow you to see the killer 90% of the time. The only unsafe pallets i see nowadays is the two on either side of the reception area on RPD. Garden got a "rework" which didn't do anything at all except remove the ultra safe truck in front of the house for a still very safe pallet. The gas heaven rework just made the loops more chainable and made main building more accessible. Blood lodge got a little better and don't get me started on the 2nd varients of the macmillan maps. 4 potential i loop spawns on Iron Works 2 alone.
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If you can't see that most pallets are unsafe, I can't really help you, I'm gonna be honest.
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Lets see... eryrie pallets are all safe except the monument one which can only have a chance to spawn and only spawns once. Gideons is just super safe pallets everywhere, garden is super safe pallets, macmillan has some safe and little unsafe, autohaven has very little unsafe pallets when played correctly, haddonfield has safe pallets, badham SUPER safe pallets, borgo pallets are usually safe from the pure amount of junk you have to walk around, toba pallets are safe cause you can see the killer most of the time, nostromo is 50/50, cold wind is 50/50 and hawkins is mostly safe. When a competent player runs them (being competent in this game isnt hard) the pallets strength really shows.
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holy ######### you're trolling me. I get it.
You had me up until you said Hawkins was safe pallet city.
7 -
There’s absolutely no way you believe this. I’ve seen you on these forums for way too long for me to actually believe you to think this.
If you do this is truly a case of there’s no way you ever play survivor. Take the rose colored glasses off. Survivor has not been the power role since 6.1.
5 -
Can you expand on what you mean by genrush? Because I don’t understand how people still think this?
Toolboxes are nerfed, BNPs are nerfed, prove thyself is inefficient unless at one gen, scavenger is garbage, Hyperfocus requires skill, reliant on RNG and no one runs it, deja vu is a healthy perk for the game, potential energy is ran by absolutely nobody, better together is garbage, gens take 90 seconds instead of 80, need I say more?
Gens are the only objective, so if your argument is that survivors splitting and doing them efficiently is genrushing then I don’t know what to tell you. Adding a secondary objective would do nothing but buff killer really, really hard. Killers won’t just suddenly change their playstyles, tunneling would still be prevalent and all the sudden most games would be over at 4 gens.
So what exactly is genrushing? It’s no different than tunneling or proxy camping, it’s just people playing efficiently. The games been out for almost 8 years, of course it’s going to be optimized.
3 -
I've got a vod up on my Twitch with us going through most of your maps.
Some we agree with, most we do not.
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
What maps do you find to have mostly unsafe pallets? I can't think of many personally. A lot of maps have a mixture of stronger and weaker pallets, with a few maps having almost only safe pallets, like Eyrie of Crow or Gideon.
The maps I can think off spontaneously with mostly unsafe pallets are Hawkins and Dead Dawg Saloon.
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You should watch the vod we put alot of work into it
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it is a chase game not kick gen simulator
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If that was TRULY the case then comp would have WAY less restrictions but they still have roughly same since pre 6.1
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I'm sorry but if you're struggling with your killer matches, all I can & will say is keep practicing (not trying to be rude). Killer is the EASIEST its been in a very very long time (besides pre nerf Eruption). Good luck! :)
7 -
Don’t use comp as an example for this games balance. You know that’s not what any of us are talking about. It’s a totally different game than the rest of us play, and unless you play it, you too.
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Coincidentally, they listed Hawkins as having a lot of safe pallets.
As we all know, the upstairs pallet is basically a god pallet, so I figure they must've gotten confused in it's majesty.
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That's the f-you pallet. Someone had a good laugh putting that one in