Save the best for last fix is odd
So they fixed that it gave you 5% attack speed instead of 4% but they didn't fixed the fact the perk is so Broken on many killers.
Tricker loses stack for each blade hit, not damage hit, blade! So you can lose all tokens just by trowing few daggers on obsession without even damaging them. Slingers shot from rail gun itself damage while you didn't even lose health state of them yet. Etc.
It was changed to lose stacks on power hits. Nothing about needing to do damage. Honestly STBFL never needed a nerf, but now the perk is just gutted.
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They can't be serious if its okay for someone like Trickster to trow like 3 blades on Obsession and lose 6 stacks LMAO. Or slinger you shot the obsession -2 (no damage can happen) and when you for real this time damage them you lose another 2. Bruh.
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Never needed a nerf??? The perk was simply busted for a long time.
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It was not busted
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STBFL was never overpowered, the nerf was not needed.
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It was very much especially in certain killers. Now you can learn again to play those killers correctly without the crutch.
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It was not. STBFL only improved M1s and M1 killers are very easy to loop since they have to ran at you.
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STBFL was a perk that was good on low tier killers. Nurse/blight/spirit don't care and don't use it. Why are we nerfing perks that are core on trapper?
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Playing with any kind of perk, offering, item, add-on can be seen as crutch you know. This "argument" is very flawed.
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Anything that really helps a character can be dismissed as a "crutch". STBFL is a good chasing perk, especially on low tier killers.
There was no need to change it.
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It was a skill based buff that needed you to play smart to keep it.on some S tier killers it was broken, on every one else it just brought them up to a good powerlevel
You look me in the eye when you tell when you tell me Trapper, Freddy, or even hag is good without the power boost
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I wouldn't say it was core on Trapper. It was good on him, but you could play without it.
The only killer who I would say it was remotely mandatory on was Deathslinger after they nerfed his ability to quickscope.
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This sounds like "SB is busted" to me
As much as SB is not busted, STBFL is also not busted and not needed nerf.
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Point still stands. It was a good perk on killers that were already struggling. So why are we nerfing it?
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I'm pretty sure it got nerfed because people were complaining about how strong it was in a camping scenario plus the usage rate. Should note we got the anti-facecamp mechanic the patch before the STBFL nerf, so really a case of BHVR acting before letting the dust settle, but wouldn't be the first time.
Though STBFL was never the best way to facecamp either. Many killer powers have shorter CDs without needing to build up stacks.
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STBFL got nerfed probably because it's insane pickrate with Demo. It's the same way they buffed Trickster/Huntress to be less dependent on Iron Maiden or Deathslinger getting a reload boost.
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Looks like it works just like PWYF now, shame.
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Glad it got nerfed. Amount of power it gave for camping/tunneling was really dumb.
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Again, the perk was busted especially after the killer buffs. Shorter hit weapon animation which is essentially STBFL 2 by default, survivors shorter burst after the hits, shorter pallet break animation etc.
Brain rot perk. Rest in peace.
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Busted?? The perk was only good with mid to low tier killers, it wasn't good with any of the high tier or top tier killers, the perk was a must for Pig for example and very good for M1s which are the weakest killers.
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You know that doesn't change right? I can just equip the new one. Get a bunch of stacks tunneling out one non-obsession. Then use the other stacks to tunnel and camp another non-obsession. I can still very easily ignore the obsession. Nothing changes. Infact the perk encourages it even more now since you shouldnt EVER hit the obsession with anything now. So just hard tunnel and camp the others.
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they only needed to disable it near hooks and done, perk didn't need anything else. if you get hit by an m1, you just got hit against an m1 killer and that's a skill issue.
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Except the numbers went down. So it's substantially weaker.
It wasn't the root of tunneling nor camping. But it did amplify the killer's ability to do so.
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Right, but you don't make the perk useless to fix camping. First of all camping is fixed by AFC. For tunneling, a BETTER change to the perk would have been to make it so when a non-obsession gets unhooked, they become the obsession. That way you are heavily discouraged from tunneling the person right off the hook.
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Nah I think i'll just play Nurse instead never needed STBFL on her
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Well yes, I said at the start the perk never needed a nerf. The AFC system would have tackled the "abuse" case of STBFL. STBFL itself didn't need any changes.
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STBFL was fine.
If it was nerfed due to tunneling potential, the logic was flawed. The correct move would've been to revert DS back to 5 seconds.
If it was nerfed due to usage rate, then BHVR has learned nothing from past failures: for example, nerfing Ruin (due to usage rate) and creating the gen-kick meta.
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neither was mft
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Okay NerfDeadHardAlready. 🤣
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One thing that does keep striking me about everyone hating on this change... it's only a big deal if you're hitting the obsession. I dont necessarily agree with the nerf either... but to say its gutted seems a little over dramatic...
Characters like Pig, Trapper, Pinhead etc... your power/special attacks couldn't really be used to reasonably circumvent having to m1 anyway... so it more or less functions exactly the same way it did before (on Trapper its literally unchanged other than it taking 5 stacks instead of 4 to really start cooking). Like outside of specialling the obsession, which the weakest killers can't do anyway, it's not significantly different to how its always been.
Trickster was never a STBFL user, and unless you're using the ricochet or pierce add-ons then it's still not really a factor, and Deathslinger literally only loses the ability to wound the obsession for free... in every other way he operates exactly the same...
The obvious answer to me seems to be... just don't hit the obsession... anyone like Pig, Trapper, Pinhead, Myers, Freddy, Onryō, etc, are basically unchanged 🤨
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The idea that it’s “working as intended” on Trickster or Deathslinger is absurd. Zero chance someone at BHVR consciously thought, “Yes, it should lose stacks on individual knife hits.”
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Otz complaining about the perk being good in endgame does not magically make a perk "busted" or indicate that it "needed a nerf"
STBFL was fine as it was, it did not need any changes whatsoever, and the nerfs it got effectively killed it
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okay ThanksForDaily 🤣
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increasing the chase time by 20% was pretty significant. Even survivor main apologists like hens new it was massively overpowered.
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So any kind of hit decreases the token count on STBFL? Bruh... our poor Pig just can't catch a break. Say her clothing and mask hinders movement speed also and her blade has a jam meter were it jams up randomly for 7 secs after each hit, too. x_x
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error in my post. the bug fix gutted the perk.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0