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CHAPTER : Long Way Home [The Vampire]

HoshiTora Member Posts: 17
edited August 2019 in Creations

My Twitter post

Realm : Quiet Moth Village

The moldy smell of dry grass lingers in the air as the thunderous flap of wings can be heard. This village used to hold life, or at any rate, an impoverished life.

Each house held a small story: A straw doll with a rough dress and a missing arm. A string of dry flowers hanging from the ceiling. A garden that was way too parched to ever grow anything.

There was a disturbance near the northern path, where there lay many large boxes and a very extravagant staff. Not too far from this scene, lay a dry well.

If you listen closely to the structure, you might be able to hear some scratching near the bottom.

(Temporary image till I render it better)

New Killer : The Vampire

Lore :

 “There is a lonely figure, hopping between the trees. I thought it was funny at first, but soon I feared for my life. She has ears like a bat's, able to pinpoint where you are. I literally had to stop breathing while she passed. The smell of decay clung to her and her cries are soul shattering. One thing I can say right off the bat, this new Hunter seemed lost in this place.”

Heng was a young lady from the Qing Dynasty. She is hardworking and tries her best to provide for her family. Soon, illness fell upon the youngest. Medicine became costly, so Heng left her home to find work else where to continue to help take care of her sibling's health.

She was able to find work as a kitchen help and floor server in a distant town. Heng was having a good life, sending as much as she can home, while she carried on working in the town. Soon, she caught the eyes of a merchant.

The merchant attempted to seduce her, trying to bribe her into accepting his love and lust. She refused.

This angered the man, who killed her in his fury. With the deed done, he paid off people to turn a blind eye to this murder.

The owner who hired her as help, wept in anguish for a life lost. With what money he can part, hired a Corpse Driver to send Heng's body home, so she can rest in peace.

The Priest did their work, tying all the bodies of the deceased together so they can travel efficiently. During their travels, they were attacked. The people who ambushed them only attacked out of hunger, but soon found out how little food the Priest carried and what they were transporting.

Out of horror, they tried to hide their misdeed by scattering the corpses, but Heng's body was thrown down an out of commission well.

Her body lay there, at the bottom of the structure, her soul stirring restlessly. Her spirit felt fury to what has happened, from the man who cannot take rejections, to her corpse being disrespectfully thrown away. But what overpowered that anger was anguish.

The anguish of not being able to support her family.

The anguish of being a bad daughter.

The anguish of time lost of not being there for her sibling.

The anguish of being so far away from home.

The anguish of never seeing home.

With that anguish, sprouted determination as she forced her body to move. Heng's fingers clawed the wall of the well, stripping flesh from her finger tips. Fear shook the night as Heng's body, stiff from rigor mortis, went after every breath of life, drinking their essence, trying to quench the hunger deep in her soul as she tried desperately to find her way home. A supernatural fog covered land in her wake.

Power :

Perks :

Add-Ons :

New Survivor : Holly Wu

Lore :

 “There is a new soul that fell prey to the nightmare, a fragile soul. She's a quiet one, even though she does get distressed easily. Always trying to shy away from people, but I sometimes overhear her speak with the others, speaking in different languages, speaking soothingly as if to try to give them a small memory of home. I once saw her rush away in the distance, leaving a large mess behind. I caught her eyes, her face gave me a pained look before she mouths an apology, and I almost felt like she gave me back a little hope.”

Holly Wu made it her life goal to learn every language she finds, out of the pure love for the connections it can create between people. She worked as a Translator, being part of many localization of projects and interpreter for conferences, which allowed her to travel around the world and soak up the culture and people she meets.

Holly's life was fulfilling, but slowly started to unravel when her friend recommended her to a historian.

This historian was having a hard time translating some scriptures and artifacts that they believe were all connected, but no one seemed to be able to figure out the exact interpretation. They were desperate and hoped Holly will be the one to crack the code. Holly, being the kind of person who couldn't refuse people who needs help, told them they will try.

Many sleepless nights later, she started to find some sort of rhythm in the scriptures, finding some connections between all the languages she knew. Slowly, stories untangled before her, tales of an Entity, a place of nightmares, a hunger. Her mind raced through all the texts, finding more and more myths and legends, bringing her deeper into this rabbit hole till one day, she disappeared.  

Perks :

Will add more at a later time, but this was a good project!

Post edited by HoshiTora on


  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    This is incredibly creative and interesting. Well done.

    Ps. I'd certainly main this killer

  • DrVonKrumm
    DrVonKrumm Member Posts: 59


    I really like the perks Well of Echoes, Peer Review, and Word Count. I mean the whole thing is a great piece of work that you’ve clearly put a lot of effort in to but those three things really stood out to me as cool ideas. Word Count especially would combo nicely with Small Game or Detectives Hunch, although one thing I would change is so that you get a token for every totem (dull or hex) that you yourself have cleansed.

    still though, great work. :)

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    Thank you very much! And that is a good suggestion for Word Count! I will at a later time refix the writting.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited March 2019

    Wouldnt expect a jiangshi when reading vampire, got me good.

    Those trap-seals are nice, the "walk to killer"-debuff has been discussed often in forums, so theres nothing to be said against it. Worth mentioning is that " ripping off a seal" might become a mechanic to save another survivor similiar to Freddy's "waking up". Imagine the survivors stumbling forward with the sleeping animation head wobble 😁.

    Edit: only thing that might hinder such a killers release would be its similarity to trapper.

    The movement speed penalty though might screw this killer over when chasing other people, not a fan of this part. But thats what balancing is for.

    Other than that I love the presentation: the Artwork, Perk Icons and Ability description are eyecatching after huge wall of lore (most people focus on the backstory than the actual ability of the killer)

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    Thank you. I was using a little of the idea of both the idea of Hag and Trapper because I like both of those powers. But yeah, I do need to add the "Rip the talisman off" in the power part, that was how I thought it was going to be removed, but I think I forgot to add that in as writing XDD

    Yeah, the speed debuff is there because a friend suggested and I thought that might be a little too strong if the killer can move at normal speed, especially if half the time survivors aren't always near you to get you out of the controlled state.

    But again, thank you for enjoying my post!

  • RakNieborakYT
    RakNieborakYT Member Posts: 306

    Really nice. perks seem to be ok. Question: You did these atrworks on gimp or sth like that and can you teach me that? XD

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    Thank you! Making perks are hard XP

    I did most of my work in either PaintTool Sai or Photoshop.

    I don't think I can really teach, but if you want to watch, I do streams sometime!

  • RakNieborakYT
    RakNieborakYT Member Posts: 306

    Thank you! I will try to come watch some streams cuz I am busy

  • gcardoso
    gcardoso Member Posts: 35

    the only thing i dislike is this being another asian character duo. perks and characters are nice but i would change them to transylvanian or something like that

  • CoiledDragon
    CoiledDragon Member Posts: 16

    Asian Fan: /Creates Asian themed killer and utilizes interesting ideas for perks based around a type of vampire not seen often in media

    Some random dude: Hmmm would be better if it was ~ white and European ~

    God Ive never been so offended for a friend in my entire life lmfao

  • skynight
    skynight Member Posts: 38

    I adore this post! Such creativity, awareness of the game and the framework of the lore.

    Please keep sharing this with the community. I sincerely hope a designer or two wanders by and get inspired by this.

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    I mean, there isn't many asian characters in the game itself, just 3 (Jake Park, Feng Min and Spirit). And if we really want to get down to the numbers of ethnicity:

    I might be wrong on a couple (like Plague and Ace), but I am pretty sure adding more asian characters to the roster won't break the flow.

    How would you suggest that we change their ethnicity? Vampire was created using the Chinese Myth about hopping zombies/vampires. Wouldn't that mean I have to remake the whole character? That would most likely change their whole background and perks. Are you asking me to make new characters? I am willing to make new characters, but I have a soft spot for these ones because they are just stories from my culture.

    If you want me to change anything, give me a helpful critic, please! For example:

    The flow of the Lore, is there anything that does not make sense or does not connect well with each other? Does a mechanic for a perk make it too OP or not balanced enough? Things like this would be nice and helpful creators to produce more work for the fandom.

    I hope you have a good day, friend! And I hope you find a FANMADE Chapter that is more suited to your liking.

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    Thank you for enjoying my post!

    I definitely would love them try to make more of a myth based Killer, just one built with stories and superstition from any of the culture.

  • gcardoso
    gcardoso Member Posts: 35

    hey i just give a personal opinion. didnt talk badly about the chapter u created , i think it's well maded . Just prefered to see it in Transylvania with characters from that place, since it goes more to how myth story is known. Personally would like to get a vampire chapter with a snow map with a castle and character with north clothes.

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17


    I mean, you did come in telling me "the only thing [you] dislike is this being another asian character duo", which I responded back with giving you my reason why I made 2 Chinese fancharacters. Opinions are good, but coming in telling another person that you don't like that specific thing does not help in any shape or form.

    If I have done something wrong, that I would understand, but you did not give me anything other then you didn't like their ethnicity.

    And myth stories can come from anywhere. Vampire stories are universally in different culture, why stick to one type that you've seen in every american story when you have different ones with another way to turn into a Vampire?

    I totally understand you about wanting a map with a castle. It would be very cool to see what kind of architecture they can model and how would they make loops and rooms to keep it interesting.

    Again, I hope you understand by what I mean about those opinion, but I am still interested about how you would go about that Transylvanian Vampire idea.

  • CoiledDragon
    CoiledDragon Member Posts: 16

    Dam imagine being so entitled to think that you deserve to post an opinion on someone else's hard work that they chose incredibly kindly to share with the community. This isnt Post a Critique or Offer an Idea. This is a completed project.

    Its incredibly rude to come in and say "this is great but it would be better/cooler if..." and just shows a huge lack of internet common sense or etiquette lol... How bout you go make your rad, already super over done Tropey Transylvania Vampire idea and I'll come over and tell you how cooler it would be if it was one of the literally hundreds of other Vampire interpretations : )

  • gcardoso
    gcardoso Member Posts: 35

    are ur ass hurting ? people on internet jesus.. cant give a opinion they go try to be some kind of god. go to sleep.

  • CoiledDragon
    CoiledDragon Member Posts: 16

    I Am A Goddess And I Will Eat Your Grammatically Incorrect Ass

  • HoshiTora
    HoshiTora Member Posts: 17

    Bump for new stuff added

  • Nomad777
    Nomad777 Member Posts: 1

    I'm pretty sure that Vampires originate from Strigoi which are of Romanian mythology. Maybe even the Manananggal out of Filipino mythology.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    The devs should put in fan made killers and survivors specifically for the reason that they are actually sometimes good.

  • DaniWright03
    DaniWright03 Member Posts: 2

    If Behaviour ever makes a fan-made chapter contest, I'm pretty sure yours could be one of the finalists. The concept is amazing, and the killer looks terrifying. The ones in the game are threatening, don't get me wrong, but yours actually gives more scary vibes, especially in the first picture which shows her through the window. Really amazing work 👍