We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I think I am stuck in the cyrcle

Step 1: Decides to be nice and fair Killer, don't want to slug, camp, tunnel even at exit gates / Decides to do some random build or meme build on a Killer.

Step 2: Get unfun match where Survivors just tbagg you all game or tbagg you at exits and make fun of you in end game chat or say "gg" when you clearly didn't have a good game at all.

Step 3: Get frustraited and decides to be serious and wants to win. Bring best add-ons, good killer and mori / map offering to your liking and plays the most optimaly, don't care about anyones fun and just tryhards the match. Ignores Survivors who want to give up or meme with you, just hook and kill them all.

Step 4: You get your 3-4K probably and now I feel bad and mean and felt it was not fair from me and decides to do step 1.

I know it's not fair to go next game and be mean to new people that did nothing to you but you feel allready injured from previous game and don't want that to happend again and they can't tbag you or talk bad on you when they all lose and you try your best but you also feel bad, etc.


  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 247

    Stop caring about survivors fun. The vast majority don't care about your fun as killer.

    I play for hooks rather than kills and don't go anywhere near the exit gate and as ps5 player don't have to suffer immature pathetic toxic chat.

    Play how you want. It's your game.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I played a game last week and had 5 hooks with no gens lost. Had 2 chances to then eliminate 2 different players (1 was a TTV) but I left them slugged to get recovered. I decide to then play casual and take it easy. 5 mins later, 2 gens pop yet I keep rotating chases and spreading hooks evenly. I then get my first kill and another gen pops so I have to start playing more serious again with 2 gens left. 5 mins later, Exit gates powered with 2 still alive, sacrificed 1 and the game ended with the TTV player finding the hatch and me getting 3k off 11 hooks 😅

    So playing casually and friendly from the outset gets you nowhere, except a loss.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 112

    Me too! When I am totally trashing survivor team I take a minute and just run the walls and let them recover and at least try and have a little fun in the game. I usually don't go for sacrifice unless I didn't see that somebody had like gotten themselves to struggle phase on purpose. I try not to chase the same survivor twice or hook the same survivor twice in a row. If I catch somebody trying to hide I give them chase just to see what they can do and give them a little experience learning how to loop. It's an experience for me as well. I usually try for two hooks per survivor and if they want to be killed in the end then I do it, and some of them actually do. Winning is oh so much more than a 4K.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 372
    edited February 11

    Yea Idk I would start looking at things a bit more macro than micro. I guarantee you the majority of your matches, if you play nice that is, survivors are happy. You'll get the usual one or two cranky people but so what. Ive played about.... 30-40 lights out matches as nurse and, besides one match of 2 people saying I was wall hacking lol, everyone was happy! Ive had very good end game chat in lights out at least.

    One match out of 30-40, pfft, I dont even think about it! Dont stress

    Just be sure for "nice" you are being honest with yourself as well.


    Not tunnel

    Not proxy camp hooks

    Not rush back to the hook the moment someone is unhooked

    Not camp a 3 gen

    And of course not use toxic broken addons/killers/grim embroke.. and if you do, recognize that and say something in end game chat if you feel like it. Or let some of the survivors go!

    "Yea I know Black incense on plague is broken, I feel dirty"

    "Nurse is still so busted"

    "Yea grim embrace is literally worse than old eruption"

    Not saying you dont, but try to analyze your own game play and how that might feel if you were playing as survivor.

    Hope this helps!

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,292

    I can definitely relate to it. With enough experience, you eventually reach a point where you can throttle it up or down depending on how the game is going or how the survivors are acting. I run builds that aren't way over the top, but still give me a chance if the survivors are sweating and hit me with a map offering. And I feel it out at the beginning and go from there. I feel like I know where the sweet spot is at this point. I give hatch a lot and try not to hard tunnel anyone, but I can turn on the sweatlord if needed.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 412

    There should be a way to mark unsportsmanlike players and put them into a deprioritized queue where toxic people play against each other. Let them fight eachother with their psychological warfare nonsense.

    I tend to ask for temporary, disciplinary bans, but people keep saying "It's just a GAME!! You take it TOO SERIOUSLY!! Just stop playing if you're so WEAK lmao rotfl XD" absolutely disregarding that behind that player they're being toxic to could be an extremely exhausted person that just wanted to have some quick, fun matches after a brutal day of work and ended up going back to high school type of bullying when playing this game.

    So if people don't want to be punished for being bullies, then at least let bullies fight eachother.

  • North85
    North85 Member Posts: 111

    I've never understood the concept of playing a meme build. If you want to experiment, to find an effective, unique build for a specific killer, that's fine, but a meme build is just asking for a bad time. You just have to understand a simple element of the DBD community, if they can tbag, they will, if they can camp/tunnel/slug for the 4k, they will.

    You're not obligated to play nice, you don't have to be toxic, but don't play nice. I don't give pity hatch, I don't give pity kills, I only slug for the 4k if the last guy was an annoying prick all game, and I always leave once a gate is open. Getting salt is inevitable, if you don't like it, private your profile and close postgame chat.

    Stop worrying about other people's fun. Play for you, and remember, it's just a game.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 684

    I always choose how to act depending on how survivors do. Are they meming? Meme back. Sweating? Sweat harder. Being a nuisance on purpose? Make em dead by daylight.

    As for preparing builds beforehand, I always try to bring something fun but useable. Some games get out of your hands, it happens. People don't need to be as mean as they are sometimes, but going into matches with a negative outlook usually leads to a negative result, y'know? Just try and have fun despite it all, that's all you really can do.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323

    just do what i do meme every time

    if a surv gives up you have new frien and have them follow you the whole game

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,022

    Keep playin' chill. While I can't blame you for bringing stronger add-ons the next game you might end up getting matched against a chill SWF or a solo queue team. Eventually when you keep playing with chill builds, you'll be matched up with chill survivors that'll respect how you play. Give hatch every now and then and you might make somebody's day!

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Why soo weak? (mods: its a MEME) ... So its just about your own mental capacity and mindset. Work on it. Learn to endure losses. Learn to understand that teabagging does nothing for the gameplay. Accept that other players could be better. Accept that your not top MMR. If you can do all that, youre a better human.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I had a Nurse, 2K and 2E, I and Ada escaped, Ada gave a few tbag and "weak nurse" in post game.

    Next match was another UW Nurse and tunneling Ada real hard. I thought "this must be the same Nurse as previous one", and I was right. It was 4K, Nurse satisfied in post game chat, but Ada died first and already leave the game long time ago.

    Most players, on both side, forget how much killers can able to stack meta. The next time they meet the toxic survivors again, its not going well for them. The last thing survivors want is making killer stack meta