Do you think it's possible to have a match that's fun for all five players?

I know there are a lot of people that say the only way they can have fun is by winning. And then they will define what winning means to them. But, is there a way that all five players can have fun in the same match? Does anybody ever have a match where they're like "Man, that was a great match; we were all pretty evenly skilled and it was so fun. I want to keep playing!"?
I've had those games many times. They're uncommon though. Winning has nothing to do with those games though, for me. I'm more likely to altruistically die for a team mate in those games, and be happy about it.
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To the OP no not really because people play games to win you're not having fun in a game if you're losing.
Imagine cod and you aren't getting any kills and getting pub stomped. Or hell even Pokémon imagine dying to the same gym leader 1000x wouldn't be much fun.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I like to think it's fun for everyone involved when I don't tunnel anyone while running a meme build, like Enduring, Spirit Fury, Shadowborn, and Hex: Two Can Play.
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Fun would be anytime the killer is out taking full chases(not hanging around close by waiting for the unhook) bc they have time to, and my teammates aren’t over altruistic or gen rushing, so we can all interact with each other a little bit more. I’ve got time to do a totem, search a chest, give a heal/get a heal. Smell some roses without throwing the match. Can play around with the killer a little more to see how stuff works and how to counter it bc ppl aren’t playing like they’re on the way to the emergency room. Just matches with a lot of different interactions are fun the results don’t matter( IE whether I’m alive or dead), I had a good time.
Idk if everyone is having fun where there’s room to breathe and try some stuff, can’t speak for everyone just myself.
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I've had those matches, though more frequently pre-6.1.0 than now.
Before 6.1.0 I had a good balance of matches that I won and matches that I lost and mostly I felt survivors and killers were roughly at the same skill level. Unless some bs "strategy" popped up, like face camping or tunneling, matches were kinda fun.
Since then I think the game has gotten progressively less fun. There's always one side getting bodied, and it's not fun when everyone's on death hook before the first gen pops, and neither is when all generators pop before the killer gets to finish their first chase. It's depressing on both sides, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose.
And the worst part is looking for a match again, and again, and again in hopes of finding that one golden match where both sides feel balanced and the match feels like a back and forth between both sides. Chances are we're getting absolutely destroyed by the killer, or the less likely option, the killer is still getting used to the controls and the camera and their sensitivity is so low they need to slide their mouse 4 times to turn 180. It's just not fun, not even when I win.
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It is. Although it is pretty uncommon. For many people losing is enough to consider the game unfun. But not everyone can win.
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I've had games where no one works on gens, all four survivors run around interacting with the killer doing altruistic stuff and getting in chases and it's so much fun even though it inevitably results in a 3 or 4k for the killer. I don't know if the killer enjoyed it, I hope they did since they were constantly active and they killed most if not all of us, but I and my friend definitely had fun and the other two survivors seemed to be having fun as well. So, I think it is possible to have matches where all 5 players have fun.
I wish I had more matches like that, but they're pretty rare. Otherwise, in general, survivor fun comes from well-rounded matches where I get to do a little bit of everything and the trial doesn't drag on forever, and killer fun comes from rewarding usage of the killer's power with near-constant survivor interaction and having chases that are fun but not frustrating.
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Not only possible, but this has happened and still happens.
It's all to do with the attitudes and maturity of those involved. It's just that each trial has a randomized setup of people, so you cannot guarantee the level of quality-of-character you'll be facing.
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I've had plenty of games that were fair for all five players. They usually occur when I play killer and just about hold off from winning too much, spread hooks and everyone gets to endgame.
But even then, even when I'm playing nice and giving out windows to score rescues etc., I'll occasionally find at least one survivor who doesn't appreciate the leeway and just begs to die instead.
You simply can't please everyone all the time.
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you need 5 players that actually try to have fun, 4 survivors 1 killer, very rare
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Yes, but I think they're incredibly rare. Most games thesedays are stomps one way or the other with only a few games where both sides are actually evenly matched.
And even then, a game wth 5 similarly-skilled players is -still- not usually gonna be fun for everyone, simply because everyone's definition of 'fun' is completely different.
Some people only have fun if it's a sweaty tryhard game, some people only have fun when it's a chill game, some people only have fun when they stomp others etc.
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I wouldn't take for granted that people need to win in order to have fun. A lot of people don't -- especially in a game like DBD where you don't get any special reward for wins. I've lost this game many times and still had fun playing the match.
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Same but were not talking about the game we are talking about human nature. The lights out mode confirms it. Why would a killer need to camp and tunnel when survivors literally have nothing lol.
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respect -killer main who would slap you once and keep chasing the person
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My standards on this game are so low. As long as the killer doesn't tunnel someone out early game I think they're great. Doesn't matter whether I die or not.
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Sorry but that doesn't make sense, I'm not responsible for other people's enjoyment, it's not my job to entertain others. If they have fun good, if they don't have fun they can change game
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Unfortunately, that seems to be a pretty high standard at the moment. The amount of tunneling killers I personally go against is not too bad (maybe that's just luck though) but from what others say it sure sounds like tunneling is the norm.
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To me, the closer the match is, the more fun i do have.
It doenst even have to do with winning, but with having played the match.
Best matches, therefore, is when all survivors reach endgame (like last gen), everyone is hooked twice before the first one dies, and gens get or better even are done. IT doesnt matter then if the match ended in a 4k, or a 4 escape, at least if i play survivor.
. While i had matches where all 4 survivors were alive when the last gen popped and i still got a 4k as killer, the stress level on killer is way higher. And i think thats because, as survivor, this last part is pure thrill, you have the escape close to you, and its on you and your teamamtes, and hope is your motivation.
As killer, however, it doesnt feel like endgame, it feels like losing. you are not hopefull to still get a 4k, you are desperate to get that one save-face kill. And so, even if you get the kills, the feeling of winning is still overshadowed by the bad endgame feeling as killer.
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Not really unless it's an event and everyone brings an event bp oofering and the killers farms hooking everyone twice and letting them leave. That's the only scenario i see everyone having fun . On any regular match tough there will always be at least one player who is upset over something .
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Make the game about hooks instead of kills. Incentivizes killers to go for more chases.
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Absolutely, and it concerns me how many people are outright saying no.
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I would hope so, in competition, not every team will be good with the results of a game if they lose. There's always a handful of players on a team who won't have fun unless they winning.
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It's all about attitude. I've loved playing killer all along, recently tried survivor and I can't get enough. Solo-queue, can't get out of a chase to save my life, lovin' it. Only unlocked a few perks. I get the sh*t kicked out of me a whole lot, because it's hard. See? It's hard, so the losses don't hurt and the wins are 10x as sweet.
This is a horror game, you're not supposed to be happy, you're supposed to struggle. When I feel like giving up, but end up getting out, that's way better than if I just kicked butt. I enjoy success, but I would get bored with it and so would most of you.
I'm agreeing with Nebula, you guys need to get your minds right.
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i remember a handful of games I've played where the survivors stuck around to thank me for the fun and intense game. it's certainly possible because it's happened for me at least a couple times
i disagree with this framing. the reason why i disagree with it is because not all games are stomps - yes, the ones that are stomps aren't very fun, but as I said that's not the only type of result possible. since the question is about "is it possible" we simply have to acknowledge that non-stomps exist to counter that argument