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DBD Killer tierlist 7.5.0

Hi everyone! I have roughly 4500h in the game and came up with this tierlist for the most recent patch (7.5.0). I'd like for some feedback (if possible with arguments), especially for Trickster, Twins and Onryo placements, since I don't play these killers at all.

What do you guys think? Thanks!

*Criteria: Consistency, basekit, common addons, maps and nowadays meta for both sides.

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Hillbilly is S tier now.

    Pinhead is A tier.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I'd put Freddy above Trapper, at least.

    I think his mobility gives him a small advantage here. It is barely there, but it does exist.

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 2024

    Agree on most.

    Artist should be swaped with Chucky.

    Wesker should be swaped with Oni.

    Freddy is not the worst, arguably stronger then Myers and probably also Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 16

    I don't think Billy is S tier simply because some maps are quite rough for him (Indoors and window dense maps such as Badham). But it's something to consider as more evidence shows up. Now for Pinhead I kinda agree, I was dwellig between bottom A and top B+, I'll probably switch it up.

  • Member Posts: 16
  • Member Posts: 5,449

    He’s S tier in the hands of a good killer player. Sure, some maps are more difficult for him than others, but that’s the same for every killer, even Nurse (though, perhaps not as bad when it comes to her).

    Also, his chainsaw either has a lock on mechanism or my butt has a magnet in it because he always finds me and gives me a heart attack 😭

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I would put Trickster in B+ or at least swap him with Doctor.

    I also think Deathslinger is a little too high. While he can be very good if you land your shots, one missed shot can lead to you losing the entire game. He’s way too inconsistent for me to say he is B+ tier.

    I think Knight should be lower now that people have started to learn how to abuse the guard’s AI.

    And this is probably bias, but as a Ghostface main I personally believe he is very underrated and would put him in B tier.

    Overall though, this is probably the most reasonable tier list I’ve seen on here.

  • Member Posts: 301

    Hillbilly is not S tier , swfs can easilly outplay him . High lvl swfs that is

  • Member Posts: 16

    I think so. His basekit is very strong now and his addons just add up to it. Overdrive and not having significant cooldowns to pretty much anything allows him to either get quick downs or create deadzones really fast. That on top of having amazing map pressure and good synergy with slowdown perks closes the deal for top 5 imo.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Ok, I see your point with Trickster and Knight, I'll probably make those changes.

    Now, Deathslinger is in an appropriate spot imo, mostly because I can't see any killers bellow him to be any better overall, and from my experience I don't think it's that punitive to miss shots. Good chase, good synergy with the strongest m1 perks, very high skill ceiling (many cheeky shots available). Deseves a bottom B+.

    Now, what makes you think Ghostface is B tier? Would you mind explaining? I don't play him a lot, but I think him being a purely m1 killer that gets hurt by coordination more than others (cuz you can constantly reveal him) limits him to that placement.

  • Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2024

    Chucky I think is 4th strongest, as he has some mobility, stealth, and anti-loop with his power, along with easier mind games with his height. He is stronger than oni because although oni insta-downs, a pre dropping survivor can easily waste 2-3 gens time. And during that time he has NO POWER. He is somewhat inconsistent because of this, hence him being weaker than Chucky.

    Plague is weaker, as if you don't cleanse, she is an m1 killer, and since the meta against her is no cleansing, I believe she should be lower than Chucky.

    Billy I don't think should this be this high due to decently heavy reliance on wide flat maps with fewer windows, as well as it being pretty easy to counter with lockers and windows.

    Artist can get cross maps, but they are very likely to heal or be picked up from that. Additionally, her birds are counterable by running from where she places a bird. Also, using lockers instantly removes swarms instantly, my which I think is pretty stupid, but still.

    I think spirit is a bit better than Chucky, only because when he gets in his stealth, you know almost immediately and his slice and dice can be stopped with lockers, and dodges can be easier done than spirit. Spirit I feel, has a slightly worse active stealth, but has much better mobility, and is much harder to dodge attacks. Add the fact that her phase attack are affected by exposed, and that's why spirit is better.

    Also, as a singularity main, if you maintain slipstream during chase and can find survivors with biopods, your power can very easily overwhelm a vast majority of people, including swfs, which puts him better than alien, but worse than huntress.

    Clown is also slightly higher, as he can counter powerful area, such as shack, with proper bottle placement. He is still in the bottom half, as some pallet s on the game and easily pre dropping every pallet are still pretty effective strategies, although somewhat mitigated by bottle placement.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    This is just another tier list that’s not relevant for the vast majority of the players. Nurse is not S tier for most players, and isn’t even S tier for the top 5%.

    Why do we even bother having tier lists for 6000+ hour comp games, that use special comp rules, and aren't even remotely like public DBD matches?

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I agree that Deathslinger is better than the killers below him. I think he should still be above all of them, just at the top of B- rather than the bottom of B+. I personally think missing a shot as Deathslinger is VERY punishing. I've attempted to beat the win streak record with him (which is 30, the lowest of all killers I believe) and I managed to reach 26 wins but that required me to play near perfect every single game. Making one mistake as Slinger can cause the entire game to fall apart because of how bad his map pressure is. Also disagree with him synergising well with M1 perks, aside from Starstruck. STBFL was really good on him, but now he is probably one of the worst users for it. Coup is alright but kind of unnecessary. I do agree he is better than all the other killers below him, but I think his faults just barely keep him in B- for me.

    As for Ghostface - I think he is underrated but honestly it's mostly just bias because I've spent hundreds of hours on him haha. The main problem I see Ghostie players do is they spend too long in a chase against a non-marked survivor. If the chase is going on too long, just stalk them a bit and then go find someone else. Even if they are injured still 99 them in case they heal up later and they won't expect it. Don't spend too long in a chase and 99 survivors when ever possible and ambush them at the right time.

    As for coordinated teams, yes they are tricky for Ghostface to deal with, but not that much more than the rest of the killers. Play more patiently and often you can catch one of them off guard and lead to a snowball that can win you the game.

    Also Coup is insanely good on him and that alone I feel bumped him up the tier list for me. I don't think he is a great killer, but I would personally put him in low B- tier.

    Honestly though these are very minor placement differences so I think your tier list is still very accurate either way.

  • Member Posts: 498

    “Why do we even bother having tier lists for 6000+ hour comp games, that use special comp rules, and aren't even remotely like public DBD matches?”

    no one cares about comp

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    God forbid having interesting civil debates on who the strongest killers are. If you don’t like it, don’t click on the thread. It’s not that hard to comprehend.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    Any tier list that places Nurse as S tier, doesn't care about the vast majority of the players. If she really was S tier for the vast majority of players, then her pick rate and kill rate would be way higher.

    The percentage of players in this game, where Nurse is literally their highest performing killer, or even their top 3 killers, is so very small. And there are so many players in this game are absolutely terrible at playing her.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    Do people really think Nurse is easy to play, but the vast majority of the players just don't want to spend a small amount of time to learn her? Really? So people see tier lists, say "I'm going to play Nurse because she's S tier"..... but then just immediately give up because they lost a few games in a row?

    Really? The only thing keeping the game from turning into a mass invasion of Nurse players, is a small learning curve that the majority of players are too collectively lazy to learn?

  • Member Posts: 4,660
    edited February 2024

    Sadako and Pig are at least better than Clown and Ghostface. Both are around Doc, who is also upper C tier. Bubba is higher up in mid B around Demo. Wraith is in C tier.

    Rest I can agree with. Just some placement switches.

    Edit: sorry, I forgot arguments. I have a ton of experience in Sadako, both OG and new Sadako. On Pig, I have 2200+ hours alone.

    Pig: her problems are the early game. If Piggy gets the traps out, her game delay is unrivaled by any killer and with the right Rng and the correct strategic input from the killer, can provide kills even without any addons or specific perks. In terms of chase, with 2 addons (combat straps and medical file) stealth can be relatively decent and can result in free first hits. Ambush and especially moondash are situational. Sometimes completely useless, sometimes the best anti loop ever. All depends on knowledge and sadly the two addons I mentioned.

    Onryo: 70% or addons are terrible, but arelatively consistent basekit. Strong map mobility with mori potential if played strategically correct. Chase is not very strong but similar to pig, she had build in game delay that can't be ignored. Sadako has a strong early game while Pig has the stronger slowdown. Amanda has better chase while Sadako has better mobility. Who is better now?

    They are pretty close. Both are mid c tier. If played at their best (addons, player, map) , both go up to bottom B. Sadako outperforms Pig by a small amount in that regard.

    Both are solid and way better than some give them credit for. I stand by that opinion based in my experience in dbd.

    Bubba is only good with bamboozle and addons. Without both, his anti loop potential is really bad. With both equipped, some flick bubbas can make almost every loop a death trap. That deserves a spot near, if not one spot above demo.

    Wraith struggles alot against coordinated teams and his ambush anti loop is extremely lack luster without certain addons.

    Post edited by radiantHero23 on
  • Member Posts: 4,660

    I have to partially agree. Nure is easy... To perform extremely well with. It's far easier to get kills with Nurse than with any other killer in the game. This is due to her power having no counterplay if the player playing her is on point.

    Getting the hang of nurse takes roughly 10 matches at most. The first ones will probably result in low amount of hooks, if any at all. After these matches, the player should be able to stomp a majority of public matches. Especially with some builds. Mastering Nurse is definitely harder though. She has a lot of tricks that can be pulled of, that require a decent amount of gamesense and skill. Sadly those skills are not needed by a long shot for the majority of public matches.

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    I would put Hag in B- or C she only benifits from people not being used to counter her. Hag today is not a very good killer.

    Nice to see people are waking up to the fact that Dredge is weak and frustrating. Should get buffs.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Good points overall. I'll be moving Onryo and Pig up. Thanks!

  • Member Posts: 16

    I've been playing Hag since 2020, and as much as I agree that she is not that good nowadays, I still think she can perform really well on bad maps for killers in general and hard punish even small mistakes. Some situations against her are still pretty much game over (basement, main building and isolated hooks, indoor maps). Plus she's got nice addons and good synergy with strong m1 perks. So I think B+ is a good balance between her strenghts and weaknesses.

    Dredge is just really inconsistent because locker spawns are inconsistent as they are, and when it comes to his chase it's not that hard to delay him from getting hits by just holding W. It shocks me that some very well known people place him in A/B+ tiers.

  • Member Posts: 26

    Well it's your Tier List, everyone may have a different opinion...

    But Artist and Huntress should not be A Tier in my opinion.

    Huntress is a very map dependant Killer and she has 110% movement speed only.

    And Artist ... well.. in my opinion she can't do much.. sniping in long range is basically luck, and her anti-loop is not that strong.

    And I personally value Bubba and Clown a bit higher than you did, because they have an insta-down mechanic which has to be respected. Yes, they are not very mobile and have issues at some loop spots, but at least you can sometimes threaten instadown. Singularity, for example, feels like a basic M1 Killer in many situations.

    Myers also has instadown, but he needs too long to activate it. I agree that he is considered a weak killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Are you going to share the revised tier list with us later? I’m interested to see how it looks after everyone’s feedback

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 90

    Huntress is way too map dependent to be considered A tier.

  • Member Posts: 820

    Crazy seeing A Tier Billy again. Pretty close I'd say, swap Freddy and Trapper cause Freddy gets stealth and tp imo. I'd put Chucky over Spirit, but that's just me. Other than that, Pinhead is A Tier cause I feel like most survivors aren't really good at box managing.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Usually tier lists are made around good players in mind, not just """comp""" players. If we were ranking this off of pubs id put sadako, myers, and freddy above nurse.

  • Member Posts: 5,956
    edited February 2024

    Personally I'd swap Billy and Plague. Billy is pretty strong for sure but he still has some trouble with maps and his addons aren't all that impressive either. Plague on the other hand can become pretty nasty. She leaves everyone broken with little to nothing they can do (other than cleanse) and the only way to heal against her, gives her arguably the strongest chase power in the game. A good Plague will hit you almost everywhere. If you decide not to cleanse, then she can proxy camp to force it (otherwise you won't get the unhook). Plague also has the better addons by far.

    I'd put Dredge at least before Demo as well. Everything Demo does, Dredge does in better. He doesn't need to set up porals but has his mobility right off the bat and can go to places he hasn't been before. His anti loop is also better. Sure, Demogorgon can get a pallet out of the way quickly but Dredge can force you into hit or scenarios around any slightly secluded loop.

    Bubba is a solid B-tier canditate in my opinion. He has one of the strongest chase abilities in the game and with the right set of addons a good Bubba can down you for the mistake of giving him the pallet side around a loop. That's pretty strong and a lot more than the other B- tier killers have to offer. It also makes up for his lack of mobility pretty well and he can also counter popular survivor strategies like pre drop, Shift + W.

    Nemesis is probably also better than Doctor. If you can get out of tier 1 early, there are not many ways to hold you back. Pallets get decimated and you get some pretty nasty hits as well. They don't injure survivors from the beginning but it definitely puts him before Doctor, who has real trouble playing around dropped pallets and needs to break many of them. Doctor has the better addons but you will pretty much always have to bring Discipline, a range addon or both.

    Perhaps you could also swap Chucky and Wesker. Both are pretty similar in strength but I think Wesker has the upper hand thanks to his secondary ability, which gives him a bit of slowdown and information. His power also has a way shorter cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 511

    Tierlists are a load of nonsense, u can kill just as much with freddy and doctor as you can with nurse and blight and official stats prove it.

  • Member Posts: 969


    a killer that can´t do nothing is as good as a killer that can insta mori survivors at the start of the game before they can even react just because the first one can somehow win a match?

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited February 2024

    You literally can't have a tier list for all levels of play. There are killers that absolutely wreck at low MMR and who are pretty weak at high MMR and vice versa. It's generally accepted that most tier lists are from the stance of 'when used to their absolute potential' which generally means the highest level of play, and yes, Nurse is THE strongest killer by a mile at that level.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    This game should have multiple tier lists. That would, at least acknowledge the fact that some killers change tiers depending on skill level.

    People should want to see tier lists that are relevant to their skill level. For example, if someone is mid-MMR, telling them Nurse is S tier is useless, because in the majority of the games they play, killers like Wraith and Legion are going to perform much better than Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    i must be good since i get 4ks with dredge when i want to

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    True, and people are free to make tier lists for differing levels of skill. Most people focus on top level play and that's normal.

  • Member Posts: 511
    edited February 2024

    Even top 5% MMR Nurse and Blight don't have highest kill rates. Player skill will always matter most.

  • Member Posts: 4,162

    That’s not what is happening. I think most people actually think there’s only one tier list for the entire range of MMR, and that if Nurse is at the top, then she’s broken across the entire playerbase and therefor me should be nerfed.

    When in reality, she’s not overperforming overall, and not overperforming at the top 5%.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Then those people are mistaken. From what I've seen most people are rational enough to realise that most tier lists are only directly relavent at the highest level and that at 'normal' skill levels and especially at low MMR, relative killer strength varies far more.

    That's why 'pub stompers' are often not particularly strong at higher MMRs.

    Again people are free to make tier lists for lower MMRs where, as you say, killers like Nurse and Blight are gonna be really low and killers like Wraith are gonna be really high.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I mostly agree, but a couple things I'd change personally:

    1. I'd move Spirit down to A Tier, Nurse and Blight are far more consistent in my opinion, but I'd still keep her 3rd place, just don't think she's on the same tier as Nurse and Blight
    2. I don't think Billy's A Tier, B+ is a more fitting spot IMO. Once Survivors understand how to play against the new Billy I imagine he'll become a bit tougher to play.
    3. Dredge is too low IMO, B- or B+ would be more fitting
    4. Onryo has since received 4 buffs since 7.5.0, I'd put her a tier higher
    5. Clown is too high for me, he should be in the lowest tier IMO
  • Member Posts: 16

    About Huntress, I kinda agree. She is not that consistent throughout the maps, but still, she's a killer that can down even good survivors in seconds, on top of having very good common addons. She can also camp and eat endurance really effectively, so all things considered I think she deserves the bottom of A tier.

    About Artist, I main her and believe me, she is incredibly strong. Also, you have huge winstreaks on her (367 by Dashy, 220 S4ninha, and 80+ by me but I never took it very seriously lol), that's a solid testemony of her strenght imo. I do believe that when It comes to her, it is indeed a matter of knowing how to use her power. Watch S4ninha, she is currently the #1 Artist, seeing her play will probably change your mind. I think she's with no doubt an A tier killer, but opinions can vary on wheter she's an A+ or A-. I personaly think she's top 4, but I could be biased. Wouldn't mind moving her down If think others can outperform her. I put her there mostly because of her strong basekit :P

  • Member Posts: 16

    Surely :) It was a nice experience talking to you guys. I'll soon post it again!

  • Member Posts: 16

    First of all, thanks for your input.

    Good points on Plague, Billy, Wesker and Chucky. Plague is probably my best killer and I know how nasty she can get. I still believe that she gets nasty mostly because of her addons, on top of having a bit of inconsistencies with her fountains. But I will probably make those changes regardless.

    I think Dredge is very inconsistent as I stated before. And Bubba is too reliant on Chillis + Engravings and Baboozle to work. His basekit is really underwhelming, he doesn't have any major mobility and the anti-camp mechanic + reassurance doesn't really allow him to play into his best strenghts imo. But I do think he's still decent.

    Nemesis can be strong, but I think his early game is quite bad in many scenarios. I even think there's a reason why Nemesis players are known to be the most agressive tunnelers lol, by the time they have a strong working power, gens will be advanced. So, if you consider inconsistent zombies, bad addons, vaccines, 3 hits in order to down, rough early game... I can't really see him moving up to B tier.

    Doctor and Demo can have rough games aswell, I just think they are more consistent that Dredge and Nemesis. That being said, they're not that different in terms of strenght at all.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2024

    Will make that change on Spirit.

    Billy B tier is a difficult pill to swallow, but it's indeed good to wait and see how effectivelly people will be able to counter him.

    Will think about the rest. Thanks!

    Post edited by JackieShana on
  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Nurse being hard to play is the biggest lie in the DbD community. I’m on console and absolutely steamroll lobbies with her. It takes like 10 games to get blink timing down and then you just need a general knowledge of how to play her (blink to corners then adjust) and bam, you 4k 95% of lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    I see your point regarding Nemesis in comparison to Doctor and Demogorgon as well. Both of them are a bit more consistent but Doctor on a big map with space to Shift + W is pretty rough. Nemesis has the upper hand in so far that Shift + W can only work as long as the survivors have enough health states. Pre drop against him and he walks right through.

    His early game is indeed pretty rough but I have seen great success with Lethal Pursuer and sometimes Corrupt Intervention. Both of these perks can help him get going before the survivors can really make a lot of progress and once he does get going, he becomes a pretty hard to play around and to beat. His zombies also offer a bit of information and can be quite handy at times.

    Maybe it's just that my own confidence with Doctor has taken a dent. I have lost some games feeling like there was absolutely nothing I could do. But I do think it gives Nemesis the upper hand despite his inconsistencies. Of course there isn't one correct order though, as any tier list is always influenced by its creator's opinions.

    For Bubba it is true that he is quite addon dependent but with the right addons (and he has a handful of good ones) he becomes quite fearsome. I just can't see him that low. Especially since Singularity has pretty much the same issue. Without Soma Family Photo and Coup de Grâce he really isn't that impressive. I did the math a while ago and simply holding Shift + W will let you outrun Singularity's overclock mode even when all 4 survivors are slip streamed. You don't need to vault or drop any pallets either.

    Let me know what you think.

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