Midwich is all we have left

Trying to have a normal match has been a nightmare.
Even with Enduring, Dissolution, and Blood Favor there's so many resources for survivor to use frivolously it's like pulling teeth just getting two sacrifices.
I've been using Zanshin Tactics in addition too the perks I've previously mentioned (occasionally switching Blood Favor for Ruin) and the only map that didn't bombard my screen with yellow was Midwich😢
I don't want to be that kind of killer that spams Mary's letter, but it's looking like my mailbox is about to erupt.
That's kind of ironic because Midwich has more pallets than most maps.
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Don't worry, give it 2 more updates and they will fix that by removing freddy from the game
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Yeah midwich is a real bad example. Cold wind maps are probably what you meant to say there.
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- the swamp maps are really just giant dead zones
- wrecker's yard is so tiny you can quickly make it a dead zone
- every pallet on hawkins is garbage
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We heard your cries and we took care of it... Pig can now no longer M1. -BHVR probably
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Sounds like it's time to read her letters.
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I'd agree with that last part about Hawkins. It's first iterations years back had like three unfair for the killer, the rest garbage. Nowadays yup they're all poop. All of them.
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- Swamp is also really big and has strong loops with the few it has.
- You would also be wasting a lot of time destroying pallets and it's not small to the point you can't hold w. There also is the fact that bus and shack exist on this map. There is also weird deadzones sometimes though.
- From my experience, it's either complete garbage pallets with a few decent ones or just a good amount of decent pallets with a few bad ones.
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I'm pretty sure midwich does have a good amount of pallets, the only thing is that most of them aren't crazy good.
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But the impassable dead zone of grass on swamp means that if you weren't already close enough, you're going down holding W
I will always be adamant that swamp is complete garbage and needs a ground-up rework, from the fact that it has ps2 graphics to the couple of loops across an ocean from each other
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I mean, I think the only maps I really hate playing are the Backwater Swamp and Autohaven maps, for the most part. Coming from a Sadako main, anyway. I think the worst two out of those are Garden of Joy and the Badham maps, and even then I manage at least half of the time which I'm OK with.
Even the farm reworks aren't as bad to me as those maps these days. If you throw in the Boil Over SWF groups, then Coal Tower and Eyrie of Crows becomes pretty annoying to deal with. That said, a lot of maps feel unfriendly depending on the killer you run, and I'm not sure how you'd go about fixing it without overhauling other killers.
Or, you know, make better map layouts/tile generation.
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1. That is pretty untrue. Both swamp maps are heavily rng dependent. The edges are pretty consistent. You have the main buildings and structures and a few staple loops. But the middle can either be a huge dead zone or have so many pallets that you can barely walk without bumping into one.
2. That only works, if the survivors just drop everything. There is such a thing as looping and it's usually a very good way to delay the killer without dropping pallets left and right.
3. That's also wrong. The majority are pretty weak indeed but there are also some that the killer has to break immediately because they are simply so strong.
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It does not matter how many pallets it has, most of them are trash and filler pallets. And this map has not good vaults as well. It's not surprise this map has one of the highest kill-rates.
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That's beside the point. Op made a claim that Midwich was the only map that didn't have as many pallets. Which is wrong because it has a lot more than the average map.
The reasons why this map has a high kill rate are:
1) Almost no windows. Meaning, resources will be depleted and the map turns into a dead zone.
2) Pallets are surprisingly bad connected. Break a few crucial pallets and suddenly survivors don't make it anywhere before you can hit them.
3) Most pallets aren't safe. You can play around a majority of them but a mind game can be enough to get hit, which is too much for some survivor players that are so used to super safe pallets.
4) The map is small outside of chase. The killer can traverse it quickly and defend gens easily.
5) The map feels much bigger in chase because there isn't a straight route from pallet to pallet most of the time. Instead survivors need to leave a room and run around the hallways before they can enter another room and get to a pallet. This further adds to 2).
6) Survivors have very few lines of sight on this small map, which means they won't always know just how close the killer is and if they are coming towards them. This takes away a lot of the head start that survivors usually have.
7) It's very consistent. There are only very few rng related inconsistencies when it comes to loops. This makes it quite easy to learn how to play around each of them.
It's a pretty good killer map but not only because the pallets are 'trash'. Most of them are ok. You get hit, if you play it wrong and you can loop them, if you play it right.
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*sad pyramid head noises*
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Shattered Square, almost no breakable walls and maybe 7 pallets in total.
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It's small on a paper, but it's worst map to pressure gens as m1 killer. Every time you want to check a gen, you need to go around half of the map and waste a lot of time.
Not popular opinion, but i hate this map as a killer, except those ones who has a high mobility.
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That is not a popular opinion indeed. I have never had trouble building pressure on Midwich. You hear most gens through walls. Sound occlusion does not seem to be a thing on Midwich. So you don't really need to walk around. As long as you aren't hearing impaired that is.
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Honestly Hawkins isn’t really a map you loop pallets on it’s a pre drop heaven
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The thing is is that Midwhich has a relatively normal amount of pallets, but the pallet loops are designed in a way that is typically a bit easier to mind-game than most of your average loops and, unlike almost every loop in the other maps, there's pretty much no windows that can be easily chained into from the pallets besides from like 2 maybe 3 at most. This stuff just simply makes dealing with the pallet loops as a killer much easier than on other maps. Also there's only really 1 major god pallet by the stairs and one minor god pallet in the downstairs bathroom which the minor one is easy to deal with as long as you didn't open both doors for the bathroom passageway. You could also consider the two pallets beside the clock tower in the courtyard as minor god pallets, but those two aren't very significant really.
Also for everyone saying that the pallets on Hawkins sucks I just simply have to disagree because, yeah, most of them are just there to be pre-drop material with some rooms having really good pallets to loop at, but a lot of these more minor pallets can easily lead to infinite loops if the killer doesn't break them which is how they're typically meant to be played.
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The pallets on hawkins are good just when you play it correctly which is usually the most boring way of just comp dropping it. Also we forgetting about basically the strong pallet in the storage shelf room?