Can we get rid of Q and E turning billy?

I guess this is a rant because i'm kind of sick of going down because someone binded their keys to two letters on their keyboard. And then you got someone saying "Just don't go down to billies saw 4Head". If you only saw how BS it is. Then you would know how it feels.
Anyone remember when you could stack different input methods for turning? You'd have Billy players using both the mouse and the q and e keys to get double the steering. Some madmen would somehow manage to manipulate a controller's stick at the same time for three input methods. You could circle the entire map indefinitely. Fun times.
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you hit less saws using Q-E, it inhibits good billies
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So, you want to remove one of the very few techniques with depth in this already very casual game from the overall most balanced killer, cuuuuuz.... u don't like it?
Disgusting, really disgusting what some people want. Please quit playing if Q and E is such big deal for you.
Sorry, but this post literally is to much. And if I remember correctly you made some posts about how you destroy the fun of other players on purpose, so: I hope you will go against the most sweaty tryhard billys who perfected Q and E curving for the rest of all your future DbD matches.
Post edited by HavelmomDaS1 on11 -
Billy is in no way balanced and keeps most of the killer roster down because the game cannot be balanced towards killers right now with Billy and Nurse running rampant having mechanics that no other killer will ever get again.
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Awwww, i think someone can't handle my post.
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Doing that just sounds more like a pain
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Well dont get found if you want to not get found.
Nurse and Hb arent too strong, the others are too weak. And because survivors got used to stomping other killers with tricks that dont work as good against those two, the survivors complain.
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Get good..
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I wish we had this option on console, we can't change this kind of thing lol
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The most balanced killer is the one who can cross the map in 5 seconds.
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Good Bilbos don't need to rebind steering.
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Dont forget 115% ms and the instadown, almost no cooldown on the chainsaw no powergage like spirit/legion and running into an object is almost a joke with it, even bubba suffers more.
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he is the most balanced killer in the game
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Wouldn't this function the same way it does for a controller user?
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I don't get it, what does this do?
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there is absolutely no way to bring most of the other killers in this game to his level unless you completely reworked them, so no, he's absolutely not. He has the highest mobility in the game, he has unlimited instadowns (lul myers what are you even) and can still m1 you like it's nothing if you decide to not heal against him after getting chainsawed. you could make freddy's dreamtransition INSTANT and he still wouldn't be on billy's level.
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You can get maximum curve when using Q and E to steer, instead of mouse.
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So if you just move your mouse very quickly, it won't have the same effect? What about using a joystick, like someone else mentioned?
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It makes you turn in a way you wouldn't normally be able to
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I don't think it is that easy to just use mouse to do it, because you would need to literally move your mouse by 1m to achieve the effect of using Q and E. With joystick, though, it is better - you can move with it like with mouse (softly steer), or like with Q and E (maximum curve).
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More people get hit by Billy's chainsaw than Leatherface's chainsaw. Meaning its easier to hit survivors with the chainsaw that does 1 swing rather than the one that does 7 swings.
It makes no sense. #nerfbilly
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Sure, but with sensitivity sufficent to achieve the effect of Q and E you would be unable to move while not using chainsaw, because moving your mouse by 10mm would end in turning your character by 180 degrees.
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I thought all mice, or at least all mice used by gamers, had a button to adjust the sensitivity. I'm surprised to hear that isn't the case.
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I prefer using the software, but some modern gaming mice to have a DPI button switch. I won't cite Razer, cause they're worthless products, but my Zowie FK-2 does. It even has an option to switch from Right to Left handed orientation.
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Seriously, stop complaining about him.
If you dont want to go down just stay near a loop whenever you hear the heartbeat instead of trying to squeeze the gen until the killer is on your ass, problem solved.
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Hang on, what is this QE thing? Have I been playing Billy wrong? Its like the pineapple eating thing all over again.
Although, It may explain why I suck with him.
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Better send me this or I wont believe it
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I don't have any videos, but I can confirm this was true for some time. You can check the patch notes for proof, if my word isn't good enough.
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Basically its possible, but using Q and E has 2 reasons: you have more Controll and don't need to raise your mouse sensitivity to maximum + it's more comfortable to use q and E while Crusing around the map
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For me everyone who complains in any way about billy ("nerf him" or "buff him") has no clue about DbD and is probably absolutly trash at playing killer or playing survivor
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If you change your camera controls (turn right->E; turn left->Q) you will have more starting mobility when using the chainsaw.
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Survivor mains are some of the most entitled pieces of crap I have seen. And this proves it. Only play the game if they win, can’t handle losing and dc if it isn’t going their way.
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Don't feed the troll.
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All the contrary, if all killers were Billy Tier the game would be balanced because every killer would stand a chance against the most experienced survivors but devs want "fun" over competition, even tho this game's fun heavily relies on winning...
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Whats so special about q and e? They are just a different kind of input, the ability to control the chainsaw stays the same.
I prefer turnign with the mouse btw
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Lol. Well that explains why turning Billy on PC looks so much easier.
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That's not the only reason, controller sensitivity is just trash on consoles.
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Then tell me how tf would you would for example bring Freddy or Myers to billy's level without breaking Billy/Nurse in the process. Or Clown or Doc.
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Leatherface is arguably the worst killer of the game, his power sucks in every single aspect, he has no chasing potential, no map pressure and zero ways to track survivors.
The only thing Leatherface is good at is camping.
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this /\ ... only GIT GUD
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Analog stick on controller is surprisingly good for billy
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Same goes for survivors, lol.
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i personally wouldnt care, as i have the default settings on billy and still get a lot of successfull chainsaw hits...
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Lol no its the same. Just increase mouse sensitivity.
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It's not that he can't handle it, it's that you're a hypocrite and don't deserve to be taken seriously. ;^]
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Is she viable without addons?
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Every killer suffers from the same, Gen Rush. Even tho Gen Rush is the only counter to camping, that's why It wont be changed. If you want to buff killers to Billy Tier you have to make them stronger inside chases.
Freddy: Should not be visible when dream transition, or at least he should know when he is visible and invisible, this would allow him to mind-game survivors even better and thus chases wouldnt last as much. Also add different dream tiers just like Madness, each tier penalizes the survivor more.
Myers: Just reduce the amount of evil he needs to lvl up.
You can follow this patter with every killer, they should be better at chases. Billy is so good because if he finds you on an open area you are done, thus eliminating any chase.
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Low quality bait, try harder.