Is Trickster now in a good state?
I just noticed he costs half the shards than before (4.5k). Is he worth to grab now? Or should I save it for some others? (Singularity, Skullmerchant, Dredge and Knight)
I know he wasn't really that good back during the launch, but what about now? I've been away for 2 years so I'm not really sure. Anyone has good advice for me? :)
I think his current state is pretty good now after his recent buffs(4.4m/s -> 4.6m/s, increased throwing rate, more frequent main event etc)
Worth to buy and play imo if you like his style
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Not bad strength wise and less map dependant than he used to be (from a complete menace to a joke with 110% movement speed, no inbetween), i personally think hes boring and his rework should have focused on Ricochet blades to make him stand out and more fun.
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Perk-wise I think he's pretty solid and some of the best ones in the game. Starstruck is great for backpack builds but also quite good standalone for basic attack killers (especially Deathslinger). Crowd Control is a nice little hex perk to run on killers that are vulnerable to windows such as Billy and Bubba. His best perk, No Way Out, is not only fun for endgame builds, but is an excellent slowdown perk that is really, really good on its own.
Power-wise it's totally up to you to decide. He's a lot more powerful and enjoyable to play as than his previous iteration and is far more forgiving without the recoil. Whether you like his trickshot-esque playstyle or not is up for you to decide.
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If you don't care about perks and have enough energy drinks to sustain yourself, I'd say go for Singularity as he's interesting to play.
You might buy The Knight and finds he's not playable for months after purchase due to being killswitched again (he has more bugs than when he was killswitched last time). Although BHVR accidently gave him the ability to use Nurse's blink, so that might be fun.
If you like playing against bots then Skull Merchant is for you. She will likely get another rework at some point though.
Trickster is the same but stronger and easier to use (no more recoil).
Dredge probably has the coolest cosmetics and is the best turkey in the game. If you are a fan of turkey then Dredge is your guy/bird.
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Before he was unfun to play against and now they make him unfun to play against but also unfun to play as therefore he is balanced killer now
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He's undoubtedly a very strong 1 Vs 1 Killer now. I mean, he always was. Except now you always have the option to catch up and basic attack, even if you're very bad with his blades. Plus, you get his main event so often that you can just spam it to get quick and easy downs. Survivors can't even body block to take protection hits. So yeah, most Survivors will be hitting the dirt in seconds against him.
Personally, I think they over buffed him a bit to be honest and he's not really a lot of fun to face. I do love everything else about him though (his sound design, cosmetics and lore are all great. Has two decent and fun perks too in Starstruck and No Way Out).
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In terms of balance? Maybe. In terms of how fun he is to play and play against? Probably not. I still don't like playing as him (although that is just my personal opinion) and playing against him became even worse.
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I find him fun to play and i don't have any problems against him. I think only thing i wished got buffed/reverted is his iri photo card working on dying state instead of injury.
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trickster is better then before but get singu instead hes WAY cooler then trickster ever will be