Favorite survivor(s) and why?

Just random thought I was looking through the survivor list and thought you know what i like Jeff because he looks like a bad*** and Renato because he looks like he's just having a good time what endless torment? he's having a good time with new friends and his sister.


  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Quentin because of his cosmetic options

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Claudette. She is a perfect, flawless character.

    She is beautiful, has a short but very interesting lore, her starting perks are pretty helpful, Blendette was an iconic chapter of Dead by Daylight's history and she is an OG.

    What more could I possibly want? She is easily the best survivor in the game.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Jill because i am RE fan and she is my fav character.

    Kate, Mikaela and Zarina because they are good looking female survivors.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,675

    Nancy Wheeler. She is the perfect blend of sexy and cute 😍

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Maria, easily. She's by far the best looking character (subjective) and I love SH2. They made her model really well.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    Yoichi because he’s the best cosmetics/appearance/lore.

    Jake because he was my first main. He has some fun cosmetics and very chill.

    yun-jin and Trickster. Honestly one of my favourite DLS’s to drop. Just great memories.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    David because he gave us the power of E

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited February 2024

    Ace, Bill, Ash, Cheryl, James Sunderland, Chris, Jonah, Vittorio, Nic Cage, Ripley & Alan.

    Why? Because they're all based in one aspect or another.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    edited February 2024

    My favourite Survivor character is probably Ellen Ripley, because she is badass in every single way. Shout out also to Cheryl Mason who was a hugely under-rated as a character. Her VA was brilliant in SH3, and still stands as one of the best voice-acted character in video games, even now.

    Perk-wise, it's Nicholas Cage. His perks were refreshing, fun, useful, and he also acted it really quite brilliantly (as should be expected!).

    Also @Smoe, I'm glad to see James Sunderland mentioned! I'm with the minority of Silent Hill fans who doesn't think he is just a bastard and actually was mucu more complicated. Nice to see him getting some love!

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    This man gets it. None can match the Majesty that is Claudette πŸ’œ

  • motiRobot
    motiRobot Member Posts: 22

    I like blond Feng Min most.

    However, she may grieve for a drop of the motivation to dbd.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited February 2024

    He is without question the best SH protagonist in the entire franchise. Cheryl is good as well, don't get me wrong, but James is far more interesting as a character because of all the things he has done and how he is as a character.

    Also i don't think you're in the minority like you claim to be about James, in my experience from what i've seen, alot of people considers james to be either the second best or the best protagonist in the entire franchise.

    On a side note: I am of the opinion that Survivors who have made bad choices in life, done horrible things or committed selfish actions makes for far more interesting characters than morally good Survivors does, it's why i find Potrait of a Murder & All-Kill to both be some of DBD's best chapters narrative-wise. Hell, i wouldn't mind if we got a Survivor who is complete and utterly morally bankrupt as it make for an interesting twist on things both on the narrative and their motivation for surviving along with the theme of their perks.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Indeed, my friend <3

    We're lucky to main the best survivor in this game.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    I agree with you, especially on that last point. I would be interested in having a survivor who isn't a straightforward "good guy". Yun-Jin is one of my favorite survivors because she stands out from the rest as a self-centered character who puts herself first. I don't like her cosmetics much but she is one of my favorite female survivors to play as because of her character. Just wish her perks were a little better so I could use them more.

    The other female survivor I enjoy playing as is Zarina, because I appreciate her character as an honest dirt-digging journalist. But again, I'm not a fan of most of her cosmetics. Still, I find her easy to sympathize with because of her ethics, so in a way I like both ends of the spectrum of morality. I want to play as good people, bad people, and neutral people. I like variety.

    For male survivors, my favorites are Jeff and Adam. I'm also a fan of metal music, and Jeff's character as a withdrawn but passionate artist with tastes similar to my own make me like him a lot. I also like a lot of his cosmetics, even if they do tend to all be metal-inspired with not much variety, I hope they fix that in the future. For Adam, I think he's an interesting guy, an intelligent Jamaican man teaching in Japan, and I respect the integrity and work ethic he's written with. He also looks really cool in his default design with the long coat.

    I also have a fondness for Felix and Ace. Ace is a plucky and morally dubious rogue that's hard not to like, and Felix has a tragic element to his story that appeals to me.

    For licensed characters, I bought Alan Wake immediately and have been enjoying leveling him up rapidly, and I'm also happy to have Ripley in the game. I wish I could buy Cheryl's legendary skins like James and Cybil so I could play as them, but i don't have money to burn on expensive cosmetics like those.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,182

    For me it's jill because she looks pretty :3

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181


    For obvious reasons.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,783

    Or if your an og dbd stream viewer pressing e to potentially die.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited February 2024

    I mean we already have a not straight forward ''good guy'' which is Yun-Jin, what i'm referering to with someone who is morally bankrupt is more like someone who is closer to being the antagonist in their story or straight up is the antagonist altogether and that their presence in the fog being seen as some kind of punishment for their deeds or getting away with all their deeds.

    Imagine if we got some human antagonist from some horror franchise who instead of becoming a killer is picked as a Survivor and is required to work with people who they would normally be working or fighting against.

    It's like when you have one of those situations in fiction where the protagonist and the antagonist or the anti-hero are stuck in the same situation and are by circumstance forced to work together in order to survive their predicament, something like that.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Ripley because she gets Jonesy in the lobby.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Oh, by minority regarding James I meant that I didn't consider him as a horrible individual within the game. A lot of comments about him relate to him as a villain and a terrible persom, whilst I felt he did what he did because of a few reasons, not just selfish. After all, he kisses Mary before he does what he does, which doesn't imply to me as something a cold-hearted individual would do.

    Certainly, James and Cheryl are the top 2 characters, and my choice of Cheryl is based on her being the most real and relateable in how her character is and evolves, but likewise I can very much see why people prefer James as the best protagonist.

    Also, I do see what you mean about the protagonists of Jonah and Yun-Jin. They both weren't the typical good guys. Mind you, a lot of Survivors have levels of grey, but those two definitely are more edgey than the others.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,018

    I know what you meant, and I was trying to say I agreed, but I didn't make that clear enough. I meant I would like to have more survivors like Yun-Jin, and even some survivors like you suggest who are outright antiheroes or villains but not bad enough to be killers themselves. There's no rule that all survivors have to be nice or decent people, they just need to have enough force of will to endure the trials. It hurts my suspension of disbelief if everyone is perfectly friendly and good-natured all the time.

    Carter Burke from Aliens, for example, is a selfish and cruel corporate scumbag who tries to kill Ripley and Newt for his own personal profit, but he could work as a survivor character. Wouldn't be my first pick from that movie but I wouldn't mind his inclusion either. Dr. Michael Kaufmann from Silent Hill would be another good pick, he's definitely not a good guy but he's not a real antagonist in the game either, just a slimeball trying to survive the danger he's caught up in.

    So, here's hoping BHVR isn't afraid to be more "edgy" with their survivor characters.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 650

    - Felix, because I am from Germany πŸ–€β€οΈπŸ’›

    - Maria, James and HEATHER, because I like Silent Hill πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

    - Gabriel, because I like space 🌌

    - The twins, because I like Brazil 🌞

    - Quentin, because I like A Nightmare on Elm Street β˜•

    And some of the others are also cool πŸ˜‰

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095

    In that regard, i can follow you on that.

    Whether a person is terrible or not depends on who you ask and what is enough to constitute someone to be one, personally i too don't see James as a villain nor a horrible person and even if he was, i believe it adds to his character.

    I remember reading somewhere that a character's strengths is what makes them interesting and their flaws is what makes them human. The thing about humans is that they are way more complicated than being simply good or evil as we're not bound by one type of action or the other and the intent behind our actions are not restricted to being driven only by selfish or selfless reasons, as both good & bad people can do both good & bad things for both selfish and selfless reasons, which is why i believe that the further a character blurs the line between both good and evil, the more compelling they can become.

    James is not a good person, however he is not a bad one either, if anything i'd call him the most human out of all the protagonists in the entire SH franchise. James' action regarding killing his wife was something that was the result of James snapping after emotional trauma and loneliness building up over time from constantly mourning his ill wife and when he did do the deed, while it was a selfish desire that made him do it, it wasn't one done out of malice or apathy.

    Also let's not forget that he still suffered greatly for his actions internally with guilt and sadness afterwards to the point of denial and memory surpression, something that the town of SIlent Hill manifested in all it's horrifying glory, even then while in Silent Hill and met all the characters through the game, he still tried to protect and help people.

    So i think the people who believes James is a villain and a terrible person is missing the point of it all.


    Also not sure if edgy is the right word, however i get what you mean by it and yeah i do hope we get more of those kinds of Survivors in the future.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    No words needed.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited February 2024

    Ah, i gotcha.

    Also you're right, Survivors are not purely good guys and killers are not purely bad guys, i know there are people who would want it that way because it would simplify things so that it's easier to make sense of, however i believe it would drag down the quality of the lore, it's what i like about Potrait of a Murder and what it did with it's Survivors and Killer as it showcases that even innocent people who have done nothing wrong can still be manipulated by outside forces and end up suffering a terrible fate at the hands of things out of their control, while opposite with having guilty, selfish or outright morally bad people become victims themselves. (Also Twelve to Midnight. The Crow. tome makes Artist's story in the overall dbd lore 100x better)

    Outside of Carter & Kaufmann, someone like Harry Cooper from Night of the Living Dead, Nikolai from Resident Evil 3 or Negan from The Walking Dead could do as well. (If you wanna go even further, we could pick someone like Lionel Starkweather from Manhunt.)

    Also i'm kinda curious if Claudia from SH3 got into the fog, if she would try to survive the trials or if she would see the entity as her new god and willingly become a sacrifice to it, same with Dahlia.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    Yui Kimura because her story is so engaging and inspiring, honestly.