I don't understand this Skull Merchant hate train

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

I don't get it. I can understand someone disliking killers that have anti-loop and take low skill to pull off, but there are lot of killers like that so... why just SM? I can understand that new players or returning players might not get fully how SM power works, but regular players who play almost daily and are active on social media, follow patch notes, etc.? I understand you might think she looks lazy or lame desing but why just hate it on her?

I don't get it. She feels no rly different than your avarage loop counter killer. She is not A+ killer with very strong power. Like sure we all dislike some killers but this seems like ridicilous at this point, such hate on her. She isn't even popular killer. You may see one in every +30 games.

"her power is complicated" - how? why? She places drone and gets stealthy for few seconds, if you get tagged 3x times you get injured or mended and she can see your location on radar. She can slow you down if you got tagged 3+ times. She gets small haste for each tracked target and scaning you marks you on her radar for few seconds. That's IT. THAT'S the whole power. Is THAT really that hard and sooo unthinkable as power? I really don't get it. There are far more complex killers and I don't see social media flooded with hating on them either.



  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    I feel like more people should try playing her before drawing conclusions. She works great against newbies who run through 6 drones on the way to a generator. Against teams who DONT do that and only get scanned when SM forces it, her power starts feeling pretty modest. You typically never get more than a 3% haste at any given time.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    This. Must presume still bear the mental scars of her first iteration and must sunwise can't let go of the past and have it ingrained in their head: you play SM = you barely qualify as human. I was literally told so several times when playing her, or variations there of ("imagine being such a douche and subjecting others to play against SM in 2024").

    And just has a different kind of slowdown in that she deals a first health state to random survivors around the map, but nearly never can she directly capitalise on that. Occasionally she'll run into a hurt survivor, sometimes survivors will spend time healing, other times the drones just activate their Resilience perk and further the survivors gameplan.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Worth mentioning that I think your first point is a misconception? She doesn't get haste for someone having a tag for Lock On, she gets haste from survivors being on her radar, and that only lasts for a few seconds.

    Recalling hacked drones also does mean hacking them makes a loop safe because she has to go back there to replace it.

    I'd also probably highlight that 3-4 slowdown perks is obnoxious on any killer and also very common on any killer, so that's not unique to her.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786
    edited February 2024

    read it again I made some edits to the first one already and made it more obvious for people who don't know the numbers

    yeah but doing it before a chase then being chased over there makes no difference because she isn't slowed at all recalling it and then replacing it and you still can't even use the loop

    it might not be unique to her but she attracts that kind of player very often so yes this one is more player dependent

    still waiting for refutes on any of the other ones sir no rational reason to dislike skull merchant

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    It is all because of her release.

    The best way to understand this situation is by looking at the only other killer who had the exact same problem: The Legion.

    When the Legion was released they had an inherently flawed design that was even worse than Skull Merchant. The entire community agreed that Legion was a problem that had to be changed. They were easily the most hated killer at the time, and honestly it is justified.

    Well, Legion got changed together with patch 2.7.0 and his power was no longer an actual problem. But the hatred didn't go away immediately, it took time. Many players still disliked Legion and would disconnect / suicide on hook against them, regardless of the changes.

    With Skull Merchant it is the same thing. Her power is no longer the problem its original iteration was, but the release had its impact. Just like Legion, it will disappear with time.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Gotcha. The edits make it more clear what you meant, that's more fair. I'd point out that your teammates messing up and playing into most killer's powers will screw you over, and there are a few that do it in ways that directly affect you in chase (Plague being a big example), it's only fair to acknowledge SM isn't unique in this regard.

    To the recalled drone: Yes, but she still is forced into just making you leave that loop instead of you running into a drone and being scanned. You're directly making her noticeably weaker by hacking drones and forcing her to replace them.

    To the builds: We are going to have to agree to disagree, I seriously don't think SM is more likely to run ultra-slowdown builds than other killers. It's very common.

    To your last point: Never said there's no rational reason to dislike her. In fact, I made sure to say the opposite! It's perfectly reasonable to dislike playing against her, we all have killers we don't like facing. There's no rational reason to be as intense about hating her as people have been, though. She isn't substantially worse than the average killer in any way now, beyond maybe her walk cycle. I don't much care for that either.

    There's no difference between disliking Skull Merchant and disliking, say, Artist, or Clown, or Legion, or any other perfectly fine killer with annoying elements.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Fair enough but I still don't like her mechanics they just irk me and it could stand to be a more interesting design or have more notable counterplay like if a drone is hacked she can't recall it for X seconds so you can actually use the loop a hacked drone is at

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Incredibly fair points, but I’d like to point out that we’re all humans and often times can throw rationality out the window when an emotional response is stronger. It’s just basic human nature to have more visceral reactions to things that trigger stronger emotional responses.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    True, i agree. I also don't understand some takes on her.

    "she is best stealth killer" Since when? She could have some good stealth plays, but she is FAR from being stealth killer at all, not to mention THE BEST, lol. Just say you got grab on a gen, because you are lazy to move your camera while doing gens.

    "she has too many in her kit" Yeah, and she is not good at anything. Chase? It's multi-step Legion and Clown. Info? As long as survivors running in drones. Map pressure? As long as survivors allow her have it and ignore drones (always).

    "she shouldn't have haste and hindered in basekit" Lmao, yeah, let's make F tier killer from B tier killer because you are too lazy to do drones. Next we will remove condemn on Onryo so you can not worry at all about tapes, right?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Exactly this. I can't believe that the same people who designed her created that killer from the teaser. The only thing scary about Skull Merchant is her coming out of nowhere with undetectable but even that's gotten tedious and predictable.

    The playerbase maining her usually provide the most dull and repetitive games ever and I'm surprised it's not the same player I'm versing. I don't feel satisfied winning/escaping against her because I seek fun in looping and I can't do that if she just presses M2 after getting me to a specific side of a loop and I can't W key away to another one without getting hit (4.6 m/s killer after all). The permanent tags also don't help because once you gain two, normal gameplay gets thrown out of the window as you get spammed with drones until you get deep wounded and there's nothing you can do about it. Drones also don't make you lose STBFL tokens and it's not a bug so I've seen obsessions get spammed with them. What's the point of even disabling drones at this point? They get recalled faster than it takes to place them lmao.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    I find myself agreeing with a lot of things you say around here, but your format and delivery is far too aggressive, so even if someone would agree with you, they won't simply because of your word hashing. Just an observation.


    SM sucks. From start to (hopefully) finish. Do not DC* when you see her in game though. You will get in trouble!

    *: In no way do I advocate for anyone to DC. Play the game and have fun**

    **: Well... try too. Tunneling, camping, 2nd chance perks, etc dampen that***

    ***: SM sucks

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    -> 10k hours

    -> run in all drones' beams without any reason outside of chase

    Sadly, this is survivor devs should keep in mind while balancing the game. Wow.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 946

    Agree with you i dont really get the actual hate.

    Before? Yeah strong 3 gen perks and 1 hour game.

    Now? Just an antiloop killer decently strong.

    You repair a gen under a drone? No problem you are inmune.

    SM its 3gening? Not now, just 8 hits to that gen.

    I guess is PTSD and thats it.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Why do people try to use "don't keep up with changes" argument if the counterplay hasn't changed? You do drones against SM, you take a tapes and put them in TV's against Sadako. It was like this, it's still. Other changes you are learning while game, if player doesn't read patch notes.

    It's not like "oh, i did drones/tapes before, but now i have no clue what to do, killer is SO DIFFERENT now, what should i do?"

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    There was a poll on Twitter where a huge amount of people ranked killers based on tiers based on something I forgot about. Skull Merchant was obviously the worst but, funnily enough, she had a bunch of votes for S+ tier and barely any votes in the middle. I brought that up a while back and someone just said that it's Twitter so it doesn't matter, basically invalidating a bunch of people's opinions due to bias.

    You bring up the kill-rates and apparently that doesn't matter because hook suicides inflate them. They will keep inflating. Why wouldn't they? It's very hard to enjoy playing against a killer like that with such a playerbase. Imagine if DC's counted...

    You bring up there's no counterplay whilst in chase so they tell you to stand still when the beam is about to scan you as if that isn't a free M1.

    List goes on but I don't want to waste my time.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited February 2024

    1. Survivor does mistake and walks into drone randomly in non-chase scenario is to blame on Killer power. Tell that to trapper when you step into his traps as accident.

    2. Haste is barely noticiable or impactfull unless you have like 3+ people with claw traps at the same time which again, would be on Survivors running like chickens without thought or using their eyes. Drones are easy to see. Getting normaly scaned last few seconds and the haste gain is pretty small.

    3. Looking back and forward is something you do in every chase againts every killer. You need to know where you are going and where killer is and what they doing. Like how is that even a SM thing?!

    5. Muscle memory trowing you off.. again, basic knowledge of the power will not trow you off. HUD tells you and you know if you just gave her tiny haste or not + you can count with that she moves bit faster. There is no suprise factor if people would use a bit more brain power.

    6. Every Killer can and most do run at least 2+ slowdowns and even 4 on much better killers than her. Nothing unique to her, again.

    7. She has some Status effect that sometimes trigger, so what? Many killers have them too + if you add some addons.

    8. One of best stealth in the game better than others? Whaaaat... That's just lie. She has better stealth than Pig or Sadako I quess because she is not slowed as her or no lullaby LMAO. Any other stealth Killer has better stealth that last much longer and has more impact.

    All these reasons sound pretty bad, sorry. Its either lack of knowledge, skill or just ignoring how other killers work and acting like its her fault.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Wait, you did drones before. Now she is changed. Shouldn't your first thought be "i should try do drones again possibly", even if you don't know about what is changed about her?

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    1. Survivors shouldn't do that if MMR actually worked and new survivors were given game tips on the loading screen to help with counterplay instead of 'use a medkit to heal'.
    2. Haste is noticeable on a 4.6 m/s killer. Let's just be for real. If 3% was noticeable by MfT on survivors, then it'll be even more impactful on a fast killer. Picture you running a loop, certain you can greed another one but suddenly that "small" haste gain messed up the momentum entirely. Really bad justification lmao.
    3. You don't typically have to base your looping pattern on a drone beam that can be manipulated to be spun clockwise and counterclockwise and therefore have to look around more frequently to not get scanned or M1'd.
    4. You can't just look at the HUD whilst in chase against a anti-loop killer and calculate the amount of haste she has. Multi-tasking only makes you a more vulnerable target. Even if you see you have two tags, realistically what are you going to do?
    5. They are explaining how the perks make games more tedious when playing against her should be more than enough. You're strawmanning.
    6. She has basically every status effect that CAN trigger basekit. Killers needing add-ons for ONE/TWO is not comparable to basekit effects. Skull Merchants can utilize their add-on slots to greater effect because of this. Bad argument, again.
    7. Her unpredictable stealth is why she has decent stealth. Go up against any other stealth killer and you're always expecting them unlike Skull Merchant, therefore providing better stealth plays. She definitely doesn't have the best stealth though.

    You're justifications sound pretty bad, sorry. It's either lack of knowledge, skill, or just ignoring how biased you are.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I'll take a crack at these, if you don't mind.

    1: Massive amount of faith being put in an algorithm, here. No matter how well the MMR gives you evenly matched games, you're still going to get idiots who don't know what they're doing in specific matchups. That's unavoidable. However, I agree that the loading screen tips should be a lot better and I'd also suggest that better in-game tutorials and explanations would be good outside of the loading screen too.

    2: I feel like the obvious answer is that you just don't greed loops that hard against Skull Merchant? It's not substantially different to other killers that can either slow you down, speed themselves up, or otherwise hit you over pallets.

    3: Won't contest this one, there should really be a cooldown between rotations. Annoying part of her kit, worth mentioning- though obviously not justification for how hated she is, of course.

    4: If you see you've just been tagged (which doesn't even require looking at the HUD) you play more cautiously. Don't greed loops against a killer you know can punish it, this doesn't just apply to Skull Merchant.

    5: That's still irrelevant information. Any killer can bring 3-4 slowdowns, and it's obnoxious on almost all of them. It is worth contesting that as something that makes Skull Merchant specifically this hated.

    6: While her kit does have a lot of individual status effects in it, they're very condensed into intuitive and understandable sets. She's stealthy, and getting scanned is bad for you specifically because it makes looping her harder. The argument that it's bloated and hard to understand doesn't really hold water, because it all makes a lot of sense. Sure, if you want to understand every nuance there's a lot to keep in mind, but for the average player all they really need to know is that getting scanned makes you vulnerable, and that not hearing a terror radius doesn't mean you're safe.

    7: Not sure I understand this one. Why wouldn't you always be keeping an eye out and expecting her when you know she's pretty decent at stealth? Genuine question, I'd appreciate elaboration so I better understand the argument.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452

    6 drones with a big radius can create a massive area denial. That combined with most solo Q players having no idea how her mechanics work, like not even knowing they can crouch to avoid the beam.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786
    edited February 2024
    1. haste does make a difference and unlike trapper where you either then get downed / heal up and move on with skull merchant you get tagged and nothing, you can't remove it without just standing around in the trap for another 6s taking a health state and being broken for 45s theres no way to remove it or deal with the stacks of her power cleanly which is dumb
    2. haste is always impactful increased speed is one of the strongest effects in the game and she gets it constantly and consistently and its just one of the many statuses she gets
    3. not every killer wants you to look back, foward, around, at the ground, up and down, Manja-Flanja-Blanja-Banja-Ishka-Bibble-Babble-Flabble-Doma-Roma-Floma-Boma-Jingle-Jangle-Every-Angle-Bricka-Bracka-Flacka-Stacka-Two-Ton-Rerun-Free-for-All-Big-Ball, most just look at the killer and look back so yes it is more to balance looking around at then a normal killer do some other killers demand this yes, is it fun, no
    4. this one is missing
    5. the whole point is that it doesn't feel natural to play against, of course you can use more brain power to play around it thats why I said muscle memory as in something you don't account for and get used to because you don't expect it from other killers
    6. I just happen to see stacked slowdown perks more often then not on her, of course anyone can run 4 slowdown but if its a blight spirit nurse I don't expect 4 slowdown but when I see a skull merchant I associate 4 slowdown
    7. She has the most status effects of any killer in the game built into her basekit 5 is a ludicrous amount of status effects in her basekit since most have 0 or 1, Trapper (haste), Wraith (undetectable) Billy (none), Nurse, (none), Myers (exposed), Hag (none) ect. and she has 5 in her basekit
    8. Her stealth has no tell and yes it is better than other killers when she is in stealth, you are ignorant if you don't realize that every other stealth killer has some kind of tell to balance out their stealth, and even as just part of her kit its one of the stronger aspects because starting chases closer is strong and having nothing to balance it out is silly, wraith has uncloak and gnashing, pig has slower speed and needs to charge or stand up, ghostface has a cooldown, myers loses stealth for a while to get exposed effects, ect, skull merchant has a 0.4s period out of stealth with the right addons no footsteps nothing

    Idk what kind of wool you think you can pull over my eyes but they are all valid reasons if you know anything about the game and these counter arguments lack depth, its an annoying killer and its poorly designed in some aspects and it usually attracts boring players and playstyles so I dislike it

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,596
    edited February 2024

    Most people did try playing against her post-rework. It didn't take long for her reputation to be reaffirmed, when most matches go something like the following.

    Sneaking into her 3 gen area completely covered by drones, disarming them 1 by 1 over the course of a minute, starting on 1 of the gens.

    10 seconds later, all her drones start automatically reactivating, she comes back to check her gens, you see her coming and try to leave early but get injured by a drone that you already countered by hacking a minute ago. Now you have every negative status effect in the game and have to take a chase where your only choice is continue holding W to the next loop. The possible outcomes here are usually:

    A. she downs you with all the skillful outplay of having a 20% speed differential, and now you're hooked in the middle of her 3 gen.

    B. she drops chase to return to her gens. now you get to spend the next couple minutes trying to find your solo queue teammates to reset so you can then go through the whole cycle again and possibly make another 4% progress on a gen.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited February 2024

    Honestly, people have gotten used to hating her. It's as natural as breathing. Her very name is enough to trigger all kinds of unpleasant memories. If you ask me, she needs a new name, a fully reworked power that is not area denial, rewritten lore, new visual design and new sound design as well.

    You can wrap a rotten candy in whatever fancy layer you like. It doesn't change the fact that it tastes like crap.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    Her design is a total failure as many other users have said, facing a Skull Merchant is a mere waste of time since no skill is involved in the process for both the killer and the survivors.

    I am not ashamed to suicide on hook / dc'ing as soon as I hear her TR.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't think it needs to go this far.

    If players managed to let go of their hatred for Legion, then the same will happen for Skull Merchant. We just need to give it more time.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    edited February 2024

    Perfectly fine with a constructive argument.

    1. I suppose so, but recently I've had a survivor join my lobby with 55 hours on DBD. They had a new Steam account so cross-progression probably wasn't the reason that they got my lobby but I still gave them a chance and, well, they got steamrolled by a Skull Merchant who knew they were the weakest link and tunneled them out of the game after also seeing her Steam profile. Left chase immediately with someone else to go for the new player. I don't know why it's not letting me attach a screenshot. Obviously any killer could have done that but how would a player like that know counterplay that is half the time ineffective and ruins momentum? I think if DBD made a YouTube account or promoted someone that makes videos about counterplay it would drastically help.
    2. If you don't greed pallets you'll just end up at a unsafe one and the drone will do most of the work. Best a survivor can do is drop the pallet and then just get bloodlusted because they'll be zoned or face the multitude of status effects the drone provides. creating dead zones on big open maps quickly is the easiest way to lose.
    3. Glad we can see the issue here.
    4. You can't really play more cautiously if the SM places a drone whilst you're at the unfavorable side of a loop where it's difficult to reach another loop and you're open to getting scanned, although this is more map-dependent (some maps have obstacles that don't even block the beam). You could pre-drop, sure, but bloodlust on a 4.6 m/s killer will allow you to catch up and because the drones take little to no time to place on a loop, you can't really rotate back because it's not inconvenient for a SM to place a drone even at a pre-drop to save themselves the time from breaking.
    5. Yes they can but that's not the point the OP was trying to make. The repetetive nature of SM games gets enhanced by the repetetive perk usage amongst them. You can't really blame them due to how well the perks synergize with her but the same playstyle with the same perks gets old real fast.
    6. Getting scanned is bad for you true. Very bad. The worst part is about how easy it is to get scanned three times with little effort from the killer side apart from forcing you to go on the undesirable side of the loop as I mentioned. Haste and hindered is just overkill and it's not something that should be swept aside with the argument to W key away.Because it's random. You basically get eight seconds of Undetectable at will and combining that with at least one aura reading perk allows you to do so effectively. With people not really understanding counterplay or how she even works, this is very effective. It's like having Trail of Torment, minus the highlighted gen to show it's working and with, obviously, a shorter duration. Most survivors don't run Kindred so not being able to see which way SM is going helps her with the plays. It's also more surprising because most only go for one stealth play the entire game which makes it seem less significant to care about.
    7. Because most Skull Merchants go for one stealth play the entire game, making her stealth aspect seem too insignificant to care about. Players that actually utilize it more see a lot of use out of it. It's like Trail of Torment, you have that one requirement for it to give undetectable, minus the gen aura showing for SM and with a shorter duration of eight seconds. Paired with a singular aura reading perk, it makes it really effective, especially with the random absence of Kindred. It's a little hard to predict sometimes, especially with the lack of callouts on solo queue.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    That's not exactly a cracked team, lol. I didn't watch the whole thing, just up to back to back fast downs of survivors who weren't even affected by her power at all. Trapless Trapper would look OP from that. The 2nd chase lasted like 5 seconds, which is impressive to drop THAT fast without being affected by her power and the 3rd down was roughly the same.

    Sidenote... At the time you see the killer get the 3rd down, you ALSO see the streamer who was not in chase gain a drone stack. It was right about here that I turned it off. This was a team getting decimated by basic M1s.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Its almost like sexy characters haven't been an insanely marketable and profitable thing in video games since forever. You're not making a good argument when you're implying the devs did something wrong for designing a character like this. There's nothing wrong with her walk animation or her outfits and I can promise you anime weebs aren't the only people a character like this appeals to.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    But they are both no longer actual problems.

    Both Legion's rework and the Skull Merchant's rework got rid of certain aspects that made their powers genuinely unhealthy for the game. That doesn't mean they're fun to go against. For some players, they will never be.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452
    edited February 2024

    Ok I played some rounds as SM and it's extremely oppressive when there are 3 gens left. Just placing drones everywhere between them and running back and forth until someone is spotted I don't see how it would be possible for survivors to escape unless the gens are on opposite sides of a large map. If a drone gets disabled you can renew it instantly so there doesn't seem to be much counterplay.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    1: I don't disagree with this point, but I also think it's fair to point out that none of this is really a Skull Merchant problem? It's a matchmaking problem, and while more in-depth tutorials and tips from a variety of accessible sources is a good thing on its face, I don't think they'd even really help with this particular issue- nor would the issue be different against other killers.

    2: Well, there's a difference between "not greeding" and "predrop to run away", you can still play the loop. Even in the worst case scenario where you're claw trapped and being hindered, it's equivalent to looping a Clown, it depends on the loop and how safe the pallet is. In most scenarios where she only has Haste and is trying to get you on the side of the loop that actually has you scanned, you've got room to actually position before dropping and running away. Even if you find it annoying, it's not particularly stronger or different to similar killers.

    3: Just putting 3 for clarity, we agree on this point.

    4: I think if a killer is being forced into relying on Bloodlust to get a hit, that's already kind of a win for you. It means her power is almost certainly doing very little, even if she's getting single scans on you. Still, this harkens back to point number two, which is that playing cautious doesn't always mean just running away, it just means being more willing to use the resource you're dancing around. There are loops where you can't do that, but that's where we pull back and ask: Is that actually worse for you against Skull Merchant versus it happening against other killers?

    5: Even setting aside that SM's gameplay isn't even that much more repetitive than other killers (even if she's just dropping her drones at a loop to force you to run away, that brings her to the same level of repetitive as other killers doing the same thing), it's still not that relevant. It's not unique, and it's not about her power.

    6: I just don't agree with the idea that getting survivors scanned takes no skill. Skull Merchant is, first and foremost, a trap killer; they do require skill to play, it's just a different kind of skill. Assuming the survivors aren't playing worse than bots and getting themselves scanned constantly outside of chase, you have to utilise a lot of positioning and mindgame skill to force them into the drone's beams. Rotating without cooldown does make this easier, but we've already agreed on that being a problem, so I think it's fair to separate that from the overall point. The argument could be made that a Skull Merchant could win a war of attrition by just forcing single scans now and then, but that isn't fast enough for her to not lose, she'd be better off crutching on Bloodlust- and even that wouldn't be enough for her to not probably lose the match. You have to think about it as "how much quicker could she get this injure by not using her power and going for an M1", and if the answer is "not quicker at all", that's because the player knows what they're doing and isn't trying to play passively + let the drones do all the work.

    I'd also like to highlight, still on this point, that the counterplay isn't always to hold the W key, that's not how you play against a Skull Merchant that isn't just dropping drones at every loop. There are loops where you can counter the beams with crouch walking, there are loops where the beam can't even get you if you time it right, and then, yeah, there are loops where you just run away. This is the case because the status effects in her kit aren't random, they happen extremely predictably (outside of idiot teammates giving her slight Haste, but still) as a result of a highly visible light show you're both trying to play around.

    7: Sure, that is why her stealth can be good, but I don't think it translates to her stealth being a problem that justifies hating her. Even if most Skull Merchants don't use their stealth much, you as a player still know they could and should be keeping an eye out all the same, right?

  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    Because of her past form being so recent. I still remember right before her changes i was getting a lot of skull merchants taking advantage of her 3 gen before it was gone. Very fun. As for her right now, she is so boring to play vs. you in chase with her and you slow down, she speeds up, you get injured just because of a drone. Very fun.

    also her chapter was the worst ever in this game. She has a stupid look, useless perks and just a power that plays the game for you.

    people that player her know what they are doing. They know that she is hated so it pretty hilarious when they say “geez idk why survivors dont like my killer? Why doesnt anyone want to play vs my killer”

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    I never played as or against pre 2.7.0 Legion, so take this with a grain of salt but I really think Skull Merchant is flawed in every aspect. Even now.

    Her name is completely random (it has nothing to do with her or her power and the explanation for it is pretty bad too), her power is area denial even now, which is always disliked by survivors, she is incredibly simple with neither mechanical nor strategic depth, which also makes her unappealing for a lot of killer players, her visual design does not fit her power nor her lore (quite the opposite because this mask is about the least stealthy thing imaginable) and it isn't menacing in the slightest, her animations are terrible (mori is a worse copy of Freddy's and her walking animation is beyond awful) and her sound design isn't better. A 4 seconds loop for her chase music isn't exactly nice to listen to after a 20 seconds (it's quite annoying imo).

    They took too many things and just mixed them all together when they designed her. Drones could make for a very interesting power. She could have been somewhat similar to Singularity or they could make her drones mobile. Literally anything would be better than this. And as long as that remains, I doubt players will ever be willing to give her a chance. It's not exactly fun trying to loop her only to be forced away from that loop as soon as she presses M2. She has a severe lack of counterplay and is incredibly easy to get results with. There is no penalty for changing the rotation so you can do it as often as you want, which basically takes away any chance of her messing up in a loop.

    Legion is still not very popular among survivors but at least you actually have counterplay in the second half of the chase. As opposed to SM, who leaves you with literally nothing other than pre dropping pallets and leaving the loop. She cannot be beaten by performing good in the 1v1 but only by outperforming in the 4v1 aspect. You can barely delay her, so your only chance is to finish the game as soon as possible.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Like I said, both Skull Merchant and Legion got changed to eliminate a problem, but it didn't make them fun to go against.

    But it seems to me all this hatred towards her is still because of her release, as it happened with Legion, rather than her current state.

    She does require another change, but it should only concern her power (so no changes to her visual, mori, lore or name) and it definitely shouldn't take priority over other characters.

    I honestly disagree with certain points here.

    In my opinion her name works, her lore is alright and I really like her visuals. Her mori is similar to Freddy's, which is my favorite mori in the game so I'm okay with that, and her chase music isn't that bad.

    What I can agree with is her power not being enjoyable to go against, although I don't think it is the worst in the game. When she gets changed again, it should be power and add-ons only.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
    edited February 2024
    1. It is because you have to rely on your teammates more than any other killer to not do stupid stuff otherwise it harms the person being chased and you want to do everythhing to avoid that. It would help considering most people want a convenient tutorial of how to face killers with ALL the strategies you can counter them with instead of a video where there's a lot of words but little examples as to how it actually works.
    2. Being hindered is not equivalent to looping a Clown. It's equivalent to looping a clown who has used his power on you (minus the hindered difference). It's also important to note that Clown's ability cannot deep wound you and he cannot get haste. You cannot play the loop because your worst case scenario is actually the common case scenario.
    3. Yep.
    4. Relying on bloodlust as a 4.6 m/s killer doesn't really equate to a win for the survivor. 15 seconds of just chasing someone W keying away gets you bloodlust and makes you a 4.8 m/s killer. This allows you to zone survivors more easily and place more effective drones in strategic location (since you get there faster and survivors don't have time to respond), forcing a hit to remove bloodlust or focing a hit so they don't get injured by a drone. If someone is W keying away so effectively from a killer that fast, I think bad mindgames are the root of the cause. You can use the resources as you wish, but a SM would generally want you to drop since it helps with zoning and gaining tags.
    5. No other killer feels as repetetive as SM. The only close contenders would be clown or Knight but they are also pretty much hated because of the same issue.
    6. Positioning a drone and revolving your playstyle around the drone's beam does take a bit of skill indeed but every killer has to mindgame. If you're good with mindgames on any other killer, you'll probably be good at Skull Merchant. Killers don't have to learn anything new, just utilize what they know under new circumstances. Mindgaming is a skill in itself, but I'd argue that placing a drone doesn't really take as much skill as I assume you think. Even bad positioning can get you a tag or two. You also can't just crouch walk unless you made decent distance otherwise it's a free hit or it ruins the momentum. It poses the question whether it's better to risk the hit and gain distance or risk getting scanned whilst avoiding the hit which could mess you up more.
    7. Using undetectable during chase is when it's most effective in my opinion. That's because I mainly rely on the red stain to help with looping and most SM know this is the same for many others and activate it at specific loops. That's why I personally don't associate undetectable with her stealth plays and, therefore, get surprised and whatever. I understand that her stealth has huge potential but I'm probably too busy looking at my flashbang progress to take that into account half the time lmao.
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    My main problem with her mori is that it lacks originality. It's Freddy's mori in worse. She sets up a drone for the mori that does absolutely nothing. Literally nothing at all. It has no purpose other than making it slightly different from Freddy's. On top of that, the survivor screams when they go down, they scream again when they stand up, then they scream again when she touches them as if they didn't know she was there and then they scream when she finally kills them. That's 4 screams! That's a little overkill, isn't it? I like Freddy's mori for it's simplicity but Skull Merchant's lacks this too.

    The problem with her lore is that there are so many things in there that don't go anywhere. It's mentioned and that's about it. It's like they couldn't decide which direction to take her and then went with everything at once. Her default outfit doesn't make sense for her. It's neither stealthy (which is what her power partially focusses on) nor does it suit her power in any way. She looks like a mercenary but she also has a glittering mask. Probably to show us that she's rich?! In which case Doctor must be the richest man alive, if we consider the electricity prices.

    There are a lot of good ideas in her design, that could all work out, if they were fully fleshed out. But it's so many that they can't do that in a single killer. Take one thing and focus on that, then build her lore accordingly. That'd make her more compelling. A business lady gone mad could work perfectly fine. But then they'd need to focus on exactly that and not a billion different things.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    It should take priority because literally nobody will play against her