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How can Freddy have such high killrate?

He is one of the weakest killers if not the worst right behind trapper :D

Low MMR must carry that I think.


  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,145

    Two reasons I'd go for:

    1: Teleport is pretty powerful.

    2: Lots of killers overuse their power. Sometimes killers would be better served off just using their superior speed to hit the survivor with an M1, but because you have a power, you use it. Freddy doesn't have any power to distract him in chase really. Even the pools don't slow him down that much and are so weak that players don't overuse them.

    It's kind of like the videos Hens and others made where they played without using their power and still got a lot of success. That's Freddy by default. This means players can't make a mistake by missing a charge / hatchet / summon, etc.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    5 people that are really good at Freddy are the only people playing Freddy

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    It's all speculation at the end of the day. Whether people talk about high, mid or low tier, the main point is high MMR is for competitive players and such, so if that is about >1%, that high stat area is pretty much irrelevant because it is abnormal compared to the reality of the vast majority of players.

    It's less to do with the Killer and an awful lot more to do with who is playing that Killer.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 504

    So any nurse that is not at high mmr is just bad/not getting 3k/4k? The majority of nurse players are just bad? So then how is she the most OP killer in the game? Because of 1/199 matches in the game?

    Just because a nurse isnt in high MMR doesnt mean she doesnt regularly 3/4k

    How does this not apply to the rest of the killer roster? Why are you singling out nurse here?

    Other killers cant be bad? Or "hard to play" explain Spirit for me here, or Dredge, both of these killers are not easy to pick up/play. One of them is slower than normal and you can't even see anyone when you use your power. You dont think that throws anyone off?

    As for pick rate: Singularity is similar but look at his kill rate.

    Or look at SM with 2% pick rate lmfao and look at her kill rate.

    These are highly unreliable numbers to put any reason into or conclusions into. Pick rate and kill rate correlation is really non existent.

    There are many problems with this theory, not only are you applying a single parameter of "hard to play" to nurse and no one else in the killer roster, you are assuming the best of low MMR survivors and the worst of low MMR nurse players but ONLY for nurse. Every other killer in low MMR just does amazing right?

    This is not consistent at all.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,900

    "So any nurse that is not at high mmr is just bad/not getting 3k/4k?"

    Never said that.

    "The majority of nurse players are just bad?"

    Never said that, but yes, the majority are bad because she is a hard killer to play.

    "So then how is she the most OP killer in the game?"

    Because when you CAN play her she is broken, but the majority of players can't. Just because something is hard to play doesn't mean it can't be broken. (And even then I only really find Nurse to be a big problem when she is running full slow down)

    "How does this not apply to the rest of the killer roster? Why are you singling out nurse here?"

    You brought up Nurse, not me. It does apply to other killers. I never said it only applied to Nurse, I only mentioned her because you did. You just can't apply the same logic to every killer.

    For example: Huntress is a very good killer when you master her yet she has a relatively low kill rate as well. Is she low tier? Or is it just because she is the 2nd most played killer, only behind the most recent DLC, so she is very popular and not everyone can play her like a pro? Same with Singularity. Is he weak, or is he just to demanding play efficiently?

    "Other killers can't be bad?"

    Again, never said this. Yes there are other hard to play killers - for example SIngularity, Huntress, and Billy (all of which also are on the bottom end of kill rates, but not the point). Unlike those killers though, Nurse plays nothing like other killers. You can't rely on M1 hits or general killer knowledge to play her. Dredge I also think is not a great example - the only aspect of his power that is hard is his anti-loop, he has a high skill ceiling but low skill floor. He's much harder to play against than as for new players.

    "not only are you applying a single parameter of "hard to play" to nurse and no one else in the killer roster, you are assuming the best of low MMR survivors and the worst of low MMR nurse players but ONLY for nurse."

    Again, I never said any of this and YOU brought up Nurse and compared her to Freddy (and Pig), not me. There is WAY too much going on behind these stats to justify ANY conclusion from them. You can make theories and guesses and get a general idea of a killers balance, but without seeing the kill rates and pick rates across all MMR levels, it's really hard to make a conclusion.

    TL;DR: I never said any of that. Freddy is not in anyway comparable to Nurse. One is arguably the hardest, one is a contender for the easiest in the game. There is way too many confounding factors at play that make it hard to form any conclusion with these stats. What I was originally getting at is that your theory doesn't hold up because Nurse isn't dominating at low MMR.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 366

    sorry lol. i just like my boy Freddy lol.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 448

    This is actually something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I keep seeing people saying X or Y killer that already has some form of slowdown also needs this and that to help them in chase or at the end game. Yet I find plenty of success by playing fairly easy to play killers with not so many bells and whistles just by walking up to people and smacking them.

    Even as Bing-bong man all I had to do to make chases quick is uncloak as soon as I found someone and just smack them. If they do the perpetual window vaulting thing more often than not it's better to just not play their game and just uncloak. They'd frequently vault one too many times and I either get a free hit or they lose plenty of distance.

    On the other hand, my kill rate plumets the moment I try mechanically complex killers and refuse to take the L every once in a while and just smack them normally instead of using my power. Yes, I understand I may find more success with better tools, but I feel like some people don't understand that sometimes the best play is to not use your power - ESPECIALLY when survivors are expecting it, as they sometimes kinda outplay themselves into your fist trying to dodge a hit that's not coming.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2024

    Oh, welcome to the DBD forum. You’ll find parrots to be quite prevalent here.

    The attitude that Freddy sucks is something pedaled by a popular streamer who has some inconsistent views on killer potency. I was in another thread where someone mentioned that low MMR survivors, like high MMR survivors, are an outlier but you can see here that people are implying (or outright stating) that low MMR players are why Freddy’s kill rate outpaces other killers. Low MMR, which we can assume would be less than 5% of the player base as a correlative to high MMR (also less than 5% of the player base).

    When you point out the contradiction, the reason cheekily morphs to something else. Because people refuse to abandon their beliefs, no matter how much any evidence proves otherwise. So while the stats show that Freddy is fine—in fact he’s performing better than several other killers—you’ll still have people describing him as weak, unplayable, so on and so forth. The reality is though that people would like to use Freddy against survivors who are closer to the upper echelons of MMR, and either not struggle for wins or defeat their opponents handily.

    No one complains about beating low MMR survivors, and they hardly complain about beating mid-MMR survivors. Criticisms of how strong/weak a killer is are directly tied to how easily that killer can 4K in a match against competent, coordinated survivors. And tbh most killers are going to struggle here.

    With Nurse, while she is difficult to pick up compared to several other killers, for anyone with a shred of competence she isn’t ungodly hard to learn or play at all. Not sure why this idea is pedaled that she’s just this awfully hard killer to pick up. Her power—the ability to teleport wherever she wants in the “blink” of an eye—makes her an extremely forgiving killer to learn actually, even for newbies.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    It baffles me. It must have something to do with his low pick rate and the nature of his power. He has a second objective and because he is played so little many may not know, that his power is pretty weak. So they rush to wake themselves up every time they fall asleep. Then there's the teleport, that to this day still confuses some survivors and of course his lunge.

    It's probably also that he is mostly played by people that are pretty good. A new player will play him once, realise he's pretty weak and switch to a different killer. The people that play him have probably had so many wins in this game that they don't care anymore. I've recently played this killer a lot too and because he's pretty basic, you can use everything you've learned before to give yourself an advantage. He is a pretty good M1 killer because of his small height and he's also pretty quiet.

    Apparently, the dream pallets can also confuse some survivors, which I do not understand to this day. They're pretty bad. You only get hits that you'd get any way because there's no pallet there to begin with but apparently some survivors love to run around and drop everything they find because they think it's all dream pallets. This not only lets you catch up more quickly but it also wastes a lot of resources.

    The people that do know how weak Freddy is also get pretty cocky at times. I'm not kidding when I say, that Freddy probably has my highest kill rate on GoJ. The amount of survivors that stop to tbag you just to give you a free hit is mind boggling. Combine this with STBFL and you might even get the second hit right after.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,442

    I never thought he was bad, just boring, bland and unimaginative. Stale if you will. Being a dream demon, you’d think he’d have some cool powers but he doesn’t.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,242

    Freddy is fine, stats say he's over performing.

    However @GeneralV is too OP please nurf. 🤪

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,242

    Freddy definitely needs something.

    Maybe his dream puddles sprout mini claws that Hinder and well as slow. Or how about environmental effects that trigger to disrupt survs, kinda like Hag snapping the camera around. Or his dream state is made to be like that event a couple of months back, takes you to an alternate map that is designed how Badham shoulda been.

    There's so much that could be drawn from his films. Although he already does have the go-go-gadget stretch arms effect thanks to Aim Dressing...

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    you my friend are the sole reason i started to play freddy again.

    he was the very first killer i ever bought but i quickly put him to rest cause he wasnt that fun and sadly he had no outfits and im a sucker for cool skins. but seeing you holding frddys torch high in the forum made me go back recently and now im learning to get the best out of my favorit horror icon

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I personally believe that @GeneralV as the sole remaining Freddy main is just that cracked, that he singlehandedly skewed that kill rates. Way to go to the top 3!

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    A very low pick rate means that the few people who do play him have a bigger bearing on his overall stats. If the only people who play Freddy are Freddy mains and their high kill rates aren't evened out by bad Freddy players then his kill rates are gonna be high.

    Same thing happened with Symmettra in Overwatch. Generally considered a bad hero for years but had a high win rate due to her low pick rate.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The main reason is the undenyable fact, that Freddy has a longer lunge attack then other killers. 😅

    Jokes aside, i just think he is not that bad of a killer, especially in low and mid MMR. On top of that, survivors are not used to him as much anymore, so they wont perform that well. On the other side, the remaining Freddy mains are probably pretty experienced and confident that they hold on to a killer that is not S Tier caliber.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I wonder if Freddy isn't actually bad just boring.

    1. Power that forces people to leave loops? Check

    2. Power with built in slowdown? Check

    3. Power with mobility that synergizes with some of the best perks in the game? Check

    It's just that none of this is that interesting to actually use. Blood puddle is just pushing a button at loops you don't have to think about, the clocks are passive and you as the killer don't interact with them and the teleport is just something you do after a hook. Freddy actually has a lot of tools but only one of them has to do with chase and it's dull to use.

    I think this also has to do with most people overvaluing micro play and undervaluing macro play. Most killers seem to look at this game as a series of 1v1s rather than a 4v1 so killers with macro powers seem to get undervalued because their chase tends to be weaker and that's all most people pay attention to. But let's be honest if chase was the only thing that mattered Slinger would be S tier and he obviously isn't.

    Freddy on the other hand does have a little bit of everything, antiloop, macro slowdown, and mobility. Makes me wonder if most people's understanding of the game is actually completely wrong because this happens every time a macro killer releases they get severely underestimated, Cenobite, Twins and Knight come to mind.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Always happy to talk to fellow Freddy players, my friend!

    And I'm really happy you liked my concept for him, thank you so much <3

    There is a certain concern when it comes to reworks, especially considering what happened to Freddy, but this time I have hope. Hillbilly and Onryo were massive steps in the right direction, and I am confident Freddy will get the same treatment.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,249

    Tiara amazing!! 🤩 you all are doing great! 😊 Behaviour give Freddy love please!

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,854
    edited February 2024

    He is a meme, his power slows down the same as clowns, and yet can't be used unless the person is dreaming and only covers a specific tiny spot that is easy to avoid. He was nerfed in a way that makes it so he can only set 5 traps, so he can't setup a web of traps anymore. So his slowdown power is literally just a significantly worse version of clown there. Then there is his teleport. He can teleport once every 45 seconds to a generator with each survivor that is asleep reducing the cooldown by 15%, to a maximum of an 18 second cooldown.

    Now factor in that unless he's running the iri addon. he has to land a hit on someone or wait 60 seconds before survivors fall asleep. All while playing literally without a power because he starts with a cooldown on his power, and survivors can't be affected by the snare.

    I can't imagine that even if his teleport was just baseline 18 second cooldown all the time, that he was still any good as a killer.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,771

    He has the depth of a puddle. You can learn him to his full effectiveness in like 2 games tops.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Thanks friend <3

    We all do our best for this killer, and I'm sure things will get better for him eventually.

  • pickle2
    pickle2 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2024

    I'm curious about which perks/add-ons the Freddys out there are using for 3-4K. In my opinion it feels like I need more than 4 perks to make Freddy feel bearable to me.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,242

    What's truly frightening is there's likely more Twins mains out there that Freddy's.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    The most important question of all

    How many people are actually using dream pallet Freddy? 🤔

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577
    edited February 2024

    Decent antiloop. Not incredible, but good enough to put survivors in "drop pallet or get hit" situations immediately at tiles. Teleport also gives some good chase utility and can zone survivors.

    Not map dependent at all. There's not really a bad Freddy map due to his mobility. Can cross any map in seconds.

    Has some solid tracking when survivors are in the dream state. It's much easier to see stealthed players when they're highlighted in blue.

    Semi-stealth with the lullaby is useful on every map, but very good on indoor maps.

    Low-downside power. You can't mess up Freddy's power and lose a ton of distance. You don't lose a ton of distance if survivors avoid his power. You ever play Artist? You spend the entire match setting a bird, holding W, setting another bird, holding W, etc, if the survivor is any good. Miss a PH shot or Xeno tail? Survivor is halfway across the map. The environment itself won't mess with Freddy's power either. It may not have the upside of other powers, but it's extremely low risk. It's an efficiency thing. He'll never be Nurse, but he's never going to be downright inefficient.

    He's probably not going to beat the best teams, but if you sweat it out, slap on NOED and whatnot, you will never do worse than a 2k

    Post edited by edgarpoop on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577

    I like Pain Res, Bam, PGTW, Brutal. Sometimes I'll take Coup instead of Brutal. NOED if I'm feeling really sweaty.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
    edited February 2024

    Why is Freddy deadly?

    Because the 5 Freddy-Mains around the earth know what they are doing while survivors do not, because they never meet him. His pickrate is at the bottom of the world, so every time you face a Freddy, its a beginner or a Freddy-Main. There is nothing in between.

    Beginner Survivors will lose whatever they do, because they dont know how to face him, cause he is barely used. Top-Players will always beat him, because his lack of abilities when survivors are awake.

    Ill tell you how you win:

    Use Coupe de Grace. It synergyzes extremely well with Dream Snares.

    Use Dead Mans Switch, its his VIP-Perk. Fake-Teleports and the gen is blocked.

    My build is: Pain Resonance, DMS, Tinkerer and Coupe de Grace.

    Fake your teleports EVERY SINGLE TIME its ready, even while you are in a chase.

    Do NOT run Pop, because then you need to teleport a lot and the cooldown is hilarious. When you fake, your cooldown is MUCH LOWER.

    Do only Teleport if you know that there is another Survivor. If you are close in downing one, FAKE it.

    Fake Teleports are MUCH BETTER in every way than teleport. Keep this in mind.

    Run Red Paint Brush, his only addon worth using.

    For myself, I can easily say this: I win 75% of my matches (3K/4K), I tie 10% and lose 15%. Something like that.

    The biggest reason is easily the experience on him (4500 hours total, I assume 500+ hours on Freddy alone at minimum).

    Post edited by KaTo1337 on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577
    edited February 2024

    The fake teleports are huge. Like you said, you should almost always be 99ing it on a gen. Only send it after making the survivors believe you're never going to commit to it.

    Other thing I like to do is TP to the wrong gen and approach from a weird angle when survivors are asleep. It's a niche "tech", but survivors expect you to approach from where a survivor was last hooked. Not the complete opposite direction.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    We will keep fighting for our Freddy. If BHVR want advices, just text us. We would be very proud if they would allow us to give some advices how we would think Freddy-Changes (and he needs them) should be without overpowering him and bring him closer to the average pickrate (which would end up in dropping in the killrate-stats, so win/win, Mr. Peanits :-P).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,567

    Others have said it, but it is indeed the low pickrate. The low pickrate indicates that only very dedicated players play with Freddy. He is licensed on top of it, so it is unlikely that new Killer players will pick him up while they are still learning the game.

    Freddy being played by Veteran-players AND not played by brand-new players results in an overall high Killrate.

    The same happened with Pig in other stats. She is not strong, but she has a dedicated playerbase and those people perform well with her. And the same is the case for Freddy.

    (To compare - Chucky has a Killrate 5% lower than Freddy (which is huge!), but he is also the most popular Killer in the stats. So you have more players who are not performing well with him who tank the Killrate)

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    Is it impossible to think that Freddy is a bit underrated? I mean it does happen that popular youtubers have a killer very low on a tier list or high and suddenly everyone is agreeing. Perhaps he's not the worst or even bottom 3 killer?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I imagine it has something to do with not a lot of people playing him but the ones that do know the business end of his knife hands well.

  • Selfpreservated
    Selfpreservated Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 62

    Prolly his perks overwhelm new survivors and them not realizing how to properly time waking up