Stop buffing killers and nerfing survivors

survivor is in a terrible state and the devs not only ignore us as they say it is our own fault. there is gonna be a point where no survivor will want to play with these incessant and abusive nerfs from the last 2 years
ok, this is the fault of the developersβ lack of desire to teach survivors and force them to learn. And plug holes in the foundation of games . Holes such genrush
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In most of my games I don't really see the problem in the killers to be honest, they are sometimes not even good and my mates just do dumb things causing us to loose even tho we would have win easily. I would like them to advance the matchmaking before they buffing anything they don't have to.
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what survivor nerf is even happening this patch?
Also mangled is getting nerfed after complaints survivors had about sloppy.
Some of you guys just need to chill out.
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They just nerfed STBFL, which is a low-tier killer staple, so I will hear none of this
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game is already survivor sided, so killer buff is justified
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You are joking, right?
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There wasn't one, but since a few killers got changes people will diregard the previous patches/changes.
If their side doesn't get mega buffed they'll just say stuff like"(x) side always gets buffs and (y) side only gets nerfs"
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did you see how they masscared my girl pig in their patch notes
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What does pig have to do with this game being "survivor sided"? Killers win 60%+ of their matches and you are crying that it's survivor sided.
Seriously, BHVR, take note. Killers will never be happy. 90% kill rate would still be survivor sided...
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Unfortunately, it's not really that simple. Sure, they can stop giving general killer buffs, but that still leaves an assortment of killers that still need to be buffed on the individual level. Examples include twins and trapper. So they can't just not buff killers or certain ones are going to get left in the dust
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they nerf pig cause survivor think she is to good with camping boxes (the only reason why pig is not complete trash) and they nerf sbfl/mangled/3-gen strategy/sadako became garbage tier/pig soon became garbage tier/nerf for sloppy butcher/and future nerf for blight is this not enough for you?
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They buffed weak killers, except Huntress. Then nerfed mangled so it's a good survivor patch. Weak killers are nothing to be afraid of.
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I mean how would you buff survivor's other than perks and items? You already have built-in UI for every action for you and teammates, Built-in endurance and sprint after unhooks and anti-face camp mechanic which could arguably be improved. These are killer base kit adjustments and changes, nothing super drastic other than Huntress extra 2 hatchets', which should be looking at locker placements instead of more hatchets' in my opinion.
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Inbuild BT should be a different health state than Endurance. Something that gives no collision. So it would stack with actual Endurance perks and couldnΒ΄t be abused to body block. Thats a basekit survivor buff, that would benefit both sides the most.
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I think the target of 60% kill rate is a problem, because that doesn't take into account dc's, killers messing around or going easy. It's not uncommon for a good killer player to have a 75% kill rate.
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survivors deserve stronger perks the same way killers have.
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None, but killers getting buffed, significantly. Again.
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also everyone talking about what survivor nerfs?? is this serious??? like the gaslight is absurd!!!! since 2022 survivors lost most perks, 10 extra seconds on gens, no gen tapping, killer kicks gen 5% regression, and the list goes so much longer. killer mains keep dismissing the survivors perspective in order to keep having easy games
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i dont take seriously anyone who thinks survivor is in an actually good state
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Just every blue moon survivors may get something. Its fine dealing with some killers for buffs, but it always has to be clear on why that aspect got buffed. Like, I cant udnerstand why Clown nor Huntress get more ressources. Its already hard enough to dodge/outplay the killers into reloading, which takes actual skill or a bad killer. Now those survs with skill get it right into their face. Looping a killer for too long is obviously hated by the devs. Who cares for skillful surv play? Just let them day on sight. Everything fine for killers.
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Because the four survivors were unable to repair one of the three generators.
Even if two survivors come to the rescue, they will be hook-grabbed.
Even after removing hook grabs, there are survivors who cannot hook trade when a killer is camping.
Survivors always receive buffs.
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when i played this game on 2019 and i was sweating every game as a killer i was a bit bias but i was still winning 95% of my games which is funny. and that is without moris.
otz did in his past perkless challenges and he won most of his games, survivors were never a problem, killers werent skilled enough at the time to deal with the better ones. now killers have thousands of hours and can easily dominate survivors, as the stats shows, even 4men are not the power role overall.
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Survivors are often complaining about killer variety, but any time the devs buff weaker killers to try to increase that variety, survivors act like it's the end of the world.
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Huntress isn't weak and doesn't need 2 of her best add ons basekit as well as a massive speed increase while charging a throw.
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Blight also doesn't need more s tier add on buffs when the devs still refuse to fix his exploits after 3 years.
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You know what? I really don't get it.
What's even the big deal about these changes? Literally nothing in the universal kit changed, it was all, like, 0.3 to 0.5 second changes for a couple of low tiers. And also those buffs to Huntress and that Blight addon which, yeah, were unnecessary and could probably get rolled back a bit. These were only called tweaks and that still feels like overselling the impact, now that we've seen them.
I feel like the only killer who got a sizable buff--Again, Huntress' unfathomable changes aside--was Clown. And it was in the form of, like, two extra bottles and some half-second adjustments. I guess if clowns killed your whole family and Clown's very presence in this game is unforgivable to you as a result?
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How do you know that?
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I love thisππ
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Skill issue. Getting tunneled? Learn to loop better. Bad teammates? They need to learn to loop better. The bottom 50% of the survivor playerbase WILL NOT just sit on gens, and that is what kills most teams.
Post edited by North85 on2 -
OK I get it, in a little over a year survivors have been able to see what their allies are doing with their HUD, and they just gained Base Kit BT, hook grab removal, Anti face camp & Gen defense System and 3gen countermeasure system. It has made me more willing to play Survivor and for the first time in the 5+ years since I started playing this game, I play solo. Thanks Matthew and Jeff.
So, what else do I need to add to get you playing Survivor for fun? A friendly tutorial that teaches you how to play, a system where you press M1 and the gate energizes and opens?
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Oh no they buffed Weaker Killer and nerfed Mangled to make Survivor healing stronger
Dare you how they only can nerfed Survivor this Patch π€·π»ββοΈ
Also we still dont know how Broken the new Survivor Perks on the PTB are maybe the Devs make a MFT 2.0 Situation because it is a Original Chapter and they want to sale the new Survivor
Also 3 Gen got nerfed, Face Camping got nerfed on the next Midchapter DS ist most likely getting buffed and Ultimate Weapon and Blight is most likely getting weaker so yeah the Devs only nerfs Survivor stop Overreacting
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It's literally fine.
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