How do we buff solo survivors?

Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

It's no secret that many of us would like to see some more solo queue improvements. However, it's not as simple as "just buff solo queue". What would you buff, that only helps in solo queue? The purpose of this thread is to explore different options and maybe work out some suggestions for the devs.

One idea, that is often mentioned is a base kit Kindred effect, which I am very much in support of as long as it doesn't include aura vision on the killer. That part should remain tied to the perk. Of course Kindred would need, further buffs to make it worthwhile.

Another idea is to give survivors a chat wheel to allow them to communicate even without comms. This could help solo survivors in their coordination and increase their efficiency especially on low to mid levels of gameplay.

But all of this would not be enough to let all solo queue issues disappear. One reason for that is DBD's poor matchmaking, which is caused by the MMR gains. As @xEa explained in a different thread:

"Thats the problem with the MMR and its escape=skill philosphy. It is simply not true. Getting carried by a strong looper and eventually escape, or hiding for hatch is not considere to be skillful but rather relying on luck and teammates. And when i see survivors in my lobbies, it is often times obvious how they landed there."

This results in huge skill differences between solo survivors. One might be a god tier looper, while the other is only good at hiding and profitting off others, which makes them liability rather than an asset for their team. This is an issue, that must be deal with. Chase time, objective progression and different actions throughout the match should have an impact on how a players MMR changes. This would mean, that players that are actually good would be paired together, which would lead to much more conistent teams.

What other ideas do you have to help out solo queue? Please keep in mind, that simple buffs (either to perks or the base kit) are not exclusive to solo queue and keep the discussion civil.



  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452
    edited February 2024

    It's not just about solo survivors, even high MMR 4-man SWF has a 48% escape rate. The whole survivor role needs a slight buff. They can start small, like -10 seconds on gen. Or fixing vaults so the killer can't hit you when you're literally on the other side and running.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452

    Any kind of buff to survivors would lower the kill rate, so if you BHVR thinks the 60% kill rate is fine then no buff to survivor is possible.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited February 2024

    A map-sourced method of self-healing to mitigate uncoordinated movement that is otherwise a coordinated collapse onto a point via comms.

    Comms are still likely to be faster overall with movement time saved and positioning near objectives, but at least if someone is aimlessly running around they can stumble on a method to heal themselves and not just get downed due to a lack of not finding anyone.

    Like being able to choose (scavenge) basic Items from a Chest.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 2024

    Basekit kindred (at least letting all the survivors see each other) would be another good start.

    Edit: I say basekit bond as well.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited February 2024

    60% kill rates are the standard that BHVR want to balance around. These will stay. It's solo queue specific issues that I want to focus on. If you would like to discuss BHVR's balancing philosophy, then feel free to open a new thread for that.

    That is not true. Anything that makes survivors stronger overall would come with compensatory killer buffs. But that does not mean the solo experience cannot be improved.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    I like most of what you said but I would hate to see more basekit perks. Kindred is the perfect SoloQ perk and making it basekit just means more people with meta perks. They know they're soloQ, they have access kindred because it's a generic perk, they should be willing to equip it. The devs shouldn't hold people's hands so eagerly.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    It has already been said, but scrapping the MMR system and fixing the matchmaking is the best thing that can be done for solo queue at this point.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452

    Isn't the MMR system is designed to match skilled survivors with baby survivors to give them a chance?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    What kind of matchmaking would you like to see instead? Old ranks weren't that great either.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    More information is the key to get closer to SWF. So more of knowing where your teammates are on the map. Like if a survivor is being chased everyone can see that survivors aura. And seeing all survivors aura when someone is hooked. Seeing auras of survivos doing gens so you know better how to spread out on the map or trick a killer to chase you when he is getting closer to that gen so it can be finished.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    People have an irrational dislike of basekit perks, in my opinion. The only perks that have become basekit recently - Borrowed Time and Shadowborn - never should've been perks to begin with.

    Kindred should exist, but there's no denying that coordinating unhooks is a big flaw with solo queue. A brief showcase of where your team are, similar to how you're shown the hook survivor's aura and a slugged survivor's aura, is consistent and reasonable without being broken. Kindred would still be the perfect solo queue perk because it'd extend that aura reading and show you where the killer's going, making it partially basekit would just be alleviating the current problem.

    There's a big big difference between being willing to adapt to solo queue by equipping one of a number of perks, and needing to run specific perks because their value is a huge gap in the basekit. Solo queue survivors should be willing to run useful perks like Bond or Empathy, but they shouldn't need to run Kindred specifically.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    From the ideas we've seen something along the lines of more emotes (or at max a "chat wheel" though we dislike the idea) would help. The above idea of upgraded items to would probably work the quickest and easiest to test.

    That said there's no solution to the randomness of teammates. You can't really force people to play how you want not control how skilled they are. MMR works (in a sense that it does what it's supposed to do) but gets thrown through the window when people dodge causing its own issues. At this point we're believe a better way to teach people how to play would be a good start.

    In our defense, you've never really played until you play drunk by daylight

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    they made BT basekit and now zero people run BT despite the fact that it more than doubles the endurance. I Don't think survivor mains would be willing to equip it because in their eyes, they already have it so it's a wasted slot.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Better and clearer information about the game, powers, items and so on, so newer players aren't as lost.

  • thatkatemain2468
    thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33

    remove the ENTIRE progression system and all dailies and challenges. if the bloodweb, item counts, lost purple flashlights, need to get to P100, focusing on personal objectives, farming teammates, cleansing all 5 totems at the start, running to basement for a glyph, having to open a door with a character you dont like, playing a role or killer you dont like, i could go on for hours...

    i have NEVER in 6 years played in a group of randoms in custom games and had a single person EVER, not even once get salty about losing or salty about ANYTHING for that matter. just saying. the game is supposed to be fun. endless grinds and incentive have no place in a game that is played for fun. nobody works at McDonalds all day cuz its fun only to donate their paycheck to charity.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    Well first they can start by picking a side. Lots of the frustration in this game is that the devs are so indecisive on committing to making this game competitive or casual. It truly cannot be both.

    If the game is casual:

    1v1 should be the focus of Balance and game should revolve around hooks and chases. There should also be alternate ways of escape that reward survivors for good solo play and killers should be more rewarded for spreading pressure.

    If the game is competitive:

    Then BHVR needs to enforce teamplay and selfish survivor gameplay needs to be removed from perks and items and punished heavily. Pipping needs to be reworked entirely and MMR should be based on grades. There should also be a ranked game mode with more restrictions to make it more fair for both sides (SWF being regulated comes to mind.) You cannot keep throwing players of all skill brackets into the same queue and expecting it to work out.

    Anyone saying that it's the player's fault that solo-queue sucks is just being lazy and refusing to hold BHVR accountable. It's entirely their fault solo queue is in such a state and they definitely could fix it with proper financial incentive.

    Again this is the problem with having no competition in the industry. There's no where else to go for a DBD fix so most players are willing to deal with the negligence.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    A game without progression is a game that only lives for a short amount of time. People need something to work towards or they'll feel like there is not much point in playing at all.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    And again, Borrowed Time shouldn't have been a perk to begin with, protection for recently-unhooked survivors should've been basekit from the start- or at least early on.

    As long as the perks are things that are required to fix basekit gaps, and as long as what you're left with on the perk is useful afterwards, making them basekit is fine. For Borrowed Time and for my Kindred suggestion, both requirements are met. Whether people choose to run them is a wholly separate issue.

    Oh, I don't doubt it. No shade, my drunk teammates are probably have more fun than me in a lot of matches lol

  • HastuneMiku
    HastuneMiku Applicant Posts: 49

    -Let survivors see the perks their teammates are running. There's no reason for this not to be in the game already. This should not be a "Maybe we'll do it later." This should be a "This is coming in a weekly patch this week."

    -Fix MMR so it's not entirely based around kills and survival. A killer who gets 4 hooks and 1 kill isn't more skilled than the killer who gets 9 hooks and 1 kill. A survivor who hides and escapes after doing maybe half a gen, never gets hooked, and spends maybe 30 seconds in chase isn't as skilled as the survivor who runs the killer for 3 minutes and then gets camped to death.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We really gotta ask how BHVR is at fault for the BHVR of the players?

  • thatkatemain2468
    thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2024

    also, let survivors see what their teammates perks are in he lobby and make an absolutely unmissable promt that tells survivors when ANY buff from their team is in play. No One Left Behind is useless in solo since nobody know you have it. thats just a single example. and when i say unmissable i mean when you are unhooked by someone with Well Make It a massive thunderstorm animation comes up and a voice sings in a heavy metal song DONT RUN TO CHINA THEY HEAL FAST AS ######### BOIIIII while playing a Metallica-esq guitar riff. Ok, a little extreme but you get the point.

  • monochromeworld
    monochromeworld Member Posts: 56

    its already survivor sided game they dont need any buff

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited February 2024

    Instead of ideas of just making Kindred base-kit, how about:

    Let the Hooked Survivor look at another Survivors Aura(s) to give them a notification that they should come unhook them.

    Makes being Hooked a little more engaging and doesn't require immersion breaking with wallhacks.

    "The steadily waning gaze of a decaying survivor sends chills down the spine of those whom they look towards: Survivors looked at this way hear the Whispers of the Entity and the edges of their view share a similar fog" + Add Whispers sound/visual effect to Survivors on Hook as well

    This could also be expanded upon for a new Perk type: Amp survivors you're looking at while Hooked. Not great while winning, but can help when losing.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    They're the ones that set the standards for player behavior. They make the rules and put in the incentives/punishments to playing in certain ways.

    The solo-queue Feng is not crouched in the corner for no reason. She's crouched in the corner because the game allows her to and does nothing to prevent her from doing so aside from maybe dying more than normal.

    League of Legends and Dota 2 have way bigger playerbases which are more toxic yet they've managed to mostly reign in people who don't cooperate with their teams. There is no secret. Direct statements and punishments do far more than slaps on the wrists and "carrot on a stick" based rule systems.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Solo queue issues are directly tied to their benchmark of a 60% kill rate though. Most solo queue complaints are either about tunneling, proxy camping, bad teammates, or unwinnable matches. Most players complain about solo queue "feeling" bad, and it does feel bad when you escape on average 3 maybe 4 times out of every 10 matches.

    I don't understand why we just have to accept that a 60-40 split is correct simply because bHVR says so. Hell, they're still talking about trying to make the game a "horror" game and because of that the killer should be the undisputed heavy hand. This games not a horror game past 40 hours of playtime (probably even less). It's a more and more competitive game where you can't just design the game for how you wanted it to be, you have to design it around how the game is actually played by the community. The game sucks from a "feel" perspective and that's never a healthy problem for a game to have.

    The 60% kill rate is one of the biggest issues with solo queue and the survivor role in general.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I would gladly accept them back.

    Don't get me wrong, the Ranks weren't perfect. Sometimes the system failed, it happened.

    However, in my experience they were way better than anything MMR has to offer and I'd like to see them again.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    So what you want is for BHVR telling people how to play correct? If so we're in disagreement. We like the freedom to an extent and player agency is something that's been in the game for as long as we can remember.

    In addition, currently it's still the players making solo miserable for players. Whether the killer or other survivors, their behavior is not to be laid at the devs feet, that's lazy. Sure the devs can and should curb the extreme ends, but their job isn't too babysit the players.

    To cut into that comparison to league, league actually has 2 teams, you all win or sink together. DBD is technically a 1 vs (1 v 1 v 1 v 1). Survivors are technically working towards a common goal but only needs to focus on them. They don't win or sink together.

    And maybe that feng is in a corner for a good reason of "stay the f away from the (insert killer description) trying to kill her".

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    If survivor is going to be a free for all then why are teammates required to escape? Why do the altruistic players have to lose because of selfish players who sandbag?

    This is not a fair system and creates toxicity and overall displeasure with game quality.

    The devs are also explicitly responsible for this environment for not enforcing gameplay and intentionally not creating a ranked mode (which mobile dbd has) and matching everyone together.

    If the game is going to be 1v1v1v1 then you be able to escape as the one without anyone else being involved.

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre did this perfectly with how survivors work in that game. Working with teammates should always be the best option, but in that game if you play well you can escape by yourself without having to wait for the other players to die.

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    Statistically speaking a 60% kill rate actually means the game is balanced pretty well overall. Because of the nature of killer winning the 1v1, almost any killer can guarantee at least one kill if they play their cards right, either through hook trades, EGC, etc. On top of that, when the killer kills 3 people they tend to kill all 4, and hatch escapes aren't counted in the stats.

    If you assume most games range from 1-4 kills, that creates an average of 2.5 kills per game, which rounds to 63%. Adding in the occasional 4 man escape, 60% sounds relatively fair IMO. I believe the devs have even stated this is around what their ideal goal is.

  • saym
    saym Member Posts: 82

    Buff solo survivor?

    Solos are not a problem. The problem is the MMR system that matches baby survivors together.

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    But there's nothing you can do about that 60% figure, realistically. If killer gets a 50% kill rate that generally means they are underpowered because killer is supposed to win the 1v1. See my above reply about why kill rates are the way that they are.

    But frankly, I think if whether or not you "win" is the sole determining factor in whether or not you had fun that game, then maybe an asymmetrical game isn't your cup of tea to begin with. There will always be a power role to some extent, and the game will also never have a perfectly defined win condition. To some killers, a "win" is a 2k with 10 hooks. To others, nothing less than a 4k is victory. To some survivors, a "win" is them getting a solo escape. To others, their goal is getting the team out. Asking BHVR to balance around any particular percentage is going to be based on a subjective interpretation of what "victory" is.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    killers already have it too easy. survivors deserve buffs without having to think about the killers feelings

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    1 teammates are only required for the doors. You don't need teammates to actually escape a trial. It's the nature of the game. In addition while it's nice to help others some don't care and sometimes the selfish play is the way to survive.

    2 it allows toxicity, just like other games, but it doesn't create it. People create toxicity. What you consider fair is different than what we do, and what we consider fair is different from player 789, etc. Claiming "fair" isn't going to move us (especially when we've seen what others consider "fair").

    3 they're responsible for the environment, not the people. We don't want to be told how to play, and can imagine others think so. If they started railroading, there'd be a cascade of effects that would need addressed to the point where it'd be a different game.

    We're not going back into why we think splitting the que wouldn't work as you'd think for the topic of making solo better.

    4 look at 1. You can attempt to escape all your own without teammates helping, just more likely to die.

    5 we agree working together should be the best option (and currently kinda is for most normal matches) but we don't see much difference between the 2. Playing well allows survivors in both games to escape. Tell us, if one survivor didn't do much but hide in Texas but the other 3 did enough to make an opening to escape and the 4th got out, what is the difference if 1 survivor did nothing here but the other 3 carried? Or if 1 in Texas waiting for their team to die to try and stealth an escape and 1 here waiting for the team to die to escape hatch or doors? The only difference is one is easier due to the number of killers on the map.

    6 think we've veired off the topic Abit.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    To be fair, with how screwed up it currently is (we swear we keep getting backfill lobbies) it's currently about the same as rainbow ranks.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    I don't think escaping is the end all be all for fun as a survivor at all, but I do think it ties into my earlier point about one of solo queue players biggest complaints about matches feeling "unwinnable". A lot of people feel that what they do and their skill has zero impact on how a typical match plays out in solo queue. At the end of the day, their statistics point towards the game being very balanced (and in a sense it's probably the most balanced the game has ever been), but I still strongly believe that people care more about the "feeling" of a game compared to it's perceived balance, and that's why there's so many complaints about solo queue being a terrible experience.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, unfortunately we cannot expect either of those systems to work flawlessly.

    But when comparing the two I can definitely say I had a better experience with Ranks than with MMR.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Honestly we were the opposite until it felt like we're doing community service fighting the backfill.

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    That is fair, but I think that's always going to be a problem for any team-based game/role. Randos just don't wanna play with the team sometimes, or maybe matchmaking just served you a stinker and there's too much skill variance in the lobby. As a frequent solo queue CS player, I definitely feel this. It's just kind of an impossible problem to fix.

    IMO a chat wheel is the most surefire thing, as there's no real advantage given to a SWF with that. A weaker base-kit Kindred might also be alright. Unfortunately though, there's never going to be anything BHVR can do about that one teammate that runs the killer around the hook until you inevitably get sac'd.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Completely agree, I don't think this a problem that they can actually outright fix, but they can take steps towards making it less problematic. I like your suggestions as well, as it essentially only buffs solo queue instead of SWFs.

  • sinkra
    sinkra Member Posts: 452

    How do you know hatch escapes aren't counted as escapes in the stats?

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Honest question because I keep seeing people saying MMR should weigh things differently so let's take this example.

    Survivor A loops the killer for 1.75 gens and does 0.8 gens and escapes

    Survivor B take no chases and hides from the killer when they hear the terror radius but this allows them to do 3 gens and escape.

    How do you think MMR should reward these two players?

    Because according to how people seem to discuss these things I would assume people would says survivor A deserves more MMR for actually looping however Survivor B did more to advance the Survivors win condition of escaping. If one were to suggest Survivor A deserves a bigger MMR boost than survivor B that creates a game where doing gens doesn't matter and people are just all incentivized to run at the killer and start a chase with them to try and get a bigger MMR boost meaning people don't do gens meaning less people escape leading to I would argue an even worse soloQ experience than we have now.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    honestly I don’t know how it’s become more apparent that the moment you load into a game everyone else has a different playstyle

    one guy mememing, one guy throwing the game for a hiding challenge, one guy probably hiding for hatch, and the one person who actually wants to win

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    1. Survivors should see whatever perks and items they have in lobby and in game. Clicking esc would work for this feature.
    2. Message circle is pretty popular option for most online games. DbD would have it as well.
    3. We need another additional HUD. If killer is camping, let other survivors know it. Even if they are proxy camping. SWF teams are coordinating so well because they know what is killer doing. Solo survivor have to waste time to see it.
    4. DS buff. Yeah, tunnelling is one of the reasons why solo-q is so miserable. This will do.

    I think that will be enough.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    There should be a multiplyer for doing objectives and looping (the one for looping should be higher obviously because it's harder), which then is applied once the MMR gain is calculated. I'm not sure about the exact ratio (this would probably require a lot of fine tuning) though. I don't know how exactly MMR gain is calculated so I cannot possibly suggest an equation to determine how it should work.

    The idea is to sort out players, that do not pull their weight. Meaning, if you do almost nothing but you still get out, then your MMR should not be raised. However, someone that performs well (long chases, a lot of progression) should not lose MMR, simply because of their team mates' bad perfomance.

    Your example is actually not quite as divisive as you may think. Add up the progress that survivor A made for their team and you get 2.55 gens. This is quite close to 3 but it's clear that survivor A did more work, then survivor B because sitting on a gen takes no effort, so it should be considered less skillful than looping.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    I agree with everything but point 3. I think it's dangerous to go that far because:

    1) even SWFs can't always tell, if a killer is proxy camping (no line of sight means little idea where exactly the killer is even with a TR).


    2) we can't give solo queue all the information that SWFs have because it does not require effort to share and it's pretty game breaking. SWFs constantly know where each of their team mates are, they all know where a gen is once it has been found, all of them know where the killer is once one survivor sees them, they all know what perks a killer has as soon as they are used, they know what pallets and loops are available and they even see the killer using their power.

    I'd prefer an option for the hooked survivor to warn their team mates (with a chat wheel).

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited February 2024

    Maybe hooked survivor should tell to team killer is camping.

    That would not buff SWF but help solos to know what's going on.

    So killer is camping me, killer is near to hook should be in message wheel. So yeah i agree with you here.