Huntress Needs The Speed Buff!

I’ve put over 1,000 hours on Huntress alone and I can say without a doubt she needs at least to keep the movement speed buff. There are SEVEN indoor maps which gut your power, then there is Eyrie of crows, GoJ, Badham 1-5 and Toba which all have a lot of clutter and things like that. Either you remove those maps or you buff her.
There is NO reason why a killer should be put at such a severe disadvantage because of the map they get. And there are an INSANE amount of small high wall loops that you CANT land a hatchet at. No matter how many hours you have.
I obviously would like to keep all 3 buffs lol but the movement speed one literally has to stay. Anybody who says it’s not needed can not have ever played her on indoor maps against good survivors.
Thank You Bhvr! Plz keep that change at the very least! I beg of you!
Or they could remove the clutter, distribute the lockers better and that would buff several weaker Killers like Dredge and survivors playing locker related perks like Flashbangs at the same time...
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Increasing her hatchet count to 7 instead of just adding more lockers to maps to benefit not just her, but Trickster and most importantly Dredge is just disappointing.
Huntress was on the bottom of many peoples lists to get changed, so many other killers could of gotten much deserved attention
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I agree i hope they keep the buffs
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I don't know what this overreacting and "she doesn't need buff" claims. She definately needs movement speed and wind-up buffs, maybe not more hatchets. I don't know how it possible to think she is in the good state, when Nemi, Alien and Chucky exists, who put way less effort to land a hit.
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I think it's quite indeed the opposite. Very experienced Huntress players can win on any map. Yes, ofc it's harder on indoor maps but If you know what you're doing you can still overcome the map dependency. If you think indoor maps are the problem with the Huntress I'm sorry to break it to you but you're not as good as you think you are.
"Either you remove those maps or you buff her."
-Or the map balance team get their ish together and remove the clutter and add more lockers in order to have your power when needed.
"There is NO reason why a killer should be put at such a severe disadvantage because of the map they get."
-Exactly so fix maps instead of applying bandaid buffs so all killers AND surv perks can benefit from it.
"And there are an INSANE amount of small high wall loops that you CANT land a hatchet at. No matter how many hours you have."
-Experienced Huntress players are aware of this and adjust accordingly. You are not meant to be able to land a hatched on every rock pallet or filler.
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no she doesnt. get better
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Survivors I feel really don’t want any killer to get better at all. They complained about her reload speed being 1 second faster and acted like it was the end of the world for some reason.
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Go ahead and explain how you would make her able to land cross map shots on indoor maps? Oh and let me know how she can land orbitals on indoor maps too! I’m very curious to know how you would do that.
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Who said she was supposed to reliably cross-map?
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As someone who finds Huntress super fun to play against. I like the adjustment's besides the additional hatchets. Hopefully they remove the additional hatchet addons at least.
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Nemesis? This guy need to hit 3 times. And his add-ons are terrible bad. Also his range is pretty short.
Xeno? Really? He is just better version of Nemesis with even shorter range.
I don't even know why Chucky is here. He is not range killer, he is dash based killer. So he is not sharing anything common with Huntress.
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Yeah, don't think she needed anything.
She was perfectly fine. She was popular, strong and well-designed.
Instead of changing Myers or Freddy, they changed her 💀
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She wasn't one of the first to need changes, it's true, but she definitely needs them. Changed number of hatchets is unlikely to reach live, but I won't be upset, she doesn't really need it, especially after reducing the time to pick them from the locker.
She one of the easiest killers to loop, because in some loops you are just forced be M1 killer with her, but your power needs to justify your 4.4, what is not the case with her.
Nemi and Alien has way shorter "wind-up" with 4,6, why Huntress can't have her 10% buff with 4,4?
Chucky yeah, nothing common, except he being 4,4 killer with power, which will give you a hit almost always and can't be outplayed just by predropping or endless greeding.
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OP: Huntress severely struggles on indoor maps so the movement speed is a good change
Everyone else: Well they should just add more lockers then
I'm convinced people are incapable of reading and then having a conversation about anything, they just commit their talking points to memory and parrot them ad nauseum.
I think the movement speed is fine but I don't think she needs more hatchets the more I think about it, it makes dodging hatchets somewhat meaningless and takes some skill expression away from survivor. I think ditch the hatchet ammo buff and keep the other two buffs. I get some maps are lighter on lockers than other but you're free to run purple belt with these changes and not feel bad about not running babushka or whatever else.
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And Huntress can zone you with her power but Chucky can't. And Chucky has very long cooldown in his power but Huntress does not.
Huntress need to hit you twice, Nemesis need 3 hits.
Xeno's power can be taken, Huntress only if she out of hatches. And she still can reload pretty fast.
If they are gonna add weakness like those to Huntress, sure buff her. But if you are comparing their best parts, you have to talk about weak parts too. Huntress is fine as she is, no buff needed.
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Why do you expect to be able to do that in every map? Orbitals and cross maps are fun but aren’t the bread and butter of her power. You’re trippin rn lol
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Uhhhh her power lol 😂 that’s why she is 110 because she can hit cross map shots 🤣
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She's 110 because she hits over pallets, not because she can Call of Duty Bankshot people, that doesn't usually happen
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It happens every outdoor match for me. And if I don’t land a few then gens start flying. If she is 110 because she can hit over loops then make her 115 because 7 indoor maps remove that ability and small high wall loops you are forced to m1
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It is very necessary at the highest level. Why do you think her kill rate is low even at the top 5% MMR. Behavior posted it September last year.
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record yourself cross-mapping RN
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You aren't even able to imagine how highest level works.
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You are telling me, with a straight face, that at “high MMR” you need orbitals and cross maps to win?
Alright dude you do you. Keep plying at “high MMR”. I look at your other comments btw and your argument seems to be “I’m bad at holding gens so please buff Huntress so I don’t suck as much.” I thought you wanted to have a serious discussion but your post makes complete sense from that angle. Gl with your games…
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Same reason Nurse has a low kill rate. It's because most people are terrible at her. Has nothing to do with the killer being weak. Go watch someone good like Coconut or Ralph and tell me Huntress needs buffs. Killer mains on this forum be like "we shouldn't balance around bad players" yet they have no issue doing this when it benefits killers.
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It’s no use this kid is a clear case of git gud. I’m outta here.
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Coincidentally I have a YouTube channel lol It’s called DaBrownie. I’ll upload a video there, I also have hella videos on orbitals as well but none showcasing cross maps because they are so standard no one is impressed by them. But I’ll upload one just for you.
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As a sure fire huntress main myself. She didn't need buffs honestly. Yeah she's 110 but thats the downside of her being able to throw hatchets literally anywhere. You complain about indoor maps and I get it but they require me to play differently and also require super precise shots and perfect angles, it takes a ton of time to learn them but once you do shes still leagues above most of the M1 roster.
Huntress was in a great place honestly, as we all know you can't use "high MMR" as a argument to warrant buffs, as the player base that's truly at high MMR is so low compared to the rest. Most think they're in this high MMR bliss and theyre simply not.
The only thing I'll advocate is more lockers/better placement and less clutter which is better for everyone involved.
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Cause apparently she need helps more than Freddy or Myers.
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No not orbitals lol, cross maps for sure though. UNLESS you run 4 gen slowdowns then you really don’t need to.
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How does this help with indoor maps?
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Well, they need to fix the maps, really. But it's BHVR's way to dance wildly around the actual problems rather than fix them.
It's like how they've been working overtime balancing around Nurse for years rather than dealing with her directly.
But map imbalance is at the core of most of the game's problems. But to be fair, balancing the maps at this point in the game's life would be an enormous job.
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Why does she need help on three indoor maps.
How does that possibly justify such a large buff and attention over other Killers?
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A strong killer needing a buff because she/he is bad in indoor maps is a poor reason for buffing her/him considering that the buff also make the killer too powerfull in the rest of the outdoor maps (the majority of the maps).
I consider ok a buff to killers which are weak overall and even weaker in indoor maps, singularity is the perfect example, but not the huntress, not even remotely.
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Not as much as she needs a hitbox nerf.
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she just got a massive buff to the point where i consider huntress to be an S tier killer after the coming patch if it goes live as it is described. and just a note, i also got around 1.5k on huntress.
the indoors are problem for many killers, and actually good for stealth ones, so indoors should stay.
why every map needs to be favorite for killers i dont get it, there are plenty of arguably killer sided maps already u dont need to make every map killer sided, killers fun are not more important than survivors fun, it should be equal.
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SEVEN indoor maps, not to mention Badham 1-5, Half the MacMillian maps, GoJ and Eyrie of crows ALL of which Huntress mains like Max and Coco agree are terrible for her power.
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Oh no! Anyways, wanna know all the maps that Myers and Freddy are bad on? Try all of them.
Huntress is fine. She doesn't need any help. Her pick rate is high, her design is excellent and she has meaningful counterplay.
Killers do NOT need to be good on every map.
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Killers should absolutely be good on every map. That’s why people gravitate towards Nurse / Blight. Even though Blight may struggle slightly on indoor maps he can easily run loops as an m1 killer since he is 115. And being up Freddy and Meyers is literally irrelevant since they are getting complete reworks soon and these current tweaks are just number changes.
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Blight is not good on every map.
Actually, he struggles on the same maps Huntress does.
All this buff does is remove skillful play from her.