Survivors are keep getting garbage content



  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    With all traps reset every 2 seconds after popped, and survivors who pop lose 1 heath state, yes. Easy A. Nasty combo.

  • isha
    isha Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    Against competent teams, Sadako is the worst killer in the game. All you have is a teleport that is rarely available. All she will be is a pubstomper if bhvr doesn't do anything with her

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 952

    I just want killers that feel unique to play against. SM, Knight, Hag and Larry are different but it's the same match of trying to break gen defense.

    Xeno feels too much like Nemesis.

    Chucky feels like Pig with a buffed dash and no head traps.

    Whiskers feels like a more basic Blight.

    Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Plague, Oni, Legion, Myers, Gunslinger, Twins, Cenobite, Onryo, Doctor and Dredge all feel very different to go against and stop the game feeling stale. BHVR has more hits than misses, but the last six killers just don't feel unique to go against. Larry could feel unique, but he's mostly played like Hag, so the survivor experience feels stale regardless of his toolkit.

    I'm really hoping the new killer has something truly unique about them, and isn't just an uglier version of Demo.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Nicolas Cage also got really fun Perks

    it looks like its just fun for you if the Perks are pretty strong or busted like pre nerf MFT

    A Perk doesnt need to be strong or Meta to be fun

    Champions of Light can be fun if the Killer doent have lightborn , All of Nicolas Cage Perks are fun because they are so meme

    Same goes for Killers i dont need a Killer who is Nurse or Blight tier i just want to have a Killer whit cool Design and fun Power ( 1 of the reasons i Main Singularity and Dredge who arent strong )

    im really hyped for the next Killer on todays PTab i hope he has a terrifying Design whit alot Bodyhorror and a fun Gameplay he would be instant be my 3rd Main even when he is Freddy tier

  • Chem trap is good and Lucky Star is actually good in a head on build (Head on, Lucky Star, Calm Spirit and Quick and Quiet is one I currently use) I can't tell you how many killers just don't register that I hopped into a locker, even during chase while injured thanks to Lucky Star

    Champion of Light is a good perk, 20% hindered at a pallet blind is pretty massive imo, plus the haste is nice. I've been using it with Fixated and Sprint Burst

  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 118
    edited February 20

    At this point, you will never be happy about a killer again.

    Each killer you mentionned have something unique to them and a secondary power that FEELS similar to one already existing.

    SM has her drones and the clawtraps system, this is unique to her.

    Knight, you can think whatver you want of coursew but this guy has 3 other guys modelized with unique stats and properties and he can command them to do tasks, he is one of the only killer in the game that can micromanage, the guards system is unique yo him.

    Singularity... I mean, what isn't singular about this guy, the most unique killer in the game imo. He has biopods with camera likes mechanics, he can teleport from seeing you in it's biopods, he has a shield to protect him from pallets and engance his strenght, the first killer with basekit anticamp mesures. This kit is nothing like other killers in any way or shape, the fact you use it to only defend gen is more on you than on Larry. This thing is pure aggression.

    Xeno is the first quadrupedal killer, with a level of details and animations unmatched before (one of the first killer to properly climb up stairs and glide trough them), entire fully fledged network system with footsetps detection, it is underground as you can hear survivors just on top of you (use stridor or surveillance and you will hear sounds better), the network is actually below the map and not just a teleport. Finally, the flame turrets with motion sensor, this is a first for any killers, this counterpower is the most unique one and create a new dynamic in the trial. Also one of the most unique killer in the game, the tail is the only not so great part in this kit but it's fairly different than Nemesis, you can achieve hits than Nemesis could only dream off just with the fact you have verticality.

    Chucky has the footsteps system that is incredibly unique and is the first killer with a 3rd person view.

    Wesker is the first and only killer to grab and throw a survivor and the only killer woth a 40m radius.

    I understand your feeling, i kinda have the same thing, when Xeno came out, i was overjoyed (to be clear, i am so happy that it is here in the game, but this moment made me realise that IP did not really matter to the majority, people wanted the Alien for so long and now it is considered a trash design by most if not all of them. What matters is gameplay, IP are just the sugar on the cream IF the gameplay is accepted by the community, but the more we advance in time, the less this will happen due to the feeling of déjà vu), at the end of the day it is still, repair the gen, turn around a pallet and leave/die. Even tho the killers are unique and objectivly better and better, the core game itself is lacking novelty. That is the problem, survivors needs new mechanics, base one, not perks. Even interactable maps like Nostromo would be great. If survivors could do more than just play around pallets and windows. Even killers could use new, general mechanics beyond kicking things m1'ing, running in 4.something and having a terror radius.

    Post edited by Heliosse on
  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 952

    There are a lot more killers that I find unique to play against compared to ones that feel repetitive to me. SM, Knight and Larry are unique. But it's hard to appreciate that when you are in a war of attrition as they leave chase to defend gens. If people played those three as chase killers they would feel much more interesting to go against. Unfortunately that's not my experience of them.

    Xeno may feel unique to play as, but to play against it's similar to Nemesis. You loop normally and bait the tail when going for vaults or pallets. Imagine if instead of having tunnels next to gens, Xeno had grates all over the map and you had no idea which one it was hiding in. That would be more interesting than just being a traversal mechanic between gens.

    People may disagree with me, but I find Chucky to be one of the most boring killers to go against. It's just regular looping with a dash/scamper every twenty seconds or so. His stealth doesn't mean too much as it often happens when he is in chase with someone else, and if you are looping him you already know where he is. He can't even sneak up on you as he's constantly cackling.

    Whiskers has the same counterplay as Blight. You try to juke the dash and watch out for a hug tech. Being thrown doesn't really change the experience much. It is funny dodging and watching him vault out a second story window though.

    I'm sure all these killers feel much more unique to play as, but they don't feel unique to play against.

    I've accepted that survivors are not going to get their own abilities, we aren't getting additional objectives other than gens, and any new perks are not going to be remarkable as that would upset the game's balance. So I just hope for killers that offer a new experience for me as a survivor. Maybe people feel differently than I do, and that's fine. I'm just offering my view so people can at least consider it along with all the other perspectives available.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 744

    To be fair, I really like these discussions about the latest perk trends for survivors because we sometimes forget that situational perks aren't automatically bad.

    But if we look back I actually see a lot of issues (Short context: I like to build perk builds around specific perks based on the character. f.e. Dwight with Bond, Open Handed, Windows and Kindred.)

    Alan: B: Illumination a little too weak. Reason is the aura reading / increased boon speed. I agree that it's meant as a support boon, so I would love a higher boon speed increase. Champion of Light only needs a lower Cooldown. Deadline is a lil' to specific imo. Would love if it works while healthy but with the price of losing the Reduced penalty for missed Skill Checks (-50 %).

    Ellen: Chem Trap is fun to make distance but depends heavily on the pallet u r using. Its best used late game. For chem trap I would love to gain stacks, so you can use it multiple times instead of only once in a red moon (Max. 2 stacks). Light Footed is not as strong as people tend to think. Reason is that you still hear survivors breath heavily if they run and the scratch marks are already telling. To get good usage you would need a very specific build and that would leave you very weak once you are getting focused. I would love if Light Footed could have only one condition. Lucky Star is honestly fine. Like it's a great addition to locker builds.

    Nic: Nic is so awesome, I love his perks. Drama is such a fun and good perk, no complains. Plot Twist is really useful and counters perks like Surge. Only Scene Partner is trash - I hate it so much. If anyone asks me why, look at the gif. xD It cancels vaults like doctor used to when he got released.

    Gab: MFT is still fine though. You play it with something like DH or OTR and you are good to go. Scavenger is just not good. Due to the 5 great skill checks you need to hit IF you even get enough of them. There is once again a full build needed to get value here (Hyper Focus, Stake Out, maybe Deadline etc.) Reducing needed tokens would help I would say. Troubleshooter is honestly good - like I enjoy it. I would only buff the duration from 6 to maybe 9 seconds, so you still get value if the killer breaks it instantly.

    Renato: Background Player is strong enough (Maybe even too strong). Blood Rush is strong, but super situational so its very unattractive to play with. Like if I got safed after I struggle, it's most likely that the killers comes back. So only Renewal / Second Wind can help her IF I manage to heal someone. And mainly Sprint Burst is really good in that build. And to increase the chances of getting value you wanna pare it with adrenaline so yeah. Super specific for a once per trial perk that doesn't always manage to give you value. Teamwork: Just no. Super bad. I like the Idea of teamwork but it's super punishing and the effects are terrible.

    Thalita: I.. never understood the value of Cut Loose really. Friendly Competition supports doing gens together which is already super bad. And once you've finished a gen, 5% for 75 seconds is meh. And again Teamwork: bye.

    The trend that I see with perks is simply that they have specific needs to receive value and even then it's not that great. I love f.e. the idea of Better Than New (Rebecca) but why would I bother using it? 16% for tasks you probably don't do is not great + you can lose it once you get hit.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 20

    Yes, that‘s my main complain. I really like her first version, because you had the control over your TVs and you needed skill. Now you are basically a m1 killer against every competent team.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 744

    I mean isn't this more about the latest content for survivors? Most of your perks are "Old" and some are not even as strong. Like we surely can argue about Items etc. but that is just missing the mark. A lot of the latest perks have very specific conditions to meet to receive neutral value. Doesn't mean they are automatically bad of course but I do understand why people think f.e. Boon: Illumination is not good. The same goes with Hex: Two Can Play but again, it's about survivors this time.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,847

    "Survivors are getting bad and bad content, nothing good"

    Speak for yourself. Alan Wake is one of the greatest things to come to DBD for me.

    Also getting to play against new killers is fun as survivors and I personally find it just as exciting to verse a new killer as it is to play against them. I don't play Billy at all but I love the buff simply because I can actually play against him now.

    Gabriel also gave us Troubleshooter which is a good perk. Not meta, but neither is Friends Til The End as you listed.

    I do think they should give some low tier survivor perks some buffs, but to say they've gotten nothing is a bit of an exaggeration, especially when most of what survivors ask for is killer nerfs, not survivor buffs, and they've given us most of what we've asked for. So I think it's really unfair to say BHVR doesn't care about survivors when they've been taking our feedback a lot recently.

    (Also I wouldn't exactly call Singularity a fun killer, especially when no one is even playing him anymore)

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,300

    I do hope that all the killer tweaks from this dev Update (which, as far as i can tell from scimming the update, results in the killer being buffed) are part of some kind of plan to give survivors something that is more than just QoL for SoloQ.

    For now however, I remain sceptical. - While most of the killer changes make the respective killer more accessible to play and more viable if they want to actually play that killer and go for the killer-specific stuff, it also makes the unhealthy ways of playing a killer (tunneling as a match-approach and excessive camping for the most part, I would say) even more viable. And as we have learned from the whole slow-down situation with Eruption: while some people take the incentive and use the breathing room to express/refine skill, the bulk opts for the path of least resistance, which in dbd usually means something that's ultimately very unhealthy for the game as a whole.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    I think survivors are just in need of a rework. They are balanced around having to use exhaustion and I don't really see there being any room to innovation in that space. So 25% of survivors perk slots are basically always going to be the same thing with no room for new and exciting perks. We saw them try to go outside the box with MFT and it backfired. Hard to see them being able to create something that is healthy, new, and worth running over other perks for that slot.

    Aura reading is basically just WoO, Bond, and Kindred. What mechanics can they add into the game that can compete with these perks? If you are running WoO, what aura reading perk can they make that makes you want to swap and isn't problematic and/or just power creep?

    Healing perks seems to have very little room for innovation. So we either get power creep or perks that are not worth using.

    It feels like adding new perks for the role doesn't do anything unless it is power creep. COH and MFT were really the only new perks added in years that actually saw long term use. It was nice on the survivor side but miserable for killer.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,750

    Blight overall got nerfed by the addon pass. Yes, they partially un-nerfed some of the nerfs, but overall he's been nerfed.

    Also, they NEVER said the addon pass was going to be 100% nerfs. They even told us directly not to expect 100% nerfs. I don't know why you keep insisting that every change to Blight should 100% absolutely be a 100% nerf to the character. That's not how game balancing works.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    The cherry picking is insaneeee. Survivors get a gen progression/speed perk every update while killer’s last regression perk was call of brine. Anti face camping was implemented, basekit bt implemented, hud icons implemented, you wanna talk fun perks? Plot twist, background player, buckle up + for the people ect… the list can go on but I just got back after not playing half a year and I already know they got as much so I really don’t wanna hear it

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's kind of difficult to make new meta survivor perks that aren't overpowered because... well, most meta perks on both sides now could be argued to be overpowered. If they made a perk on the power level of Adren, people would likely call it OP.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Gen speed perks are garbage lol, who is using them?

    I know BHVR is trying to create gen progress meta but survivors are not using them because simply, they are garbage. The only good one is Dejavu. And even it's not meta perk.

    Also Anti-Facecamp is just garbage as well. Camping was strong strat with Bubba, Trickster, Huntress etc. Still those killers are so strong with camping. So what changed? Nothing.

    Plot Twist? Lmao. Healing with medkit is so much faster than wasting time with this perk. Background Player is good perk for SWFs tho. Buckle Up + FTP confirmed to be nerfed. So what's next?

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited February 20

    I am sorry for expecting nerfs to S tier killer to get him a bit down. My bad. I trusted them too much i guess.

    They just replaced his old busted add-ons with new versions. Now probably next update also will buff his base-kit.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,679

    WoO is a "fine" perk. It's nice, it's convenient when you have it, but it offers very little that you can't get without it.

    It's not bad by any stretch, but it has the highest pickrate when it isn't even approaching the best in its class, let alone overall. It's a very average-strength aura perk.

    My point in invoking it is that there are perks massively stronger than WoO that nobody runs. Pickrate isn't a proxy for strength, because strength isn't the only reason people bring perks.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 824

    Do you have examples of perks with a lower pickrate than WoO that are better?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,750

    The previous addons were way more powerful than the current addons.

    For real, I don’t know how anyone can look at Blight’s iri one-shot addon, and think his reworked addon is anywhere near as good. And the same goes for his other addons. There are zero reworked addon that I like better than the previous addons.

    And again, Blight isn’t S tier for the vast majority of public games. There has never been any official stats that have ever implied that was true. All the official stats have shown he’s performed within reason on average and at high MMR. And because we have an MMR soft cap, there’s zero reason to care about any small group of people that is above the soft cap.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,679

    I don't have hard numbers on any of the pickrates, but I can definitely name perks better than WoO that aren't on the official top ten list- and everything on that top ten list, too, every perk on that list (save for Self Care, actually) is better than WoO.

    But for a couple others, we'd have Botany Knowledge, Overcome, Lucky Break, We'll Make It, Alert, Distortion.

    For just aura perks that are stronger, we'd have Alert, Empathy, and Troubleshooter just off the top of my head.

    It's not a high bar - any perk that actually does something beneficial is gonna be better than WoO.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,847
    edited February 20

    I wouldn't say all gen speed perks are bad. Resilience is meta and Deja Vu is amazing for solo queue. There is almost always one of each in my games. Hyperfocus is also pretty good.

    The rest though... yeah...

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 485
    edited February 20

    Part of the issue is that survivor perks are so strong though. How do you make a perk better than adrenaline without being op plus an exhaustion and anti tunnel perk are almost mandatory at high mmr.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 824

    I've seen the "WoO is not that great"-take before and to me it feels like a somewhat "arrogant" take coming from good players. As a very mediocre player for me WoO makes a huge difference in my performance in chase.

    Especially on the newer maps I don't know all possible pallet spawns so WoO helps me a lot, of course more experienced players will know the spawns anyway. Same thing with pathing in chase, good players can loop the Killer and still plan a good path I can't (I remember a situation when my bf watched me play and told me "you could have taken the window there" when I didn't even register the window).

    What I'm trying to say is that I think, that good players underestimate the usefulness of WoO, because they don't need it to do well, which isn't necessarily true for weaker players.

    I do like some of the perks you mentioned though, overcome for example, but if you're getting tunneled it's a one time use, so in this situation I would get more value from WoO. Alert and troubleshooter are nice aswell, but I would probably get the most value out of them If I combined them with WoO.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,679

    Sure, that's why I say it's nice, it's convenient when you have it. I'm not that good either, and I don't know all the pallet spawns by heart- you just don't need WoO to keep an eye on nearby resources between chases.

    I'm not bashing anyone that brings WoO, that's not my point. In fact, there being reasons people might want to bring Woo that aren't related to its strength only proves my point, that people will bring perks for reasons other than strength and, therefore, it's only fair to say that the perks people don't bring may very well be perfectly strong.

    When someone says "Nobody runs that perk" to dismiss me saying that the perk is good, it becomes relevant that strength isn't always the driving force of pickrate, and Windows is the perfect example. That perk is far and away not the strongest perk in the game, but it does have the highest pickrate. That's for reasons beyond just pure strength... so the inverse is true as well, some perks have a low pickrate for reasons that aren't just a lack of strength.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If they remove vault speed, you would not see Res that much. The biggest reason it's popular perk because of chase value.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 824

    I did not take your comment as a bash to WoO players. Personally, I don't play it for convenience but for strength because I do a lot better with it and I do think that that i s true for other WoO-players aswell.

    Not sure if I would call WoO the best survivor perk but for me it is certainly up there, because it enables me to play in a way I can't do without it. And that might be because it helps me with things I struggle with that aren't an issue for other players, but I don't think I'm the only one with these problems.

    I don't think that strength is the only reason why some perks are played and some aren't but I do think it is the strongest predictor for a high pick rate. Distortion is the 10th most picked perk in nightlight, We'll make it is the 14th, botany knowledge ist the 18th, alert and empathy are 30 and 31. Lucky Break and overcome are 61 and 63, not quite as high but still in the upper half. The only perk from your list in the lower half is troubleshooter, so for the most part people are using the perks that you named as examples of good perks.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,543
    edited February 20

    The new survivors healing perk seems pretty good. If it doesn't get nerfed then I might buy her.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,261

    For me, there are still plenty of perks which do offer a meaningful impact on gameplay, even if they are not considered useful all the time. Some are better than others, but as a randomizer I can say some perks have been especially useful, even though they would be deemed "weak".

    The main point at hand anyway I'm focused on is about some people relying too much on perks - far more than on learning to play. Whether this is down to experience, not knowing where to get useful tips, or something else, varies. If more people focused on the basics and also - on occasion - their reslience, SoloQ would be better to handle. Those people do have to accept their part in the experience.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    I've been using Champion of Light non-stop and it been giving me value almost every match. Its a fun and useful perk, specially if the killer breaks a semi-unsafe pallet, then you can blind them and get to another loop.

    If survivors are not getting any meta perks, i must disagree. We had the Buckle Up + FTP combo recently. Killers have been using the same perks for years too (the most recent change is grim embrace, but i think its not the best on all killers, mostly being strong on S tier killers). Aiming for "meta perks" might not be the best solution for the game, specially since they can be quite gamebreaking. I just wish they've made stronger niche perks, so we could have different playstiles (for killer and survivors).

    For me, i wish they gave more buff towards SoloQ coordination (basekit Kindred and maybe Bond, and other type of info buffs) than making stronger perks. Also, BHVR could review some niche perks like Autodidatic, Overcome, Reactive Healing, Solidarity, etc. and give them a buff.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 776

    you only want survivors getting game breaking perks...

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 824

    You still can't practice survivor in custom matches, only in training and that's only one Killer (and the Trapper bot was really bad the Last time I tried training) and one map.

  • CoolerBleend
    CoolerBleend Member Posts: 76
  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    This was posted before the new perks were released to the public and even then, the new regression perk relies on survivors missing skill checks which you almost 95% of the time never see in games at a high or even mid mmr unless you’re running a crazy doctor skill check build. It looks underwhelming and unreliable.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,261

    That's where the training at the start needs to be changed. Make it a bit more technical, so Survivors can practice.