How do you think DBD will look in 2025?

I feel like some big changes are coming in the future so, drop your wildest guessess!
Ahaha that actually checks out. If her kit wasn't so bad at the beginning she would be more popular now.
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I think by 2025 the game has at least one mainstay of something like 2v8, 5v5, etc.
(One can hope at the very least)
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If I ask nicely maybe I won't be so licenced fatigue and they'll take a leaf out of Paladins' (of all games) book and focus on balacing and helping to expand on all the old content instead of constantly pumping out more new content
But idk, give us another Felix skin and ignore solo for another few years.
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I would hope for Operation Health, or in this case, Operation SoloQ
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I couldn't agree more with this!
Its crazy that's what most people are asking for and not new content and yet all that we're getting is afterthought bandaids that are not reall fixing the real problem .
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Yeah sadly I can’t really see them ever going through an Operation Health chapter as new content is what brings people to/back to the game and a large chunk of their revenue besides skins. They unfortunately, as most big businesses do, have metrics to hit every quarter and I can’t imagine a health chapter would go over too well with the higher ups. It’d be pretty cool though…
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This is not true, most people quit, and dont come back to the game after hearing how bad and unfun the gameplay health is.
Its like advertising a food product that looks good on the poster, but when you open to eat it, it tastes awul even if it looks so good on the outside.
I guarantee you if the first Residen Evil chatper would have been released today, after BHVR fixed the corse issues with an operation health chapter, that 100k+ player online at the same time would have stayed instead of plummeting almost immediatly.
Now the steam player count ranges around 30-40k or even lower.
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This was going to be my answer.
I'd say its probably more likely that will have a rotation of game modes because I don't think BHVR wants to do a permanent one. Maybe by the start of 2025 one of the modes will go over really well with the community and it will be under consideration to be made permanent.
Edit: I should have also said modifiers instead of game modes, which is a distinction BHVR really seems to be trying to draw.
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That's just how it works though, no game can hold their peak player count. I totally agree that an operation health chapter would be great for the game and in the long run would help with player retention, but the game is almost 8 years old now and the fact that they still have consistently stayed at or above their average player counts for that long proves that until DbD gets an actual competitor, it's not going to just die. It will be a very slow decline over the course of years until they stop providing live service.
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Behaviour wet dream comes true, dbd enter e-sport.
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A stab in the dark, but this recent DBD output has focused on sci-fi. There have been one or two exceptions, but it's felt sci-fi has been roughly the basis.
My guess is they may turn to either fantasy or more modern folk-lore. The Unknown feels like a teaser of sorts, and Sable Ward is returning some magical changes, so I'm going for internet horror-themed folk-lore, or perhaps more fantasy-themed Chapters
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Probably more horror themed than it currently is. With Lights Out and the new chapter, it seems to be the direction they want to go.
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I'd hope that they make more improvements to the core game rather than focusing on pumping out Chapters. Things like Solo Queue improvements, Killer balancing, and new modes. I imagine after the Lights Out experiment we might see a new and improved version of it or hopefully new modes that are a bit more interesting.
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If the game makes it that far. I'm not too sure bhvr can keep band aiding the game 💀 before it all starts to peel off.
So basically the same. I don't see them doing any big changes, big reworks to the game.
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"makes it that far"
Bro, 2025 is in 10 months.
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The amount of people who think this game is dying / going to die is always insane to me. I’ve seen these posts for 5 years now, the games not going anywhere until they get an actual competitor (very, very slim chance) or until they literally close the servers.
The average player count for this game has remained stable if not increased for the better half of 8 years, its consistently in the top 30 of most played steam games and viewership on twitch is consistently in the top 15-30, not to mention the game does numbers on YouTube.
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They will adapt to compete with The Killer Klowns!
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I raise you Feng cosmetic 859
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I think basement cosmetics are coming the "Pimp your basement" with bloodstains and dead bodys etc. Also they will give us a switch killer mode. You start with a random killer and everytime a gen is completed the killer switches to another random killer. Like you are chased by Huntress and gen pops and Bubba is now at your tail.
2025 is also when Twins will get the swimsuit set with Victor and Charlotte in old style swimsuits. Later but that will be in 2026 other killers will be included in swimsuit sets ready for beach 2026.
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More or less the same. Maybe alternate modes will be cycled through more frequently. Lots of goth girls and shirtless guys. People still whining about everything.
Maybe both roles will get a perk made basekit?
I just hope hex perks become relevant again.
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Im hoping 2vs4 or whatever just need 2 killer mode. Survivor is just not fun with friends anymore so we need another mode. Well I can always play with my friend killers in tcm but I like dbd unique gameplay.
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Lol. The players who start their posts with their in game hours will have more.
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My expectations lies more on what it won't do.
- The game won't do a health focused patch (It is an unrealistic thing to expect to happen at this point since it will take several years to accomplish and it will neglect everything else until it is done.)
- The game won't be dead.
- The game won't start doing full non-horror licensed chapters.
- The game won't be owned by a different company.
- The game's community will still remain the same.
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Arrival of Demogorgon a new blighted skin. A map that may challenge Gideon's arrives. Bird Box chapter coming. Lithe perk nerf. Making some killer add-ons OP. Blight's red add-ons need to be reworked 5-10 more times.
I am not a prophet
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Das crazy then.
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they add killer exhaustion perks that are overpowered as hell and as a result some survivor perks inflict exhaustion