What Add-On is Your Guilty Pleasure to Use?

Title question is pretty self-explanatory. These can be add-ons that are good, bad, or just plain memes.
My own guilty pleasure is Trapper's Bear Oil - being able to set silent traps and sometimes get them to work mid-chase never stops being entertaining for me.
VCD on wesker
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I love that thing, it's his best add-on in my opinion.
Double Iri Doctor is also evil to play. Especially on small maps.
Pig's Tampered Timer.
Dredge's Field Recorder.
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With iri vial isn’t that a build where you try to brute force through all sprays so the survivors run out
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I only used this combo for the fast recharge speed (cause Wesker’s power recharges slightly faster for every infected survivor) but yes it actually also works like that
iri vial on its own can already remove 40% of the sprays instantly VCD just speeds up the process of the sprays being removed (from my experience atleast)
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Shredded notes on blight, while the impact is now more on other addons people don't really see the value in 1 less token and slightly faster recharge but in total it makes max cooldown 6.66s and provides a lot less downtime constantly now that adrenaline vial is decimated its still there
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Cherry blossom on spirit. Im better at visual than audible lol. Also it can still be mindgamed since its its heartbeat. I use it whenever i have a challenge since i suck with spirit mostly.
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Combat Straps on Pig
Being able to crouch faster feels really good
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Morenfor my own self-amusement than anything useful, but with Trapper I loved using Padded Jaws and Bloody Coil, because it was dumb and probably confused the heck out of Survivors:
"Oh Jesus, I'm trapped! Better not have Honing Stone or... wait, I'm free and healthy! Hehe. Anyway, I see another so I'll just disarm this one - as if that matters - aaaaannd *snap* GODDAMMIT!!!"
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
Deerskin Gloves with Iron Maiden on Huntress. I combine that with Leather Loop for an extra hatchet.
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Any aura addon on any killer.
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nsp legion, velvet fabric artist, uni medal wesker. all hand holding add ons imo that aren't necessarily strongest/meta.
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My guilty pleasure is Workshop Grease on Pig... the 50% faster ambush feels filthy when you Bamboozle a survivor with it... It messes with your ambush timings, so is not good to rely on... but damn is it fun...
With combat straps it feels like we've been doing our jump squats, drinking our juice, and all those days of survivors exploiting our weak dash and kicking sand in our eyes are over 😏
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I.... I am one of those Survivors that gets faked out by Padded Jaws and the chainsaw add-ons for Hillbilly and Leatherface that only injure for one health state... I will stand there thinking I'm downed and lose valuable time before my brain finally yells "Run you're still up!" and by then I'm hit again and then in the dying state 🤣 So those are always fun go-tos when I'm itching for chainsaw time lol
Other than those, I have to say:
- Nurse: Anxious Gasp
- Trapper: Iridescent Honing Stone
- Hag: Grandma's Heart
- Huntress: Infantry Belt... I am still hatchet potato lol
- Doctor: Interview Tape (this doesn't get used a lot which means its very unexpected by Survivors and changes things up a bit)
- Wraith: The Beast & Shadow Dance (I admit I initially turned my nose up at The Beast add-on, but after giving it try, its a lot of fun!
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Scratched Mirror
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I love doing a meme silent build on trapper.
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It used to be Mother's Helpers and Black Grease on Hillbilly. But those are gone now, so...
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Share this build, I want to try it out myself for a few games.
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It doesn't work anymore, but Freddy's Pill Bottle add-on used to my guilty pleasure, and it was very fun to use.
Here is why. Kudos to whoever uploaded this video:
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Me too. It gives me the most fun from the entire killer roster. It completely changes the game.
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Og class photo was my favorite.
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Tombstone on Myers 🗿🗿🗿
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geez if i had a gun to my head it would be faster scan with skullmerchant.
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hysteria, dark devotion, hex plaything and trail or torment. ToT can be swapped out with hex retribution for a touch of auras and a bit of extended oblivious but you know how hexes go
sometimes I will use nemesis and furtive chase due to the interchange of oblivious and the obsession change out
your traps count towards the survivors losing a health state on hysteria and dark devotion
i run it with Bear oil and Bloody Coil although you can run Lengthened Jaws if you want to help prolong healing times and are good at catching survivors in your traps.
like I said though, it’s all for meme time fun.
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Onyro - Old Yoichi’s fishing net and tape editing deck 🥰
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I used to allow myself one alch ring use per month, now there is no longer a need to consider that add-on to be guilty pleasure.
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Ah, it was amazing!
One of the best add-ons Old Freddy had to offer.
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I will 100% be trying this out today and see how it goes.
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I like Vanity Mirror with Dead Rabbit to reduce my Evil Within II terror radius. Add Monitor and Abuse to further decrease the TR when not in chase and you can still effectively sneak up on survivors without the reduced movement speed and lunge distance.
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It works best on indoor maps of course. Hope you enjoy it.
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Anxious Gasp on Nurse.
Severed hands on Artist.
Ghost soot on Wraith.
And ofc Scratched Mirror Myers.
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Jewel Beetle on Wesker. It allows for more frequent throws and also triggers the recharge during the cooldown animation.
Slamming someone starts the recharge after the cooldown animation is over.
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Pairing that with Lion Medallion lets me go bowling with Wesker. One of the more fun ways to play him.