Any thoughts on nicknames for The Unknown?
My vote's on Bob.
He looks like a bob!
I've seen loads of people calling him Bubba post plastic surgery fail. A bit of a mouthful but I love it nonetheless.
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....your not wrong....
We vote larry though, everyone loves larry~
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I like Bob actually.
It means I can also call him Robert.
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I'm gonna go with Mr Whippy, because he's all twisted up like the ice cream (I don't know if anyone outside of the UK gets Mr Whippy Ice Cream vans).
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realy? we've always called him bender....maybe thats why they keep trying to kill us
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Kinda reminds me of that dude from the Goonies.
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I'm gonna call him long tall and handsome after that one spongebob character
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He has my haircut, which is creepy enough! Doubt Marc would be a good name though.
Looks like a Simon to me.
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Darryl!! We have a Larry, need 2 Darryl's.
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The "closest we are gonna realistically get to a the thing chapter because the thing is pretty hard to adapt for the dbd gameplay loop".
Or just the thing
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His name is Jim.
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He looks like an Andy to me.
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Steve job
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J. Jonah Jameson.
Until we get J.J.J I'll name random characters after him. Bob is a close contender though.
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Idk, he strikes me as a Mortimer. Moe for short.
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Yeah that's a Bob.
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He does look like a bob. I could also see larry but I think that's taken.
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Bob: "Nah dawg, night shift isn't that bad"
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Bart, short for Bartholomew.
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The Bob train ain't stopping
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You know what hearing that I imagine this.
He's that guy down the street weird looking maybe weird in general but super friendly. He invites people over for BBQ's or neighbor parties he makes sure everyone is having a good time though he lives alone everyone says he's part of the neighborhood family.
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I get cringe whenever people name beast or monsters with generic name, where's the creativity at?
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I saw Ricky Berwick say it looks like him. So he's Ricky Berwick to me.
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It's Wee Dingwall... how did no one see this?
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He looks like Edgar from Men In Black, so I'm calling him Edgar
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Looks like Billy Jr. to me. Like Billy himself reproduce that child and borrowed an egg from hag for teleport.
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Bob, huh?
I like it. Common, unconspicuous, easily forgotten like his victims.
Bob it is.
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His name is Jim.
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Hahahahahahahha, Ricky... what an absolute Don xD
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Jimmy Neutron.
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Looks more like a Daryl ... some trailer name probably.
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I'll call him Wallace, since he looks like the clay-animated character from Wallace & Grommit
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Still can’t believe that’s the same guy who played Kingpin in DD. Such a great actor.
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I was thinking Jimmy. Dude looks like a Jimmy.
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gonna bet you actually were programmed to accept any name given by the crew. so in a way, yes, you were programmed to be called Larry.
or hux. or steve. or wall-e. or robot...
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I've been calling him Gnome. Gnome the Unknown. It's absolutely a dumb name and barely makes sense but I'm gonna stick with it. Norbert is good too.
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That's not Bob, that's Devil Dwight!
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I think the same, the actual killer is the matter in side, the body is just a host, and the host is a Dwight.
Its skin may be other survivors default skins...
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It would be cool if we could unlock different survivors as skins, by mori-ing them a certain number of times ... but I guess that ship sunk irretrivable. So Dwight will do. Oh and its probably Nea who is the actual Unknown. We all know that she is pure evil.
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Does that Sam person still make the DBD animation shorts?
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no but imagine...
"Larry wasn't programmed to harm the crew"
*in the distance...
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It became apparent to me after a while of seeing footage of "the Unknown" that it is not some twisted or malformed person, and is infact some "unknown" tentacle creature, wearing a persons flesh and trying to convince everyone that its human. Even the voice lines, creepy as they are, are made to sound friendly and helpful, like it's trying to lure you close enough for it to pounce on... a true "wolf in sheep's clothing" if you will.
Upon realizing that, Men in Black was the ONLY thing that came to mind because of Edgars wife's Testimony:
"Anyway I know Edgar, and that wasn't Edgar. It was like something was wearing Edgar. Like a suit. Like an... Edgar suit."
So yeah... My votes on Edgar as the name, not just for the pop culture reference, but because it literally "fits" (heh) this killer.