How would you rate the chase musics either on a scale or a tier list?
ignore the bad iphone writing there’s no tier lists with the unknowns image
Definitely move SM lower. Her chase music is just awful.
Definitely don't like Artist's music at all either.
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I’m basing it off of her old version I didn’t mind it personally
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B, I guess? I can hear the washing machine thing, but Unknown kinda gets away with it, I think.
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It might be an unpopular opinion, but my favorite chase music is one of the default tier:
I also really like Myers'. And Deathslinger's, because it has the game's main theme in it.
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They all hear the same to me idk how people can differenciate them
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Here's how i'd rate it. (I'm only rating the current versions of the chase tracks) (I'd put Unknown in A Tier.)
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aw wow, even looks creepy the way you wrote unknown’s name in there!😄
Did you do that intentionally? ‘cause it’s kinda freakin’ me out haha
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That default is cool
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I'd rate Unknown's in B-tier, honestly. I don't dislike it, but I feel like there's nothing missing.
Side notes: It always feels good to see Singularity's chase music get ranked highly. It also always pains me to see Plague still in the default list.